Justice Ginsburg

She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

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I was hoping this would be an announcement that she died.

Oh well.

She can only hold out so long.

As Robert E. Lee once said, it's all in God's hands now.
We get a MINIMUM of two (2) SCOTUS appointments.

The people that will see the next liberal scumbag SCOTUS haven't been born yet

Yea but if the second is Thomas then we are at status quo. If Ginsburg goes then we have a constitutional conservative bench. One the GOP can select and the Dems on their minority can do a thing about it.

Current make up:
Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Open Scalia
Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer

Kennedy is always the most important Justice because he swing both ways. If Ginsburg crocks, they won't need to sway Kennedy.

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I truly would NOT call Roberts "conservative".

And by "conservative" is meant actually "strict constructionist".

There is really no such thing as a conservative or a liberal justice. Those are terms that apply to politicians.

Roberts is more like a swing voter same as Kennedy. He can swing either way. Both Kennedy and Roberts lean slightly to the strict constructionist side.

Alito and Thomas are both very strict constructionist.

Ginsberg, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer are what is called "activist" in that they do not care what the Constitution says, they do whatever they please.
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.

8 years brah! Trump will win reelection

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Trump may not even be eligible to run in 2020, much less win reelection. Hell, if there even is a 2020 election.
Sure. We all understand that Trump was never going to be the Rep candidate, then he was never going to beat Hillary.

And yet, after all that, the butt hurt is all on your side. Go figure.

Trump well could be the most consequential president since Reagan. As a matter of fact even FDR.
The only similarities to those 2 would be that he's a shitty actor and that he'll preside over a World War
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

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You are a lowlife, disgusting piece of dogshit.
Actually I too hope her butt cancer comes back and spreads into her bones.

She is the most communist of all the activist justices on the Court.
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.

8 years brah! Trump will win reelection

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump may not even be eligible to run in 2020, much less win reelection. Hell, if there even is a 2020 election.
Sure. We all understand that Trump was never going to be the Rep candidate, then he was never going to beat Hillary.

And yet, after all that, the butt hurt is all on your side. Go figure.

Trump well could be the most consequential president since Reagan. As a matter of fact even FDR.
The only similarities to those 2 would be that he's a shitty actor and that he'll preside over a World War

Who is trump going to start a war with?
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You are a lowlife, disgusting piece of dogshit.

Did you feel the same way about the people that did the Snoopy Happy Dance when Scalia died?
I don't know who you are talking about that did a "Snoopy Happy Dance" over scalia dying, but yes, they would be lowlife scumbags in my book also.

Glad to hear you weren't one of the dozens on this board that cheered Scalias death.
It was very sad to see Scalia go.

But he went a happy man. He loved to hunt and he loved his guns.

He worked so hard that he never had time to exercise and being obese killed him.
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You are a lowlife, disgusting piece of dogshit.
Actually I too hope her butt cancer comes back and spreads into her bones.

She is the most communist of all the activist justices on the Court.
It really is amazing how stupid and childish you bootlickers are.
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.

8 years brah! Trump will win reelection

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump may not even be eligible to run in 2020, much less win reelection. Hell, if there even is a 2020 election.
Sure. We all understand that Trump was never going to be the Rep candidate, then he was never going to beat Hillary.

And yet, after all that, the butt hurt is all on your side. Go figure.

Trump well could be the most consequential president since Reagan. As a matter of fact even FDR.
The only similarities to those 2 would be that he's a shitty actor and that he'll preside over a World War

Who is trump going to start a war with?
China ?!
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You are a lowlife, disgusting piece of dogshit.
Actually I too hope her butt cancer comes back and spreads into her bones.

She is the most communist of all the activist justices on the Court.
It really is amazing how stupid and childish you bootlickers are.
I hate illiterate communists who cannot even read the Constitution in plain English. I hope they all get butt cancer.
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.

8 years brah! Trump will win reelection

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump may not even be eligible to run in 2020, much less win reelection. Hell, if there even is a 2020 election.
Sure. We all understand that Trump was never going to be the Rep candidate, then he was never going to beat Hillary.

And yet, after all that, the butt hurt is all on your side. Go figure.

Trump well could be the most consequential president since Reagan. As a matter of fact even FDR.
The only similarities to those 2 would be that he's a shitty actor and that he'll preside over a World War

Who is trump going to start a war with?
His thoughts exactly. But with fingers twiddling together.

Whoever it starts with, it will end up wih Russia, China, and Iran on the same side against us. And many of our allies sitting it out because of the actions taken by the U.S. to start the war.
McConnell will have to totally abandon filibuster for that to happen. I suspect a compromise to allow Trump 2 justices.

and ther e may be more than 2
Not in the first term. The dems can prevent any confirmations through 2018.
If McConnell and the GOP change the filibuster rule, then anything goes.

But if they change it then it stays changed if/when the DEM's revive and re-take the Senate.

