Kaepernick donates to organization that sends DREAMers to protest Trump, gives NOTHING to Houston

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

That part isn't up to the owners. It's up to the media that chose to single this one out and make an issue of it.
The fact that you just described these other players just underscored that.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

Whatever. Again, football ability is not the topic here. I keep telling you that. What I'm saying is that there's more to the equation that just raw ability. There shouldn't be but it's a business, not sport.

Take Michael Vick. Nobody wanted to touch him, the Falcons disowned him, and only the Eagles took a chance --- and they also took the heat from a considerable number of fans for doing so. Even though that issue also had nothing to do with football abilities.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL

Again -- the scandal already happened and I already described it. NFL was embarrassed into sending taxpayer money back to the government. And I have no doubt they don't want more reminders of it --- which Kaepernick's presence does. And it does that specifically because of the media singling him out.

Somehow the media that started this shitstorm gets a free pass. Why is that?

The only reason Vick played after his involvement in a disgusting sport of dog fighting is because he had the ability to win games.

All I am saying is his Kap's political statements have nothing to with his ability to get onto a team or not, the league doesn't care. It's a business, if you can play, you will find a home on a team, the fact the media is crying that he isn't on a team is pure BS.

The other eight players are getting media attention over their not standing, because the media told us that information. Last week two players were discussed at length during the sports shows. I know because I kept changing stations to find a sports show that talked sports instead of politics.
Or perhaps because the NFL, already embarrassed by the the whole Paid Patriotism scandal, doesn't want more lingering attention drawn to it.

Or because a large number of NFL fans seem to find this particular action of Kaepernick's extremely offensive, and teams are worried about backlash leading to loss of revenue.

Except Kaepernick didn't "take any action". On the contrary he declined to take an action that he saw as hypocritical. It's the media who "took action", not Kaepernick.

As for fans who find it "offensive", that's on them for not doing their homework about the context.

I don't know why it seems to be a problem for Kaepernick, but not so much the many other players who have also sat during the anthem, or raised fists, or other forms of symbolic protest.

Not familiar with 'em but obviously the media senses when they've milked a dead horse, to mix an animal metaphor, and now that the basis for it is exposed they prolly figure they can't get away with it a second time. If it's catching on, all the better; the media prolly doesn't want to highlight that because it will turn the spotlight back on them and their own hypocrisy.

And as already mentioned, the slow-news week that whoever it was in the media decided to milk this fake issue, wasn't the first time CK had declined to participate in that action --- it was merely the first time some media wag tried to milk it.

Why isn't there more outrage about that?

I wasn't talking about the media, but the fans. I almost never see outrage over the other players that have and continue to sit during the anthem, only Kaepernick. It's odd.

It's not odd at all if he's the one the media chooses to single out.

As someone who doesn't watch football, you may not realize it, but the fact that other players are protesting in the same way, and have been since not long after Kaepernick first did it, is pretty common knowledge. On Thursday, for the opening game of the season, we got to see a Chiefs player sit during the anthem. Yes, Kaepernick has gotten a lot more attention, and I think that has something to do with why he doesn't have a job at the moment. However, football fans know he isn't the only one to sit during anthems, yet the other players don't get the same hatred over it.

Of course, I don't understand why the various criminals and accused criminals in the NFL get a pass, while Kaepernick somehow ruins the game. :dunno:

Lynch hasn't stood for a national anthem since the start of his career.

Kap isn't ruining the game, he doesn't have the ability to compete on an NFL level. He also still believes he should start on a team and teams with a starter aren't interested signing a guy that obviously wouldn't be happy as a second string QB.
I keep hoping to read that Vicks was attacked, mauled and killed by a pack of dogs. Alas...I am still waiting for that celebration. :(
That is a bunch of BS. Eight players sat today, why are they still on rosters? Because they have talent to stay on teams. He was a specialized QB that had to be in the right system, the issue is you can't have a system set up for a back up QB, you need to have a back up that can fit in your present system. When he took over the 49ers a few years ago, the coach, Harbaugh changed the system to fit Kaepernick. When Harbaugh left, The new coach, Tomsula didn't have a clue on how to use Kaepernick. Seattle looked at Kaepernick and the, and Carolina are the only two teams that might come close to fitting Kaepernick talents.

I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.

