Justice Department not going after McCabe

They decided to not indict her, despite the findings that she broke the law.

Strzok changed the wording AFTER that, and everyone involved just let it slide, no questions asked.

And that reflects on the organization as a whole.

No. They didn’t find she broke the law. No one that wrote the statement thought she broke the law. Everyone “let it slide” because they all agreed with the conclusion that she didn’t break the law. You’re clinging to this minute detail and blowing it out of proportion because that’s all you have.

The wording of the final report and the wording of the law is clear. She broke the law. And the FBI choose to let it slide.

Strzok changed the wording AFTER that.

You’re confusing a few issues. Strzok changed the wording of a draft of a statement Comey made at his press conference. The wording was changed in the draft because it did not reflect their legal conclusions. The draft was edited by the highest level FBI team on the case and no one involved in that statement thought there was a case against Clinton.

It was never the final wording and it was not in the report. You have your facts mistaken.

If the wording never showed that there was a case against CLinton, then why would it have to be changed to reflect the legal conclusions? Your words there. And they don't make sense.

Why do you think the wording was the most important determinant of whether there was a case?

They were drafting a statement accurately reflect their conclusions. They initially wrote gross negligence but changed that because it wasn’t accurate. That’s what happens when you draft something. You make changes.

What makes you think that that was the way it went, rather than what I wrote?
No. They didn’t find she broke the law. No one that wrote the statement thought she broke the law. Everyone “let it slide” because they all agreed with the conclusion that she didn’t break the law. You’re clinging to this minute detail and blowing it out of proportion because that’s all you have.

The wording of the final report and the wording of the law is clear. She broke the law. And the FBI choose to let it slide.

Strzok changed the wording AFTER that.

You’re confusing a few issues. Strzok changed the wording of a draft of a statement Comey made at his press conference. The wording was changed in the draft because it did not reflect their legal conclusions. The draft was edited by the highest level FBI team on the case and no one involved in that statement thought there was a case against Clinton.

It was never the final wording and it was not in the report. You have your facts mistaken.

If the wording never showed that there was a case against CLinton, then why would it have to be changed to reflect the legal conclusions? Your words there. And they don't make sense.

Why do you think the wording was the most important determinant of whether there was a case?

They were drafting a statement accurately reflect their conclusions. They initially wrote gross negligence but changed that because it wasn’t accurate. That’s what happens when you draft something. You make changes.

What makes you think that that was the way it went, rather than what I wrote?

Because that's what every investigation and every FBI said happened, when asked about that draft. In discussing their findings, they went through every potential charge and went throught the bullet points for each and every potential charge, and could not find a crime.

Everyone who disagreed with Comey that re-investigated the matter, exonerated Hillary. The IG didn't like a lot of things Comey did, like the Press Conference, and re-opening the investigation right before the election and then again dismissing concerns, but he agreed with Comey's conclusion that Hillary committed no Crimes.

As did Mike Pompeo.

As did Prosecutor Huber.

As did Chuck Grassley who was sure she was guilty before he investigated.
No. They didn’t find she broke the law. No one that wrote the statement thought she broke the law. Everyone “let it slide” because they all agreed with the conclusion that she didn’t break the law. You’re clinging to this minute detail and blowing it out of proportion because that’s all you have.

The wording of the final report and the wording of the law is clear. She broke the law. And the FBI choose to let it slide.

Strzok changed the wording AFTER that.

You’re confusing a few issues. Strzok changed the wording of a draft of a statement Comey made at his press conference. The wording was changed in the draft because it did not reflect their legal conclusions. The draft was edited by the highest level FBI team on the case and no one involved in that statement thought there was a case against Clinton.

It was never the final wording and it was not in the report. You have your facts mistaken.

If the wording never showed that there was a case against CLinton, then why would it have to be changed to reflect the legal conclusions? Your words there. And they don't make sense.

Why do you think the wording was the most important determinant of whether there was a case?

They were drafting a statement accurately reflect their conclusions. They initially wrote gross negligence but changed that because it wasn’t accurate. That’s what happens when you draft something. You make changes.

What makes you think that that was the way it went, rather than what I wrote?
Testimony before Congress and the IG. Seriously. This horse has been best to death. Who do you think decided there was no case against Clinton and who do you think wrote that statement?
The wording of the final report and the wording of the law is clear. She broke the law. And the FBI choose to let it slide.

Strzok changed the wording AFTER that.

