"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

Not sure why you think that's funny. Or injured police officers. Or death threats.


It's not an either/or proposition. Sorry. I know you think this sort of red herring whataboutism is effective, because you are pretty much a constant victim of conmen who use this childish tactic.
Excuses, excuses, excuses, I understand you are a victim of fake news on the urban plantation.
But the simple facts about the BLM riots vs the J6 protest are:
Excuses, excuses, excuses, I understand you are a victim of fake news on the urban plantation.
But the simple facts about the BLM riots vs the J6 protest are:
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You got that wrong. Riots were universally condemned by Dems. You conflate, constantly, what were mostly peaceful protests with what were actual riots and try pretend they mostly violent.

There were hundreds of protests across the country. All seperate events. You are to attempting to compare multiple events over a long stretch of time with one event. Try to be a little bit honest. Pick one BLM protest/riot and compare it to this one event.

The most blatant lie (doesn’t this ever embarrass you?)…14 officers injures. Add a zero to that and you might be close to truth. Not mention one who died shortly and three who committed suicide. A much level than the normally high level among police.

Universally condemned by Republicans? Really? Heavy condemnation at first….than within 48 hrs backtracking, denial, excuses, and even outright support. When they morph from rioters to patriots?

Encouraged only by fringe groups….really? Was the president a member of fringe groups? How about representatives like Greene, Hawley, Cawthorne and others? Was “Stop the Steal” a fringe movement?
"Didn't the Gestapo organize this to find dissidents?"

Well, poster 'Uncensored' if we are to believe your doppelganger, Rumpboogie, you are dead wrong. You are riding the wrong horse.

Your alter ego asserts it was not what you thought it was.
Instead, it was a false-flag intended to ID ---and out--- the RINO's.

How did you miss the clues?

What's up with that?

"the fraudulent 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in world history. It was designed to bring down the entire New World Order / deep state / dark cabal permanently."
You got that wrong. Riots were universally condemned by Dems. You conflate, constantly, what were mostly peaceful protests with what were actual riots and try pretend they mostly violent.

There were hundreds of protests across the country. All seperate events. You are to attempting to compare multiple events over a long stretch of time with one event. Try to be a little bit honest. Pick one BLM protest/riot and compare it to this one event.

The most blatant lie (doesn’t this ever embarrass you?)…14 officers injures. Add a zero to that and you might be close to truth. Not mention one who died shortly and three who committed suicide. A much level than the normally high level among police.

Universally condemned by Republicans? Really? Heavy condemnation at first….than within 48 hrs backtracking, denial, excuses, and even outright support. When they morph from rioters to patriots?

Encouraged only by fringe groups….really? Was the president a member of fringe groups? How about representatives like Greene, Hawley, Cawthorne and others? Was “Stop the Steal” a fringe movement?
1. Riots were Universally condemned? BULLSHIT

2. The death of officer Sicknick was not due to J6. He died of a stroke, not a riot injury. BLM riots were much more violent and deadly. The FBI did not track down BLM rioters like they did the J6 protesters, why not?

3. Was the president indicted for incitement? No. If some reps believe that the 2020 election was stolen and want audits to verify the results, that should be encouraged not criticized.
PROTESTERS should not let up



And don't tell me a riot somewhere...some other time excuses the attack on the Capitol
1. Riots were Universally condemned? BULLSHIT
View attachment 538418

2. The death of officer Sicknick was not due to J6. He died of a stroke, not a riot injury. BLM riots were much more violent and deadly. The FBI did not track down BLM rioters like they did the J6 protesters, why not?

3. Was the president indicted for incitement? No. If some reps believe that the 2020 election was stolen and want audits to verify the results, that should be encouraged not criticized.
Just because you know how to post a meme doesn’t mean it is truth or you know to fact check them for accuracy and kudos for the touch of unrelated photos in the background.

Let’s look at this more carefully.

1. Ayanna Presley quote. First off it wasn’t about or referencing the rioting. Nor is there any indication she is calling for anything more than peaceful protesting.
Here is the entire quote:

“This is as much about public outcry and organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure so that this GOP-led Senate and these governors that continue to carry water for this administration, putting the American people in harm’s way, turning a deaf ear to the needs of our families and our communities — hold them accountable," she said.

"Make the phone calls, send the emails, show up," she added. "You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives."

Kamala Harris, again, she was referencing protesters, not riots. Nor was she condoning riots.

