Just wondering if any lefty has admitted they were wrong about collusion?

Hell no. Now they're conjuring up tales of obstruction. Lol.
Wouldn't be if y'all weren't constantly obstructing the discussion with non sequiturs like bringing up Gore. Who are you trying to fool? It's all fake outrage over things like the use of a Trump look-alike in Julius Caesar, but totally ignoring or perhaps even secretly applauding when there was an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited female Hillary clone in the role.
When was Obama or Hillary used in such a role? #NeverHappened
Trump supporters' jaw-dropping hypocrisy (opinion) - CNN.com

I assume apologies are forthcoming?

I'll ask again. Where and when?
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
None are needed.

Candidates can legally reach out and begin talking with foreign reps, and they are not bound by the FOIA or other govt regs because, having not been elected yet, they are civilians.

Smug Democrats believe people need to play by their rules because they say so. When people don't follow their 'rules', Democrats demonize them and try to make them out to be criminals with something to hide.

When you pressure the snowflakes, though, demand they show evidence, as we have seen, they can not.

Again, there is a reason the Democrats have been 'trying' this entire 'scandal' in the media and in the public eye, where they have declared Trump is 'guilty', Trump is 'hiding something', and insisting it is Trump - the accused - who has to provide proof of being innocent instead of them having to provide proof of guilt...

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING...and in the media, with help from their All-In liberal media cohorts, is the only place they can 'try' their case against Trump and 'win'.

President Trump is one of the most intelligent men ever to hold the office. It was widely known at the time (July 2016) that Russia had been involved in hacking the DNC server to help Trump win

Wouldn't you expect a man as intelligent as Trump to have insisted that any meetings with Russia at this time be recorded? You know......Someone may ask why we are meeting with the Russians

Why doesn't Trump just release the records of these meetings so we know there was no collusion?
Why isn't Hillary in jail for Benghazi. Why haven't we busted Bill for collusions with the Russians and their so called charity scandal? Why haven't we spread out all of Hillary's emails for everyone to read or put her in prison for having them?
innocent until proven guilty. Trump is innocent until you provide proof, tapes, that he colluded.
I don't know if Trump colluded but I welcome the investigation that will prove he didn't.
It wasn't 17 agencies...it was 3.....and then the others simply signed on to their findings..they did not investigate it all independently....and again...comey stated under oath that Trump was never under investigation for anything....
Perhaps this link will be enough to convince you that the Russian government was behind the hacking of Hillary's private server and of DNC computers. I think you are focused on collusion so you somehow read that into my narratives. Look again.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
...and still no Russian connection… LOL
I will trust Mueller to find out. He has just begun.

They are already trying to smear Mueller, which is more evidence of their guilt.
Guilty until proven innocent... huh? Lol
Well dayum. Trump and his surrogates are acting jusr like Nixon did on the eve of his political demise. History seems to be repeating itself.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Until the investigations are concluded, no one can say for sure one way or the other if collusion happened.
Hell no. Now they're conjuring up tales of obstruction. Lol.
Wouldn't be if y'all weren't constantly obstructing the discussion with non sequiturs like bringing up Gore. Who are you trying to fool? It's all fake outrage over things like the use of a Trump look-alike in Julius Caesar, but totally ignoring or perhaps even secretly applauding when there was an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited female Hillary clone in the role.
When was Obama or Hillary used in such a role? #NeverHappened
Trump supporters' jaw-dropping hypocrisy (opinion) - CNN.com
I assume apologies are forthcoming?
I'll ask again. Where and when?
And you'll keep asking as if it wasn't answered, no matter what the evidence. We all know the drill.
I am willing to accept the results if Muellers investigation finds no fault with the Trump administration

How about you conservatives out there?
Will you accept the results if he finds something?
Mueller and the Democrats are excitedly bragging about how hos investigation is 'expanding'...and are to stupid to realize it is expanding becauae thete is nothing to the 'scandal' Mueller was originally hired to investigate

Mueller has hired an all-star cast of DNC donors, Hillary Lawyrrs, and lawyers famously notorious for hiding evidence proving innocense. They are not even trying to hide the fact that this investigation is an all-out last attempt to take down Trump.

There is no secret that there is - never was - any collusion. The CIA said it, the DIA said it, the NSA said it, the FBI said it, the House Intel Committee said it, Maxine Waters said it, Diane Feinstein said it...

