Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Pour yourself a nice tall one and have a read:
Islam and alcohol: Tipsy taboo | The Economist
People (of any faith) don't have to be extremist nuts, they really don't.
IT IS Ramadan, Islam’s holy month of fasting. But even now Suleiman, a Muslim hotel worker in the Turkish town of Antakya, sees no reason not to drink alcohol, widely considered by Muslim believers to be forbidden by the Koran and the Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. “The Koran bans getting drunk, but a beer or two doesn’t hurt,” Suleiman says. “This is a matter between me and Allah.”

Agree with him , this is a matter between him and Allah , noone can intervene as long as he does nt disturb other people .

So conveniently now Muslims can drink? you are about as Muslim as a fire hydrant you fraud.:eusa_liar:
Nuking Israel would not just nuke Jews but other religions too. Not only that but also a wider area would be affected including of course Gaza and Palestinian Authority areas so no, I do not think a video supporting nuking Israel is acceptable on a forum like this.

Dont worry noone would waste an atomic bomb for Israel : ) an ordinary Iranian troops would conquer it in 24 hours :texflag:
More Muslim Mental masturbation. I hear the mosque Imam teaches night courses for it. LOL

Nox is Baghdad Bob's harem girl. In 1948, the pathetic Muzzie armies broadcast how they were overrunning the Israelis in order to blame the defeat on infidel European interference.
So conveniently now Muslims can drink? you are about as Muslim as a fire hydrant you fraud.:eusa_liar:

Nope , I didnt say such a thing , you're just making it up in your mind : )

I said noone could interfere with it , everyone is free . But he cant bother other people . For example you cant wander between people as drunk .
Nix'd brain:

LOL if you know Arabic, "shalwar" means those baggy tribal pants worn by Pakistani / Afghani / Taliban type men.


They dont wear in this way because of they see that in Fashion TV , they're so poor . And you say this people come to Usa and blew 2 building up .

Really do you believe in what you say ? :cuckoo:


They're not poor; they are financed by OPEC. Partition the Muslim oilfields among US, China, Russia, and other advanced countries and this jihad is over. Our criminal ruling class of thieves and traitors is turning us into Dhimmis.
Allah didn't say that, Mohammad the illiterate thug said the Bible and Torah changed. And anybody who disagreed with what Mohammad said, he killed.

How exactly did the illiterate Mohammad conclude that the bible or Torah changed if he couldn't even read a single word they said? Or are we just supposed to believe what a caravan robbing desert warrior says.

Well the other illiterate desert Arabian savages believed him, probably because Mohammad promised them 72 virgins in heaven if they follow him not to mention they got to invade, loot, and rape other lands and peoples in the name of Allah.

I cant waste my time with you , sorry :eusa_hand: as I said before I dont like to discuss about religions .

Wise move.

There are many that attack Islam in disgusting ways they would never direct at other religions.

Might this be because other religions are marginally less disgusting than Islam?
Theres no way Nox is a real Muslim, no Muslim man would ever let his wife spend this much time on a computer talking to strange men.
Sounds pretty illiterate and ignorant. Maybe he's out trying to buy some pressure cookers. To cook food with, of course. What else.

Even the "moderate" Muslims don't let their women sit around all day talking to Yankee and Jewish men all day on the computer, thats unheard of. I'm not falling for this.

I feel like a Dhimmi defending her, but her men would let her get on here and attack Jews and Netwits by praising Allah, just like they'd let her become a suicide bomber.
Excuse me?:cuckoo:

If you like Romney, you can use syrian syrup on your waffles. If John Kerry floats your (swift)boat, you can drip it onto your French toast.

You REALLY need to dial back the LSD, dude!

You resent that I make fun of your silly ignorant copycat debate. You don't know what this conflict is about because you foolishly look up to the scribbling prostitutes on the Left and Right who don't get it either. In our time, anyone who gets paid to write, broadcast, teach, or film is of the same ilk as those who get paid to have sex.
So conveniently now Muslims can drink? you are about as Muslim as a fire hydrant you fraud.:eusa_liar:

Nope , I didnt say such a thing , you're just making it up in your mind : )

I said noone could interfere with it , everyone is free . But he cant bother other people . For example you cant wander between people as drunk .

