Just What is Libertarianism?

It really comes down to degree. There are many libertarian principles I agree with. However, as a philosophy it has the same problem as communism. It begins with the assumption that human beings will mold to the economic system when, in fact, the economic system always molds to the people. Any system, whether political, economic or religious, which does not recognize the nature of human beings and account for it is doomed to failure.

Libertarians need to acknowledge that the Government is .....We the People

Congress has a 15% approval rating. Clearly, it doesn't reflect the will of the people, just the will of politicians.

We the People elected them
We the People deserve them

"Therefore, Libertarians are idiots to want to support a different political party!"

Seems legit.

Nobody is stopping them from electing Libertarians.........
Except the voters

A Libertarian Congress would have a 1% approval rating

So that's your argument? "At least we're not the shittiest option!" What an inspirational message.
Libertarianism: I got mine, fuck the rest of you

:lmao:I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty damn funny.

No, that's the Democratic Party.

Libertarianism is the second cousin to Bolveshivsm and a descendent of 19th century anarchism.

...I'm not sure what Bolveshism is supposed to be, but if you're trying to say Bolshevism, that's pretty stupid. How does Libertarianism relate, in any way, shape, or form, to Russian communism?

Libertarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You would need an education to understand that. You clearly lack that. And spending 2 min on a Wiki article will not help you.

Bolshevism is a particularly militant brand of communism that supports the overthrow of Capitalism. Libertarianism (with the exception of more left-leaning and socialist strains of the ideology) supports capitalism as the solution to most, possibly all, problems facing the world. I would need a railroad spike rammed through my skull to believe those were anywhere near the same thing.
No. Bolshevism is also descended from anarchism. Some anarchists beliieved in private property, some didnt. Libertarianism is descended from the private property type of anarchists.
It has zero to do with the Founders, who believed in using state power to coerce some forms of behavior.
Libertarianism: I got mine, fuck the rest of you

:lmao:I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty damn funny.

No, that's the Democratic Party.

Libertarianism is the second cousin to Bolveshivsm and a descendent of 19th century anarchism.

...I'm not sure what Bolveshism is supposed to be, but if you're trying to say Bolshevism, that's pretty stupid. How does Libertarianism relate, in any way, shape, or form, to Russian communism?

Libertarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You would need an education to understand that. You clearly lack that. And spending 2 min on a Wiki article will not help you.

Bolshevism is a particularly militant brand of communism that supports the overthrow of Capitalism. Libertarianism (with the exception of more left-leaning and socialist strains of the ideology) supports capitalism as the solution to most, possibly all, problems facing the world. I would need a railroad spike rammed through my skull to believe those were anywhere near the same thing.
No. Bolshevism is also descended from anarchism. Some anarchists beliieved in private property, some didnt. Libertarianism is descended from the private property type of anarchists.
It has zero to do with the Founders, who believed in using state power to coerce some forms of behavior.

The only people I've ever met that buy the bullshit line that communism isn't authoritarian are the top 25% dumbest communists, and you. Why is that?

And where did I say the founding fathers were Libertarians?
Libertarian: We believe in freedom and liberty
Republican: We believe in freedom and liberty
Democrat: We believe in freedom and liberty
Libertarian: We believe in free weed.
Republican: We believe in freedom and libery
Democrat: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Libertarian: We believe in legal everything.
Republicans: We believe in freedom and liberty, unless you wan
Libertarianism: I got mine, fuck the rest of you

:lmao:I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty damn funny.

No, that's the Democratic Party.

Libertarianism is the second cousin to Bolveshivsm and a descendent of 19th century anarchism.

...I'm not sure what Bolveshism is supposed to be, but if you're trying to say Bolshevism, that's pretty stupid. How does Libertarianism relate, in any way, shape, or form, to Russian communism?

Libertarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You would need an education to understand that. You clearly lack that. And spending 2 min on a Wiki article will not help you.

Bolshevism is a particularly militant brand of communism that supports the overthrow of Capitalism. Libertarianism (with the exception of more left-leaning and socialist strains of the ideology) supports capitalism as the solution to most, possibly all, problems facing the world. I would need a railroad spike rammed through my skull to believe those were anywhere near the same thing.
No. Bolshevism is also descended from anarchism. Some anarchists beliieved in private property, some didnt. Libertarianism is descended from the private property type of anarchists.
It has zero to do with the Founders, who believed in using state power to coerce some forms of behavior.

The only people I've ever met that buy the bullshit line that communism isn't authoritarian are the top 25% dumbest communists, and you. Why is that?

And where did I say the founding fathers were Libertarians?
Face it: Bush lied.
Libertarian: We believe in freedom and liberty
Republican: We believe in freedom and liberty
Democrat: We believe in freedom and liberty
Libertarian: We believe in free weed.
Republican: We believe in freedom and libery
Democrat: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Libertarian: We believe in legal everything.
Republicans: We believe in freedom and liberty, unless you wan
:lmao:I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty damn funny.

...I'm not sure what Bolveshism is supposed to be, but if you're trying to say Bolshevism, that's pretty stupid. How does Libertarianism relate, in any way, shape, or form, to Russian communism?

Libertarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You would need an education to understand that. You clearly lack that. And spending 2 min on a Wiki article will not help you.