Plan 'B' includes expansion into finances, obstruction, etc...anything they can find or manufacture.

I predict they will NOT take down Trump, however, to justify their witch hunt - like they did o Scooter Libby when they went after Bush, they will not stop until they indict someone.
Mueller and the Democrats are excitedly bragging about how hos investigation is 'expanding'...and are to stupid to realize it is expanding becauae thete is nothing to the 'scandal' Mueller was originally hired to investigate

Mueller has hired an all-star cast of DNC donors, Hillary Lawyrrs, and lawyers famously notorious for hiding evidence proving innocense. They are not even trying to hide the fact that this investigation is an all-out last attempt to take down Trump.

There is no secret that there is - never was - any collusion. The CIA said it, the DIA said it, the NSA said it, the FBI said it, the House Intel Committee said it, Maxine Waters said it, Diane Feinstein said it...

Plan 'B' includes expansion into finances, obstruction, etc...anything they can find or manufacture.

I predict they will NOT take down Trump, however, to justify their witch hunt - like they did o Scooter Libby when they went after Bush, they will not stop until they indict someone.
Don't know who you think you're fooling, except the other fools. There's plenty going on or you wouldn't have gotten the marching orders to stamp out as many fires as possible. Good luck, you and Trump are going to need it.
Hell no. Now they're conjuring up tales of obstruction. Lol.
Wouldn't be if y'all weren't constantly obstructing the discussion with non sequiturs like bringing up Gore. Who are you trying to fool? It's all fake outrage over things like the use of a Trump look-alike in Julius Caesar, but totally ignoring or perhaps even secretly applauding when there was an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited female Hillary clone in the role.
When was Obama or Hillary used in such a role? #NeverHappened
Trump supporters' jaw-dropping hypocrisy (opinion) - CNN.com
I assume apologies are forthcoming?
I'll ask again. Where and when?
And you'll keep asking as if it wasn't answered, no matter what the evidence. We all know the drill.

Using CNN as a source is like using the official North Korean news agency. I asked a simple question.
Mueller and the Democrats are excitedly bragging about how hos investigation is 'expanding'...and are to stupid to realize it is expanding becauae thete is nothing to the 'scandal' Mueller was originally hired to investigate

Mueller has hired an all-star cast of DNC donors, Hillary Lawyrrs, and lawyers famously notorious for hiding evidence proving innocense. They are not even trying to hide the fact that this investigation is an all-out last attempt to take down Trump.

There is no secret that there is - never was - any collusion. The CIA said it, the DIA said it, the NSA said it, the FBI said it, the House Intel Committee said it, Maxine Waters said it, Diane Feinstein said it...

Plan 'B' includes expansion into finances, obstruction, etc...anything they can find or manufacture.

I predict they will NOT take down Trump, however, to justify their witch hunt - like they did o Scooter Libby when they went after Bush, they will not stop until they indict someone.
Don't know who you think you're fooling, except the other fools. There's plenty going on or you wouldn't have gotten the marching orders to stamp out as many fires as possible. Good luck, you and Trump are going to need it.

Yea, we need to do away with democracy and Trump and appoint Obama to be Supreme Leader for life. While we're at it, let's ban Fox News and conservative radio.
EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
None are needed.

Candidates can legally reach out and begin talking with foreign reps, and they are not bound by the FOIA or other govt regs because, having not been elected yet, they are civilians.

Smug Democrats believe people need to play by their rules because they say so. When people don't follow their 'rules', Democrats demonize them and try to make them out to be criminals with something to hide.

When you pressure the snowflakes, though, demand they show evidence, as we have seen, they can not.

Again, there is a reason the Democrats have been 'trying' this entire 'scandal' in the media and in the public eye, where they have declared Trump is 'guilty', Trump is 'hiding something', and insisting it is Trump - the accused - who has to provide proof of being innocent instead of them having to provide proof of guilt...

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING...and in the media, with help from their All-In liberal media cohorts, is the only place they can 'try' their case against Trump and 'win'.