That might be true if other players received the levels of anger that Kaepernick does, but they don't. Some of that is because Kaepernick got so much attention, but I've read quite a few people talk about not watching the NFL because of Kaepernick, or that they would stop watching the NFL if Kaepernick gets another job, or they wouldn't watch games that Kaepernick played in......but those same people are mostly silent when it comes to other players protesting in the same way.

Kaepernick doesn't have the skills to overcome the negative response to his protest, it's true. If he played like the next Brady, he'd have a job. However, I think that he has more to overcome than other players.

Good points, however to me he is another Tebow, who was polarizing to fans, not the owners or coach, but the fans. Just my two cents.
I don't have the insider info to know that, and neither do you. But thanks to an investigation we do know about the scandal. And obviously that scandal is bad for business if it's fueled.

It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.

That might be true if other players received the levels of anger that Kaepernick does, but they don't. Some of that is because Kaepernick got so much attention, but I've read quite a few people talk about not watching the NFL because of Kaepernick, or that they would stop watching the NFL if Kaepernick gets another job, or they wouldn't watch games that Kaepernick played in......but those same people are mostly silent when it comes to other players protesting in the same way.

Kaepernick doesn't have the skills to overcome the negative response to his protest, it's true. If he played like the next Brady, he'd have a job. However, I think that he has more to overcome than other players.

Good points, however to me he is another Tebow, who was polarizing to fans, not the owners or coach, but the fans. Just my two cents.

There's some similarity, but Kaepernick isn't Tebow-level bad. I also don't think Tebow got nearly the negative attention from fans. There were probably more non-fans who complained about Tebow.

I don't know if Kaepernick is polarizing to owners or coaches on a personal level. I think that the owners, in particular, probably see him as a potential financial detriment; fewer people might go to games or buy merchandise of a team that signs him. Coaches might worry about locker room chemistry, but that's just supposition. I don't know that I've seen a report from any players that Kaepernick would be any sort of locker room problem because of his protest.

I look at some of the guys starting right now: Matt Moore, Josh McCown, whoever the hell the Texans put in at QB, and I think that a guy who's been to a couple of NFC Championship games and a Super Bowl would probably at least get a look. Joe Flacco had one of the biggest QB contracts ever when he last signed, and he's nothing more than a middling NFL QB. Jay Cutler kept getting jobs, retired, and then got yet another job, and he's a walking stereotype for a QB with a good arm, but not the right personality or football IQ to lead a team through the playoffs. Mike Glennon got a big contract in Chicago after having done little to prove himself in Tampa. Brock Oswiler got his $70 million contract for a few games of decent play in Denver. Scott Tolzien had started 3 games in 6 years before Sunday. There are a lot of mediocre QBs with starting jobs at the moment.

I'm not saying Kaepernick would be the right fit for any of those teams, or that he wouldn't ask for too much money, or be too insistent on being the starter.....but the reports I have read indicate that Kaepernick never actually made any money demands to any teams this offseason. The reports I read (and there seemed to be a new one every day) indicated that Kaepernick was pretty much ignored; other than a short trip to Seattle, none of the teams even looked into him as a possibility for starter or backup. In a league so in love with quarterbacks, that makes me think there is more than just talent at play in the decisions.

With Tebow, I don't think owners would have been worried about loss of revenue, and everything I read about him said he was a good, well liked teammate, so that doesn't seem like something coaches would have worried about.
I guess he's a conservative now that doesn't care about people that are hurting...
Kaepernick gets more "outrage" because he did it for BLM. Other players may have sat out the anthem for various reasons over the years, but they didn't really publicize those reasons nor use the limelight of a football game to push an idea that most see as a lie. BLM is problematic not only because the movement was started by a lie, but because it broad brushes police - not to mention the open hostility the organization has displayed in threatening (and encouraging) the indiscriminate killing of police officers for no other reason but their choice of profession.
. ..snipped ... .Kaepernick himself took no action. He merely continued ignoring the fake ritual he had already been ignoring.
. That doesn't make him a hero. It matter not when he started or when it was noticed. His career is ruined. The Browns had better take notice. Football fans are very patriotic.

Your link is a liar anyway. And I quote:

>> Colin Kaepernick, the controversial quarterback who tossed the NFL into a national furor when he protested the national anthem.... <<​

Wrong. Kaepernick tossed nothing but footballs. All he did was decline to participate in a jingoism ritual that itself is only eight years old anyway. He made no noises about it -- it was the media who tossed the furor. Matter of fact it was at least the third time he did so before anybody in the media chose to "notice" because it was a slow news day. Kaepernick himself took no action. He merely continued ignoring the fake ritual he had already been ignoring.

