Justice Department Tells Ferguson Police To Stop Wearing Bracelets


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
So these cops are not allowed to wear solidarity bracelets in support of their coworker.
Somehow this is the business of Eric the Prick.

FERGUSON Mo. (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department asked the Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department on Friday to order its officers not to wear bracelets in support of the white policeman who shot to death an unarmed black teenager last month, sparking protests.
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In a letter to Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, the Justice Department said residents had told its investigators that officers policing protest sites on Tuesday in Ferguson were seen wearing "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets.
Wilson killed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9, causing outrage in the mostly black St. Louis suburb of 21,000 people. Wilson has not been charged in the case.
The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the shooting and the police treatment of protesters, which critics say was unduly harsh.
The letter said the bracelets had "upset and agitated" people and "reinforce the very 'us versus them' mentality that many residents of Ferguson believe exists."
The DOJ said it had been assured by officials with the county and state police, which have been brought in to help in Ferguson, that their officers would not wear them. Ferguson police could not be reached for comment on Friday evening.
In a separate letter sent to Jackson earlier this week, the Justice Department said its investigators had observed Ferguson police officers not wearing, or obscuring, their name tags on their uniforms, a violation of the police department's rules.
"The failure to wear name plates conveys a message to community members that, through anonymity, officers may seek to act with impunity," the letter said.
Jackson, following weeks of heavy criticism and calls for his ouster, issued a video apology to Brown's parents on Thursday. He later began marching with a group of protesters, but a scuffle broke out near him and several people were arrested.
In addition to the Justice Department probe, a grand jury in St. Louis County is examining the case.
Protesters have pledged continued civil unrest until Wilson is charged in Brown's death and on Friday night several dozen people gathered in downtown Ferguson to call for Jackson's ouster.
Police kept a low-key presence during the demonstrations, showing none of the aggressive tactics that had led to prior clashes with protesters.
Although Ferguson is predominantly African American, its
political leadership and police department are dominated by whites. Activists say Brown's death was the culmination of years of police unfairly targeting blacks.
Justice Department tells Ferguson police to stop wearing bracelets - Yahoo News
the DOJ should of NEVER been allowed to take over this BS in the first place

this is just more grandstanding race hustling by this administation

the STATES needs to step up and take back their powers

chicken shits who allowed them to step in the first place
What first amendment?

Who said you have a First Amendment right on your employer's time?

holder is not their employer

No, the Police Department is the employer.

right and the doj demanded them not to allow the arm bands

oh well the unintended consequences of such actions are surprising

i am darren wilson are for sale with the proceeds going

to defense fund

Before I support something like this I want to here the police officers side of the story and witness accounts...I have a feeling the kid charged the cop and so the shoot was justified...but before I offer whole hearted support I need to see that stuff...and if it was a justified shooting...then the DOJ needs to back the **** off...
This is the equivalent of if people had been buying Casey Anthony wrist bands before her trial had begun. Absurd.
I have no problem if the employer, the Fergusson Police Dept, tells the officers they can't wear, them. I don't have a problem if the DOJ asks them not too, but this is pretty much an order.
The article says the DOJ has "asked" Fergusson to "order" the officers not to wear them. That sounds a bit stronger than just a simple request.

I can see how the bracelets could enflame the rioters even more, but I don't blame the cops for wanting to show solidarity with their coworker. They know directly what they have to go through on a daily basis in a pit like this.
Has the DOJ asked Brown supporters to stop wearing "Hands Up Don't Shoot" apparel?

If not, fuck 'em.

We could all be Darren Wilson with these animals running around our streets.
No different than the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" t-shirts. Stop wearing those, too. Could inflame cops.

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