You’re confusing a few issues. Strzok changed the wording of a draft of a statement Comey made at his press conference. The wording was changed in the draft because it did not reflect their legal conclusions. The draft was edited by the highest level FBI team on the case and no one involved in that statement thought there was a case against Clinton.

It was never the final wording and it was not in the report. You have your facts mistaken.

If the wording never showed that there was a case against CLinton, then why would it have to be changed to reflect the legal conclusions? Your words there. And they don't make sense.

Why do you think the wording was the most important determinant of whether there was a case?

They were drafting a statement accurately reflect their conclusions. They initially wrote gross negligence but changed that because it wasn’t accurate. That’s what happens when you draft something. You make changes.

What makes you think that that was the way it went, rather than what I wrote?

Because that's what every investigation and every FBI said happened, when asked about that draft. In discussing their findings, they went through every potential charge and went throught the bullet points for each and every potential charge, and could not find a crime.

Everyone who disagreed with Comey that re-investigated the matter, exonerated Hillary. The IG didn't like a lot of things Comey did, like the Press Conference, and re-opening the investigation right before the election and then again dismissing concerns, but he agreed with Comey's conclusion that Hillary committed no Crimes.

As did Mike Pompeo.

As did Prosecutor Huber.

As did Chuck Grassley who was sure she was guilty before he investigated.

Because that's what every investigation and every FBI said happened

How many FBIs do you think America has, ya crazy Canuck?

You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.
Memos detail FBI's 'Hurry the F up pressure' to probe Trump campaign

In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.

Because the FBI doesn't investigate Russian propaganda conspiracy theories.

Even I know that in order to be charged under the Espionage Act, she would have had to knowingly given classified material to a foreign government, or allowed them access to it. The FBI found no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked or comprised.

No Clinton classified email has every turned up anywhere. All of the Hillary emails which WikiLeaks posted, they obtained under a FOI request through the State Department. The Clinton emails that turned up on Anthony Weiner's laptop contained no classified information or government secrets.

There was absolutely no violations of the espionage act. All the people who cleared Clinton looked at the actual evidence, not Russian Conspiracy theory websites. Even Pompeo and Grassley exonerated her.

Stop lying buying into conspiracy theories, lies and allegations made by FOX News. Hillary Clinton did not murder Seth Rich. Go with the evidence in front of you, not what you want to believe.

Republicans knew in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using Bill's private server for State Department email. They passed a law after she left office in 2012 saying that private servers could not be used for government business. It wasn't until four years after she left office, and she was running for President, that Republicans insisted the FBI investigate Clinton emails, after the 7th Benghazi investigation found nothing, in order to slander Hillary to the voters.

Talk about a "hoax" investigation. Why didn't they investigate her in 2012 when the passed the law against her private server? Why didn't they raise the issue then? Why are Trumpists still chanting "lock her up" even though they can't even find a crime she committed or a single witness to testify against her?

Trump is the lying criminal who has confessed to actual crimes on national TV. How dare we investigate him or charge him with the crimes he and his staffers confess to? What kind of idiot think like this.
Looks like the plan to fire McCabe hours before retirement to cheat him out of his retirement and have him charged on "trumped up" charges failed. He is free and clear and will be collecting his $2,000,000 retirement pay after all.
'trumped up charges'?

The US IG gave evidence of him lying under oath 4 times and leaking classified, which Comey himself testified to under oath.

The DOJ saying it will not pursue Indictment is not the same as saying he is innocent of all charges / accusations.

McCabe withheld exculpatory evidence, helping to bankrupt / destroy other people's / family's lives...the SOB deserved the same and to go to jail.
It simply means that AG Barr and the Justice department did not find any charges, that competent lawyers would be able to get a conviction on in front of a judge and 12 man jury. He was not charged. He will now collect he $2 Million dollar retirement he accrued after many years of faithful service to his country, even though they tried to fire him within a few hours of his planned retirement to screw him out of it. No problem. I wish him the best in his retirement, as I am sure you do also.
He is still fired and has no retirement.
He'll get it, ya dumb doofus.
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.

Because the FBI doesn't investigate Russian propaganda conspiracy theories.

Even I know that in order to be charged under the Espionage Act, she would have had to knowingly given classified material to a foreign government, or allowed them access to it. The FBI found no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked or comprised.

No Clinton classified email has every turned up anywhere. All of the Hillary emails which WikiLeaks posted, they obtained under a FOI request through the State Department. The Clinton emails that turned up on Anthony Weiner's laptop contained no classified information or government secrets.

