Just What is Libertarianism?

We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
Who decided that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide?

We the People ....established the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rampant libertarian abuse of our environment

"Its my property, I can dump shit in the river if I want to"
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
Who decided that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide?

We the People ....established the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rampant libertarian abuse of our environment

"Its my property, I can dump shit in the river if I want to"
The people have no say.

Politicians lie about their intentions and do whatever the fuck they want to solidify their power and fatten their wallets.
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
Who decided that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide?

We the People ....established the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rampant libertarian abuse of our environment

"Its my property, I can dump shit in the river if I want to"
Actually Richard Nixon enacted the EPA and Congress funded it etc. But the EPA itlsef decided it has the power to regulate carbon dioxide. And there was no rampant libertarianism because companies were polluting rivers and land that didnt belong to them.
More nonsense from Nutjobber.
Okay, over and over again, I'm reading articles attacking this political philosophy. Here's what Wiki says about it:

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.

If this is the case, why should there be so many attacks against what is, to me, the very foundation of Americanism? Is it a growing dependence on government? An indoctrination in the education system against self-reliance?

And the left – and even some conservatives, are attacking Doctor Rand Paul for being a Libertarian running under a false flag. (I like some of his views, but still would vote for an governor over him)

What do you think?
The definition you quoted has flowery language that is meaningless. You could put "Republican" in front of that definition and every right winger on this board would salute it.

Resistance to Libertarianism is not the result of that definition. It is when you get into specifics that you encounter problems.

End the Fed = This I agree on.

Return to a gold standard.= give our currency some solidarity

Legalize all drugs. people want to destroy themselves, it's their business. Use the taxes to operate clinics and other medical treatment - or pay for the funerals.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies. the Constitution established all the Executive Branch offices needed to run this country.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.= overdoing it

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.= revise tort law and reign in the shyster lawyers

Eliminate all federal child labor laws.= moderation?

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations. = overreach

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop = consolidate all military branches into one, reduce the flag officers and staff drastically, and make the civilian work force fully responsive to standards of conduct..

End the Fed = This I agree on.

Return to a gold standard.= give our currency some solidarity

Legalize all drugs. people want to destroy themselves, it's their business. Use the taxes to operate clinics and other medical treatment - or pay for the funerals.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies. the Constitution established all the Executive Branch offices needed to run this country.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.= overdoing it

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.= revise tort law and reign in the shyster lawyers

Eliminate all federal child labor laws.= moderation?

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations. = overreach

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop = consolidate all military branches into one, reduce the flag officers and staff drastically, and make the civilian work force fully responsive to standards of conduct.

Everything in bold are my personal thoughts

What do you mean by " give our currency some solidarity "?
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
When was the last time we were asked whether a government agency should be created or expanded?
I think if you had asked the American people about the creation of the Department of Homeland Security right after 9/11, they would have "OH HELLZ YEAH" rogered up on that bad boy. That's why 99 Senators approved it.

See my Charles Mackay sig.
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
When was the last time we were asked whether a government agency should be created or expanded?
I think if you had asked the American people about the creation of the Department of Homeland Security right after 9/11, they would have "OH HELLZ YEAH" rogered up on that bad boy. That's why 99 Senators approved it.

See my Charles Mackay sig.
Yeah I bet they would have voted for warrant-less wiretaps too.
Okay, over and over again, I'm reading articles attacking this political philosophy. Here's what Wiki says about it:

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.

If this is the case, why should there be so many attacks against what is, to me, the very foundation of Americanism? Is it a growing dependence on government? An indoctrination in the education system against self-reliance?

And the left – and even some conservatives, are attacking Doctor Rand Paul for being a Libertarian running under a false flag. (I like some of his views, but still would vote for an governor over him)

What do you think?
The definition you quoted has flowery language that is meaningless. You could put "Republican" in front of that definition and every right winger on this board would salute it.

Resistance to Libertarianism is not the result of that definition. It is when you get into specifics that you encounter problems.

End the Fed.

Return to a gold standard.

Legalize all drugs.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.

Eliminate all federal child labor laws.

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations.

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop.

Hyperbolic nonsense.
Every bit is true, and I have provided evidence many times to prove these are actual Libertarian planks. The "cub scout troop" is the only figurative item.
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
Who decided that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide?

