Just the beginning.....I hope

JS, Obama says there is a lot of work to be done to protect us from terrorists...but Obama has never really met one yet, it seems, and he sure as hell has proved he can't keep us safe from any.

Obama refused to call the Ft. Hood terrorist a terrorist or the attack a terrorist attack - he called it a case of 'workplace violence'.

Despite being warned and given their identities Obama dod nothing to stop the Tsarnaev brothers from successfully perpetrating the Boston Marathon terrorist attack. AFTER it was all over he plastered their pictures all over the news and asked citizens to help ID them...even though he already knew who they were.

Despite knowing about the call for US Embassy attacks on 9/11/12, despite knowing about the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens, despite 2 previous terrorist attacks against his compound, despite every other nation having pulled out there people because of the threats, Obama and Hillary ignored approx. 600 requests for additional security from Stevens and THEN stripped him of 16 members of his security detail ... just in time for him to be murdered.

Despite Al Qaeda in Libya having recruited jihadists for almost a decade to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops, Obama took the nation to war on his own to help Al Qaeda take over Libya...hell, afterwards he even hired an Al Qaeda-associated militia to 'protect' Stevens...

Islamic Extremists have successfully perpetrated attacks on Americans under Obama's watch multiple times now - Ft. hood, Boston, the Naval Recruiting Station, the recent stabbings by an Islamic Extremist.... It is his JOB to protect this nation and civilians, and he has failed to do that again and again...and just maybe it is because he is friggin' stupid (or a 'sympathizer')... The terrorists he called a 'JV' team just executed the worst attacks on Paris since WWII....

..and without batting an eye after seeing Paris burn, Obama declares to us that his vast experience of keeping Americans safe from terrorism lets him re-assure us that bringing in thousands of Syrian 'refugees', who ISIS has claimed to have and proven to have infiltrated despite Paris' best attempts to assure it did not happen, into this country.

Forgive me if I consider all of his FAILURES to keep this country and Americans safe and his historied past of helping terrorists, and doubt him when he says they are 'contained', are not THE threat we face, and that all the Syrian 'refugees' his is brining in will not include ISIS!

Here's the AUMF Obama has been asking for: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/aumf_02112015.pdf

Whereas the terrorist organization that has referred to itself as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and various other names (in this resolution referred to as ‘‘ISIL’’) poses a grave threat to the people and territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria, regional stability, and the national security interests of the United States and its allies and partners;

Whereas ISIL leaders have stated that they intend to conduct terrorist attacks internationally, including against the United States, its citizens, and interests;

The President is authorized, subject to the limitations in subsection (c), to use the Armed Forces of the United States as the President determines to be necessary and appropriate against ISIL or associated persons or forces as defined in section 5.

The GOP has refused to approve this AUMF.

No worries..obama says ISIS is contained.

Token response. What I think happened was this:

President of France to US: I need to appear strong to maintain control of my people during this crisis. Do you have something for me?

President of US to France: Sure we can set up a few tents and call them high value milutary targets and you can fly over and drop some weight on them.

France: Whew! Thanks guys, that'll placate the masses while I figure out what to actually do.

US: No problem, we got lots of tents.
Now...why won't the GOP give Obama an AUMF against ISIS? Why have they been denying him one for over a year?

"Because he won't say 'terrorism'." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Obama, during that year, has spent MILLIONS training 6 guys - arming them, supplying them, training them - TO FIGHT ASSAD, not go after ISIS. 5 of those guys converted to ISIS, taking all of our supplies and weapons with them. Putin killed the other guy. All the support Obama was giving to Syrian Rebels to fight Assad, not ISIS, have either been devastated by Putin protecting Assad OR been handed over to ISIS.

During that year, Obama's 'attention' to ISIS has been limited to pin-prick strikes against ISIS using DRONES. Obama himself has declared his 'policy' has been to 'Contain' ISIS, and hours before the attack on Paris Obama claimed that HIS policy had worked and that ISIS had been and was 'contained'. Then ISIS reigned down hell on Paris, making Obama, on the world stage, look like an incompetent, clueless, lost, ineffective LOSER!

Obama's 'policy' was not, has not been to DEFEAT ISIS. It has not been to DESTROY ISIS. It has been to CONTAIN ISIS. The attacks on Paris showed Obama has no clue what he is talking about and HIS POLICY IS A MASSIVE FAILURE!