Dumb shit.

"jingoism ritual" "fake ritual"

There it is folks, this is your American liberal of today.
It isn't insider anything, look at his level of play with the 49ers last year.

What investigation? Scandal? Lol! It is a distraction, nothing else and if you have talent, and can win games, you will play in the NFL.

Why do the other eight players have a job and not Kaepernick. Michael Bennett of Seattle has been a lightning rod recently, and he still has a job.

Funny how you

I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.

That might be true if other players received the levels of anger that Kaepernick does, but they don't. Some of that is because Kaepernick got so much attention, but I've read quite a few people talk about not watching the NFL because of Kaepernick, or that they would stop watching the NFL if Kaepernick gets another job, or they wouldn't watch games that Kaepernick played in......but those same people are mostly silent when it comes to other players protesting in the same way.

Kaepernick doesn't have the skills to overcome the negative response to his protest, it's true. If he played like the next Brady, he'd have a job. However, I think that he has more to overcome than other players.

Good points, however to me he is another Tebow, who was polarizing to fans, not the owners or coach, but the fans. Just my two cents.

There's some similarity, but Kaepernick isn't Tebow-level bad. I also don't think Tebow got nearly the negative attention from fans. There were probably more non-fans who complained about Tebow.

I don't know if Kaepernick is polarizing to owners or coaches on a personal level. I think that the owners, in particular, probably see him as a potential financial detriment; fewer people might go to games or buy merchandise of a team that signs him. Coaches might worry about locker room chemistry, but that's just supposition. I don't know that I've seen a report from any players that Kaepernick would be any sort of locker room problem because of his protest.

I look at some of the guys starting right now: Matt Moore, Josh McCown, whoever the hell the Texans put in at QB, and I think that a guy who's been to a couple of NFC Championship games and a Super Bowl would probably at least get a look. Joe Flacco had one of the biggest QB contracts ever when he last signed, and he's nothing more than a middling NFL QB. Jay Cutler kept getting jobs, retired, and then got yet another job, and he's a walking stereotype for a QB with a good arm, but not the right personality or football IQ to lead a team through the playoffs. Mike Glennon got a big contract in Chicago after having done little to prove himself in Tampa. Brock Oswiler got his $70 million contract for a few games of decent play in Denver. Scott Tolzien had started 3 games in 6 years before Sunday. There are a lot of mediocre QBs with starting jobs at the moment.

I'm not saying Kaepernick would be the right fit for any of those teams, or that he wouldn't ask for too much money, or be too insistent on being the starter.....but the reports I have read indicate that Kaepernick never actually made any money demands to any teams this offseason. The reports I read (and there seemed to be a new one every day) indicated that Kaepernick was pretty much ignored; other than a short trip to Seattle, none of the teams even looked into him as a possibility for starter or backup. In a league so in love with quarterbacks, that makes me think there is more than just talent at play in the decisions.

With Tebow, I don't think owners would have been worried about loss of revenue, and everything I read about him said he was a good, well liked teammate, so that doesn't seem like something coaches would have worried about.

He had serious tryout with Seattle, Baltimore and Jacksonville. I think a big issue is Kap's style of play. Teams that add him would need to adjust to his style and I don't think he is as good as Vick when Philly finally signed him and changed their offense to suit Vick. As far as the locker room, I think Kap got along with other players. After his first three seasons or so, Kap fell off in his level of play.

I know some owners like Jerry Jones wouldn't pass on Kap, even though he jumped on Hardy and was wanting Manziel. For the most part wins put fans in seats, and that's what owners want, that's what fans want.

Kap was replaced as a starter by Gabbert. To me Gabbert is a bad QB and Kap was below him on the depth chart. Kap like Osweiler got one big contract and is out of the league. Moore and McCown are conventional drop back QBs which makes them an easy systems QB. Run QBs like Russell Wilson and Kap need a team built around their style. I love Wilson but put him on another team and I think he struggles.

However, you could be right about owners and all, I just think wins and fans in seats go together and a winning QB will play no matter his politics.
The only reason Vick played after his involvement in a disgusting sport of dog fighting is because he had the ability to win games.