Bolshevism is a particularly militant brand of communism that supports the overthrow of Capitalism. Libertarianism (with the exception of more left-leaning and socialist strains of the ideology) supports capitalism as the solution to most, possibly all, problems facing the world. I would need a railroad spike rammed through my skull to believe those were anywhere near the same thing.
No. Bolshevism is also descended from anarchism. Some anarchists beliieved in private property, some didnt. Libertarianism is descended from the private property type of anarchists.
It has zero to do with the Founders, who believed in using state power to coerce some forms of behavior.

The only people I've ever met that buy the bullshit line that communism isn't authoritarian are the top 25% dumbest communists, and you. Why is that?

And where did I say the founding fathers were Libertarians?
Face it: Bush lied.

...What the Hell are you talking about? Who brought up Bush?
Democrats - we are slaves, victims, oppressed. we need a huge opprsessive government to punish our betters
Republicans- we are masters, leaders, talented, we need a large government to maintain the status quo
Libertarians - we are free to decide our own fates. we need a small government only for the most basic services (fire fighting etc..)
Libertarian: We believe in freedom and liberty
Republican: We believe in freedom and liberty
Democrat: We believe in freedom and liberty
Libertarian: We believe in free weed.
Republican: We believe in freedom and libery
Democrat: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Libertarian: We believe in legal everything.
Republicans: We believe in freedom and liberty, unless you wan
You would need an education to understand that. You clearly lack that. And spending 2 min on a Wiki article will not help you.

Bolshevism is a particularly militant brand of communism that supports the overthrow of Capitalism. Libertarianism (with the exception of more left-leaning and socialist strains of the ideology) supports capitalism as the solution to most, possibly all, problems facing the world. I would need a railroad spike rammed through my skull to believe those were anywhere near the same thing.
No. Bolshevism is also descended from anarchism. Some anarchists beliieved in private property, some didnt. Libertarianism is descended from the private property type of anarchists.
It has zero to do with the Founders, who believed in using state power to coerce some forms of behavior.

The only people I've ever met that buy the bullshit line that communism isn't authoritarian are the top 25% dumbest communists, and you. Why is that?

And where did I say the founding fathers were Libertarians?
Face it: Bush lied.

...What the Hell are you talking about? Who brought up Bush?
So you cant provehe didnt. Sorry, you lost this round, sonny.
Libertarians need to acknowledge that the Government is .....We the People

Congress has a 15% approval rating. Clearly, it doesn't reflect the will of the people, just the will of politicians.

We the People elected them
We the People deserve them

"Therefore, Libertarians are idiots to want to support a different political party!"

Seems legit.

Nobody is stopping them from electing Libertarians.........
Except the voters

A Libertarian Congress would have a 1% approval rating

So that's your argument? "At least we're not the shittiest option!" What an inspirational message.

Yes, it is my argument

No Government on earth has ever considered Libertarianism
We the People would not consider it either
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
End the Fed = This I agree on.

History has shown that politicians do a shittier job of monetary policy than bankers do. In short, the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Return to a gold standard.= give our currency some solidarity

And stifle the economy dead. "It is an absurd and silly notion that international credit must be limited to the quantity of gold dug up out of the ground."

Legalize all drugs. people want to destroy themselves, it's their business. Use the taxes to operate clinics and other medical treatment - or pay for the funerals.

I am okay with legalizing pot since it is no more addictive than alcohol. Others are far more toxic and dependency causing.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies. the Constitution established all the Executive Branch offices needed to run this country.

The Founders did not anticipate aircraft which needed to be directed and controlled. And the Constitution allows for the government to establish agencies needed to run this country, precisely for the purposes of handling advances which could not be anticipated.

And you will never convince the population that a private Underwriter's Laboratory type organization will keep our medical or food supply safe. Especially considering the frauds and fatalities and hazards which existed before the FDA and USDA.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.= overdoing it

When you see money managers whose business it is to handle a lot of money and investments being defrauded, what chance does the average citizen have against the crooks?

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.= revise tort law and reign in the shyster lawyers

Class action lawyers are often the last bastion of hope against corporate evildoers. Since the government won't put white collar murderers in jail, then suing their asses into bankruptcy is the next best thing.


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Congress has a 15% approval rating. Clearly, it doesn't reflect the will of the people, just the will of politicians.

We the People elected them
We the People deserve them

"Therefore, Libertarians are idiots to want to support a different political party!"

Seems legit.

Nobody is stopping them from electing Libertarians.........
Except the voters

A Libertarian Congress would have a 1% approval rating

So that's your argument? "At least we're not the shittiest option!" What an inspirational message.

Yes, it is my argument

No Government on earth has ever considered Libertarianism
We the People would not consider it either

Obviously some of we the people are considering it.
Okay, over and over again, I'm reading articles attacking this political philosophy. Here's what Wiki says about it:

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.

If this is the case, why should there be so many attacks against what is, to me, the very foundation of Americanism? Is it a growing dependence on government? An indoctrination in the education system against self-reliance?

And the left – and even some conservatives, are attacking Doctor Rand Paul for being a Libertarian running under a false flag. (I like some of his views, but still would vote for an governor over him)

What do you think?
The definition you quoted has flowery language that is meaningless. You could put "Republican" in front of that definition and every right winger on this board would salute it.

Resistance to Libertarianism is not the result of that definition. It is when you get into specifics that you encounter problems.

End the Fed.

Return to a gold standard.

Legalize all drugs.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.

Eliminate all federal child labor laws.

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations.

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop.

Hyperbolic nonsense.
"I support my Congressman because he fights all that pork spending by those other assholes in Congress. I also support him because he brings home the bacon to our district."

Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

"MY congressman is one of the good ones, it's all those other congressmen that are the problem!"

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