Just the beginning.....I hope

And ? France got attacked , France responds . We ain't the world police !
If France claims Article 5 will we do our duty or continue to pussy foot around?

I'm all for helping . But not on the front line .

How can they claim article 5 vs a non existent country ?
One of the attackers had a Syrian passport. It's not hard to connect the dots unless you're an ignorant liberal

The thing is ... that the passport might just be a red herring. The IS don't want the refugees to flee Syria. What they want is for the Syrians to stay in the Syria and turn into proper pious Muslims that follow the Sharia law in their new 'true caliphate.' France and other countries closing their borders to refugees would therefore benefit IS and their objective.

What we do know for 100% so far is that most of the men that took part in this were French and Belgian nationals. There are enough extremists in France with French passports - read a little about the French failure in integration and you'll understand why. Misery breeds misery breeds crime/extremism. Whether in France or Syria.

And considering US pretty much started all this shit by attacking Iraq, then yes, the US has the responsibility to 'help.'
"obama watches as France bombs..."

Wrong again, as usual:

"The retaliatory strike was launched in conjunction with the US air force, Paris has said.

Earlier the Pentagon said the US and France had agreed on concrete steps to ramp up the fight with ISIS."

Fightback: France sends 10 fighter jets to bomb ISIS capital Raqqa

Consequently the premise of the thread fails, the result of being a ridiculous blind partisan.

According to you every thread fails on premise. You sound like a redundant coo coo clock
"obama watches as France bombs..."

Wrong again, as usual:

"The retaliatory strike was launched in conjunction with the US air force, Paris has said.

Earlier the Pentagon said the US and France had agreed on concrete steps to ramp up the fight with ISIS."

Fightback: France sends 10 fighter jets to bomb ISIS capital Raqqa

Consequently the premise of the thread fails, the result of being a ridiculous blind partisan.
What does "in conjunction with" mean...in military terms, Homer?
"obama watches as France bombs..."

Wrong again, as usual:

"The retaliatory strike was launched in conjunction with the US air force, Paris has said.

Earlier the Pentagon said the US and France had agreed on concrete steps to ramp up the fight with ISIS."

Fightback: France sends 10 fighter jets to bomb ISIS capital Raqqa

Consequently the premise of the thread fails, the result of being a ridiculous blind partisan.
Looks to me like you proved the thread, since your link clearly states that France did the bombing....

Maybe if you spent more time reading and less time playing with your "phallicy"....
And ? France got attacked , France responds . We ain't the world police !
If France claims Article 5 will we do our duty or continue to pussy foot around?

I'm all for helping . But not on the front line .

How can they claim article 5 vs a non existent country ?
One of the attackers had a Syrian passport. It's not hard to connect the dots unless you're an ignorant liberal

The thing is ... that the passport might just be a red herring. The IS don't want the refugees to flee Syria. What they want is for the Syrians to stay in the Syria and turn into proper pious Muslims that follow the Sharia law in their new 'true caliphate.' France and other countries closing their borders to refugees would therefore benefit IS and their objective.

What we do know for 100% so far is that most of the men that took part in this were French and Belgian nationals. There are enough extremists in France with French passports - read a little about the French failure in integration and you'll understand why. Misery breeds misery breeds crime/extremism. Whether in France or Syria.

And considering US pretty much started all this shit by attacking Iraq, then yes, the US has the responsibility to 'help.'
The passport shows he went to Syria then returned.

And the blame America first shit is getting old. These barbaric motherfuckers are responsible for their own actions.
If I were president we would be bombing Syria back to the stone ages & then invading. Fuck sticking around to rebuild. Play wackamole from 30k feet after we're done.

And ? France got attacked , France responds . We ain't the world police !
If France claims Article 5 will we do our duty or continue to pussy foot around?

I'm all for helping . But not on the front line .