There was absolutely no violations of the espionage act. All the people who cleared Clinton looked at the actual evidence, not Russian Conspiracy theory websites. Even Pompeo and Grassley exonerated her.

Stop lying buying into conspiracy theories, lies and allegations made by FOX News. Hillary Clinton did not murder Seth Rich. Go with the evidence in front of you, not what you want to believe.

Republicans knew in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using Bill's private server for State Department email. They passed a law after she left office in 2012 saying that private servers could not be used for government business. It wasn't until four years after she left office, and she was running for President, that Republicans insisted the FBI investigate Clinton emails, after the 7th Benghazi investigation found nothing, in order to slander Hillary to the voters.

Talk about a "hoax" investigation. Why didn't they investigate her in 2012 when the passed the law against her private server? Why didn't they raise the issue then? Why are Trumpists still chanting "lock her up" even though they can't even find a crime she committed or a single witness to testify against her?

Trump is the lying criminal who has confessed to actual crimes on national TV. How dare we investigate him or charge him with the crimes he and his staffers confess to? What kind of idiot think like this.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.............probably have NEVER SIGNED the documents for handling them............and Probably Never HELD A SECURITY CLEARANCE in your life.

Rules on the handling of Classified material are CLEAR.......and they sure as hell aren't supposed to be kept in a dang bathroom outside of OFFICIAL CHANNELS AND STORAGE MEANS.........

Hillary has been around this stuff a VERY LONG TIME..........so please don't pass this off she didn't know EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING.
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.

Because the FBI doesn't investigate Russian propaganda conspiracy theories.

Even I know that in order to be charged under the Espionage Act, she would have had to knowingly given classified material to a foreign government, or allowed them access to it. The FBI found no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked or comprised.

No Clinton classified email has every turned up anywhere. All of the Hillary emails which WikiLeaks posted, they obtained under a FOI request through the State Department. The Clinton emails that turned up on Anthony Weiner's laptop contained no classified information or government secrets.

There was absolutely no violations of the espionage act. All the people who cleared Clinton looked at the actual evidence, not Russian Conspiracy theory websites. Even Pompeo and Grassley exonerated her.

Stop lying buying into conspiracy theories, lies and allegations made by FOX News. Hillary Clinton did not murder Seth Rich. Go with the evidence in front of you, not what you want to believe.

Republicans knew in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using Bill's private server for State Department email. They passed a law after she left office in 2012 saying that private servers could not be used for government business. It wasn't until four years after she left office, and she was running for President, that Republicans insisted the FBI investigate Clinton emails, after the 7th Benghazi investigation found nothing, in order to slander Hillary to the voters.

Talk about a "hoax" investigation. Why didn't they investigate her in 2012 when the passed the law against her private server? Why didn't they raise the issue then? Why are Trumpists still chanting "lock her up" even though they can't even find a crime she committed or a single witness to testify against her?

Trump is the lying criminal who has confessed to actual crimes on national TV. How dare we investigate him or charge him with the crimes he and his staffers confess to? What kind of idiot think like this.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.............probably have NEVER SIGNED the documents for handling them............and Probably Never HELD A SECURITY CLEARANCE in your life.

Rules on the handling of Classified material are CLEAR.......and they sure as hell aren't supposed to be kept in a dang bathroom outside of OFFICIAL CHANNELS AND STORAGE MEANS.........

Hillary has been around this stuff a VERY LONG TIME..........so please don't pass this off she didn't know EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING.
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.

Because the FBI doesn't investigate Russian propaganda conspiracy theories.

Even I know that in order to be charged under the Espionage Act, she would have had to knowingly given classified material to a foreign government, or allowed them access to it. The FBI found no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked or comprised.

No Clinton classified email has every turned up anywhere. All of the Hillary emails which WikiLeaks posted, they obtained under a FOI request through the State Department. The Clinton emails that turned up on Anthony Weiner's laptop contained no classified information or government secrets.

There was absolutely no violations of the espionage act. All the people who cleared Clinton looked at the actual evidence, not Russian Conspiracy theory websites. Even Pompeo and Grassley exonerated her.

Stop lying buying into conspiracy theories, lies and allegations made by FOX News. Hillary Clinton did not murder Seth Rich. Go with the evidence in front of you, not what you want to believe.

Republicans knew in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using Bill's private server for State Department email. They passed a law after she left office in 2012 saying that private servers could not be used for government business. It wasn't until four years after she left office, and she was running for President, that Republicans insisted the FBI investigate Clinton emails, after the 7th Benghazi investigation found nothing, in order to slander Hillary to the voters.

