Justice Dept silent as Holder charges critics with racism

Jeebus you're a stupid a-hole. Go away. LOL

When backed into a corner, scream racism. :rolleyes:

He needs to be hung out to dry.

The mindset of Eric Holder is astounding. Not even apologizing to the family of the border patrol agent that was killed with one of the 2000 semi-automatic weapons--that the ATF under this justice department--let walk into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels.

AGAIN--showing no responsibility for this disaster--even though this was on his watch. It's always SOMEONE else's fault--and if they can't get away with saying that--then they pull out the race card.

If this were a white AG--they would have received the exact same scrutiny--and questions--that demand answers to Fast and Furious. And if it were a white AG--he would have made certain to get to the bottom of this--instead of obstructing at all turns in this investigation--and if questions couldn't or wouldn't get answered we would DEMAND that a white AG resign. Not Eric Holder--HE'S BLACK.

Dittoheads- what a bunch of stupid lying a-holes- BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Attorney General Eric Holder "sorry" for Terry family loss - CBS News ...
Nov 11, 2011 ... Holder says he's "sorry" in a letter after guns from controversial ATF ... Eric Holder
answers questions on Operation "Fast and Furious" at a ...

www.cbsnews.com/.../attorney-general-eric-holder-sorry-for-terry-family-loss/ - Cached - Similar
They did get to the bottom of it. Issa and co. just keeps going on and on about total BULLSHYTTE. Which you MORONS go on and on about...LOL
"I would bet that 60% of blacks enjoy some form of government assistance, be it welfare, food stamps, free school lunches or medicaid. I'd also be willing to bet that successful black folk are pretty evenly divided, perhaps a slight majority vote GOP, but would never tell you, lest they be branded buck dancing... was it minstrels? Or be turned into lampshades for contrast in your light colored living room

Poverty rate in 2009 for single-race blacks, up from 24.7 percent in 2008.

Read more: African American Demographics, Population, Incomes, Veterans, Education, Voting — Infoplease.com African American Demographics, Population, Incomes, Veterans, Education, Voting — Infoplease.com

I'd say you're a brainwashed dittohead...
That's poverty rate. It doesn't speak to all govt. assistance programs. Please try to keep up.

So again, you're 100% WRONG. AGAIN!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Only morons don't consider race. Racists believe a certain race is inferior. Duh.

In effect you've said that if you are not a racist, you are a moron.

You are a rare breed.

It only takes a few sentences to reveal that you must be a recoverying (early stage) drug addict.
Jeebus you're a stupid a-hole. Go away. LOL

Why don't you show up....with something more than your hungover idiocy.

Pull your head out of Randi's ass (it is big enough as it is) and get some fresh air.

At first, you'll be a little frightened at how stupid you've been.

But, you'll recover.
Basically, to be a racist a person has to believe another race is inferior. I don't believe that's the problem blacks have with whites. So all the Pubcrappe about Holder, Obama, etc etc etc is TOTAL BS, Pub dupes...tyvm

Okay, then they're bigots. You know, like you're bigoted against conservatives.

I'm not angry. What do I have to be angry about?

In your mind a black person doesn't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on his/her own. No wonder it's so easy for you to call black men "boys".

I don't dislike Cain for being a black conservative, I like Tim Scott and he's a black conservative. I dislike Cain because he's a buffoon, a la today's minstrels, gangsta rappers.
Wrong. In my mind, YOU don't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on your own.


"Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before."

Think about that the next time you fly.
More threats? Is that all you've got? :lol:

My flying days are done. Your Big Sis has made it not worth the trouble.
Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'd say the chances are 90% YOU are a racist with that crappe, and the OP.
The things you say are stupid and not based on reality, so you'll understand if I immediately discard your worthless opinions.
Even then I don't hate you like you hate, just hoping for your recovery, angry white man....
You don't hate? Who do you think you're fooling with that horseshit? :lol:
Never saw Salt say he had no reason. And I'd be shocked if he could go a WEEK, let alone a Navy career w/o many.
As I predicted, lame excuses for his racism. You're so predictable.
I believe a racist has to be in a dominant position, able to discriminate, to be one.Not just a realist.
And Holder and Obama aren't in dominate positions? Moron.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'd say the chances are 90% YOU are a racist with that crappe, and the OP. Even then I don't hate you like you hate, just hoping for your recovery, angry white man....

Never saw Salt say he had no reason. And I'd be shocked if he could go a WEEK, let alone a Navy career w/o many.

I believe a racist has to be in a dominant position, able to discriminate, to be one.Not just a realist.

Nope. My parents owned their own trucking company, I've never lived in poverty and I've been employed since 1985. I make six figures inspecting commercial and military aircraft. The Navy was a breeze, I was called ****** a couple times, got those guys busted down, and ran into a few black-hating senior enlisted. But, they were easy to deal with. I enjoyed the Navy, see the world, screw exotic women, learn a valuable trade and get good low-cost healthcare and a retirement check
See? No reason to hate whites...but you do.

Dance again for your Democrat masters!
Eric Holder is the first person in any administration who can go into a Congressional Hearing and talk about HIS PEOPLE (blacks!) and then call on his critics on being racists. I thought as Attorney General, he represented all people!

Nope, just the liberals. And the white ones only grudgingly.
No you don't, but you'll realize it soon enough and it's going to be a wonderful site to behold.

Certainly going to be an exciting year. Whoever wins our nomination will be tempered and will have a lot of resources. The U.S. has seen Obama's clay feet and glass jaw and the luster is gone.

White middle class not in Obama's base - BostonHerald.com

But the 50% of the country that's low income is. Your numbers are only going to get worse in the coming decades.
You don't know it, but you just admitted Democrat policies are making people poorer. Good job!
#136-Do you look down on all whites and discriminate against them? If not, I don't think you're a racist. I don't believe hating them is enough, you might have reason. You would be a hater lol.

I don't understand why you say nope at beginning of your answer.

Only the conservatives.
Liar. You said you hate ALL white people.
"Nope" because I use racism as a motivational tool.


So, how's that working out for you, clown?

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