Just Saw a Bloomberg Ad Touting Obamacare

Republicans want to take away your healthcare

Remember that in 2020
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
You really have no clue. People have jobs and they pay a lot for insurance with every paycheck, And then when someone gets sick they pay a lot out of pocket. You must be one of them old righties on Medicare who have no clue...
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.
You really have no clue. People have jobs and they pay a lot for insurance with every paycheck, And then when someone gets sick they pay a lot out of pocket. You must be one of them old righties on Medicare who have no clue...
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.

Sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes and other assorted government "fees" and then there's the BIG one that hits the poor (especially the working poor) the hardest:

INFLATION which imposes a hidden tax on all of us but due to distribution effects hits the poor the worst.

So the bottom line, as much as politicians like to talk about "helping" the poor, they're the ones screwing over the poor.
Republicans want to take away your healthcare

Remember that in 2020
Democrats want to take away your children, take away your guns, take away your right to choose your president, Outlaw God, Make Infanticide The Religion of The Land, Take away your right to transportation, take away your right to choose your own doctor, take away free speech, and take away our National Sovereignty and our right to defend our borders against invaders.

Democrats want to pervert your children and teach them gender fluidity, and that homosexuality and pedophilia and child prostitution are healthy and normal.

Democrats think you should not be allowed to choose a president that they disagree with.

Democrats think that The United States should be governed by UN Mandate and The Green New Deal.

Democrats think you are stupid and wrap themselves in the flag and Constitution only when it suits them while they piss on it, call it outdated, disrespect The Flag and The Pledge and burn our flag the other 364 days of the year.

Paid Leftist Trolls Are Liars and Enemies of America

Remember that in 2020.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
You really have no clue. People have jobs and they pay a lot for insurance with every paycheck, And then when someone gets sick they pay a lot out of pocket. You must be one of them old righties on Medicare who have no clue...
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
You really have no clue. People have jobs and they pay a lot for insurance with every paycheck, And then when someone gets sick they pay a lot out of pocket. You must be one of them old righties on Medicare who have no clue...
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Then you can INDEPENDENTLY VOLUNTEER to pay for someone else's Health Insurance with your own money.

Problem solved.

While we are at it, declare your home a Sanctuary Shitty too.
You really have no clue. People have jobs and they pay a lot for insurance with every paycheck, And then when someone gets sick they pay a lot out of pocket. You must be one of them old righties on Medicare who have no clue...
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Then you can INDEPENDENTLY VOLUNTEER to pay for someone else's Health Insurance with your own money.

Problem solved.

While we are at it, declare your home a Sanctuary Shitty too.
I want affordable healthcare for me. Why are you so lost?
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Then you can INDEPENDENTLY VOLUNTEER to pay for someone else's Health Insurance with your own money.

Problem solved.

While we are at it, declare your home a Sanctuary Shitty too.
I want affordable healthcare for me. Why are you so lost?
You should get a better job then.
Learn to Code
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Then you can INDEPENDENTLY VOLUNTEER to pay for someone else's Health Insurance with your own money.

Problem solved.

While we are at it, declare your home a Sanctuary Shitty too.
I want affordable healthcare for me. Why are you so lost?
You should get a better job then.
Learn to Code
Have a great job. The reality is that healthcare is really expensive. Most expensive in the world. You seem stuck in the 80s or something. How old are you?
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.

Sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes and other assorted government "fees" and then there's the BIG one that hits the poor (especially the working poor) the hardest:

INFLATION which imposes a hidden tax on all of us but due to distribution effects hits the poor the worst.

So the bottom line, as much as politicians like to talk about "helping" the poor, they're the ones screwing over the poor.

I get it, none of us enjoy paying taxes and none of us want to pay taxes so politicians can divert them into their "special" projects. Nevertheless, taxes are a part of doing business. If you earn more they take more, but don't take more to help pay for others.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.

Sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes and other assorted government "fees" and then there's the BIG one that hits the poor (especially the working poor) the hardest:

INFLATION which imposes a hidden tax on all of us but due to distribution effects hits the poor the worst.

So the bottom line, as much as politicians like to talk about "helping" the poor, they're the ones screwing over the poor.