Maxine Waters, her comment was from a rally in 2018, in reference to a restaurant that refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Saunders. Nothing to do with the. BLM movement or the protests or the riots.

And Pelosi’s “riot quote”? That was said in 2018 over the Trump administration policy of separating families at the border. Nothing to do with the riots.

Your meme is useless and fake.

On the other hand…these are real quotes and directly addressing the rioting.

Source: Fact check: Democrats have condemned violence linked to BLM, anti-fascist protests

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

Clyburn said he encourages young activists to remember the “purpose” of their efforts: “to make a better country, a better world, for those who must come after us.”

“Breaking out a window will not contribute to that. Setting a fire, throwing stones at police officers, that’s destructive behavior, which will not contribute to anything that will make this a better country and make a better future for our children and our grandchildren,” he said.

And after clashes between protesters and police turned violent in Chicago last weekend, Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot said there is "no justification for criminal behavior," according to The New York Times.

There cannot be any excuse for it, period. This was not legitimate First Amendment protected speech," she said. "To those who engaged in this criminal behavior, let's be clear: We are coming for you."

Barack Obama: “Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.”

Colorado’s Democratic Gov. Jared Polis criticized Denver protesters who started fires, destroyed property and injured a police officer, tweeting they had committed “acts of criminal terrorism.” He said: “An attack against any of our lives and property is an attack against all of our lives and property.”
Nothing significant will happen on the 18th. Trump's right wing extremists learned their lesson on Jan. 6. They have lost their nerve.

They were cowards to begin with, and 600 have been charged with a felony.
1. Riots were Universally condemned? BULLSHIT
View attachment 538418

2. The death of officer Sicknick was not due to J6. He died of a stroke, not a riot injury. BLM riots were much more violent and deadly. The FBI did not track down BLM rioters like they did the J6 protesters, why not?

3. Was the president indicted for incitement? No. If some reps believe that the 2020 election was stolen and want audits to verify the results, that should be encouraged not criticized.
2. Siknick would likely not have had a stroke had it not been for that event. The rioting was not singular event, nor in most cases was it the FBI’s jurisdiction. Storming the Capitol and attempting to violently overturn an election is in a whole ‘ other league. But, I do recall government agents driving around grabbing people off the streets after a riot with no charges and throwing them in jail. The Capitol rioters have been treated with kid gloves in comparison.

3. The former president had a right to all legal avenues to pursue his claims. When those were exhausted he should have conceded, not encouraged mob to overturn it.

What about tbe claim only four police were injured?
Just because you know how to post a meme doesn’t mean it is truth or you know to fact check them for accuracy and kudos for the touch of unrelated photos in the background.

Let’s look at this more carefully.

1. Ayanna Presley quote. First off it wasn’t about or referencing the rioting. Nor is there any indication she is calling for anything more than peaceful protesting.
Here is the entire quote:

“This is as much about public outcry and organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure so that this GOP-led Senate and these governors that continue to carry water for this administration, putting the American people in harm’s way, turning a deaf ear to the needs of our families and our communities — hold them accountable," she said.

"Make the phone calls, send the emails, show up," she added. "You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives."

Kamala Harris, again, she was referencing protesters, not riots. Nor was she condoning riots.

Maxine Waters, her comment was from a rally in 2018, in reference to a restaurant that refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Saunders. Nothing to do with the. BLM movement or the protests or the riots.

And Pelosi’s “riot quote”? That was said in 2018 over the Trump administration policy of separating families at the border. Nothing to do with the riots.

Your meme is useless and fake.

On the other hand…these are real quotes and directly addressing the rioting.

Source: Fact check: Democrats have condemned violence linked to BLM, anti-fascist protests

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

Clyburn said he encourages young activists to remember the “purpose” of their efforts: “to make a better country, a better world, for those who must come after us.”

“Breaking out a window will not contribute to that. Setting a fire, throwing stones at police officers, that’s destructive behavior, which will not contribute to anything that will make this a better country and make a better future for our children and our grandchildren,” he said.

And after clashes between protesters and police turned violent in Chicago last weekend, Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot said there is "no justification for criminal behavior," according to The New York Times.

There cannot be any excuse for it, period. This was not legitimate First Amendment protected speech," she said. "To those who engaged in this criminal behavior, let's be clear: We are coming for you."

Barack Obama: “Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.”

