Just wondering if any lefty has admitted they were wrong about collusion?

Here is what the Russians got out of the leak:
The emails provided enough public enmity against Hillary to turn the electorate in Trump's favor. Seemingly, Putin wanted Trump to win and the leak probably was instrumental in effecting that end.

It was more Comey meddeling then anything else and if Hillary and the DNC were honest it would of been no big deal...

Perhaps its just me but I think its always a big deal when a foreign entity tries to interfere with our electoral process.
YOUR electoral process, not America's electoral process.

The DNC is not America. It is a private organization that obviously defrauds it's investors. The leaked emails make that clear enough.
Don't confuse the electoral process with the DNC or the RNC. The electoral process is the cornerstone of our republc. The DNC, like the RNC, is an essential adjunct to that process. When foreign entities mess with either one they mess with all of us.
"Essential adjunct"???


That's an oxymoron, jackass.
So scratch the word essential. As a noun one of the meanings associated with the word adjunct is "supplementary".
The DNC or RNC. supplement the electoral process whereas candidates of each major
party vie for the presidential nomination . Oxymoronic or not, the partisan committees
are an essential part of the electoral process.

Feel better now?
I saidl nothing about obstrucion nor did I say any of the17 agencies said anything about obstruction. The exchange between Muhammed and me was about Russian involvement in the email leaks. I accept your apology for calling me a leftist and aliar.
I think it is obvious that if the Russians leaked the emails they would surely want credit. Otherwise they would have just kept them secret to use as future blackmail material.

Sure the Russians and others probably hacked the unsecured DNC server but it makes no sense for them to release the info without getting anything out of it.

A wistleblower inside the DNC leaked the emails to wikileaks.
Here is what the Russians got out of the leak:
The emails provided enough public enmity against Hillary to turn the electorate in Trump's favor. Seemingly, Putin wanted Trump to win and the leak probably was instrumental in effecting that end.

It was more Comey meddeling then anything else and if Hillary and the DNC were honest it would of been no big deal...

Perhaps its just me but I think its always a big deal when a foreign entity tries to interfere with our electoral process.

If they changed votes , then yes it's a big thing.

But releasing information? Shame on the US press for not doing its job

Spot on!

There was powerful evidence of an attempt to change the results of the election but the culprits were not the Russians. It was the hate-spewing ultra-liberal nut jobs who deluged the members of the electoral college with death threats in an attempt to force them to change their votes. What the lib-nuts did was far more serious than anything the Russians are accused of doing: however, I haven't heard anything about a Federal investigation into their criminal interference in the election process. This witch hunt doesn't have a damn thing to do with the integrity of the elections process. It's all about making Trump look bad. Nothing could be more obvious.
I saidl nothing about obstrucion nor did I say any of the17 agencies said anything about obstruction. The exchange between Muhammed and me was about Russian involvement in the email leaks. I accept your apology for calling me a leftist and aliar.
I think it is obvious that if the Russians leaked the emails they would surely want credit. Otherwise they would have just kept them secret to use as future blackmail material.

Sure the Russians and others probably hacked the unsecured DNC server but it makes no sense for them to release the info without getting anything out of it.

A wistleblower inside the DNC leaked the emails to wikileaks.
Here is what the Russians got out of the leak:
The emails provided enough public enmity against Hillary to turn the electorate in Trump's favor. Seemingly, Putin wanted Trump to win and the leak probably was instrumental in effecting that end.

It was more Comey meddeling then anything else and if Hillary and the DNC were honest it would of been no big deal...

Perhaps its just me but I think its always a big deal when a foreign entity tries to interfere with our electoral process.

If they changed votes , then yes it's a big thing.

But releasing information? Shame on the US press for not doing its job
Did you expect the US press to hack the DNC and Hillary's server? That seems to be what you were inferring by saying the press didn't do it's job.
Whoever you are......the new lie is obstruction of justice....even Rachel Maddow got the memo to stop talking about the Collusion lie...

