Kaepernick donates to organization that sends DREAMers to protest Trump, gives NOTHING to Houston

For his support of the foreign invasion of the United States.

Ah yes, you mean the slave ships.

Those pesky invaders. What did they think they were doing, coming over here working for free.

Still, that's his right. See post 8.

No the wetback invad
The singing of the national anthem isn't a fake ritual

Sure is. Started in 2009. Has no reason to exist. Has absolutely zero to do with football. That's what makes it "fake". Well that and all the bribe money from the USG, which to their credit the NFL sent back.

You are a lying migger loving whore, get the fuck in the gas chamber you stupid bitch.

That's from 1999 you stupid fuck.

.>> Late last month, as the country was only just becoming consumed by Colin Kaepernick, Tom E. Curran of Comcast Sportsnet New England reported that, actually, NFL players did not typically stand for the national anthem until 2009. Somehow this escaped many of us until, uh, Stephen A. Smith highlighted it this morning on First Take.

Responding to a tip from one of his "boys," Smith brought up the fact that until 2009—eight years and a new Presidential administration after 9/11—players weren't on the field for the national anthem and instead generally remained in the locker room. According to Smith's boy (and the researcher at ESPN who checked it), the switch happened "because it was seen as a marketing strategy to make the athletes look more patriotic." <<​

Will there be anything else today besides the ass-whupping?

No? Well here's a free BOGO from the same page

>> Add in the fact that the NFL received millions of taxpayer dollars from the Department of Defense and the National Guard for patriotic displays, and it puts the entire Kaepernick hullabaloo in a different light. "Fans should have confidence that their hometown heroes are being honored because of their honorable military service, not as a marketing ploy," Senator John McCain, the Vietnam War veteran and P.O.W., saidin a statement last year coinciding with "Tackling Paid Patriotism," a joint oversight report released by McCain and his fellow Arizona Republican Senator John Flake.

... when the NFL changed its protocol in 2009 there were plenty of coaches who couldn't stand yet another "distraction." Stephen A. Smith is right. It's paid patriotism and let's be clear—it's not what NFL honchos sign up for. <<
Do your homework next time, DUMBASS.

I'm literally watching the players standing hand over heart during the anthem in 1999 you stupid lying bitch kill yourself you migger loving whore.

You posted a fucking Stupor Bowl video DUMBASS. Stupor Bowls and their attendant hoopla are notorious moneychangers.

Kaepernick's sitting out the NA was a fucking exhibition game, not even a regular season USG-paid event. And again --- he did the same thing several times before some dishonest media hack in need of a life milked a fake "story" out of it ---while saying nothing about the taxpayer dollars that funded it.

So bite my ass, hard.

You said it was a 9 year tradition, I just posted a video from 1999 proving conclusively that you are lying fucking whore, kill yourself you dumb bitch.
Ah yes, you mean the slave ships.

Those pesky invaders. What did they think they were doing, coming over here working for free.

Still, that's his right. See post 8.

No the wetback invad
Sure is. Started in 2009. Has no reason to exist. Has absolutely zero to do with football. That's what makes it "fake". Well that and all the bribe money from the USG, which to their credit the NFL sent back.

You are a lying migger loving whore, get the fuck in the gas chamber you stupid bitch.

That's from 1999 you stupid fuck.

.>> Late last month, as the country was only just becoming consumed by Colin Kaepernick, Tom E. Curran of Comcast Sportsnet New England reported that, actually, NFL players did not typically stand for the national anthem until 2009. Somehow this escaped many of us until, uh, Stephen A. Smith highlighted it this morning on First Take.

Responding to a tip from one of his "boys," Smith brought up the fact that until 2009—eight years and a new Presidential administration after 9/11—players weren't on the field for the national anthem and instead generally remained in the locker room. According to Smith's boy (and the researcher at ESPN who checked it), the switch happened "because it was seen as a marketing strategy to make the athletes look more patriotic." <<​

Will there be anything else today besides the ass-whupping?

No? Well here's a free BOGO from the same page

>> Add in the fact that the NFL received millions of taxpayer dollars from the Department of Defense and the National Guard for patriotic displays, and it puts the entire Kaepernick hullabaloo in a different light. "Fans should have confidence that their hometown heroes are being honored because of their honorable military service, not as a marketing ploy," Senator John McCain, the Vietnam War veteran and P.O.W., saidin a statement last year coinciding with "Tackling Paid Patriotism," a joint oversight report released by McCain and his fellow Arizona Republican Senator John Flake.

... when the NFL changed its protocol in 2009 there were plenty of coaches who couldn't stand yet another "distraction." Stephen A. Smith is right. It's paid patriotism and let's be clear—it's not what NFL honchos sign up for. <<
Do your homework next time, DUMBASS.

I'm literally watching the players standing hand over heart during the anthem in 1999 you stupid lying bitch kill yourself you migger loving whore.

You posted a fucking Stupor Bowl video DUMBASS. Stupor Bowls and their attendant hoopla are notorious moneychangers.