President Trump is one of the most intelligent men ever to hold the office. It was widely known at the time (July 2016) that Russia had been involved in hacking the DNC server to help Trump win

Wouldn't you expect a man as intelligent as Trump to have insisted that any meetings with Russia at this time be recorded? You know......Someone may ask why we are meeting with the Russians

Why doesn't Trump just release the records of these meetings so we know there was no collusion?
Why isn't Hillary in jail for Benghazi. Why haven't we busted Bill for collusions with the Russians and their so called charity scandal? Why haven't we spread out all of Hillary's emails for everyone to read or put her in prison for having them?
innocent until proven guilty. Trump is innocent until you provide proof, tapes, that he colluded.
I don't know if Trump colluded but I welcome the investigation that will prove he didn't.
It's a no win situation, you can't prove a negative.
Don't know who you think you're fooling, except the other fools. There's plenty going on or you wouldn't have gotten the marching orders to stamp out as many fires as possible. Good luck, you and Trump are going to need it.
Sorry, Dems said themselves they smell smoke but there is no fire.


Don't know who you think you're fooling, except the other fools. There's plenty going on or you wouldn't have gotten the marching orders to stamp out as many fires as possible. Good luck, you and Trump are going to need it.
Sorry, Dems said themselves they smell smoke but there is no fire.


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.
Your side is always wrong.

I see it's just a another typical partisan hack day of posting for easyt.


Don't know who you think you're fooling, except the other fools. There's plenty going on or you wouldn't have gotten the marching orders to stamp out as many fires as possible. Good luck, you and Trump are going to need it.
Sorry, Dems said themselves they smell smoke but there is no fire.
Given your penchant for less than truthful statements, I feel safe in disregarding your opinion and uncited "facts". Nice try, shortbus, but you've overplayed your hand. :laugh2:
Given your penchant for less than truthful statements, I feel safe in disregarding your opinion and uncited "facts". Nice try, shortbus, but you've overplayed your hand. :laugh2:
The little jester icon suits you and the other snowflakes, Comrade.

'Uncited FACTS'?

The only thing 'UNCITED' is any EVIDENCE of criminal activity, of collusion, of obstruction, of ANYTHING from Democrats after 11 months of investigations...and that is an undeniable FACT!

NO Evidence
NO Criminal Activity
NO Collusion
NO Obstruction
NO Indictment
NO Charges
NO Impeachment

You TRY to discredit ME when I point this out, but you and all the rest of the hate-driven, reality-denying snowflakes KNOW it's TRUE.

IF Democrats had any evidence they would not have to continue to say 'NOT YET', they would not have to keep 'FISHING', they would not have to keep 'trying' their case' in the FAKE MEDIA, they would not have to have Mueller fill his BOGUS 'Independent' Counsel with DNC Donors, Clinton Lawyers, and lawyers notoriously known for hiding evidence and who have been slammed / spanked by ALL of the USSC Justices for unethical practices.

If Democrats had ANYTHING they would have taken Trump down by now.

Instead, all snowflakes have are insults, denial, false accusations, fake news media, and radicalized terrorist assassin wannabes.
Don't know who you think you're fooling, except the other fools. There's plenty going on or you wouldn't have gotten the marching orders to stamp out as many fires as possible. Good luck, you and Trump are going to need it.
Sorry, Dems said themselves they smell smoke but there is no fire.


What we know so far

Flynn discussing lifting sanctions on the Russians
Flynn lying about meeting the Russians
Trump attempted to cover for Flynn
Trump offering policy concessions to Russia
Some odd financial dealings

Mueller is just getting started
Last edited:
What we know so far

Flynn discussing lifting sanctions on the Russians
Flynn lying about meeting the Russians
Trump attempted to cover for Flynn
Trump offering policy concessions to Russia
Some odd financial dealings

Mueller is just getting started
Known for 11 months, and what was declared about this?

What we know so far

Flynn discussing lifting sanctions on the Russians
Flynn lying about meeting the Russians
Trump attempted to cover for Flynn
Trump offering policy concessions to Russia
Some odd financial dealings

Mueller is just getting started
Known for 11 months, and what was declared about this?


You knew Flynn was discussing lifting sanctions before the discussion took place?
What we know so far

Flynn discussing lifting sanctions on the Russians
Flynn lying about meeting the Russians
Trump attempted to cover for Flynn
Trump offering policy concessions to Russia
Some odd financial dealings

Mueller is just getting started
Known for 11 months, and what was declared about this?


Mueller just started his investigation a month ago. FBI collected evidence but did not interview the principals. There was a crime. Russian hacking was a crime. Flynn, Manafort and Kushner not reporting Russian contacts is a crime
Trump trying to influence the investigation? Could be damning
Financial dealings with a country under US sanctions? Could be a crime

There is still quite a bit of investigation and NOBODY has declared the investigation to be resolved

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