Justice department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

another example of the violation of the 4th amendment, yet the 2nd amendment nutz are silent, the first amendment nutz are silent....
We probably just need a federal Grand Jury, to help us determine the actual scope of federal power, since the Repeal of Prohibition.
Justice Department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 100 homes in the Sacramento, California-area this week in what the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said was part of a sweeping crackdown on a criminal marijuana growing operation funded by China-based criminal groups.


Jeff Sessions is the biggest a.h Trump needs to get rid of this power tripping whore bag.
So much for states right to legalize .
.Good! 100 less addiction factories.

There's only one problem with that, people accept the drug war as they are baited into it using that reasoning, just like save the children.

Here is the problem and it's only 1. If you are driving down the road because lets say you just sold something for a large amount of cash even 1,000 $ They can take that money and say it was used for drug " when it wasn't" if they can't find a way to charge you they will charge your money for the crime.... you can lose your home, lose your car and any other property ......

One can be charged with intent to deliver even when they weren't.

Better known as ASSEST FORFEITURE.........

Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday that he thinks civil asset forfeiture – where police can seize, then keep or sell any property they suspect is involved in a crime regardless of whether or not the owner is arrested or even convicted – “is a terrible idea until you’ve convicted someone.”
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘I Think Civil Asset Forfeiture Is a Terrible Idea Until You’ve Convicted Someone’
At least Oblama tried to stop it, not true with Trump and his lapdog Sessions....They want free shit, damn welfare moochers...
Justice Department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 100 homes in the Sacramento, California-area this week in what the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said was part of a sweeping crackdown on a criminal marijuana growing operation funded by China-based criminal groups.


Jeff Sessions is the biggest a.h Trump needs to get rid of this power tripping whore bag.
So much for states right to legalize .

Why is pot illegal in the first place?
Because it is a dangerous drug.
But use it all you want. Just don't smoke it in public.

Well, alcohol is a dangerous drug, and nicotine is a dangerous drug.

They're allowed.


"Alcohol plays a large role in criminal activities and violence. Excessive drinking has the ability to lower inhibitions, impair a person’s judgement and increase the risk of aggressive behaviors. Because of this, alcohol-related violence and crime rates are on the rise throughout the country."

"An estimated 37 percent of sexual assaults and rapes are committed by offenders who were under the influence of alcohol."

"About 27 percent of aggravated assaults are committed by individuals who have used alcohol."

"about 40 percent of convicted murderers had used alcohol before or during the crime."
So why add to it? Especially given the success in reducing tobacco smoking.

Dude it is no where near DANGEROUS you've been indoctrinated to think that ... connect the dots...

When you have a multi billion dollar corporation who wants to make sales off " THEIR DRUGS" and not something natural what do you think they are going to do , push propaganda to put fear into the people. It is proven it is NOT dangerous and nobody has ever died from pot. In spite of the MSM lying and saying they have that is propaganda tp make people fear that it is a gawd dam plant and is no more dangerous than PRESCRIBED meds which eats your liver pot doesn't, it destroys your internal organs it is a false Chemical it kills from within just like those who get CHEMO , The CHEMO kills you not the cancer............ Why do they do it because cancer is a multi billion dollar industry.

The sad part is once BIG PHARMA and MONSANTO assholes get their hands on it . it might very well become dangerous.....

Take that thought right there " B.P. and MONS...... now what are they , who are they " BIG BIG MONEY" who control many industries they are billionaires all within each other..... They want to control the pot , they are the GMO's Agent Orange now connect the dots.

Yeah, yeah they will tell you this is fake, blah blah now connect this dot why do you think they are going to work on conning the population why it' so dangerous and now when thee to take over it i suddenly safe. ......." MONEY BIG MONEY"


Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry
Justice Department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 100 homes in the Sacramento, California-area this week in what the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said was part of a sweeping crackdown on a criminal marijuana growing operation funded by China-based criminal groups.


Jeff Sessions is the biggest a.h Trump needs to get rid of this power tripping whore bag.
So much for states right to legalize .
.Good! 100 less addiction factories.

There's only one problem with that, people accept the drug war as they are baited into it using that reasoning, just like save the children.

Here is the problem and it's only 1. If you are driving down the road because lets say you just sold something for a large amount of cash even 1,000 $ They can take that money and say it was used for drug " when it wasn't" if they can't find a way to charge you they will charge your money for the crime.... you can lose your home, lose your car and any other property ......

One can be charged with intent to deliver even when they weren't.

Better known as ASSEST FORFEITURE.........

Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse
View attachment 186436

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday that he thinks civil asset forfeiture – where police can seize, then keep or sell any property they suspect is involved in a crime regardless of whether or not the owner is arrested or even convicted – “is a terrible idea until you’ve convicted someone.”
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘I Think Civil Asset Forfeiture Is a Terrible Idea Until You’ve Convicted Someone’
Yeah, then you have to go to court and prove that your property is innocent in order to get it back. It’s just a big money making scam.
Ohhhh. Legalization isn't what the druggies wanted after all. The loons never wanted pot regulated and taxed. That was a lie to help China operate illegal grow houses.

I always knew that.
Justice Department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 100 homes in the Sacramento, California-area this week in what the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said was part of a sweeping crackdown on a criminal marijuana growing operation funded by China-based criminal groups.


Jeff Sessions is the biggest a.h Trump needs to get rid of this power tripping whore bag.
So much for states right to legalize .
.Good! 100 less addiction factories.

There's only one problem with that, people accept the drug war as they are baited into it using that reasoning, just like save the children.

Here is the problem and it's only 1. If you are driving down the road because lets say you just sold something for a large amount of cash even 1,000 $ They can take that money and say it was used for drug " when it wasn't" if they can't find a way to charge you they will charge your money for the crime.... you can lose your home, lose your car and any other property ......

