Justice Sotomayor appears to be siding WITH Trump on the fight over his taxes

The IRS does not investigate state tax fraud.

Just let this moron flail. He obviously knows less than nothing about any of this and does not care to know anything about it. Unless it has always been your dream to freelance as a volunteer special ed teacher, fk him, let him whine.
I do wish people would have a modicum or curiosity before they chime in. Having to get people up to speed is so tiresome.
SDNY District Judge:
Victor Marrero - Clinton appointee

2nd Circuit panel:
Robert Katzmann - Clinton appointee
Denny Chin - Obama appointee
Christopher Droney - Obama appointee

Let's all pretend that it's significant that the other courts have ruled against Trump.


The IRS does not investigate state tax fraud.

Just let this moron flail. He obviously knows less than nothing about any of this and does not care to know anything about it. Unless it has always been your dream to freelance as a volunteer special ed teacher, fk him, let him whine.
Who issued the subpoena, genius?

There’s more the one subpoena, genius.
So, why is Congress issuing a subpoena too? What's their interest?

Really interesting line of questioning.

She trying to atone for being the lone decent when they ruled on Trump's closure of the border under COVID?

If it smells like a rat it's a rat. Sotomayor is unqualified for her position, it's why Obama appointed her.
The IRS does not investigate state tax fraud.

Just let this moron flail. He obviously knows less than nothing about any of this and does not care to know anything about it. Unless it has always been your dream to freelance as a volunteer special ed teacher, fk him, let him whine.
Who issued the subpoena, genius?

There’s more the one subpoena, genius.
So, why is Congress issuing a subpoena too? What's their interest?
Nazi Pelousy wants to make sure Trump paid his state taxes.
The IRS does not investigate state tax fraud.

Just let this moron flail. He obviously knows less than nothing about any of this and does not care to know anything about it. Unless it has always been your dream to freelance as a volunteer special ed teacher, fk him, let him whine.
Who issued the subpoena, genius?

There’s more the one subpoena, genius.
So, why is Congress issuing a subpoena too? What's their interest?
Identifying discrepancies between his FEC filings and his expenditures as well as whether his FEC filings accurately reflected his financial status.

Among other things.
Yeah. Name the courts.
Wait... you really didn't know that it is before the SCOTUS, because Trump has lost all the prior rulings in the lower courts?

Goddamn son, you really know fuck all about any of this, don't ya?
Which courts? Name the district and circuit courts from whence this matter arose.

Don't play even more dumb than you are.


Exhibit A: In total, six different federal courts -- three district courts and three courts of appeals panels -- have heard these cases, and all six have ruled against Trump. It's no fluke that Trump has a batting average of exactly .000 thus far in trying to block disclosure of his tax returns, and it would take a stunning reversal by the Supreme Court -- essentially deciding that all six lower courts got it wrong -- to save Trump's cause now.

The analysis I heard suggested the court was very receptive to NY state's arguments but that the requests of info from Congress were too broad though constitutionally defensible on more narrow grounds.
Why would a supreme court justice offer her personal opinion of the President's taxes? Somethin ain't right.
These questions, removed from any other context, certainly does not look like she is leaning towards deciding in Trumps favor.

What kind of questions do you expect to be asked? The full context has to be listened to to get her overall tack here and even then it is a rather unconvincing argument to make that the mind of a SCOTUS member is really reveled on the questions they ask. There is a LOT more to the process than the oral arguments.

We will know when the court releases its opinion.
The IRS reviews "all" tax returns and when they find any financial discrepancies (including business deductions), they order an audit. The audit is a comprehensive review, with the taxpayer or those who prepare his/her taxes, to determine if any fraudulent activities occurred. Whether you are your average taxpayer making $60,000 per year, or a multi-million/billionaire, you go through the same IRS scrutiny. The only difference between those in the lower income brackets and those in the top percentiles, is that the rich have some "legal" loopholes that allow them to deduct various financial obligations. Owned businesses that operate in the red, are a business deduction. Large donations to charity organizations is also deductible and so on.
So, if any of our former presidents were committing some financial skullduggery, the IRS would be on them like sh*t-on-a-stick, as they say.
The only reason the left wants his tax record exposed, is to demonstrate that he may not have paid as much (percentage-wise) as your average taxpayer, which they figure will reflect negatively to the average taxpayer, who doesn't grasp all the IRS factors involved. But, if they're hoping to find any criminal activity...forget it; IRS would have already been on it.
Revealing his or any other citizens tax forms to the public is nothing more than voyeurism and a violation of his and any other citizens privacy.
SDNY District Judge:
Victor Marrero - Clinton appointee

2nd Circuit panel:
Robert Katzmann - Clinton appointee
Denny Chin - Obama appointee
Christopher Droney - Obama appointee

Let's all pretend that it's significant that the other courts have ruled against Trump.


haha, what freaks you cultists are. whenever the entire world doesn't align with your trump buttlicking, it must be because they're all cheaters and Liars. Freaking morons...
Trump's taxes before becoming president are nobodys business but Trump and the IRS. Fuck liberals.

That attitude weakens US, the President is a lot easier blackmail.

Are you happy knowing that anyone could make money from any where before running for President...

Are you perfectly happy for all Democrat Presidents getting complete secrecy of there past...
Trump's taxes before becoming president are nobodys business but Trump and the IRS. Fuck liberals.

That attitude weakens US, the President is a lot easier blackmail.

Are you happy knowing that anyone could make money from any where before running for President...

Are you perfectly happy for all Democrat Presidents getting complete secrecy of there past...
Last time I checked the US is a free country. People are free to make money in any legal endeavor they wish, Adolf.
With a lifetime appointments I doubt any of the justices will base their decision on partisanship. Their ruling will affect future presidents of both parties. I'd be surprised if they'll rule in favor of congressional witch hunts.

The associated New York issue is far more interesting. I'll predict they'll rule against New York but in a way that sidesteps Trump's stance that a president can't be subpoenaed in a criminal case. My guess is they'll say campaign violations are a matter for federal courts, not New York's.
I don't think he should have to reveal his taxes.

I think he should. But I don't think he should be forced to.

I don't know what the premise for the argument is.

He offered to show his tax returns to the public but has since reneged.

Dopey Donald Trump is a tax evader and has foreign loans that make him susceptible to influence by Russia and other countries.

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