Just released "The Fall Of Minneapolis" documents all the hidden evidence associated with George Floyd.

Like Herschel Walker?

Maybe Trump should have endorsed Floyd for the Senate!

I wasn't a fan of Walker and I don't vote for someone based on endorsements. I base my votes on policy, ideology, moral values, and love of our Constitutional Republic as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. I can think for myself (unlike the Demwit Borg who vote for whoever CNN tells them to).
Jurors didn't hear all of the facts that have recently come to the surface. Give Chauvin another trial and he'll likely be acquitted.
Aquitted if the R party takes control in America. America has evolved tremendously into being a lawless society.
Have you heard what Trump has planned for his political opponents?

An unapologetic switch to fascism in which political opponents are jailed or worse!
I believe I have the right to life and have the right to end a life if that life has the goal of ending mine. You are aware that Floyd held a pregnant woman at gunpoint, aren't you?
No in fact, you don't have the right to end a human life.

........................ life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This is a bag of worms that is going to keep Americans raging on for years!

The police's right to administer the death sentence on the spot


the right to life ]/b] , liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So far, the former seems to have it.
No in fact, you don't have the right to end a human life.

........................ life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Yes ... I do. If a gorilla thug is attempting to murder me ... I'll put a slug through the thug.
The corollary:

Face it. The world would be better off if Chauvin hadn't knelt on the guys neck for nearly 10-minutes while he begged for air, and his mother.

And had floyd simply cooperated with the police, instead of resisting, which we get to see on the police camera footage, he would still be dead because the illegal drugs in his system and his 3 clogged arteries actually killed him.
Yeah, right. Kneeling on his neck for nine minutes had nothing to do with it.

How about you and the rest of the MAGA retards volunteer to have someone kneel on your neck with the full force of bodily weight for nine minutes and see what happens.

We can then see how many of you survive and you can come back here and tell us it was no big deal.
When you factually can’t breathe, you cannot repeatedly state “can’t breathe” because you need breaths to talk.
Whatever works for America. Trump promises an overall remedy of pure fascism in which political opponents are jailed, or worse.

Just not in Canada!
You are like a child labeling things "fascicm", Nazi, and whatever. You do not even know what fascism is, you yutz. So until you figure out what it is, why don't you just keep your stupid little pussy mouth shut, Canadian. Go post in the subs about food and books and shit. Dummy!
You are like a child labeling things "fascicm", Nazi, and whatever. You do not even know what fascism is, you yutz. So until you figure out what it is, why don't you just keep your stupid little pussy mouth shut, Canadian. Go post in the subs about food and books and shit. Dummy!
Arresting political opponents is an apt description of a major trait of fascism. There's nothing more you can say about that!

Your namecalling and attempts to insult me are childish. It indicates that you have nothing of substance to say about 'fascism' because you really just don't know anything more.

If you want to pursue the topic then I'm happy to get into it with you. But you're going to have stop the childish behaviour of namecalling and attempts to insult.
You are like a child labeling things "fascicm", Nazi, and whatever. You do not even know what fascism is, you yutz. So until you figure out what it is, why don't you just keep your stupid little pussy mouth shut, Canadian. Go post in the subs about food and books and shit. Dummy!
Most of their responses are some form of tantrum name calling
Arresting political opponents is an apt description of a major trait of fascism. There's nothing more you can say about that!

Your namecalling and attempts to insult me are childish. It indicates that you have nothing of substance to say about 'fascism' because you really just don't know anything more.

If you want to pursue the topic then I'm happy to get into it with you. But you're going to have stop the childish behaviour of namecalling and attempts to insult.
The only person in America I see arresting political opponents is Joe Biden. Second, "childish" is believing stupid and obvious hyperbole and mindlessly spouting it off.

I am calling you a dummy because I am being nice.
And had floyd simply cooperated with the police, instead of resisting, which we get to see on the police camera footage, he would still be dead because the illegal drugs in his system and his 3 clogged arteries actually killed him.
Chauvin was a scapegoat.
Chauvin was a scapegoat.
It seems that Chauvin was acting as a test case to determine if America was ready for what he did.
But I don't think there was any collusion or concerted effort by his group. It would have been mostly in Chauvin's mind that the right time had come.

He misjudged it but only by a whisker!
Fuck you, the Charleston cop that shot the black guy in the back. Was rightfully prosecuted. Chauvin was a clown show, Floyd died from his bad decisions, not Chauvin's.
Blah, blah, blah, just more shithouse chatter. Chauvin's murdering ass is right where he belongs.
There have certainly been cases where a cop got away with murdering a Black man. This was not one of those cases. As I have stated, I believe Chauvin is guilty of excessive force and involuntary manslaughter and should have had a sentence that matched that charge. Murder was the sentence the Democrats and their woke mob wanted. Totally unjustified.
You have a right to your opinion, unfortunately for Chauvin 2 different juries didn't.

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