Kaepernick's sitting out the NA was a fucking exhibition game, not even a regular season USG-paid event. And again --- he did the same thing several times before some dishonest media hack in need of a life milked a fake "story" out of it ---while saying nothing about the taxpayer dollars that funded it.

So bite my ass, hard.

You said it was a 9 year tradition, I just posted a video from 1999 proving conclusively that you are lying fucking whore, kill yourself you dumb bitch.

And I proved it. And there's nothing you can do about that.

Now go stomp your feet and hold your breath and whatever else you intellectually bereft children do when you're asswhupped.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

Or because a large number of NFL fans seem to find this particular action of Kaepernick's extremely offensive, and teams are worried about backlash leading to loss of revenue. I don't know why it seems to be a problem for Kaepernick, but not so much the many other players who have also sat during the anthem, or raised fists, or other forms of symbolic protest. I also don't know why this is so offensive, but NFL players involved in hit-and-runs, DUI, domestic violence, child abuse, drugs (including performance enhancing), cheating, dog fighting, rape, and murder don't cause the same sort of anger. However, it is what it is, and Kaepernick is the lightning rod of the moment.

He may still end up with a job after some team loses a starting QB to injury. :dunno:
K is protesting police brutality against blacks--but there is no chronic, major problem of police brutality against blacks
can someone please prove that?
the MAJOR, chronic problems he should be worried about are:
blacks graduating at lower levels
blacks murdering EACH other at seven times the rate of whites
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

Or because a large number of NFL fans seem to find this particular action of Kaepernick's extremely offensive, and teams are worried about backlash leading to loss of revenue.

Except Kaepernick didn't "take any action". On the contrary he declined to take an action that he saw as hypocritical. It's the media who "took action", not Kaepernick.

As for fans who find it "offensive", that's on them for not doing their homework about the context.

I don't know why it seems to be a problem for Kaepernick, but not so much the many other players who have also sat during the anthem, or raised fists, or other forms of symbolic protest.

Not familiar with 'em but obviously the media senses when they've milked a dead horse, to mix an animal metaphor, and now that the basis for it is exposed they prolly figure they can't get away with it a second time. If it's catching on, all the better; the media prolly doesn't want to highlight that because it will turn the spotlight back on them and their own hypocrisy.

And as already mentioned, the slow-news week that whoever it was in the media decided to milk this fake issue, wasn't the first time CK had declined to participate in that action --- it was merely the first time some media wag tried to milk it.

Why isn't there more outrage about that?
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

Or because a large number of NFL fans seem to find this particular action of Kaepernick's extremely offensive, and teams are worried about backlash leading to loss of revenue.

Except Kaepernick didn't "take any action". On the contrary he declined to take an action that he saw as hypocritical. It's the media who "took action", not Kaepernick.

As for fans who find it "offensive", that's on them for not doing their homework about the context.

I don't know why it seems to be a problem for Kaepernick, but not so much the many other players who have also sat during the anthem, or raised fists, or other forms of symbolic protest.

Not familiar with 'em but obviously the media senses when they've milked a dead horse, to mix an animal metaphor, and now that the basis for it is exposed they prolly figure they can't get away with it a second time. If it's catching on, all the better; the media prolly doesn't want to highlight that because it will turn the spotlight back on them and their own hypocrisy.

And as already mentioned, the slow-news week that whoever it was in the media decided to milk this fake issue, wasn't the first time CK had declined to participate in that action --- it was merely the first time some media wag tried to milk it.

Why isn't there more outrage about that?

I wasn't talking about the media, but the fans. I almost never see outrage over the other players that have and continue to sit during the anthem, only Kaepernick. It's odd.
No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

That part isn't up to the owners. It's up to the media that chose to single this one out and make an issue of it.
The fact that you just described these other players just underscored that.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

Whatever. Again, football ability is not the topic here. I keep telling you that. What I'm saying is that there's more to the equation that just raw ability. There shouldn't be but it's a business, not sport.

Take Michael Vick. Nobody wanted to touch him, the Falcons disowned him, and only the Eagles took a chance --- and they also took the heat from a considerable number of fans for doing so. Even though that issue also had nothing to do with football abilities.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL

Again -- the scandal already happened and I already described it. NFL was embarrassed into sending taxpayer money back to the government. And I have no doubt they don't want more reminders of it --- which Kaepernick's presence does. And it does that specifically because of the media singling him out.

Somehow the media that started this shitstorm gets a free pass. Why is that?
Last edited:
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

Or because a large number of NFL fans seem to find this particular action of Kaepernick's extremely offensive, and teams are worried about backlash leading to loss of revenue.

Except Kaepernick didn't "take any action". On the contrary he declined to take an action that he saw as hypocritical. It's the media who "took action", not Kaepernick.

As for fans who find it "offensive", that's on them for not doing their homework about the context.

I don't know why it seems to be a problem for Kaepernick, but not so much the many other players who have also sat during the anthem, or raised fists, or other forms of symbolic protest.