How can they claim article 5 vs a non existent country ?
One of the attackers had a Syrian passport. It's not hard to connect the dots unless you're an ignorant liberal

The thing is ... that the passport might just be a red herring. The IS don't want the refugees to flee Syria. What they want is for the Syrians to stay in the Syria and turn into proper pious Muslims that follow the Sharia law in their new 'true caliphate.' France and other countries closing their borders to refugees would therefore benefit IS and their objective.

What we do know for 100% so far is that most of the men that took part in this were French and Belgian nationals. There are enough extremists in France with French passports - read a little about the French failure in integration and you'll understand why. Misery breeds misery breeds crime/extremism. Whether in France or Syria.

And considering US pretty much started all this shit by attacking Iraq, then yes, the US has the responsibility to 'help.'
The passport shows he went to Syria then returned.

And the blame America first shit is getting old. These barbaric motherfuckers are responsible for their own actions.
If I were president we would be bombing Syria back to the stone ages & then invading. Fuck sticking around to rebuild. Play wackamole from 30k feet after we're done.


You really don't know absolutely anything about the region, do you? You are totally 100% ignorant of the fact that the reason IS exists today is the fact that US went in, fucked the place up, removed whatever fucked up leaders there were that they previously installed (yeah, Sadam Hussein, ze Taliban, etc.) and whoops, the void was filled by these opportunist extremist fucktards that are just feeding on the misery US helped create ... It all of course started much earlier with UK and their exploiting colonialist/imperialist policies, but the US took the shit and just ran with it ...

Yes, when you destroy a country you have a MORAL OBLIGATION to rebuild it. That's why Germany had to pay such huge reparations after WWII ... you can't just fuck shit up and leave - you're only asking for trouble if you do.

Come the fuck on now ... it's all really pretty simple and logical if you stop for a second being a bigot.

Bombing who? What games are they playing with naming? BHO constantly uses ISIL (recently) but most other say ISIS? Is this some sort of code........the Muslims are aware of?
Try posting in coherent sentences retard.

OK I quit being lazy and looked it up. A few reasons why he is calling them differently in this article.

ISIS vs. ISIL: Why Obama stands alone

If France claims Article 5 will we do our duty or continue to pussy foot around?

I'm all for helping . But not on the front line .

How can they claim article 5 vs a non existent country ?
One of the attackers had a Syrian passport. It's not hard to connect the dots unless you're an ignorant liberal

The thing is ... that the passport might just be a red herring. The IS don't want the refugees to flee Syria. What they want is for the Syrians to stay in the Syria and turn into proper pious Muslims that follow the Sharia law in their new 'true caliphate.' France and other countries closing their borders to refugees would therefore benefit IS and their objective.

What we do know for 100% so far is that most of the men that took part in this were French and Belgian nationals. There are enough extremists in France with French passports - read a little about the French failure in integration and you'll understand why. Misery breeds misery breeds crime/extremism. Whether in France or Syria.

And considering US pretty much started all this shit by attacking Iraq, then yes, the US has the responsibility to 'help.'
The passport shows he went to Syria then returned.

And the blame America first shit is getting old. These barbaric motherfuckers are responsible for their own actions.
If I were president we would be bombing Syria back to the stone ages & then invading. Fuck sticking around to rebuild. Play wackamole from 30k feet after we're done.


You really don't know absolutely anything about the region, do you? You are totally 100% ignorant of the fact that the reason IS exists today is the fact that US went in, fucked the place up, removed whatever fucked up leaders there were that they previously installed (yeah, Sadam Hussein, ze Taliban, etc.) and whoops, the void was filled by these opportunist extremist fucktards that are just feeding on the misery US helped create ... It all of course started much earlier with UK and their exploiting colonialist/imperialist policies, but the US took the shit and just ran with it ...

Yes, when you destroy a country you have a MORAL OBLIGATION to rebuild it. That's why Germany had to pay such huge reparations after WWII ... you can't just fuck shit up and leave - you're only asking for trouble if you do.