Rachel Maddow: 'I Absolutely Believe It's Possible' Trump Did Not Collude With Russia

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said in a newly published interview the collusion story between President Donald Trump and Russia might be fake news.

"I absolutely believe it's possible," Maddow told Rolling Stone.

I believe it's possible too...doesn't mean members of his campaign didn't collude.

Can you explain how Roger Stone knew in advance about the Podesta email dump?

If it turns out members of Trump's team helped Russia weaponizing their hacking of our Democracy, will you be outraged or still not care since you're guy won?
They would say cover it up like they did when Jeb stole Florida in 2000. For the good of our democracy.

Remember Jill Stein wanted an audit of the Michigan, pa and wi votes and Republicans shit.

Rick Snyder is the governor of our state. I'd like a recount. He's not to be trusted.

And Jill Stein was going to pay $2 million then they raised the price to ten. Shady

They did the audit...and Trump had even more votes......and she made a lot of money....
We haven't seen his taxes. How much Russia money did he get?

We know that hilary got 144 million dollars, yet you guys don't care...and she was the Secretary of State....when her husband also got 500,000 dollars from Russia to give a speech...when she was actually Secretary of States and signed off on handing over 20% of our uranium to putin...funny that you guys don't care about that actual collusion with Russia...
And that's why Russia hated her so much. Got it
I still believe in collusion until I hear WHY key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians

Why don't you want to know why:

WHY the Clinton Foundation received a huge donation from the Russian who benefitted from the US-Russia Uranium Deal...

WHY Bill was giving speeches during the election for Putin Pals, ex-KGB...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager received thousands of shares of Russians stocks and never reported it, WHY 1/3rd of the board members of HIS company are prominent businessmen with extremely close ties to both the Kremlin and Putin...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager's brother was working for the 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's server / e-mails...???

Why don't snowflakes want to know any of that (as if we all did not know the answer)?
If we could see trumps taxes. We saw Hillary's.

And what about the fishing expedition all those years going after the clintons? What have you produced? Nothing. They were clean. Any B's now is conspiracy. You caught him lying about sex. Woopee
'If we could see Trump's taxes....'

Bwuhahahaha....still hung up on that, stull pissed Trump did not cave to your demands by showing you something you have no legal right to.

The tv special in which your snowflake queen had to admit Trump did pay his taxes wasn't enough?

Poor obsessed, frustrated snowflake... :p
But he lied. He said we could see them after the audit.

See, you got nothing on the Clintons. Your smear worked but ultimately the Clintons were clean. Will Trump be clean? I doubt it. I smell impeachment in his future. Bwahhhahaha
The topic is 'collusion'. Where there is no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion, there is enough to bury the Clintons, her campaign manager, and his brother.

Your pathetic obsession with Trump's taxes belongs in a seperate thread...
All the shady connections. Paul manafort, Flynn. Ha! Guilty. This will be fun 3 years
I will admit I am wrong about collusion as soon as I get a credible explanation of why so many top aides to Trump were meeting with the Russians at the time the leaks were coming out

What is taking so long?

Just like a Cock Sucking Liberal Bolshevik Turd.

Presume that some Americans are Guilty until they prove they are innocent.

All the shady connections. Paul manafort, Flynn. Ha! Guilty. This will be fun 3 years
So 'shady' equals 'guilty of crimes' to snowflakes, but only when applied to Conservatives. Bwuhahahaha....

That is the left extremists' standard of guilt as opposed to the Director of the FBI testifying under oath how Hillary broke laws or how the Clintons and their campaign personnel were working for the Russians... :p
All the shady connections. Paul manafort, Flynn. Ha! Guilty. This will be fun 3 years
So 'shady' equals 'guilty of crimes' to snowflakes, but only when applied to Conservatives. Bwuhahahaha....

That is the left extremists' standard of guilt as opposed to the Director of the FBI testifying under oath how Hillary broke laws or how the Clintons and their campaign personnel were working for the Russians... :p
The same FBI guy is wanting us about Trump, or tried to.