Vick had an established resume and was in playing shape, yet had a major uphill battle getting on any team at all. To this day I know Iggles fans that resent the team for going out on that limb for doing that (because they're (a) animal lovers and (b) unforgiving). There is ALWAYS a PR element in whether a player or even an off-field commentator has or loses a job. Remember Jimmy the Greek? Remember Lush Rimjob and how quickly he was shown the door?

All I am saying is his Kap's political statements have nothing to with his ability to get onto a team or not, the league doesn't care. It's a business, if you can play, you will find a home on a team, the fact the media is crying that he isn't on a team is pure BS.

You just contradicted yourself in two sentences. It is indeed a business, and that's exactly why PR matters. In this case what I'm pointing out is the NFL is prone to bend over for the media manipulation rather than getting in front of it, simply because combatting mob mentality that's based on the irrational is also an uphill battle. It's exactly what I'm doing here but I have no profit motive holding me back.

NFL is not out to win games for Team X. It's there to make money. And if the media puts it in a position, however falsely, that it will make less money if person A is involved, then person A is not going to have a job.

Hell, look how long (six decades) black players were kept out of baseball altogether for the same reasons.

The other eight players are getting media attention over their not standing, because the media told us that information. Last week two players were discussed at length during the sports shows. I know because I kept changing stations to find a sports show that talked sports instead of politics.

Good for you. That's what they should be doing instead of trying to milk fake issues like Colin Kaepernick's non-participation in a fake ritual. But to the extent they do cover it I hope it comes out that it IS a fake ritual put in place by misplaced taxpayer dollars less than a decade ago. That's the foundation here, much as you'd like to ignore it and talk about football stats, which is (yet again) not what this thread is about.
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Lynch hasn't stood for a national anthem since the start of his career.

With no idea who "Lynch" is, good for him. When I go to a baseball game I don't either. That's because I know what it represents, and it's a bullshit charade of hypocrisy. Better we have people who can think for themselves instead of a gaggle of drones who obediently do what they're told without question.
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Kaepernick gets more "outrage" because he did it for BLM. Other players may have sat out the anthem for various reasons over the years, but they didn't really publicize those reasons nor use the limelight of a football game to push an idea that most see as a lie. BLM is problematic not only because the movement was started by a lie, but because it broad brushes police - not to mention the open hostility the organization has displayed in threatening (and encouraging) the indiscriminate killing of police officers for no other reason but their choice of profession.

Again -- Kaepernick didn't "push" anything. He was already sitting out the anthem, quietly, before some media wag suddenly decided to "notice" and try to milk a story out of it. Put the initiative where it is.
. ..snipped ... .Kaepernick himself took no action. He merely continued ignoring the fake ritual he had already been ignoring.
. That doesn't make him a hero. It matter not when he started or when it was noticed. His career is ruined. The Browns had better take notice. Football fans are very patriotic.

I've posted nothing about any "heroes". I noted who took the action -- and who didn't. To imagine this scenario where Colin Kaepernick is the shit-stirrer, is dishonest. So I corrected that.

His career and football abilities are (still) completely irrelevant to that fact. And as for football fans and patriotism --- sports fans by definition are already there for the express purpose of engaging in groupthink. That's why the US military has been paying the NFL (and other sports) to engineer its own groupthink into a captive audience.

Again, if you need wool and you have a shearer in your hand, the next thing to do is go to where some shepherd has already gathered the sheep. Nomsayin'? Exactly the same reason advertisers flock to the same game to sell razor blades and pickup trucks and beer.

Your link is a liar anyway. And I quote:

>> Colin Kaepernick, the controversial quarterback who tossed the NFL into a national furor when he protested the national anthem.... <<​

Wrong. Kaepernick tossed nothing but footballs. All he did was decline to participate in a jingoism ritual that itself is only eight years old anyway. He made no noises about it -- it was the media who tossed the furor. Matter of fact it was at least the third time he did so before anybody in the media chose to "notice" because it was a slow news day. Kaepernick himself took no action. He merely continued ignoring the fake ritual he had already been ignoring.

Dumb shit.

"jingoism ritual" "fake ritual"

There it is folks, this is your American liberal of today.

Hey, that's just knowing what's going on.