Talk about a "hoax" investigation. Why didn't they investigate her in 2012 when the passed the law against her private server? Why didn't they raise the issue then? Why are Trumpists still chanting "lock her up" even though they can't even find a crime she committed or a single witness to testify against her?

Trump is the lying criminal who has confessed to actual crimes on national TV. How dare we investigate him or charge him with the crimes he and his staffers confess to? What kind of idiot think like this.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.............probably have NEVER SIGNED the documents for handling them............and Probably Never HELD A SECURITY CLEARANCE in your life.

Rules on the handling of Classified material are CLEAR.......and they sure as hell aren't supposed to be kept in a dang bathroom outside of OFFICIAL CHANNELS AND STORAGE MEANS.........

Hillary has been around this stuff a VERY LONG TIME..........so please don't pass this off she didn't know EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING.

Up until 2012 there was no law against Hillary Clinton having Secretary of State email stored on a private server in her home. In fact, Colin Powell suggested she do that. Power used an online AOL account for his Secretary of State Email. Powell has publically confirmed this.

Government email was restricted to 25 megabytes of storage for each user at the time, regardless of what your position was, so all of the Bush Administration used their own private server in the White House and failed to turn over more than 500,000 when W left office. Condi Rice also used private email. Republicans haven't said Boo about any of this.

Only when Hillary did it was it illegal.

The email investigation was a witch hunt to smear Clinton through the election Campaing. You've have 6 investigations in 5 years. No crime has been identified. Everyone in the Republican Party who has accused her, has now exonerated her.

Give it up.

It's fucking over.
Memos detail FBI's 'Hurry the F up pressure' to probe Trump campaign

In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”

All that is interesting, but it's already been determined that dislike of Trump by the agents involved had no effect on the legal steps that were taken. It wasn't surprising that your panties got damp when that article came out in 2018, but it just kinda fizzled, and didn't turn into the kind of evidence you had so hoped it would. It won't do you any more good now than it did then.
Memos detail FBI's 'Hurry the F up pressure' to probe Trump campaign

In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”

All that is interesting, but it's already been determined that dislike of Trump by the agents involved had no effect on the legal steps that were taken. It wasn't surprising that your panties got damp when that article came out in 2018, but it just kinda fizzled, and didn't turn into the kind of evidence you had so hoped it would. It won't do you any more good now than it did then.

The investigation didn't "fizzle out". Mueller was NOT assigned to pursue this line of investigation and was kept away from it (from one his investigators), and this week, it was revealed that William Barr simply shut the investigation down, along with the investigations of the Inauguaration Fund and 4 other Trump investigations, when he became AG.

So Barr will not let his investigators look into Trump's activities at all. This SHOULD be deeply concerning to all Americans. There is absolutely no oversight of this administration being done because of stonewalling.

Any investigations of Trump, his families or his associates now cannot be opened without Barr's approval. This is why Justice refused to look into the Ukrainian matter.

But on the other side, Barr has now hired a special prosecutor to review ALL of the prosecutions of Trump's allies, while Trump is pushing for charges against Bolton, McCabe, Clinton, Schiff, Brennan Clapper and Comey.

The Judge in the McCabe case basically escoriated the prosectutors for keeping a case open for a year and a half without filing any charges or even there being a crime. As with all of the sham Republican investigations they keep thinking that if they investigate long enough they might find something. That's not law and order. That's criminal harrassment.

Judge tells DOJ to charge McCabe or drop investigation

And the fact that Trump Republicans call all investigations of their side "witch hunts", which have revealed crimes at every turn, while at the same time pulling their banana investigation tactics and endles Clinton investigations and trying to jail Democrats, who are clearly not committing criminal acts or lying to the FBI or anyone else.

This is no joke. This is how your Republic ends.
Last edited:
Looks like the plan to fire McCabe hours before retirement to cheat him out of his retirement and have him charged on "trumped up" charges failed. He is free and clear and will be collecting his $2,000,000 retirement pay after all.
'trumped up charges'?

The US IG gave evidence of him lying under oath 4 times and leaking classified, which Comey himself testified to under oath.

The DOJ saying it will not pursue Indictment is not the same as saying he is innocent of all charges / accusations.