We the People ....established the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rampant libertarian abuse of our environment

"Its my property, I can dump shit in the river if I want to"
Actually Richard Nixon enacted the EPA and Congress funded it etc. But the EPA itlsef decided it has the power to regulate carbon dioxide. And there was no rampant libertarianism because companies were polluting rivers and land that didnt belong to them.
More nonsense from Nutjobber.

The right to burn and pollute was the libertarian norm in the 1960s

It is my property, I can dump what I want
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
When was the last time we were asked whether a government agency should be created or expanded?

I elect representatives

Don't you?

There has been no one that has run who I deemed trustworthy enough to represent me.

Then you trust me to pick your representative for you
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
Who decided that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide?

We the People ....established the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rampant libertarian abuse of our environment

"Its my property, I can dump shit in the river if I want to"
Actually Richard Nixon enacted the EPA and Congress funded it etc. But the EPA itlsef decided it has the power to regulate carbon dioxide. And there was no rampant libertarianism because companies were polluting rivers and land that didnt belong to them.
More nonsense from Nutjobber.

The right to burn and pollute was the libertarian norm in the 1960s

It is my property, I can dump what I want
Wrong as usual.

Libertarians realize their right to swing their fists ends at another's nose.

Dems think their right to reach out their hands ends in other people's wallets.
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
When was the last time we were asked whether a government agency should be created or expanded?
I think if you had asked the American people about the creation of the Department of Homeland Security right after 9/11, they would have "OH HELLZ YEAH" rogered up on that bad boy. That's why 99 Senators approved it.

See my Charles Mackay sig.
Yeah I bet they would have voted for warrant-less wiretaps too.
I don't think they would have voted for monitoring of their own communications, which is what is happening.

But, yes, they would have voted for warrantless wiretaps of suspects, and friends of suspects, and friends of friends of friends of suspects. With warrantless wiretaps of suspected child molesters and mobsters thrown in for good measure.

They would have also voted for hitting terror suspects over the head with an oak chair, too. To this day, we have people who deny waterboarding is torture when we do it.
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
When was the last time we were asked whether a government agency should be created or expanded?

I elect representatives

Don't you?

There has been no one that has run who I deemed trustworthy enough to represent me.

Then you trust me to pick your representative for you


You see you give up your right to complain when you vote for incompetent people to represent you.

I don't fold to the lesser of 2 evil choice. It's the very definition of a false dichotomy.
We the People decide what size Government we want and what functions we want them to perform

The ultimate in Libertarianism
Who decided that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide?

We the People ....established the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate rampant libertarian abuse of our environment

"Its my property, I can dump shit in the river if I want to"
Actually Richard Nixon enacted the EPA and Congress funded it etc. But the EPA itlsef decided it has the power to regulate carbon dioxide. And there was no rampant libertarianism because companies were polluting rivers and land that didnt belong to them.
More nonsense from Nutjobber.

The right to burn and pollute was the libertarian norm in the 1960s

It is my property, I can dump what I want

It was everyone's norm back then idiot.
Okay, over and over again, I'm reading articles attacking this political philosophy. Here's what Wiki says about it:

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.

If this is the case, why should there be so many attacks against what is, to me, the very foundation of Americanism? Is it a growing dependence on government? An indoctrination in the education system against self-reliance?

And the left – and even some conservatives, are attacking Doctor Rand Paul for being a Libertarian running under a false flag. (I like some of his views, but still would vote for an governor over him)

What do you think?
The definition you quoted has flowery language that is meaningless. You could put "Republican" in front of that definition and every right winger on this board would salute it.

Resistance to Libertarianism is not the result of that definition. It is when you get into specifics that you encounter problems.

End the Fed.

Return to a gold standard.

Legalize all drugs.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.

Eliminate all federal child labor laws.

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations.

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop.

Hyperbolic nonsense.
Every bit is true, and I have provided evidence many times to prove these are actual Libertarian planks. The "cub scout troop" is the only figurative item.

Doubtful that you did.
Okay, over and over again, I'm reading articles attacking this political philosophy. Here's what Wiki says about it:

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.

If this is the case, why should there be so many attacks against what is, to me, the very foundation of Americanism? Is it a growing dependence on government? An indoctrination in the education system against self-reliance?

