Justice Department not going after McCabe

Because when it is conservatives, it is a fucking witch hunt that will find something, even if they have to create it during the investigation,

while good little Deep State drones, get a pass for committing felonies.
McCabe’s “felony” was also created during the investigation.

HOw so?
McCabe is accused of lying to the IG who was investigating who leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal.

His crime was created by the investigation.

I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.
McCabe’s “felony” was also created during the investigation.

HOw so?
McCabe is accused of lying to the IG who was investigating who leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal.

His crime was created by the investigation.

I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?
McCabe is accused of lying to the IG who was investigating who leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal.

His crime was created by the investigation.

I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.
Because when it is conservatives, it is a fucking witch hunt that will find something, even if they have to create it during the investigation,

while good little Deep State drones, get a pass for committing felonies.
McCabe’s “felony” was also created during the investigation.

HOw so?
McCabe is accused of lying to the IG who was investigating who leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal.

His crime was created by the investigation.

I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?
Because it’s not...
Looks like the plan to fire McCabe hours before retirement to cheat him out of his retirement and have him charged on "trumped up" charges failed. He is free and clear and will be collecting his $2,000,000 retirement pay after all.
'trumped up charges'?

The US IG gave evidence of him lying under oath 4 times and leaking classified, which Comey himself testified to under oath.

The DOJ saying it will not pursue Indictment is not the same as saying he is innocent of all charges / accusations.

McCabe withheld exculpatory evidence, helping to bankrupt / destroy other people's / family's lives...the SOB deserved the same and to go to jail.
It simply means that AG Barr and the Justice department did not find any charges, that competent lawyers would be able to get a conviction on in front of a judge and 12 man jury. He was not charged. He will now collect he $2 Million dollar retirement he accrued after many years of faithful service to his country, even though they tried to fire him within a few hours of his planned retirement to screw him out of it. No problem. I wish him the best in his retirement, as I am sure you do also.
McCabe is accused of lying to the IG who was investigating who leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal.

His crime was created by the investigation.

I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.
Why are you assholes defending Carter fucking Page? He’s a stooge who was not even working for the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued and he was FIRED for almost exactly what the FISA warrant was about
Looks like the plan to fire McCabe hours before retirement to cheat him out of his retirement and have him charged on "trumped up" charges failed. He is free and clear and will be collecting his $2,000,000 retirement pay after all.

The deep state takes care of it's own

But that was clear from the beginning, there's no way any of the high level criminals will ever go to jail. The best you can hope for is that some of the minor puppets will be sacrificed... like Strzok and his mistress....


You guys in the politburo must be pretty vindictive. Try to be more philosophical comrade. When it comes to legal actions, some you lose and some you lose. It is the nature of not having a legal leg to stand on. Would you like some cheese with your whine?
Looks like the plan to fire McCabe hours before retirement to cheat him out of his retirement and have him charged on "trumped up" charges failed. He is free and clear and will be collecting his $2,000,000 retirement pay after all.
'trumped up charges'?

The US IG gave evidence of him lying under oath 4 times and leaking classified, which Comey himself testified to under oath.

The DOJ saying it will not pursue Indictment is not the same as saying he is innocent of all charges / accusations.

McCabe withheld exculpatory evidence, helping to bankrupt / destroy other people's / family's lives...the SOB deserved the same and to go to jail.
McCabe TOTALLY EXONERATED suck on that!
And yet..........still under investigation by the DOJ on other crimes.

Doubt if we'll see anything. He's in the clear. Either means he is totally innocent or trump failed to Barr B Que him because it takes more than political spite.
McCabe is accused of lying to the IG who was investigating who leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal.

His crime was created by the investigation.

I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.

And then made sure that no knowledge of the investigation was made public prior to the election.
Why is it that all the crybaby males are trump supporters?