So everyone is free now?:cuckoo: Jesus you are about as Muslim as Charlie Sheen.
So everyone is free now?:cuckoo: Jesus you are about as Muslim as Charlie Sheen.

Why I'm not muslim : ) because you dont like to see truth ?

2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

Allah just warn you , you are free to believe him or not to believe : )
Why I'm not muslim : ) because you dont like to see truth ?

2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

Allah just warn you , you are free to believe him or not to believe : )

Yeah, we noticed...

{Iran Sentences Pastor to Execution for Converting to Christianity}
Iran Sentences Pastor to Execution for Converting to Christianity ? The Gospel Coalition Blog

{A member of Afghanistan's Parliament has suggested that all those who have converted from Islam to Christianity should be executed, according to Islamic Sharia Law, in order to stop the rapid growth of Christianity among Afghans within and outside the country. }

Afghani MP: Execute Afghan Christian Convert in Accordance with Islamic law - Atlas Shrugs

Liars for Allah....
So conveniently now Muslims can drink? you are about as Muslim as a fire hydrant you fraud.:eusa_liar:

Nope , I didnt say such a thing , you're just making it up in your mind : )

I said noone could interfere with it , everyone is free . But he cant bother other people . For example you cant wander between people as drunk .
Alcohol is illegal is most Muslim countries and it's consumption carries a heavy punishment. Distribution can bring the death penalty. You are a fraud. Probably another idiot convert to Islam.
Why I'm not muslim : ) because you dont like to see truth ?

2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

Allah just warn you , you are free to believe him or not to believe : )

Yeah, we noticed...

{Iran Sentences Pastor to Execution for Converting to Christianity}
Iran Sentences Pastor to Execution for Converting to Christianity ? The Gospel Coalition Blog

{A member of Afghanistan's Parliament has suggested that all those who have converted from Islam to Christianity should be executed, according to Islamic Sharia Law, in order to stop the rapid growth of Christianity among Afghans within and outside the country. }

Afghani MP: Execute Afghan Christian Convert in Accordance with Islamic law - Atlas Shrugs

Liars for Allah....
They always talk the talk but never walk the walk.
Alcohol is illegal is most Muslim countries and it's consumption carries a heavy punishment. Distribution can bring the death penalty. You are a fraud. Probably another idiot convert to Islam.

This doesnt change what Allah say . Countries can organize their constitution the way they want .

LoL no I'm a muslim since my mind began to feel : ) so I was about 7 or 8 .
Alcohol is illegal is most Muslim countries and it's consumption carries a heavy punishment. Distribution can bring the death penalty. You are a fraud. Probably another idiot convert to Islam.

This doesnt change what Allah say . Countries can organize their constitution the way they want .

LoL no I'm a muslim since my mind began to feel : ) so I was about 7 or 8 .
Actually, fake Muslim, Islam SPECIFICALLY forbids consumption of alcohol both in the Koran as well as it's Shariah law which considers alcohol to not to be Halal. In other words, unlike other religions, not drinking alcohol is like a commandment for Muslims.

Islamic dietary laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Islam, consumption of any intoxicants (specifically, alcoholic beverages) is generally forbidden in the Qur'an through several separate verses revealed at different times over a period of years. At first, it was forbidden for Muslims to attend prayers while intoxicated.
you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications, that you may ponder.| Qurʼan, Surah 2 (al-Baqarah), ayah 219[5]
This was the next step in turning people away from consumption of it. Finally, "intoxicants and games of chance" were called "abominations of Satan's handiwork," intended to turn people away from God and forget about prayer, and Muslims were ordered to avoid.
O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, al-ansāb , and al-azlām (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shayṭān's (Satan's) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.
— Qurʼan, Surah 5 (al-Maʼidah), ayah 90[6]
Alcohol is illegal is most Muslim countries and it's consumption carries a heavy punishment. Distribution can bring the death penalty. You are a fraud. Probably another idiot convert to Islam.

This doesnt change what Allah say . Countries can organize their constitution the way they want .

LoL no I'm a muslim since my mind began to feel : ) so I was about 7 or 8 .
Sure sure. I mean Islam treats women so well, why NOT become a Muslim? Ha ha ha.

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