The man continues to suggest that ASSAD is the problem, so Congress is extremely, and understandably, cautious about handing over the full authority to go to war to a an whose policy has been such a failure, who is so out of touch that hours before the worst attack on France since WWII he thinks ISIS is 'contained', believes them to be a 'JV Team', will NOT listen to his military advisors, is willing to IGNORE ISIS' threat (proven now to be true/accomplished) they would infiltrate the 'Refugees' and bring terror to our countries, and who is still obsessed with taking down Assad - who is now pretty much un-touchable because he blew his chance to do so, and Assad is now protected by Russia and Iran.

It makes no sense to hand over the full might of the military to such a delusional FAILURE!

Token response. What I think happened was this:

President of France to US: I need to appear strong to maintain control of my people during this crisis. Do you have something for me?

President of US to France: Sure we can set up a few tents and call them high value milutary targets and you can fly over and drop some weight on them.

France: Whew! Thanks guys, that'll placate the masses while I figure out what to actually do.

US: No problem, we got lots of tents.

You need help.

France did not respond with a drone strike, which is how Obama is waging combat (not a war) against ISIS. They did not go after an individual or two - they took out a command center in Syria that had been put out of reach by Putin declaring a no-fly zone (without massive coordination with and approval from Russia). After Paris, there was no way in hell even Putin would deny them their 'pound of flesh'.

And if you think France is done, that those 20 bombs was their response, then you don't know the real France and French military today. No, France is just getting started.

(It's a pretty sad day when FRANCE leads in war and the US tentatively follows...)
Now...why won't the GOP give Obama an AUMF against ISIS? Why have they been denying him one for over a year?

"Because he won't say 'terrorism'." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Obama, during that year, has spent MILLIONS training 6 guys - arming them, supplying them, training them - TO FIGHT ASSAD, not go after ISIS. 5 of those guys converted to ISIS, taking all of our supplies and weapons with them. Putin killed the other guy. All the support Obama was giving to Syrian Rebels to fight Assad, not ISIS, have either been devastated by Putin protecting Assad OR been handed over to ISIS.

During that year, Obama's 'attention' to ISIS has been limited to pin-prick strikes against ISIS using DRONES. Obama himself has declared his 'policy' has been to 'Contain' ISIS, and hours before the attack on Paris Obama claimed that HIS policy had worked and that ISIS had been and was 'contained'. Then ISIS reigned down hell on Paris, making Obama, on the world stage, look like an incompetent, clueless, lost, ineffective LOSER!

Obama's 'policy' was not, has not been to DEFEAT ISIS. It has not been to DESTROY ISIS. It has been to CONTAIN ISIS. The attacks on Paris showed Obama has no clue what he is talking about and HIS POLICY IS A MASSIVE FAILURE!

The man continues to suggest that ASSAD is the problem, so Congress is extremely, and understandably, cautious about handing over the full authority to go to war to a an whose policy has been such a failure, who is so out of touch that hours before the worst attack on France since WWII he thinks ISIS is 'contained', believes them to be a 'JV Team', will NOT listen to his military advisors, is willing to IGNORE ISIS' threat (proven now to be true/accomplished) they would infiltrate the 'Refugees' and bring terror to our countries, and who is still obsessed with taking down Assad - who is now pretty much un-touchable because he blew his chance to do so, and Assad is now protected by Russia and Iran.

It makes no sense to hand over the full might of the military to such a delusional FAILURE!

The containment of ISIS was a reference to their ground gains in Iraq/Syria. Learn to read.

The ISIS attack on France is their Plan B, having been stopped in their efforts to expand in Iraq/Syria.

Token response. What I think happened was this:

President of France to US: I need to appear strong to maintain control of my people during this crisis. Do you have something for me?

President of US to France: Sure we can set up a few tents and call them high value milutary targets and you can fly over and drop some weight on them.

France: Whew! Thanks guys, that'll placate the masses while I figure out what to actually do.

US: No problem, we got lots of tents.

You need help.

France did not respond with a drone strike, which is how Obama is waging combat (not a war) against ISIS. They did not go after an individual or two - they took out a command center in Syria that had been put out of reach by Putin declaring a no-fly zone (without massive coordination with and approval from Russia). After Paris, there was no way in hell even Putin would deny them their 'pound of flesh'.

And if you think France is done, that those 20 bombs was their response, then you don't know the real France and French military today. No, France is just getting started.