Colorado’s Democratic Gov. Jared Polis criticized Denver protesters who started fires, destroyed property and injured a police officer, tweeting they had committed “acts of criminal terrorism.” He said: “An attack against any of our lives and property is an attack against all of our lives and property.”
If I was from Mars I might believe your post. But, I was here watching the BLM riots in real-time. I saw the mayors criticize the police, I saw the "autonomous zone", I saw the "defund the police" movement gain support among democrats, I saw the businesses burn, I saw the Federal buildings burn with people inside, I saw a guy get shot in the back of his head by antifa, and I saw the FBI do nothing. All across the country, the democrat run cities burned, while the Republican run cities were peaceful. The democrats supported the riots, and their "defund the police" policies will bite them in the ass in 2022 and 2024.
Nothing significant will happen on the 18th. Trump's right wing extremists learned their lesson on Jan. 6. They have lost their nerve.

They were cowards to begin with, and 600 have been charged with a felony.
8/15/21 is not about RW extremists or white-supremacists, its about support for J6 protesters in solitary for months.
"The organization, he said, has drafted a resolution for state legislatures “to oppose the tyrannical and inhumane treatment of the Jan. 6 political prisoners who have been targeted by the Department of Justice and the FBI.”

How many BLM rioters were charged with a felony? How many BLM rioters were tracked down by the FBI? Both sets of rioters should be treated equally, correct?
In solitary?

Most of them are home with ankle bracelets whining
2. Siknick would likely not have had a stroke had it not been for that event. The rioting was not singular event, nor in most cases was it the FBI’s jurisdiction. Storming the Capitol and attempting to violently overturn an election is in a whole ‘ other league. But, I do recall government agents driving around grabbing people off the streets after a riot with no charges and throwing them in jail. The Capitol rioters have been treated with kid gloves in comparison.

3. The former president had a right to all legal avenues to pursue his claims. When those were exhausted he should have conceded, not encouraged mob to overturn it.

What about tbe claim only four police were injured?
1. I oppose the capitol riot, we don't roll that way. The audits are the right way to verify an election.
2. Sicknick should have been behind a desk if he's not fit for duty. The rioters that were jailed were bailed out quickly by democrats so they could return to rioting. They are not rotting in solitary.
3. Trump did not encourage the mob to do anything but peacefully protest. I think he wanted Pence to do something, and Pence did his job. I won't vote for Trump in the primary.
4. My meme says 14 capitol police injured, not 4, compared to 700 injured in the BLM riots.
1. I oppose the capitol riot, we don't roll that way. The audits are the right way to verify an election.
2. Sicknick should have been behind a desk if he's not fit for duty. The rioters that were jailed were bailed out quickly by democrats so they could return to rioting. They are not rotting in solitary.
3. Trump did not encourage the mob to do anything but peacefully protest. I think he wanted Pence to do something, and Pence did his job. I won't vote for Trump in the primary.
4. My meme says 14 capitol police injured, not 4, compared to 700 injured in the BLM riots.
Well over 100 cops injured and dozens hospitalized.

You're a liar AND you're lying about cops...who you supposedly support
“One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, to name some of the injuries.”

According to The Post, 65 D.C. police officers suffered concussions, swollen ankles and wrists, bruises, and irritated lungs from pepper spray. Officers were pushed down stairs, trampled and punched. 81 Capitol police officers were assaulted during the siege, but the extent of their injuries was not detailed in reports.
1. I oppose the capitol riot, we don't roll that way. The audits are the right way to verify an election.
2. Sicknick should have been behind a desk if he's not fit for duty. The rioters that were jailed were bailed out quickly by democrats so they could return to rioting. They are not rotting in solitary.
3. Trump did not encourage the mob to do anything but peacefully protest. I think he wanted Pence to do something, and Pence did his job. I won't vote for Trump in the primary.
4. My meme says 14 capitol police injured, not 4, compared to 700 injured in the BLM riots.
1. The courts, the DoJ, audits already done. All those are legal avenues. All showed no significant fraud. You can’t keep doing audit after audit with no evidence.

2. Was there any evidence he wasn’t? Being sprayed with bear spray will certainly affect one.

3. Disagree…he spent considerable time grooming the mob. And he didn’t stop them for a considerable time. Plus…the other things he did.

4. You are right, it said 14. However over 140 were injured. Which BLM riot injured 700?

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