And the left – and even some conservatives, are attacking Doctor Rand Paul for being a Libertarian running under a false flag. (I like some of his views, but still would vote for an governor over him)

What do you think?
The definition you quoted has flowery language that is meaningless. You could put "Republican" in front of that definition and every right winger on this board would salute it.

Resistance to Libertarianism is not the result of that definition. It is when you get into specifics that you encounter problems.

End the Fed.

Return to a gold standard.

Legalize all drugs.

Eliminate the FDA, FAA, USDA, IRS, and just about all other federal agencies.

Eliminate all federal laws against financial fraud.

Eliminate all federal safety regulations.

Eliminate all federal child labor laws.

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations.

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop.

Hyperbolic nonsense.
Every bit is true, and I have provided evidence many times to prove these are actual Libertarian planks. The "cub scout troop" is the only figurative item.

Doubtful that you did.
Okay then! I'll just copy and paste the evidence I provided on page 5 of this topic.

We oppose all laws at any level of government requiring registration of, or restricting, the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition.

Source: https://www.lp.org/files/LP Platform 2012.pdf

I mentioned the repeal of child labor laws:

We support repeal of laws that impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws, so-called "protective" labor legislation for women and children, & governmental restrictions on the establishment of private day-care centers. We deplore government-fostered forced retirement, which robs the elderly of the right to work. We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and "aid to the poor" programs.

No labor laws, no Social Security, no Medicare, no food stamps, etc.

Source: Libertarian Party on Jobs

I mentioned abolish the FDA:
We should replace harmful government agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with more agile, free-market alternatives.

Source: Healthcare | Libertarian Party

I said shrink the military down to the size of a cub scout troop:
If the US were to pursue a policy of defending its own borders while avoiding foreign intervention, we could realistically reduce our defense budget to as little as $125 billion over the next five years.

Shrink our military to one eighth its current size.

Source: Libertarian Party on Defense

I said legalize all drugs:

We favor the repeal of all laws creating "crimes" without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.

Source: Platform | Libertarian Party

It is also well known that libertarians would abolish the Federal Reserve:
Eliminate the Federal Reserve: End the Fed

The elimination of safety regulations:
Pollution of other people's property is a violation of individual rights. Strict liability, not arbitrary government standards, should regulate pollution. We demand the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.

No environmental regulations. Source: Libertarian Party on Environment

More on the elimination of safety regulations:
We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This law denies the right to liberty and property to both employer and employee, and it interferes in their private contractual relations.

Source: National Platform of the Libertarian Party

More on safety regulations:
We oppose all so-called "consumer protection" legislation which infringes upon voluntary trade, and call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Source: 1972 Libertarian Party Platform - LPedia

I said abolish the FAA:

We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration, which has jeopardized safety by arrogating to itself a monopoly of safety regulation and enforcement. We call for privatizing the air traffic control system and transferring the FAA's other functions to private agencies.

Source: 1992 National Platform of the Libertarian Party

The FDA again:
We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration and particularly its policies of mandating specific nutritional requirements and denying the right of manufacturers to make non-fraudulent claims concerning their products.

Source: 1992 National Platform of the Libertarian Party
Guess you are feeling pretty stupid right about now, eh, PredFan? I don't often make claims I can't back up with evidence.
Libertarian: We believe in freedom and liberty
Republican: We believe in freedom and liberty
Democrat: We believe in freedom and liberty
Libertarian: We believe in free weed.
Republican: We believe in freedom and libery
Democrat: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

No, Republicans do not believe in freedom or liberty. Their actions consistently reflect that.

Sure, I can give you two

Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives - Legislation Votes

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 114th Congress - 1st Session 2015
Libertarian: We believe in freedom and liberty
Republican: We believe in freedom and liberty
Democrat: We believe in freedom and liberty
Libertarian: We believe in free weed.
Republican: We believe in freedom and libery
Democrat: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

No, Republicans do not believe in freedom or liberty. Their actions consistently reflect that.

Do you support me having the liberty to tell a single mother who can't afford the kids she chose to have no when she ask for help feeding them?


Sure, I can give you two

Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives - Legislation Votes

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 114th Congress - 1st Session 2015

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