Not familiar with 'em but obviously the media senses when they've milked a dead horse, to mix an animal metaphor, and now that the basis for it is exposed they prolly figure they can't get away with it a second time. If it's catching on, all the better; the media prolly doesn't want to highlight that because it will turn the spotlight back on them and their own hypocrisy.

And as already mentioned, the slow-news week that whoever it was in the media decided to milk this fake issue, wasn't the first time CK had declined to participate in that action --- it was merely the first time some media wag tried to milk it.

Why isn't there more outrage about that?

I wasn't talking about the media, but the fans. I almost never see outrage over the other players that have and continue to sit during the anthem, only Kaepernick. It's odd.

It's not odd at all if he's the one the media chooses to single out.
Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.

That might be true if other players received the levels of anger that Kaepernick does, but they don't. Some of that is because Kaepernick got so much attention, but I've read quite a few people talk about not watching the NFL because of Kaepernick, or that they would stop watching the NFL if Kaepernick gets another job, or they wouldn't watch games that Kaepernick played in......but those same people are mostly silent when it comes to other players protesting in the same way.

Kaepernick doesn't have the skills to overcome the negative response to his protest, it's true. If he played like the next Brady, he'd have a job. However, I think that he has more to overcome than other players.
Kaepernick's money, he can spend it anyway he wants.

His football ability? He is not on a team because he isn't good enough to be on a team.

Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

Or because a large number of NFL fans seem to find this particular action of Kaepernick's extremely offensive, and teams are worried about backlash leading to loss of revenue.

Except Kaepernick didn't "take any action". On the contrary he declined to take an action that he saw as hypocritical. It's the media who "took action", not Kaepernick.

As for fans who find it "offensive", that's on them for not doing their homework about the context.

I don't know why it seems to be a problem for Kaepernick, but not so much the many other players who have also sat during the anthem, or raised fists, or other forms of symbolic protest.

Not familiar with 'em but obviously the media senses when they've milked a dead horse, to mix an animal metaphor, and now that the basis for it is exposed they prolly figure they can't get away with it a second time. If it's catching on, all the better; the media prolly doesn't want to highlight that because it will turn the spotlight back on them and their own hypocrisy.

And as already mentioned, the slow-news week that whoever it was in the media decided to milk this fake issue, wasn't the first time CK had declined to participate in that action --- it was merely the first time some media wag tried to milk it.

Why isn't there more outrage about that?

I wasn't talking about the media, but the fans. I almost never see outrage over the other players that have and continue to sit during the anthem, only Kaepernick. It's odd.

It's not odd at all if he's the one the media chooses to single out.

As someone who doesn't watch football, you may not realize it, but the fact that other players are protesting in the same way, and have been since not long after Kaepernick first did it, is pretty common knowledge. On Thursday, for the opening game of the season, we got to see a Chiefs player sit during the anthem. Yes, Kaepernick has gotten a lot more attention, and I think that has something to do with why he doesn't have a job at the moment. However, football fans know he isn't the only one to sit during anthems, yet the other players don't get the same hatred over it.

Of course, I don't understand why the various criminals and accused criminals in the NFL get a pass, while Kaepernick somehow ruins the game. :dunno:
That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.

That might be true if other players received the levels of anger that Kaepernick does, but they don't. Some of that is because Kaepernick got so much attention, but I've read quite a few people talk about not watching the NFL because of Kaepernick, or that they would stop watching the NFL if Kaepernick gets another job, or they wouldn't watch games that Kaepernick played in......but those same people are mostly silent when it comes to other players protesting in the same way.

Yes I understand that.

And what I'm saying is, the specific ire of those fans that you describe -- which we've already seen on this board long before this thread --- is specifically engineered there by the media. THEY chose to bring it up and make an issue of it, and make CK the poster boy, and they even have these drones believing Kaepernick "did" something --- rather than simply continued what he was already doing and some media wag decided one week to milk a story out of it. Whatever other players are doing it, didn't get that kind of media focus. Had they got it, and were they a player the media thought it could sell as "angry black man" or whatever --- and had the scandal of paid patriotism not been there to expose the hypocrisy under it all --- then those players too might have served the same media purpose.

But it's easier to sell a single villain character than a group of them. Once you have a group taking the same position it starts to occur to the audience that wait a minute, maybe there's something to this. But a single bad-guy character can always be easily sold as the Villain. He's an outlier. You can sell him as "in the wrong" because he's an outlier. Once he's not an outlier, that sale becomes harder to close. Because if there are in Arlo Guthrie's metaphor "fifty people a day, they may think it's a movement".

I suspect strongly that the media knows it can't milk any more blood out of this stone and it's best to just not say anything more, lest it splash them in the face and expose their own hypocrisy.

Leave us not underestimate how blindly the unwashed will follow what the media tells them without question. As the old saying goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
Meanwhile, speaking of obsequious drones who swallow whatever the media tells them, we continue to sit and wait for the OP's documentation of the negative in his title, the first question I asked here.

He ran away.
There is one reason why Colin Kaepernick is unemployed... he's a really shitty player.
Not to even mention hes a shit stain...

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