So Trump's appointing a real Loretta lynch. Shady as hell
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
Two days later, the OP has yet to provide a link to the source of the alleged determination that there was no collusion.

The thing that doesn't make any sense is why you people think Russia would use Wikileaks when the Russians could have just sent the damning emails to every press outlet in the world themselves.
I stand with the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies
That said so. And Wikileaks would be the perfect vehicle for obscuring direct ties to the Russian federation. Why didn't you think of that?

It wasn't 17 agencies...it was 3.....and then the others simply signed on to their findings..they did not investigate it all independently....and again...comey stated under oath that Trump was never under investigation for anything....
Perhaps this link will be enough to convince you that the Russian government was behind the hacking of Hillary's private server and of DNC computers. I think you are focused on collusion so you somehow read that into my narratives. Look again.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
...and still no Russian connection… LOL
I will trust Mueller to find out. He has just begun.

They are already trying to smear Mueller, which is more evidence of their guilt.
I stand with the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies
That said so. And Wikileaks would be the perfect vehicle for obscuring direct ties to the Russian federation. Why didn't you think of that?

It wasn't 17 agencies...it was 3.....and then the others simply signed on to their findings..they did not investigate it all independently....and again...comey stated under oath that Trump was never under investigation for anything....
Perhaps this link will be enough to convince you that the Russian government was behind the hacking of Hillary's private server and of DNC computers. I think you are focused on collusion so you somehow read that into my narratives. Look again.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
...and still no Russian connection… LOL
I will trust Mueller to find out. He has just begun.

They are already trying to smear Mueller, which is more evidence of their guilt.
Guilty until proven innocent... huh? Lol
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
None are needed.

Candidates can legally reach out and begin talking with foreign reps, and they are not bound by the FOIA or other govt regs because, having not been elected yet, they are civilians.

Smug Democrats believe people need to play by their rules because they say so. When people don't follow their 'rules', Democrats demonize them and try to make them out to be criminals with something to hide.

When you pressure the snowflakes, though, demand they show evidence, as we have seen, they can not.

Again, there is a reason the Democrats have been 'trying' this entire 'scandal' in the media and in the public eye, where they have declared Trump is 'guilty', Trump is 'hiding something', and insisting it is Trump - the accused - who has to provide proof of being innocent instead of them having to provide proof of guilt...

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING...and in the media, with help from their All-In liberal media cohorts, is the only place they can 'try' their case against Trump and 'win'.

President Trump is one of the most intelligent men ever to hold the office. It was widely known at the time (July 2016) that Russia had been involved in hacking the DNC server to help Trump win

Wouldn't you expect a man as intelligent as Trump to have insisted that any meetings with Russia at this time be recorded? You know......Someone may ask why we are meeting with the Russians

Why doesn't Trump just release the records of these meetings so we know there was no collusion?
I still believe in collusion until I hear WHY key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians

Why don't you want to know why:

WHY the Clinton Foundation received a huge donation from the Russian who benefitted from the US-Russia Uranium Deal...

WHY Bill was giving speeches during the election for Putin Pals, ex-KGB...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager received thousands of shares of Russians stocks and never reported it, WHY 1/3rd of the board members of HIS company are prominent businessmen with extremely close ties to both the Kremlin and Putin...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager's brother was working for the 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's server / e-mails...???

Why don't snowflakes want to know any of that (as if we all did not know the answer)?

Doesn't preclude us from investigating Trump

Republicans are calling the shots. If they want to conduct another fruitless investigation into the Clintons, there is nobody to stop them
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
None are needed.

Candidates can legally reach out and begin talking with foreign reps, and they are not bound by the FOIA or other govt regs because, having not been elected yet, they are civilians.

Smug Democrats believe people need to play by their rules because they say so. When people don't follow their 'rules', Democrats demonize them and try to make them out to be criminals with something to hide.

When you pressure the snowflakes, though, demand they show evidence, as we have seen, they can not.

