Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Wise move.

There are many that attack Islam in disgusting ways they would never direct at other religions.

I wonder if any pro-Israel member here has ever posted anything as disgusting as Nox did.

I've seen disgusting posts calling for killing Muslims and banning Islam. I've seen posts labeling all Muslims either terrorists or supporters, calling their prophet pedophilic rapist and their religious book vile.

When that kind of talk is directed at Jews or Christians, posters loudly and vocally condemn it for what it is. When it's against Islam - many of those same posters jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon.

Yup. Disgusting. And people won't call it out.
Yet you hardly ever bring to light the disgusting posts by Muslims and those that attack Jews and Israel. Gee I wonder why that is?
Nuking Israel would not just nuke Jews but other religions too. Not only that but also a wider area would be affected including of course Gaza and Palestinian Authority areas so no, I do not think a video supporting nuking Israel is acceptable on a forum like this.

Dont worry noone would waste an atomic bomb for Israel : ) an ordinary Iranian troops would conquer it in 24 hours :texflag:
More Muslim Mental masturbation. I hear the mosque Imam teaches night courses for it. LOL

Which member showed a picture of his or her specific wish that Mecca should be nuked as Nox posted a video of how she or he wished Israel was nuked.

The wishes are quite clear in the thread. You think they need to explicitely state it? Seriously Caroline? Isn't that kind of making excuses for something vile?

Nox showed a video about a nuclear attack on Israel and no condemnation for him or her from you.

You stated people here put pictures of nuking Mecca and when I ask you which member did you can't back it up.

In other words it seems like some sort of double standard here, wouldn't you think?
Nuking Israel would not just nuke Jews but other religions too. Not only that but also a wider area would be affected including of course Gaza and Palestinian Authority areas so no, I do not think a video supporting nuking Israel is acceptable on a forum like this.

Dont worry noone would waste an atomic bomb for Israel : ) an ordinary Iranian troops would conquer it in 24 hours :texflag:

LMMFAO!!!!!!!! Those Iranian troops would get their heads shoved up their collective asses by the IDF.:eusa_hand:
Iran fought Iraq for 10 years and both sides lost a million people. And neither side won. All for nothing.
Which member showed a picture of his or her specific wish that Mecca should be nuked as Nox posted a video of how she or he wished Israel was nuked.

The wishes are quite clear in the thread. You think they need to explicitely state it? Seriously Caroline? Isn't that kind of making excuses for something vile?

Nox showed a video about a nuclear attack on Israel and no condemnation for him or her from you.

You stated people here put pictures of nuking Mecca and when I ask you which member did you can't back it up.

In other words it seems like some sort of double standard here, wouldn't you think?

It's in the link and the sentiments are clear - it's not a lengthy thread.

Seems like a double standard to me :)
The wishes are quite clear in the thread. You think they need to explicitely state it? Seriously Caroline? Isn't that kind of making excuses for something vile?

Nox showed a video about a nuclear attack on Israel and no condemnation for him or her from you.

You stated people here put pictures of nuking Mecca and when I ask you which member did you can't back it up.

In other words it seems like some sort of double standard here, wouldn't you think?

It's in the link and the sentiments are clear - it's not a lengthy thread.

Seems like a double standard to me :)

Nobody was showing a photo or video of their specific wish to nuke Mecca, as Nox showed a video of his or her wish to nuke Israel.

Then why haven't they?

You Muslims have been trying to exterminated the Jews ever since Hitler failed - why has Iran not stepped up to the plate?

Nope , muslims have helped you many times to save your ass , up to the time of Muhammad (sav) until today , but you always have made troubles , you had been expelled from every country you go , because you always was problem for people . There were thousands of jews even in Chenhnya but we had to clean up our land , because you were always bad people . You have really so so bad ideology : ) you cant fool me with crocodile tears :whip:

Dont worry noone would waste an atomic bomb for Israel : ) an ordinary Iranian troops would conquer it in 24 hours :texflag:


Then why haven't they?

You Muslims have been trying to exterminated the Jews ever since Hitler failed - why has Iran not stepped up to the plate?
Iran won't even GET TO step up to a plate. Israel will make sure of that. You can take that to the bank.






As soon as Iran fires its first test missile you can be sure Israel won't be far off attacking Iran's nuclear sites.

Then why haven't they?

You Muslims have been trying to exterminated the Jews ever since Hitler failed - why has Iran not stepped up to the plate?

Nope , muslims have helped you many times to save your ass , up to the time of Muhammad (sav) until today , but you always have made troubles , you had been expelled from every country you go , because you always was problem for people . There were thousands of jews even in Chenhnya but we had to clean up our land , because you were always bad people . You have really so so bad ideology : ) you cant fool me with crocodile tears :whip:

You must mean when US bombed the Serbs to oblivion to save Muslim ass. And in return, Muslims thank you note was received on 9-11, and half a billion Muslims dancing over the dead bodies of 3000 dead Americans.
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You must mean when US bombed the Serbs to oblivion to save Muslim ass. And Muslims thanked America by sending a thank you note on 9-11, and half a billion Muslims dancing over the dead bodies of 3000 dead Americans.

Usa does nothing unless it is in the interests of them . They bombed Serbia because they would be the only country of region and a russian ally . Usa always want conflict environment and unrest . Thus other countries cannot develop and they continue to be world's powerful country .

9-11 was made by zionists , not by shalwar men with knives .
You must mean when US bombed the Serbs to oblivion to save Muslim ass. And Muslims thanked America by sending a thank you note on 9-11, and half a billion Muslims dancing over the dead bodies of 3000 dead Americans.

Usa does nothing unless it is in the interests of them . They bombed Serbia because they would be the only country of region and a russian ally . Usa always want conflict environment and unrest . Thus other countries cannot develop and they continue to be world's powerful country .

9-11 was made by zionists , not by shalwar men with knives .


So, the Zionists did 9-11.

Get in that room with Sunni.

Nix'd brain:

9-11 was made by zionists , not by shalwar men with knives

LOL if you know Arabic, "shalwar" means those baggy tribal pants worn by Pakistani / Afghani / Taliban type men.






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Nix'd brain:

LOL if you know Arabic, "shalwar" means those baggy tribal pants worn by Pakistani / Afghani / Taliban type men.


They dont wear in this way because of they see that in Fashion TV , they're so poor . And you say this people come to Usa and blew 2 building up .

Really do you believe in what you say ? :cuckoo:


Then why haven't they?

You Muslims have been trying to exterminated the Jews ever since Hitler failed - why has Iran not stepped up to the plate?

Nope , muslims have helped you many times to save your ass , up to the time of Muhammad (sav) until today , but you always have made troubles , you had been expelled from every country you go , because you always was problem for people . There were thousands of jews even in Chenhnya but we had to clean up our land , because you were always bad people . You have really so so bad ideology : ) you cant fool me with crocodile tears :whip:


Yep, that's pretty clear.
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they dont wear in this way because of they see that in Fashion TV

I'm sure you were turned on by the suicide vest he was wearing.

And you say this people come to Usa and blew 2 building up .

Yes just like they committed all the other terrorism before and after. The evidence is irrefutable.

Yet, on one hand Muslims celebrate Osama bin Laden as a hero and a holy warrior, and on the other hand they blame the Jews. Make up your minds, you can't have it both ways.
Theres no way Nox is a real Muslim, no Muslim man would ever let his wife spend this much time on a computer talking to strange men.
Theres no way Nox is a real Muslim, no Muslim man would ever let his wife spend this much time on a computer talking to strange men.
Sounds pretty illiterate and ignorant. Maybe he's out trying to buy some pressure cookers. To cook food with, of course. What else.

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