Justice Dept silent as Holder charges critics with racism

I'd like to make sure I understand your reference.

Did you just say that if you were AG, you'd see to it that Daveman died and that his skin was turned into a lampshade?

Or did I read too much into that?

That's the way I read it. And conservatives are racist, hate mongers, and vitriolic. Unfuckingreal!!!!

Salt is a genius at shock posts. That one was farther than I expected but then again, he has to keep pushing the envelope or he won't be able to keep shocking.

It's a repeat of an earlier meme.
Holder is right. Racist white conservatives are racist white conservatives.

And racist black assholes are racist black assholes.

Seems you and Holder have a lot in common.

Yes we do. He's kinder to your ilk than I would be as attorney general. You'd be a lampshade on my watch.

By the way, watches don't have lampshades, ya big dummy.
I'm a black racist and don't claim otherwise. I'm not "bitching" about anything. I'm pointing out that racist white conservatives are racist white conservatives and Eric Holder is right that his and Obama's race plays a part in the hatred from racist white conservatives.

You're a black clown......


One might say he's a buck dancing minstrel.

Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
If a Republican official said something like that it would be all over the news. When I google to see if there was any reaction, all I get is blogs.

Very effective. When the Obama administration does the indefensible, just don't talk about it.

Well that's really nothing new. Remember Spencer "Just pick one and call them racists" Ackerman and the 400 members of listserv.

'Call Them Racists' - WSJ.com

Mainstream Media- BUSTED- Conservatives Proven Correct | America's Youth vs. Big Government
And racist black assholes are racist black assholes.

Seems you and Holder have a lot in common.

Yes we do. He's kinder to your ilk than I would be as attorney general. You'd be a lampshade on my watch.

By the way, watches don't have lampshades, ya big dummy.

I think it's more like this flame warrior.


"Jerk is sarcastic, mean, unforgiving and never misses an opportunity to make a cutting remark. Jerk's repulsive personality quickly alienates other Warriors, and after some initial skirmishing he is usually ostracized. Still, Jerk is very happy to participate in electronic forums because in cyberspace he is free to be himself...without the risk of getting a real-time punch in the mouth."
If a Republican official said something like that it would be all over the news. When I google to see if there was any reaction, all I get is blogs.

Very effective. When the Obama administration does the indefensible, just don't talk about it.

Well that's really nothing new. Remember Spencer "Just pick one and call them racists" Ackerman and the 400 members of listserv.

'Call Them Racists' - WSJ.com

Mainstream Media- BUSTED- Conservatives Proven Correct | America's Youth vs. Big Government

The leftist propaganda machine is a wonder to behold.

Luckily we're holding our own fairly well. That the left has to resort to that just shows the weakness of their basic positions. The fact that we continue to do as well as we do in spite of their efforts shows the strength of ours.
If a Republican official said something like that it would be all over the news. When I google to see if there was any reaction, all I get is blogs.

Very effective. When the Obama administration does the indefensible, just don't talk about it.

Well that's really nothing new. Remember Spencer "Just pick one and call them racists" Ackerman and the 400 members of listserv.

'Call Them Racists' - WSJ.com

Mainstream Media- BUSTED- Conservatives Proven Correct | America's Youth vs. Big Government

The leftist propaganda machine is a wonder to behold.

Luckily we're holding our own fairly well. That the left has to resort to that just shows the weakness of their basic positions. The fact that we continue to do as well as we do in spite of their efforts shows the strength of ours.

No you are not. Look at you presidential candidates. You're running the Washington Generals.
Right. There are no racists in America, especially in the GOP. Only their policies are racist...and it's only coincidence. LOL

Oh no no no, dipshit. You can take that racism shit and stuff it straight up your liberal ass. Your buddy Salt has made it very clear in which party the racists are.

Just the heads up

Franco is a bit slower then most.
Right. There are no racists in America, especially in the GOP. Only their policies are racist...and it's only coincidence. LOL

Oh no no no, dipshit. You can take that racism shit and stuff it straight up your liberal ass. Your buddy Salt has made it very clear in which party the racists are.

Really? Or am I a conservative NRA member working as a plant just like all the SEIU plants, you claim send all the racist tea party emails and display all the racist posters at the tea party rallies.

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