(It's a pretty sad day when FRANCE leads in war and the US tentatively follows...)

In a week where 2 more LEADERS of ISIS were killed by drones, these RWnuts must comically insist that the drone strikes aren't accomplishing anything.

Token response. What I think happened was this:

President of France to US: I need to appear strong to maintain control of my people during this crisis. Do you have something for me?

President of US to France: Sure we can set up a few tents and call them high value milutary targets and you can fly over and drop some weight on them.

France: Whew! Thanks guys, that'll placate the masses while I figure out what to actually do.

US: No problem, we got lots of tents.

You need help.

France did not respond with a drone strike, which is how Obama is waging combat (not a war) against ISIS. They did not go after an individual or two - they took out a command center in Syria that had been put out of reach by Putin declaring a no-fly zone (without massive coordination with and approval from Russia). After Paris, there was no way in hell even Putin would deny them their 'pound of flesh'.

And if you think France is done, that those 20 bombs was their response, then you don't know the real France and French military today. No, France is just getting started.

(It's a pretty sad day when FRANCE leads in war and the US tentatively follows...)

In a week where 2 more LEADERS of ISIS were killed by drones, these RWnuts must comically insist that the drone strikes aren't accomplishing anything.

Two out of how many? At that rate my grandchildren will be droning them

Token response. What I think happened was this:

President of France to US: I need to appear strong to maintain control of my people during this crisis. Do you have something for me?

President of US to France: Sure we can set up a few tents and call them high value milutary targets and you can fly over and drop some weight on them.

France: Whew! Thanks guys, that'll placate the masses while I figure out what to actually do.

US: No problem, we got lots of tents.

You need help.

France did not respond with a drone strike, which is how Obama is waging combat (not a war) against ISIS. They did not go after an individual or two - they took out a command center in Syria that had been put out of reach by Putin declaring a no-fly zone (without massive coordination with and approval from Russia). After Paris, there was no way in hell even Putin would deny them their 'pound of flesh'.

And if you think France is done, that those 20 bombs was their response, then you don't know the real France and French military today. No, France is just getting started.

(It's a pretty sad day when FRANCE leads in war and the US tentatively follows...)

In a week where 2 more LEADERS of ISIS were killed by drones, these RWnuts must comically insist that the drone strikes aren't accomplishing anything.

Two out of how many? At that rate my grandchildren will be droning them

Interesting to see who around here DOESN'T want the President killing ISIS leaders.

Very very very very very interesting.

Token response. What I think happened was this:

President of France to US: I need to appear strong to maintain control of my people during this crisis. Do you have something for me?

President of US to France: Sure we can set up a few tents and call them high value milutary targets and you can fly over and drop some weight on them.

France: Whew! Thanks guys, that'll placate the masses while I figure out what to actually do.

US: No problem, we got lots of tents.

You need help.

France did not respond with a drone strike, which is how Obama is waging combat (not a war) against ISIS. They did not go after an individual or two - they took out a command center in Syria that had been put out of reach by Putin declaring a no-fly zone (without massive coordination with and approval from Russia). After Paris, there was no way in hell even Putin would deny them their 'pound of flesh'.

And if you think France is done, that those 20 bombs was their response, then you don't know the real France and French military today. No, France is just getting started.

(It's a pretty sad day when FRANCE leads in war and the US tentatively follows...)

Why is it sad that France is leading ? They got attacked ! They should be leading .
We're already both fighting ISIS, genius.

Obama's personal drone strike assassination program doesn't really count as 'fighting'. France just showed the US how to 'fight'. You don't just kill one or two 'leaders', who will be replaced the next day. You friggin' kill 'em all. You put so much death and fear on/into them that they don't want to mess with you anymore.

In the 1st days of the Iraq war we did not target leaders with drone strikes. We dropped 500lb bombs on troops who were dug in. Within the 1st 100 yards of a 500lb strike pretty much nothing lives .The shock waves turn your insides to jelly if the blast does not kill you. Within the 2nd 100 yards the ground violently shakes beneath your feet, and your ear drums run down your neck after they get blown out. In the last 100 yards the rumble and shake of the ground is enough to make your Shi'ite yourself. After a week or two of this Hussein's men were surrendering to NEWS CREWS! I will never forget the TANK crew that rolled up to one reporter and cameraman and SURRENDERED to THEM!

