Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Theres no way Nox is a real Muslim, no Muslim man would ever let his wife spend this much time on a computer talking to strange men.

Opsss stop there , I can tolerate everything but you cant comment about people's private lifes . Okay : ) please ...
Theres no way Nox is a real Muslim, no Muslim man would ever let his wife spend this much time on a computer talking to strange men.
Sounds pretty illiterate and ignorant. Maybe he's out trying to buy some pressure cookers. To cook food with, of course. What else.

Even the "moderate" Muslims don't let their women sit around all day talking to Yankee and Jewish men all day on the computer, thats unheard of. I'm not falling for this.
Even the "moderate" Muslims don't let their women sit around all day talking to Yankee and Jewish men all day on the computer, thats unheard of. I'm not falling for this.

You dont know what is my job and you dont know anything about my life , and thus please shhtttttt ! :eusa_shhh:
Even the "moderate" Muslims don't let their women sit around all day talking to Yankee and Jewish men all day on the computer, thats unheard of. I'm not falling for this.

You dont know what is my job and you dont know anything about my life , and thus please shhtttttt ! :eusa_shhh:
Islamist internet propagandist by day, jihadist by night? Does the mosque pay you in explosives?
Even the "moderate" Muslims don't let their women sit around all day talking to Yankee and Jewish men all day on the computer, thats unheard of. I'm not falling for this.

You dont know what is my job and you dont know anything about my life , and thus please shhtttttt ! :eusa_shhh:

Hehehehehehehe, I figured you out.
I don't know what it is about them, but Islamist morons like Nox are sure are fun to play with.
Hehehehehehehe, I figured you out.
I don't know what it is about them, but Islamist morons like Nox are sure are fun to play with.

This is the most excitement the boards have had in weeks.
Nothing compared to Nix'd brain.

Nuking Israel would not just nuke Jews but other religions too. Not only that but also a wider area would be affected including of course Gaza and Palestinian Authority areas so no, I do not think a video supporting nuking Israel is acceptable on a forum like this.

Dont worry noone would waste an atomic bomb for Israel : ) an ordinary Iranian troops would conquer it in 24 hours :texflag:

You don't really believe that.
Pour yourself a nice tall one and have a read:
Islam and alcohol: Tipsy taboo | The Economist
People (of any faith) don't have to be extremist nuts, they really don't.
IT IS Ramadan, Islam’s holy month of fasting. But even now Suleiman, a Muslim hotel worker in the Turkish town of Antakya, sees no reason not to drink alcohol, widely considered by Muslim believers to be forbidden by the Koran and the Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. “The Koran bans getting drunk, but a beer or two doesn’t hurt,” Suleiman says. “This is a matter between me and Allah.”

Agree with him , this is a matter between him and Allah , noone can intervene as long as he does nt disturb other people .
Even the "moderate" Muslims don't let their women sit around all day talking to Yankee and Jewish men all day on the computer, thats unheard of. I'm not falling for this.

You dont know what is my job and you dont know anything about my life , and thus please shhtttttt ! :eusa_shhh:

Allah didn't say that, Mohammad the illiterate thug said the Bible and Torah changed. And anybody who disagreed with what Mohammad said, he killed.

How exactly did the illiterate Mohammad conclude that the bible or Torah changed if he couldn't even read a single word they said? Or are we just supposed to believe what a caravan robbing desert warrior says.

Well the other illiterate desert Arabian savages believed him, probably because Mohammad promised them 72 virgins in heaven if they follow him not to mention they got to invade, loot, and rape other lands and peoples in the name of Allah.

I cant waste my time with you , sorry :eusa_hand: as I said before I dont like to discuss about religions .

Wise move.

There are many that attack Islam in disgusting ways they would never direct at other religions.

Very few religions are as outright VILE as the pedophile's murder cult.

Which member showed a picture of his or her specific wish that Mecca should be nuked as Nox posted a video of how she or he wished Israel was nuked.

Typical silly copycat Moral Equivalence fallacy. "You attack us Nazis about the Holocaust, but what about what you did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Same thing!" You might as well say that punishment is as bad as crime.

They supposedly weren't told.


The cavemen were Muslims too, thats why they had beards.
Even though they were somewhat more advanced intellectually that 7th Saudi Arabians.

That is literally true, if you are referring to the distinct clans of cavemen who evolved into the superior races. The rest were eventually driven into the desert and other No Man's Lands. That is literally true also, because no man becomes a Muslim. They are wild predatory beasts that are living on borrowed time.

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