McCabe withheld exculpatory evidence, helping to bankrupt / destroy other people's / family's lives...the SOB deserved the same and to go to jail.
It simply means that AG Barr and the Justice department did not find any charges, that competent lawyers would be able to get a conviction on in front of a judge and 12 man jury. He was not charged. He will now collect he $2 Million dollar retirement he accrued after many years of faithful service to his country, even though they tried to fire him within a few hours of his planned retirement to screw him out of it. No problem. I wish him the best in his retirement, as I am sure you do also.
He is still fired and has no retirement.
He'll get it, ya dumb doofus.
No, he won't. You claimed he will "now collect' it, liar.
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.

Because the FBI doesn't investigate Russian propaganda conspiracy theories.

Even I know that in order to be charged under the Espionage Act, she would have had to knowingly given classified material to a foreign government, or allowed them access to it. The FBI found no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked or comprised.

No Clinton classified email has every turned up anywhere. All of the Hillary emails which WikiLeaks posted, they obtained under a FOI request through the State Department. The Clinton emails that turned up on Anthony Weiner's laptop contained no classified information or government secrets.

There was absolutely no violations of the espionage act. All the people who cleared Clinton looked at the actual evidence, not Russian Conspiracy theory websites. Even Pompeo and Grassley exonerated her.

Stop lying buying into conspiracy theories, lies and allegations made by FOX News. Hillary Clinton did not murder Seth Rich. Go with the evidence in front of you, not what you want to believe.

Republicans knew in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using Bill's private server for State Department email. They passed a law after she left office in 2012 saying that private servers could not be used for government business. It wasn't until four years after she left office, and she was running for President, that Republicans insisted the FBI investigate Clinton emails, after the 7th Benghazi investigation found nothing, in order to slander Hillary to the voters.

Talk about a "hoax" investigation. Why didn't they investigate her in 2012 when the passed the law against her private server? Why didn't they raise the issue then? Why are Trumpists still chanting "lock her up" even though they can't even find a crime she committed or a single witness to testify against her?

Trump is the lying criminal who has confessed to actual crimes on national TV. How dare we investigate him or charge him with the crimes he and his staffers confess to? What kind of idiot think like this.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.............probably have NEVER SIGNED the documents for handling them............and Probably Never HELD A SECURITY CLEARANCE in your life.

Rules on the handling of Classified material are CLEAR.......and they sure as hell aren't supposed to be kept in a dang bathroom outside of OFFICIAL CHANNELS AND STORAGE MEANS.........

Hillary has been around this stuff a VERY LONG TIME..........so please don't pass this off she didn't know EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING.
You people with Clinton derangement syndrome have investigated the woman 25 times over the past 30 years and found NOTHING, yet you refuse to believe committed no crimes.

Trump goes on national television and admits he took help from Russians (but it wasn't wrong), is seeking help from the Ukraine), wants the Justice Department to jail his enemies who committed no crimes, and witness and witness gives evidence of his crimes, his Chief of staff goes on national TV and says "We did it. We do it all the time. Get over it". Everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to AG Barr have told him to stop committing impeachable crimes, 8 of his associates have gone or are on the way to jail, and here you are claiming that Trump has done nothing wrong. The democrats are all criminals, and the investigations, impeachment and trial are all part of some massive conspiracy to overturn the election.

There is no defence for Donald Trump. This is a rogue out of control criminal.
She is a Criminal.........who wasn't thrown in jail because of the people in the DOJ and FBI................

What she did under the espionage act was CLEAR...............She violated the law............and HER BOYS........LIKE COMEY..........got her off so she didn't get charged for her crimes......

Yet Comey was brought in from HSBC Bank to be top dog in the FBI...............a Bank that donated TONS OF MONEY TO the Clinton Crime Foundation............and a Bank that LAUNDERED MONEY to the DRUG CARTELS............all with Comey as an Executive of the same bank.

Imagine that .................and Holder let the Bank off easy even though it was one of the largest money laundering operations in History...............They paid a BS fine and WALKED AWAY.......

But you will not look there.

Because the FBI doesn't investigate Russian propaganda conspiracy theories.

Even I know that in order to be charged under the Espionage Act, she would have had to knowingly given classified material to a foreign government, or allowed them access to it. The FBI found no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked or comprised.

No Clinton classified email has every turned up anywhere. All of the Hillary emails which WikiLeaks posted, they obtained under a FOI request through the State Department. The Clinton emails that turned up on Anthony Weiner's laptop contained no classified information or government secrets.

There was absolutely no violations of the espionage act. All the people who cleared Clinton looked at the actual evidence, not Russian Conspiracy theory websites. Even Pompeo and Grassley exonerated her.

