Justice Ginsburg

She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.
I can't wait to see the attorneys Trumps sends to attack her.....she won't make it long....
You are another lowlife, scumbag piece of dogshit. You're nothing but a one-line-loser, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet like the gutless little yellow-bellied coward that you are..
McConnell knows he is in a pickle.

He will compromise in order to prevent a Ginsberg or an Alito on the bench.

He will go middle of the road.

Yer dreaming
Not at all. McConnell does not give a crap about the far right now that he is majority leader again with an antiTrump group among his senators who have no trouble with Roe. I do expect Citizens United will be untouchable.

McConnell don't have JACK SHIT to say about who gets nominated. All he can do is vote up or down. Trump nominates. He will nominate whoever the FUCK he wants to nominate and McConnell can suck on it.

freaking moron No wonder yer a dimocrap
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.
I can't wait to see the attorneys Trumps sends to attack her.....she won't make it long....
You are another lowlife, scumbag piece of dogshit. You're nothing but a one-line-loser, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet like the gutless little yellow-bellied coward that you are..
You haven't put that guy on ignore yet?
McConnell knows he is in a pickle.

He will compromise in order to prevent a Ginsberg or an Alito on the bench.

He will go middle of the road.

Yer dreaming
Not at all. McConnell does not give a crap about the far right now that he is majority leader again with an antiTrump group among his senators who have no trouble with Roe. I do expect Citizens United will be untouchable.

McConnell don't have JACK SHIT to say about who gets nominated. All he can do is vote up or down. Trump nominates. He will nominate whoever the FUCK he wants to nominate and McConnell can suck on it. freaking moron No wonder yer a dimocrap
You truly don't understand at all, do you. McConnell will tell Trump who can most likely can be ratified and who is not. Trump can nominate whomever if he wishes, but then it is all the Senate, to whom McConnell is answerable.

You must hate our Constitution and our procedures.
Breyer is 78 and a lunatic so he needs to go also, and in the case of Sotomayor and Kegan.... well we can hope for the best.

Kennedy is 80, he needs to retire. Unfortunately Ginsburg could live to 92, and you know they'll keep that hag on life support as long as they can.

Trump could get 3 picks though.
Man I hated that Roger Ramjet song. It was far too long. Getting to Ginsburg, she should retire. Her comment about Trump for which she had to apologize for had me doubting she was of sound mind.
yer a moron.

If another SCOTUS Justice dies, Trump will be quite happy to leave only 7 Justices on the Court.

McConnell don't have shit to say to Trump

You really are a stupid person.

Trump will say 'Shit' and McConnell will ask, "What Color"

As far as the dimocrap scum filibustering a SCOTUS nominee? Let them.

2018 is right around the corner and you scumbags got 23 Senate Seats to defend
Breyer is 78 and a lunatic so he needs to go also, and in the case of Sotomayor and Kegan.... well we can hope for the best.

Kennedy is 80, he needs to retire. Unfortunately Ginsburg could live to 92, and you know they'll keep that hag on life support as long as they can.

Trump could get 3 picks though.
Hopefully, you'll suffer a long and excruciatingly painful death starting right now, as everyone of them outlives you.
Damnit man....when I see a thread with that old bitches name I was hoping she had croaked! Got my hopes up!
And another anonymous, gutless, yellow-bellied coward chimes in from the safety of his mommie's basement.
Ginsburg is one of those scrawny women that you see living into her hundreds

Trump is overweight and in one of the most stressful jobs in the world. He is the type that will die overnight with no warning

My money is on Ginsburg
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Two things. No one should hope for the death of another because you dislike their politics. That is indefensible.

You have to stop equating the office of President as the most important office in the country. That is the kind of attitude that has gotten us so divided and is a clear path to losing power.

The Democrats put everything into winning the Presidency and have for 16 years. What has that gotten them? They have gone from a national political party to a regional one.

The power to get things done in this country is in the legislatures. The Republicans are well on their way to controlling over three-fourths of them and the Governorships. That, with a majority in the national congress (The GOP should work on getting a veto-proof majority in both chambers), shows that the Presidency isn't really anything more than an LEO. The position should be returned to just our representative to the world and the Commander in Chief in times of war.

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