Says the asshole that is only an asshole online, and not to their faces.
Name calling from the poster who continuously cries about others namecalling. :71:

Said the dishonest hack still pretending to be confused about my point, because it gives him an excuse to e an asshole.
I see you are still name-calling while crying about others name-calling. It fits the orange cult MO.
This isn't about McCabe being found innocent. This is about not finding enough evidence to indict or convict. You don't want a justice system where a person can be investigated without reasonable cause, or arrested and indicted if the evidence is insufficient as far as the rules of evidence in a court dictate. I couldn't say whether McCabe actually committed a provable crime, with the emphasis on 'provable', so no charges will be filed. That's the way it is supposed to work; sadly, it doesn't sometimes as politics and money tilts the scales of justice.
Funny though, isn't it that the IG found enough evidence to make it a CRIMINAL REFERAL....One would ASSUME that in order for that, there would be MORE THAN ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO CONVICT....UNLESS something like SEDITION AT A MINIMUM, or Treason was STILL ON THE MINDS of the AG....Makes sense to me. Other left wing, anti-Americans would disagree!

The Justice Department on Friday informed legal counsel for former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe that it would not seek to file criminal charges against McCabe over his misleading federal investigators in connection with a 2016 press leak.
DOJ Declines to Pursue Criminal Charges against Andrew McCabe | National Review

Either he cut a deal to rat out other miscreants or the fact is that they couldn't prove he lied under oath. IOW, what he said probably could have been interpreted in more than one way. But I don't think this means he's out of the woods just yet, the DOJ can file other charges or even this one again if new information surfaces. Double jeopardy does not apply if you weren't indicted.

This only clears him for leaking to the press. It doesn't clear him of submitting false documents to the FISA court. He is still on the hook for that crime.

I thought he was charged with lying to investigators about leaking stuff to the press. Do not forget, just because he was not indicted for now doesn't mean he's off the hook for that, they can re-open that charge and go after him again if they find new information. Double jeopardy means you can't be tried twice for the same thing, but that doesn't mean it's over and done with. This was in the letter that was sent to McCabe's lawyers:

"We write to inform you that, after careful consideration, the Government has decided not to pursue criminal charges against your client, Andrew G. McCabe, arising from the referral" made by the Inspector General's office to investigate his behavior, the DC US Attorney's Office wrote. McCabe's attorneys released the letter on Friday. "Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information known to the Government at this time, we consider the matter closed."
Justice Department drops McCabe criminal investigation - CNNPolitics

I don't think McCabe's troubles are over by any means.
This isn't about McCabe being found innocent. This is about not finding enough evidence to indict or convict. You don't want a justice system where a person can be investigated without reasonable cause, or arrested and indicted if the evidence is insufficient as far as the rules of evidence in a court dictate. I couldn't say whether McCabe actually committed a provable crime, with the emphasis on 'provable', so no charges will be filed. That's the way it is supposed to work; sadly, it doesn't sometimes as politics and money tilts the scales of justice.
Funny though, isn't it that the IG found enough evidence to make it a CRIMINAL REFERAL....One would ASSUME that in order for that, there would be MORE THAN ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO CONVICT....UNLESS something like SEDITION AT A MINIMUM, or Treason was STILL ON THE MINDS of the AG....Makes sense to me. Other left wing, anti-Americans would disagree!

The Justice Department on Friday informed legal counsel for former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe that it would not seek to file criminal charges against McCabe over his misleading federal investigators in connection with a 2016 press leak.
DOJ Declines to Pursue Criminal Charges against Andrew McCabe | National Review

Either he cut a deal to rat out other miscreants or the fact is that they couldn't prove he lied under oath. IOW, what he said probably could have been interpreted in more than one way. But I don't think this means he's out of the woods just yet, the DOJ can file other charges or even this one again if new information surfaces. Double jeopardy does not apply if you weren't indicted.

This only clears him for leaking to the press. It doesn't clear him of submitting false documents to the FISA court. He is still on the hook for that crime.