Again, there is a reason the Democrats have been 'trying' this entire 'scandal' in the media and in the public eye, where they have declared Trump is 'guilty', Trump is 'hiding something', and insisting it is Trump - the accused - who has to provide proof of being innocent instead of them having to provide proof of guilt...

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING...and in the media, with help from their All-In liberal media cohorts, is the only place they can 'try' their case against Trump and 'win'.

President Trump is one of the most intelligent men ever to hold the office. It was widely known at the time (July 2016) that Russia had been involved in hacking the DNC server to help Trump win

Wouldn't you expect a man as intelligent as Trump to have insisted that any meetings with Russia at this time be recorded? You know......Someone may ask why we are meeting with the Russians

Why doesn't Trump just release the records of these meetings so we know there was no collusion?
Why isn't Hillary in jail for Benghazi. Why haven't we busted Bill for collusions with the Russians and their so called charity scandal? Why haven't we spread out all of Hillary's emails for everyone to read or put her in prison for having them?
innocent until proven guilty. Trump is innocent until you provide proof, tapes, that he colluded.
I will admit I am wrong about collusion as soon as I get a credible explanation of why so many top aides to Trump were meeting with the Russians at the time the leaks were coming out

What is taking so long?

Just like a Cock Sucking Liberal Bolshevik Turd.

Presume that some Americans are Guilty until they prove they are innocent.


Just because you are innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean you don't investigate a crime and find out who was involved
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
None are needed.

Candidates can legally reach out and begin talking with foreign reps, and they are not bound by the FOIA or other govt regs because, having not been elected yet, they are civilians.

Smug Democrats believe people need to play by their rules because they say so. When people don't follow their 'rules', Democrats demonize them and try to make them out to be criminals with something to hide.

When you pressure the snowflakes, though, demand they show evidence, as we have seen, they can not.

Again, there is a reason the Democrats have been 'trying' this entire 'scandal' in the media and in the public eye, where they have declared Trump is 'guilty', Trump is 'hiding something', and insisting it is Trump - the accused - who has to provide proof of being innocent instead of them having to provide proof of guilt...

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING...and in the media, with help from their All-In liberal media cohorts, is the only place they can 'try' their case against Trump and 'win'.

President Trump is one of the most intelligent men ever to hold the office. It was widely known at the time (July 2016) that Russia had been involved in hacking the DNC server to help Trump win

Wouldn't you expect a man as intelligent as Trump to have insisted that any meetings with Russia at this time be recorded? You know......Someone may ask why we are meeting with the Russians

Why doesn't Trump just release the records of these meetings so we know there was no collusion?
Why isn't Hillary in jail for Benghazi. Why haven't we busted Bill for collusions with the Russians and their so called charity scandal? Why haven't we spread out all of Hillary's emails for everyone to read or put her in prison for having them?
innocent until proven guilty. Trump is innocent until you provide proof, tapes, that he colluded.

Why? Because Republicans thoroughly investigated and found nothing

Now, we have to investigate the Trump administration
Hell no. Now they're conjuring up tales of obstruction. Lol.
Wouldn't be if y'all weren't constantly obstructing the discussion with non sequiturs like bringing up Gore. Who are you trying to fool? It's all fake outrage over things like the use of a Trump look-alike in Julius Caesar, but totally ignoring or perhaps even secretly applauding when there was an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited female Hillary clone in the role.

When was Obama or Hillary used in such a role? #NeverHappened
Hell no. Now they're conjuring up tales of obstruction. Lol.
Wouldn't be if y'all weren't constantly obstructing the discussion with non sequiturs like bringing up Gore. Who are you trying to fool? It's all fake outrage over things like the use of a Trump look-alike in Julius Caesar, but totally ignoring or perhaps even secretly applauding when there was an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited female Hillary clone in the role.
When was Obama or Hillary used in such a role? #NeverHappened
Trump supporters' jaw-dropping hypocrisy (opinion) - CNN.com

I assume apologies are forthcoming?

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