Come the fuck on now ... it's all really pretty simple and logical if you stop for a second being a bigot.
WHY ISIS came to power is for historians. Why ISIS is getting obliterated is for Obama if he decides to not be a cowardly man and a leader.
Indeed it does. And one of those countries is Israel, as former Rep. Allen West points out.

"First, if you choose to refer to this group as ISIL, you have basically rewritten the map of the Middle East and fallen into the trap of not recognizing the existence of Israel and also Lebanon," West wrote on his blog. "If you use ISIL, you are then validating the Islamic totalitarian and jihadist claim that the modern-day Jewish state of Israel is an occupation state and does not exist in the eyes of Muslims."

The idea that Obama is disrespecting Israel by adopting the name ISIL has been popular. Indeed, the use of the term Levant by Islamic militants in the past has been motivated precisely by their ambitions for taking over the Jewish state.

Donald Trump added to the mystery recently when he said there is "a reason" Obama uses ISIL, but he declined to elaborate.

RoseAnn Salantiri, a contributing writer to the conservative commentary site TPATH, had an even more mysterious theory.

"The territory known as the Assyrian Empire seemed to disappear off the pages of history," she wrote. "It did not. It divided into the nations we now know as Syria, southern Turkey, Iran and Iraq – the nations we now call ISIS – not ISIL. The distinction is an important one."

The southern Levant also included today's nations of Israel and Jordan along with the Gaza Strip and the southern part of Lebanon.

Read more at ISIS vs. ISIL: Why Obama stands alone

Bombing who? What games are they playing with naming? BHO constantly uses ISIL (recently) but most other say ISIS? Is this some sort of code........the Muslims are aware of?
Try posting in coherent sentences retard.

OK I quit being lazy and looked it up. A few reasons why he is calling them differently in this article.

ISIS vs. ISIL: Why Obama stands alone

View attachment 54833
No one is arguing ISIS vs ISIL dumbass.

Get a grip fool
The wording of the article was curious. The French
Defense Ministry said " fighter jets attacked with twenty bombs, but they did not specifically say those jets were French. Maybe some intelligence changed hands and we will find out whose jets made this attack as history.

Bet your hoping & praying the were American so you can grovel at Obama's feet some more huh
No. I'm not a silly partisan hack, so a thought that ridiculous never entered my mind. I just found it curious that in the link provided in the OP didn't specify whose jets they were. They might be British jets or even Russian jets for that matter. Do you suppose it matters that much to the people those bombs fell upon?
ISIS,ISIS,ISIT--who the hell cares?

How about calling them the new PLO? Or did we forget the Lebanese civil war?

They may be here to stay. With American blessing!!
BHO started calling "them" ISIL, I wonder why? ISIS stands for Syria (last letter). ISIL (Levant last letter) includes Israel and Jordan. Maybe ISIL cares? sigh.

I should never have brought it up.....but BHO did it first!

So what? France attacks ISIS in some Middle East shithole. That isn't where the next attack on French soil will come from. While I agree that ISIS needs to be decimated all over he globe, they need to be more concerned with the terrorists inside their borders.

What France did today was basically nothing.
I disagree. There may be hundreds of jihadists inside France...and the US for that matter. But there's tens of thousands in Syria and Iraq. Exterminate them now...the others can wait.

Except that the ones in Syria and Iraq aren't bombing our cities.

So what? France attacks ISIS in some Middle East shithole. That isn't where the next attack on French soil will come from. While I agree that ISIS needs to be decimated all over he globe, they need to be more concerned with the terrorists inside their borders.

What France did today was basically nothing.
I disagree. There may be hundreds of jihadists inside France...and the US for that matter. But there's tens of thousands in Syria and Iraq. Exterminate them now...the others can wait.

Except that the ones in Syria and Iraq aren't bombing our cities.
They would if they could....they will if they can. Kill them now before they get the chance.

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