There has been a filibuster procedure since the early 1800's but there is nothing in the Constitution that requires a supermajority except for (1) amendments to the Constitution and (2) impeachment of the POTUS.

Our 8th Grade Civics teacher (a Catholic nun with a Jewish name) covered this very well.
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You are a lowlife, disgusting piece of dogshit.

Did you feel the same way about the people that did the Snoopy Happy Dance when Scalia died?
I don't know who you are talking about that did a "Snoopy Happy Dance" over scalia dying, but yes, they would be lowlife scumbags in my book also.

Glad to hear you weren't one of the dozens on this board that cheered Scalias death.
I suppose the Far Left hated Scalia as much as the Far Right hates Ginsberg.

When Ginsberg dies I WILL celebrate, actually.

And I'm not even Far Right.

I am nonpartisan unaffiliated -- means independent voter.

Says so on my voter registration.
McConnell will have to totally abandon filibuster for that to happen. I suspect a compromise to allow Trump 2 justices.

and ther e may be more than 2
Not in the first term. The dems can prevent any confirmations through 2018.
If McConnell and the GOP change the filibuster rule, then anything goes.

But if they change it then it stays changed if/when the DEM's revive and re-take the Senate.

There has been a filibuster procedure since the early 1800's but there is nothing in the Constitution that requires a supermajority except for (1) amendments to the Constitution and (2) impeachment of the POTUS.

Our 8th Grade Civics teacher (a Catholic nun with a Jewish name) covered this very well.
The "nuclear option" is quid-pro-quo. It's a done deal.
He'll have to do something. The dems can fillubuster to death any Scalia replacement. There will be at least two gop senators who want some compromise to keep the filibuster as it is. No one is happy with what Reid did.

The actual nominees will be up to Trump, and that's crazy enough.
Lets presume that the GOP does NOT change the current filibuster rules.

And lets presume Schumer filibusters all GOP nominations to the SCOTUS.

Right now they are 4 to 4 split, and so the various circuit court rulings on controversial political issues will all stand.

So each of the circuit courts is in summa a de facto SCOTUS justice appointment.

BUT when Ginsberg dies, then it will become to 3 vs 3 with 1 swing voter.

And then the tie is broken.

So Schumer is doomed, no matter what he does.

It is all in the hands of God now.
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.
I can't wait to see the attorneys Trumps sends to attack her.....she won't make it long....
That's interesting......


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
8 years brah! Trump will win reelection

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump may not even be eligible to run in 2020, much less win reelection. Hell, if there even is a 2020 election.
Sure. We all understand that Trump was never going to be the Rep candidate, then he was never going to beat Hillary.

And yet, after all that, the butt hurt is all on your side. Go figure.

Trump well could be the most consequential president since Reagan. As a matter of fact even FDR.
The only similarities to those 2 would be that he's a shitty actor and that he'll preside over a World War

Who is trump going to start a war with?
His thoughts exactly. But with fingers twiddling together.

Whoever it starts with, it will end up wih Russia, China, and Iran on the same side against us. And many of our allies sitting it out because of the actions taken by the U.S. to start the war.
Idiot, Russia, Iran and China are already on the same side.

I would ask you intellectually (hypothetically of course), which of those countries could we ally ourselves.

It's a new world asshole.
She is 84 you old and emphasis on the OLD.

She had colon cancer in the late 90sand underwent chemo that takes years off your life, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and stents placed in her artery. She constantly misses time on the bench due to illness that and clearly hasn't had the mental capacity or stamina to do her very important job at 25% capacity. Yet she remains on the bench. Forget the fact that she has been one of the worst justices in this nations history. She ignores the constitution and always rules along her ACLU ideology. He mental capacity has not been there in a decade. Yet she still is on the bench. Arguably the 2nd most important position in the US next to POTUS.

Her selfishness kept her from retiring when Obama was president and it will be an abuse of justice if she tries to make it through Trump 1st term.

She looks like the walking dead. I personally am going to do the happy dance when she dies! She has done that much damage. It could be any day now.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You are a lowlife, disgusting piece of dogshit.

Did you feel the same way about the people that did the Snoopy Happy Dance when Scalia died?
I don't know who you are talking about that did a "Snoopy Happy Dance" over scalia dying, but yes, they would be lowlife scumbags in my book also.

Glad to hear you weren't one of the dozens on this board that cheered Scalias death.
I suppose the Far Left hated Scalia as much as the Far Right hates Ginsberg.

When Ginsberg dies I WILL celebrate, actually.

And I'm not even Far Right.

I am nonpartisan unaffiliated -- means independent voter.

Says so on my voter registration.
The difference is, the right didn't kill Ginsberg. The left murdured Scalia.
She better fucking make it through the next 4 years after refusing to retire under Obama.
LOL...good luck with that.

And don't forget Kennedy's a fellow octogenarian while Breyer's knocking on the door at 78.

Wouldn't four appointments in Trump's first term be cool! Talk about making America great again...on steroids!

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