I get it, none of us enjoy paying taxes and none of us want to pay taxes so politicians can divert them into their "special" projects. Nevertheless, taxes are a part of doing business. If you earn more they take more, but don't take more to help pay for others.
"don't take more to help pay for others"

Sorry but that is what every civilized society does. I've never been to Montana but my taxes have built interstate roads there 'for others'. Of course the reverse is also true.
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Then you can INDEPENDENTLY VOLUNTEER to pay for someone else's Health Insurance with your own money.

Problem solved.

While we are at it, declare your home a Sanctuary Shitty too.
I want affordable healthcare for me. Why are you so lost?
You should get a better job then.
Learn to Code
Have a great job. The reality is that healthcare is really expensive. Most expensive in the world. You seem stuck in the 80s or something. How old are you?
You job must suck if you can't afford Health Insurance. I get mine through my employer. Happy with it so far. But things were better before NaziCare was passed by the DemNazis.
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.

Sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes and other assorted government "fees" and then there's the BIG one that hits the poor (especially the working poor) the hardest:

INFLATION which imposes a hidden tax on all of us but due to distribution effects hits the poor the worst.

So the bottom line, as much as politicians like to talk about "helping" the poor, they're the ones screwing over the poor.

I get it, none of us enjoy paying taxes and none of us want to pay taxes so politicians can divert them into their "special" projects. Nevertheless, taxes are a part of doing business. If you earn more they take more, but don't take more to help pay for others.
"don't take more to help pay for others"

Sorry but that is what every civilized society does. I've never been to Montana but my taxes have built interstate roads there 'for others'. Of course the reverse is also true.
Who pays for your car insurance?
Republicans want to take away your healthcare

Remember that in 2020
Republicans just don't want to take your health care away they want to return to the good old days of the 19th century and social darwinism. You remember those halcyon days of the Victorian era: debtors prison, orphans in the street, strict social stratification, life expectancy of 28 years of age.

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47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.

Sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes and other assorted government "fees" and then there's the BIG one that hits the poor (especially the working poor) the hardest:

INFLATION which imposes a hidden tax on all of us but due to distribution effects hits the poor the worst.

So the bottom line, as much as politicians like to talk about "helping" the poor, they're the ones screwing over the poor.

I get it, none of us enjoy paying taxes and none of us want to pay taxes so politicians can divert them into their "special" projects. Nevertheless, taxes are a part of doing business. If you earn more they take more, but don't take more to help pay for others.
"don't take more to help pay for others"

Sorry but that is what every civilized society does. I've never been to Montana but my taxes have built interstate roads there 'for others'. Of course the reverse is also true.

Yep, when they start taxing to pay health insurance and college for illegals you be the first to say that's what a civilized society does.
Republicans have no plan....

It’s interesting, although you thought you were being clever and funny, in a way you are completely unaware of, you actually outlined how many of us conservatives feel about healthcare. That being- less government in the system is better.
It’s nice you feel that way but it’s still becoming unaffordable for many. And it affects a lot of people so no plan won’t be a winner for you.

The problem is nobody is asking WHY "it's still becoming unaffordable for many" and looking for honest answers, all politicians want to do is blame whatever target they think they can sell to their "base" as a good boogeyman and then pander to that base with a bunch of horseshit "plans" for further government take over.

I have yet to hear a single politician from either of the major political crime families even ATTEMPT to address the question honestly and without partisan or ideological bias; that's why they keep making it WORSE and then have to come up with new "plans" to "fix" everything the earlier "plans" broke.

Case in point ... Bloombergs "plans" to "fix" (or as his campaign puts it "build upon") the ACA, it's a proposal to FIX the fucking FIX.
I have never seen any sort of study showing where all the money goes. For instance a surgery costs $10k, How do the costs breakdown? Maybe it’s because costs are impossible to track. I get bills a year after sometimes...

It's not just where "all the money goes", it's what's causing it to go there, for example:

We have a health crisis in this country that's being caused by lifestyle (diet, exercise) borne chronic disease (heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc..,) that is of a magnitude unlike anything ever faced by a health care system, the demand driven by this phenomenon alone is driving up costs and driving down productivity in the economy, Yet politicians aren't even are talking about it in relation to partisan health care "plans".

