Just the beginning.....I hope

So what? France attacks ISIS in some Middle East shithole. That isn't where the next attack on French soil will come from. While I agree that ISIS needs to be decimated all over he globe, they need to be more concerned with the terrorists inside their borders.

What France did today was basically nothing.
I disagree. There may be hundreds of jihadists inside France...and the US for that matter. But there's tens of thousands in Syria and Iraq. Exterminate them now...the others can wait.

Except that the ones in Syria and Iraq aren't bombing our cities.
They would if they could....they will if they can. Kill them now before they get the chance.

Like I said earlier, I'm all for eradicating the scum from the earth, but don't be fooled into thinking that bombing them in Asscrackistan means anything.

So what? France attacks ISIS in some Middle East shithole. That isn't where the next attack on French soil will come from. While I agree that ISIS needs to be decimated all over he globe, they need to be more concerned with the terrorists inside their borders.

What France did today was basically nothing.
The air strike is commendable, but largely symbolic.
It is also an example of how Western governments have no idea how to fight these people
These people are savages. They are also intelligent driven and highly organized.
Western nations wring their hands over such things " if we fight the way our enemy fights, we are no better than the enemy"..
Or. The winning of hearts and minds. Never happen. These people are filled with hate and vitriol toward anyone who does not kowtow to their faith.
Western nations also obsess over "innocent civilians in the line of fire"...Meanwhile the enemy targets innocents.
These people are barbarians.
Now, does that mean we seek out their hideouts and headquarters and bomb them into oblivion?....
No. That accomplishes one thing. It simply deepens their resolve.
I think the best way to attack these people is to attack their lines of communication. Hack their social media accounts. Hack their cell phones and computers. Use disinformation and deception. Cripple their finances.
Bombs an bullets can only take the fight so far. These people do not fear death. They welcome it. The absolutely do not fear incarceration. So when Obama uses the phrase, "bring therm to justice" I have to keep from falling out of my chair in side splitting laughter.
These are not criminals that can be brought before a court, offered the comfort of our Constitutional rights. They are enemy combatants hell bent on the destruction of our country, people and way of life.
We have a very weak leadership in Washington. Nothing will be done to stop these terrorists until their is a "change in management.".
And ? France got attacked , France responds . We ain't the world police !
If France claims Article 5 will we do our duty or continue to pussy foot around?

I'm all for helping . But not on the front line .

How can they claim article 5 vs a non existent country ?
Article V does not speak to the attacker. Only that if there is an attack against a NATO ally.
"I'm all for helping".....No. You're not. Stop it.

So what? France attacks ISIS in some Middle East shithole. That isn't where the next attack on French soil will come from. While I agree that ISIS needs to be decimated all over he globe, they need to be more concerned with the terrorists inside their borders.

What France did today was basically nothing.

Yup. Just a knee jerk reaction.

Anyone who doesn't think ISIS is already planning another attack is dumber than a box of rocks.

It happened in France and it sure as hell could happen here.

If France had a brain it would deport every Muslim in their country and we should do the same.
When will the GOP finally give Obama the AUMF for which he has been asking for over a year?
And ? France got attacked , France responds . We ain't the world police !
Then why did Obama take the US to war on his own - without Congressional approval to do so - to help Al Qaeda take over Libya? WHY, then, did Obama stick his nose in Syria's business when he issued his embarrassing 'Red Line' ultimatum? That's what the U.N. is for, right?! So why has Obama been fighting a proxy war with Assad, and why is he still obsessed with taking out Assad rather than fighting the real threat - ISIS - which just killed 2 Americans in Paris?
When will the GOP finally give Obama the AUMF for which he has been asking for over a year?
Obama said we had no business being in Afghanistan and Iraq, that we are not the world's policemen. So now that the GOP has agreed with him (You'd think Obama would be pleased), Obama now wants to go to war....

Obama just recently declared he was putting boots on the ground ... next to Syria while declaring that until Assad is taken down the world will not be safe. Someone needs to tell Obama that ASSAD was not the one who attacked Paris, who he allowed to flow into Iraq un-opposed, or who killed Ambassador Stevens.

I know Obama doesn't like using the word 'terrorist', but it is high time the puss man up, understand / acknowledge who our enemy is, and decide to fight.
When will the GOP finally give Obama the AUMF for which he has been asking for over a year?
Obama said we had no business being in Afghanistan and Iraq, that we are not the world's policemen. So now that the GOP has agreed with him (You'd think Obama would be pleased), Obama now wants to go to war....

Obama just recently declared he was putting boots on the ground ... next to Syria while declaring that until Assad is taken down the world will not be safe. Someone needs to tell Obama that ASSAD was not the one who attacked Paris, who he allowed to flow into Iraq un-opposed, or who killed Ambassador Stevens.

I know Obama doesn't like using the word 'terrorist', but it is high time the puss man up, understand / acknowledge who our enemy is, and decide to fight.
You didn't answer the question.

GOP: Obama war request is dead

President Obama’s proposal for the use of military force against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is dead in the House, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared on Monday.

Why Won't the GOP Declare War on ISIS?
It's what I have been pointing out for a long time. The GOP strategy is always, "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against it". You can NEVER get a Republican to say what should be done.

They are the most spineless cowards on the face of the Earth.
Here's the AUMF Obama has been asking for: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/aumf_02112015.pdf

Whereas the terrorist organization that has referred to itself as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and various other names (in this resolution referred to as ‘‘ISIL’’) poses a grave threat to the people and territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria, regional stability, and the national security interests of the United States and its allies and partners;

Whereas ISIL leaders have stated that they intend to conduct terrorist attacks internationally, including against the United States, its citizens, and interests;

The President is authorized, subject to the limitations in subsection (c), to use the Armed Forces of the United States as the President determines to be necessary and appropriate against ISIL or associated persons or forces as defined in section 5.

The GOP has refused to approve this AUMF.
When will the GOP finally give Obama the AUMF for which he has been asking for over a year?
Obama said we had no business being in Afghanistan and Iraq, that we are not the world's policemen. So now that the GOP has agreed with him (You'd think Obama would be pleased), Obama now wants to go to war....

Obama just recently declared he was putting boots on the ground ... next to Syria while declaring that until Assad is taken down the world will not be safe. Someone needs to tell Obama that ASSAD was not the one who attacked Paris, who he allowed to flow into Iraq un-opposed, or who killed Ambassador Stevens.

I know Obama doesn't like using the word 'terrorist', but it is high time the puss man up, understand / acknowledge who our enemy is, and decide to fight.
You didn't answer the question.

GOP: Obama war request is dead

President Obama’s proposal for the use of military force against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is dead in the House, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared on Monday.

Why Won't the GOP Declare War on ISIS?
From what I could tell, it was too broad of a geographical area and the timeline was too long. They might have learned that from the 2001 AUMF..

Because so far Obama has proven he has little interest in going after ISIS and is more concerned with taking down Assad. I would not grant the power to take our military to war to a man who can't bring himself to use the word 'terrorism'. who can't distinguish who is the real threat (ISIS) and who is not (Assad), and who wants to make amends for his failed Syrian Policy rather than protect Americans form terrorists who are already fighting a war with us!
I would not grant the power to take our military to war to a man who can't bring himself to use the word 'terrorism'.

You are one retarded piss drinking fool if you actually believe Obama does not use the word "terrorism".

Nothing you say can be taken seriously, seeing how you are that stupid.

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