I thought he was charged with lying to investigators about leaking stuff to the press. Do not forget, just because he was not indicted for now doesn't mean he's off the hook for that, they can re-open that charge and go after him again if they find new information. Double jeopardy means you can't be tried twice for the same thing, but that doesn't mean it's over and done with. This was in the letter that was sent to McCabe's lawyers:

"We write to inform you that, after careful consideration, the Government has decided not to pursue criminal charges against your client, Andrew G. McCabe, arising from the referral" made by the Inspector General's office to investigate his behavior, the DC US Attorney's Office wrote. McCabe's attorneys released the letter on Friday. "Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information known to the Government at this time, we consider the matter closed."
Justice Department drops McCabe criminal investigation - CNNPolitics

I don't think McCabe's troubles are over by any means.

there maybe another reason in this instance, or at least a contributing factor. If the DOJ brought charges against McCabe on this IG referral the trail would held in a DC area court which means a DC area jury and as we have seen they rarely if ever convict a dem or anyone doing the dems political dirty work even if the crime was on tape and a dozen witnesses to back it up.
Now we know why the DOJ dropped the case against McCabe...today.

A federal judge compared White House involvement in an investigation of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to a “banana republic,” and accused people “at the top” of undermining the “integrity” of the judicial process, new documents revealed Friday.

The chilling statements were disclosed in records obtained by the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington in a lawsuit. The attack by U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton on White House pressure emerged amid mounting controversy over Attorney General William Barr’s manipulation of criminal cases involving allies of President Donald Trump or those he perceives as enemies.


Yes the documents were released the same day the DOJ dropped their case.

Interesting isn't it?

The facts of the situation just aren't on the side of trump or his followers.

The grand jury REFUSED to indict him. We all know that it doesn't take much for a grand jury to indict someone. The fact that they refused to do so is a huge red flag that this is nothing but political persecution.

This one didn't work but I'm sure that trump will find another way to persecute Andrew McCabe.
I want people to pay for lying to the fisa court. Everyone involved before and after.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.

And then made sure that no knowledge of the investigation was made public prior to the election.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?
Why is it that all the crybaby males are trump supporters?

Says the asshole that is only an asshole online, and not to their faces.
Name calling from the poster who continuously cries about others namecalling. :71:

Said the dishonest hack still pretending to be confused about my point, because it gives him an excuse to e an asshole.
I see you are still name-calling while crying about others name-calling. It fits the orange cult MO.

Is that what you think is at issue with McCabe?

I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.

And then made sure that no knowledge of the investigation was made public prior to the election.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?

Hard to accuse them of trying to affect the outcome of the election when they made sure it was kept secret.
I think the leadership at the fbi, knew that the investigation was a political move based on ginned up lies and supported it as such.

THe organization as a whole, is tainted and needs purged and reformed at least.

So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.

And then made sure that no knowledge of the investigation was made public prior to the election.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?

Hard to accuse them of trying to affect the outcome of the election when they made sure it was kept secret.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?
So is this the idea that the FBI was out to get Trump in order help Clinton?

"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.

And then made sure that no knowledge of the investigation was made public prior to the election.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?

Hard to accuse them of trying to affect the outcome of the election when they made sure it was kept secret.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?

I can’t make it any simpler cousin.
"idea"? They used known lies and even JOKES, to get a warrant.

And then made sure that no knowledge of the investigation was made public prior to the election.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?

Hard to accuse them of trying to affect the outcome of the election when they made sure it was kept secret.

Which justifies their actions, how exactly?

I can’t make it any simpler cousin.

A crime was committed. YOu are ok with the people involved getting a pass, because you don't see how the crime was going to be turned to their advantage?

That might be simple. It sounds like, you just are siding with the criminals, because you agree with them.

If that is not it, then it is not simple. Keep talking. Explain yourself.
The Establishment will protect it's own...................they are dirty to the core............both sides.............

ENJOY THE SHOW.................Pawns will fall before the next election and the show will continue...................scripted of course........................and the pawns that fall are to give the people a kinda of win on taking a few corrupt PEONS OUT.........

Donald Trump's 'Deep State' conspiracy theory just took a big hit - CNNPolitics

CNN ...........LOL


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