Here's a good study of the problem: An Empirical Study of Chronic Diseases in the United States: A Visual Analytics Approach to Public Health

"According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the U.S. alone, chronic diseases account for nearly 75 percent of aggregate healthcare spending, or an estimated $5300 per person annually. In terms of public insurance, treatment of chronic diseases comprises an even larger proportion of spending: 96 cents per dollar for Medicare and 83 cents per dollar for Medicaid. Thus, the understanding, management, and prevention of chronic diseases are important objectives if, as a society, we are to provide better quality healthcare to citizens and improve their overall quality of life.

More than two thirds of all deaths are caused by one or more of these five chronic diseases: heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes. Additional statistics are quite stark chronic diseases are responsible for seven out of 10 deaths in the U.S., killing more than 1.7 million Americans each year; and more than 75% of the $2 trillion spent on public and private healthcare in 2005 went toward chronic diseases. What makes treating chronic conditions (and efforts to manage population health) particularly challenging is that chronic conditions often do not exist in isolation. In fact, today one in four U.S. adults have two or more chronic conditions, while more than half of older adults have three or more chronic conditions. And the likelihood of these types of comorbidities occurring goes up as we age. Given America’s current demographics, wherein 10,000 Americans will turn 65 each day from now through the end of 2029, it is reasonable to expect that the overall number of patients with comorbidities will increase greatly.

...and the kicker is that Federal Agricultural Policy is one of the major contributors to this problem.
Well I sure don't like what I'm seeing in the fields with this new technique of killing the field with chemicals after the crop is harvested, and then spraying it with chemicals while the new crops are growing. Who allowed this, and what dire effect will it have on our food supply and health after a while ?? Then you have the D.O.T. spraying the sides of the roads, and next the power companies spraying their right of way, the rail roads spraying their right of ways, and as mentioned the farmers spraying their fields etc. Where is all this run off going ???

Tobacco because of the huge amounts of poison it takes to grow that leafy plant to full bloom, has been proven that it harbors lethal carcinogens after all the poisoning it takes to grow it. Round up has been found to cause cancer big time when used for long periods of time. On and on it all goes, but who cares right ? It's really unbelievable what goes on these days. Why not put people back to work managing this stuff more safely, instead of allowing money and profits to wipe generations after generations out ? Attempting to feed the world has come at our own detriment. It would have been best that we teach the world instead of feed it to the point of dependency.
Yep, when they start taxing to pay health insurance and college for illegals you be the first to say that's what a civilized society does.
If you think there is a simple and obvious answer to those issues you are wrong.

I think every citizen of this country should have access to affordable healthcare and an affordable education. Those are moral issues to me but they are also practical since healthy educated people should be better able to contribute to society.

When it comes to illegals, my view is more complex. Everyone in this country deserves to be able to walk into an emergency room and receive short-term care. I'm not sure if they should then be deported since that would scare people away from getting care and the effects on society might not be worth the effort. There are more humane ways of deporting illegals.

College enhances the value of an individual. If the person already resides here and is willing to work their way through school, helping them seems like a win for them and a win for society.
I don’t have a link, it was live TV. But that’s his platform to get votes.

Can the Left get any more tone deaf?
Trump is trying to take away your healthcare

It will be the theme of many Democratic campaigns
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
Yep, when they start taxing to pay health insurance and college for illegals you be the first to say that's what a civilized society does.
If you think there is a simple and obvious answer to those issues you are wrong.

I think every citizen of this country should have access to affordable healthcare and an affordable education. Those are moral issues to me but they are also practical since healthy educated people should be better able to contribute to society.

When it comes to illegals, my view is more complex. Everyone in this country deserves to be able to walk into an emergency room and receive short-term care. I'm not sure if they should then be deported since that would scare people away from getting care and the effects on society might not be worth the effort. There are more humane ways of deporting illegals.

College enhances the value of an individual. If the person already resides here and is willing to work their way through school, helping them seems like a win for them and a win for society.
"Affordable" key word, but not free.

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