Stop lying buying into conspiracy theories, lies and allegations made by FOX News. Hillary Clinton did not murder Seth Rich. Go with the evidence in front of you, not what you want to believe.

Republicans knew in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using Bill's private server for State Department email. They passed a law after she left office in 2012 saying that private servers could not be used for government business. It wasn't until four years after she left office, and she was running for President, that Republicans insisted the FBI investigate Clinton emails, after the 7th Benghazi investigation found nothing, in order to slander Hillary to the voters.

Talk about a "hoax" investigation. Why didn't they investigate her in 2012 when the passed the law against her private server? Why didn't they raise the issue then? Why are Trumpists still chanting "lock her up" even though they can't even find a crime she committed or a single witness to testify against her?

Trump is the lying criminal who has confessed to actual crimes on national TV. How dare we investigate him or charge him with the crimes he and his staffers confess to? What kind of idiot think like this.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.............probably have NEVER SIGNED the documents for handling them............and Probably Never HELD A SECURITY CLEARANCE in your life.

Rules on the handling of Classified material are CLEAR.......and they sure as hell aren't supposed to be kept in a dang bathroom outside of OFFICIAL CHANNELS AND STORAGE MEANS.........

Hillary has been around this stuff a VERY LONG TIME..........so please don't pass this off she didn't know EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING.

Up until 2012 there was no law against Hillary Clinton having Secretary of State email stored on a private server in her home. In fact, Colin Powell suggested she do that. Power used an online AOL account for his Secretary of State Email. Powell has publically confirmed this.

Government email was restricted to 25 megabytes of storage for each user at the time, regardless of what your position was, so all of the Bush Administration used their own private server in the White House and failed to turn over more than 500,000 when W left office. Condi Rice also used private email. Republicans haven't said Boo about any of this.

Only when Hillary did it was it illegal.

The email investigation was a witch hunt to smear Clinton through the election Campaing. You've have 6 investigations in 5 years. No crime has been identified. Everyone in the Republican Party who has accused her, has now exonerated her.

Give it up.

It's fucking over.
You just set the innerweb record for most lies in one post.
The veins on Trumps forehead has to be popping out about now and the tweets begin. This is some funny shit. Not going to charge McCabe

Justice Dept. won’t charge Andrew McCabe, the former FBI official who authorized the investigation of President Trump

From the article: "The Justice Department will not charge former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe with lying to investigators about a media disclosure"

He won't be charged for "lying to investigators". I don't think they're telling us everything.

If I am a prosecutor charging you with open and shut cases of murder, am I gonna bother charging you with things like endangering public safety, or hit and run while you were fleeing? No need of that, it would be overkill.

What Justice Department is saying is, either McCabe is singing like a bird, or he's already in shit so deep that this charge won't be necessary.
Memos detail FBI's 'Hurry the F up pressure' to probe Trump campaign

In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”

All that is interesting, but it's already been determined that dislike of Trump by the agents involved had no effect on the legal steps that were taken. It wasn't surprising that your panties got damp when that article came out in 2018, but it just kinda fizzled, and didn't turn into the kind of evidence you had so hoped it would. It won't do you any more good now than it did then.

The investigation didn't "fizzle out". Mueller was NOT assigned to pursue this line of investigation and was kept away from it (from one his investigators), and this week, it was revealed that William Barr simply shut the investigation down, along with the investigations of the Inauguaration Fund and 4 other Trump investigations, when he became AG.

So Barr will not let his investigators look into Trump's activities at all. This SHOULD be deeply concerning to all Americans. There is absolutely no oversight of this administration being done because of stonewalling.

Any investigations of Trump, his families or his associates now cannot be opened without Barr's approval. This is why Justice refused to look into the Ukrainian matter.

But on the other side, Barr has now hired a special prosecutor to review ALL of the prosecutions of Trump's allies, while Trump is pushing for charges against Bolton, McCabe, Clinton, Schiff, Brennan Clapper and Comey.

The Judge in the McCabe case basically escoriated the prosectutors for keeping a case open for a year and a half without filing any charges or even there being a crime. As with all of the sham Republican investigations they keep thinking that if they investigate long enough they might find something. That's not law and order. That's criminal harrassment.

Judge tells DOJ to charge McCabe or drop investigation

And the fact that Trump Republicans call all investigations of their side "witch hunts", which have revealed crimes at every turn, while at the same time pulling their banana investigation tactics and endles Clinton investigations and trying to jail Democrats, who are clearly not committing criminal acts or lying to the FBI or anyone else.

This is no joke. This is how your Republic ends.

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