Drone strikes don't put the fear of God...or Allah...into you to the point you don't want anymore of that Shi'ite! France's President finally understands, as he showed when he declared to ISIS ' 'NO MERCY!'
We're already both fighting ISIS, genius.

Obama's personal drone strike assassination program doesn't really count as 'fighting'. France just showed the US how to 'fight'. You don't just kill one or two 'leaders', who will be replaced the next day. You friggin' kill 'em all. You put so much death and fear on/into them that they don't want to mess with you anymore.

In the 1st days of the Iraq war we did not target leaders with drone strikes. We dropped 500lb bombs on troops who were dug in. Within the 1st 100 yards of a 500lb strike pretty much nothing lives .The shock waves turn your insides to jelly if the blast does not kill you. Within the 2nd 100 yards the ground violently shakes beneath your feet, and your ear drums run down your neck after they get blown out. In the last 100 yards the rumble and shake of the ground is enough to make your Shi'ite yourself. After a week or two of this Hussein's men were surrendering to NEWS CREWS! I will never forget the TANK crew that rolled up to one reporter and cameraman and SURRENDERED to THEM!

Drone strikes don't put the fear of God...or Allah...into you to the point you don't want anymore of that Shi'ite! France's President finally understands, as he showed when he declared to ISIS ' 'NO MERCY!'

Saddam Hussein was targeted the very first night of the Iraq attacks you retard. Go back to bed. Goddam! you people are stupid.
Why is it sad that France is leading ? They got attacked ! They should be leading .

The last time Obama tried to 'lead', he declared a 'Red Line' in the sand and dared him to cross it...and when Assad boldly stepped over it, Obama cowardly backed up - revealing to our enemies and allies alike that Obama is a gutless coward who does not have the backbone to do what he says. He then embarrassingly tried to blame someone else (as he always does), claiming it was the WORLD'S 'Red Line', not his)!

Mr. Lie of the Year LEADS almost as well as he tells the truth!
We're already both fighting ISIS, genius.

Obama's personal drone strike assassination program doesn't really count as 'fighting'. France just showed the US how to 'fight'. You don't just kill one or two 'leaders', who will be replaced the next day. You friggin' kill 'em all. You put so much death and fear on/into them that they don't want to mess with you anymore.
You're an idiot.

American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saddam Hussein was targeted the very first night of the Iraq attacks you retard. Go back to bed. Goddam! you people are stupid.

Thanks for proving my point:

Did targeting the leader cause the war to end? Did it break his sprit or more determined to sacrifice as many others' lives as he needed to in order to stay in power?

TARGETING THOSE WHO FIGHT FOR THE LEADERS, rocking those ground troops world put the fear of god in them and destroyed their will to fight.

For the last few years we have been drone striking leaders...and the next day they have a new #1...and the fight goes on.

Obama just said a few minutes ago in an interview he has no intention of changing his policy or strategy...which means he still has no intention of truly going to war with ISIS. He is still incredibly and moronically focused on Assad.
Saddam Hussein was targeted the very first night of the Iraq attacks you retard. Go back to bed. Goddam! you people are stupid.

Thanks for proving my point:

Did targeting the leader cause the war to end? Did it break his sprit or more determined to sacrifice as many others' lives as he needed to in order to stay in power?

lol, best flip flop ever. Throws himself under the bus.
Why is it sad that France is leading ? They got attacked ! They should be leading .

The last time Obama tried to 'lead', he declared a 'Red Line' in the sand and dared him to cross it...and when Assad boldly stepped over it, Obama cowardly backed up - revealing to our enemies and allies alike that Obama is a gutless coward who does not have the backbone to do what he says. He then embarrassingly tried to blame someone else (as he always does), claiming it was the WORLD'S 'Red Line', not his)!

Mr. Lie of the Year LEADS almost as well as he tells the truth!

WhooAh. Remember Obama wanted to bomb Assad but the GOP was like "not our business"! They wouldn't vote for it .

Did u forget that?
You're an idiot.

F* YOU...I WAS THERE. Where were you, ya little gutless Liberal puss? Back at home bashing America while Obama sat in church hearing his mentor teach him, 'Not God bless America - God D@MN America'?!
WhooAh. Remember Obama wanted to bomb Assad but the GOP was like "not our business"! They wouldn't vote for it .

Did u forget that?

Link? Assad called Obama out in front of the whole world, and Obama shrunk back like a scalded dog...before blaming 'THE WORLD'....

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