One can be charged with intent to deliver even when they weren't.

Better known as ASSEST FORFEITURE.........

Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse
View attachment 186436

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday that he thinks civil asset forfeiture – where police can seize, then keep or sell any property they suspect is involved in a crime regardless of whether or not the owner is arrested or even convicted – “is a terrible idea until you’ve convicted someone.”
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘I Think Civil Asset Forfeiture Is a Terrible Idea Until You’ve Convicted Someone’
Yeah, then you have to go to court and prove that your property is innocent in order to get it back. It’s just a big money making scam.

Yep and often when you do prove it , , people still lose all their possessions. This is just pure BS!! Even if they do not find drugs the crooked laws on this will charge your money for the crime. I will see if I can find something that talks about that for you.
Ohhhh. Legalization isn't what the druggies wanted after all. The loons never wanted pot regulated and taxed. That was a lie to help China operate illegal grow houses.

I always knew that.
You have to be high on cat litter to have processed that thought....
Justice Department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 100 homes in the Sacramento, California-area this week in what the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said was part of a sweeping crackdown on a criminal marijuana growing operation funded by China-based criminal groups.


Jeff Sessions is the biggest a.h Trump needs to get rid of this power tripping whore bag.
So much for states right to legalize .
.Good! 100 less addiction factories.

There's only one problem with that, people accept the drug war as they are baited into it using that reasoning, just like save the children.

Here is the problem and it's only 1. If you are driving down the road because lets say you just sold something for a large amount of cash even 1,000 $ They can take that money and say it was used for drug " when it wasn't" if they can't find a way to charge you they will charge your money for the crime.... you can lose your home, lose your car and any other property ......

One can be charged with intent to deliver even when they weren't.

Better known as ASSEST FORFEITURE.........

Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse
View attachment 186436

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday that he thinks civil asset forfeiture – where police can seize, then keep or sell any property they suspect is involved in a crime regardless of whether or not the owner is arrested or even convicted – “is a terrible idea until you’ve convicted someone.”
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘I Think Civil Asset Forfeiture Is a Terrible Idea Until You’ve Convicted Someone’
Yeah, then you have to go to court and prove that your property is innocent in order to get it back. It’s just a big money making scam.

Kay I found something on it :


Cash Seizures by Police Prompt Court Fights
Ohhhh. Legalization isn't what the druggies wanted after all. The loons never wanted pot regulated and taxed. That was a lie to help China operate illegal grow houses.

I always knew that.

Now that the majority of the public wants it legal . they are scrambling on how to get their grubby ass hands into the billion dollar industry without looking like they are dabbling in what' still considered illegal. Once it goes nation wide these same pos companies who PROTESTED against it, and who paid BILLIONS to keep it ILLEGAL will suddenly be the same hypocritical assholes who will end up SELLING IT.
Only one state in the union has outlawed illegal, unconstitutional asset forfeiture laws tied to drugs and organized crimes....Wyoming....
Ohhhh. Legalization isn't what the druggies wanted after all. The loons never wanted pot regulated and taxed. That was a lie to help China operate illegal grow houses.

I always knew that.

Now that the majority of the public wants it legal . they are scrambling on how to get their grubby ass hands into the billion dollar industry without looking like they are dabbling in what' still considered illegal. Once it goes nation wide these same pos companies who PROTESTED against it, and who paid BILLIONS to keep it ILLEGAL will suddenly be the same hypocritical assholes who will end up SELLING IT.
But I will still grow it at home..up theirs...
Ohhhh. Legalization isn't what the druggies wanted after all. The loons never wanted pot regulated and taxed. That was a lie to help China operate illegal grow houses.

I always knew that.
You have to be high on cat litter to have processed that thought....
Then don't complain that 100 Chinese grow houses were closed down.
I'm not, I'm complaining about an unconstitutional act of asset forfeiture before conviction which is the law of the Constitution, we know you like unconstitutional laws which are null and void according to Marbury vs Madison 1803...
Ohhhh. Legalization isn't what the druggies wanted after all. The loons never wanted pot regulated and taxed. That was a lie to help China operate illegal grow houses.

I always knew that.
we are taxing it at around ten dollars an ounce.

and, we expect around a billion in new revenue.
Justice Department seizes over 100 homes in crackdown on marijuana operation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 100 homes in the Sacramento, California-area this week in what the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said was part of a sweeping crackdown on a criminal marijuana growing operation funded by China-based criminal groups.


Jeff Sessions is the biggest a.h Trump needs to get rid of this power tripping whore bag.
So much for states right to legalize .
.Good! 100 less addiction factories.

There's only one problem with that, people accept the drug war as they are baited into it using that reasoning, just like save the children.

Here is the problem and it's only 1. If you are driving down the road because lets say you just sold something for a large amount of cash even 1,000 $ They can take that money and say it was used for drug " when it wasn't" if they can't find a way to charge you they will charge your money for the crime.... you can lose your home, lose your car and any other property ......

One can be charged with intent to deliver even when they weren't.

Better known as ASSEST FORFEITURE.........

Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse
View attachment 186436

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday that he thinks civil asset forfeiture – where police can seize, then keep or sell any property they suspect is involved in a crime regardless of whether or not the owner is arrested or even convicted – “is a terrible idea until you’ve convicted someone.”
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘I Think Civil Asset Forfeiture Is a Terrible Idea Until You’ve Convicted Someone’
Yeah, then you have to go to court and prove that your property is innocent in order to get it back. It’s just a big money making scam.

Yep and often when you do prove it , , people still lose all their possessions. This is just pure BS!! Even if they do not find drugs the crooked laws on this will charge your money for the crime. I will see if I can find something that talks about that for you.

why does the right wing allege, there are natural and Individual rights in our federal Constitution?

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