Guess you're admitting that John McCain and Jeff Flake know what's going on, and you don't.
Kaepernick gets more "outrage" because he did it for BLM. Other players may have sat out the anthem for various reasons over the years, but they didn't really publicize those reasons nor use the limelight of a football game to push an idea that most see as a lie. BLM is problematic not only because the movement was started by a lie, but because it broad brushes police - not to mention the open hostility the organization has displayed in threatening (and encouraging) the indiscriminate killing of police officers for no other reason but their choice of profession.

I think you're completely wrong here. The difference is that Kaepernick was given more of a platform to air his views than other players have been given. Other players have sat during the anthem for basically the same reasons as Kaepernick, and have stated as much. They don't get talked about every day, though.

I don't know why this did not occur to me immediately, but I don't think I've seen another QB sit or kneel during the anthem. Maybe THAT is the important difference, QB being the most visible position. :dunno:
I don't follow the NFL so I don't know "his level of play" with the 49ers or anyone else. Nor do I have any idea who Michael Bennett is. But that's not the topic here.

I do however know about the paid patriotism scandal. That's why I posted about it in 27, 29 and 30 of this thread. And it's very relevant to all of this.

No it's not, you have eight other players that do not stand for the anthem, all play in the NFL. That alone is proof that the NFL owners don't care about the issue. If you are good enough to play and win games, you will play.

This whole thing started last year and Kaepernick played on a very bad team, he then exercised his free agent option. His choice to leave the team he had a job with. He went to look for greener pastures, it didn't work. It happens every year in the NFL, whether you sit or stand.

No scandal, no nothing, if you play well, you will play in the NFL, it has been proven over and over and over again. Tebow was a patriotic player and he couldn't make a team. Many claimed that because he was an outspoken Christian, teams didn't want him. It was because he was a bad QB. It happens every year, the owners want to win, if you can play, you will have a job. Kaepernick doesn't have a team because his style limits his opportunities, just life. I bet he could go to Canada and get a job on a team because the talent level in the CFL is not as good.

That might be true if other players received the levels of anger that Kaepernick does, but they don't. Some of that is because Kaepernick got so much attention, but I've read quite a few people talk about not watching the NFL because of Kaepernick, or that they would stop watching the NFL if Kaepernick gets another job, or they wouldn't watch games that Kaepernick played in......but those same people are mostly silent when it comes to other players protesting in the same way.

Kaepernick doesn't have the skills to overcome the negative response to his protest, it's true. If he played like the next Brady, he'd have a job. However, I think that he has more to overcome than other players.

Good points, however to me he is another Tebow, who was polarizing to fans, not the owners or coach, but the fans. Just my two cents.

There's some similarity, but Kaepernick isn't Tebow-level bad. I also don't think Tebow got nearly the negative attention from fans. There were probably more non-fans who complained about Tebow.

I don't know if Kaepernick is polarizing to owners or coaches on a personal level. I think that the owners, in particular, probably see him as a potential financial detriment; fewer people might go to games or buy merchandise of a team that signs him. Coaches might worry about locker room chemistry, but that's just supposition. I don't know that I've seen a report from any players that Kaepernick would be any sort of locker room problem because of his protest.

I look at some of the guys starting right now: Matt Moore, Josh McCown, whoever the hell the Texans put in at QB, and I think that a guy who's been to a couple of NFC Championship games and a Super Bowl would probably at least get a look. Joe Flacco had one of the biggest QB contracts ever when he last signed, and he's nothing more than a middling NFL QB. Jay Cutler kept getting jobs, retired, and then got yet another job, and he's a walking stereotype for a QB with a good arm, but not the right personality or football IQ to lead a team through the playoffs. Mike Glennon got a big contract in Chicago after having done little to prove himself in Tampa. Brock Oswiler got his $70 million contract for a few games of decent play in Denver. Scott Tolzien had started 3 games in 6 years before Sunday. There are a lot of mediocre QBs with starting jobs at the moment.

I'm not saying Kaepernick would be the right fit for any of those teams, or that he wouldn't ask for too much money, or be too insistent on being the starter.....but the reports I have read indicate that Kaepernick never actually made any money demands to any teams this offseason. The reports I read (and there seemed to be a new one every day) indicated that Kaepernick was pretty much ignored; other than a short trip to Seattle, none of the teams even looked into him as a possibility for starter or backup. In a league so in love with quarterbacks, that makes me think there is more than just talent at play in the decisions.

With Tebow, I don't think owners would have been worried about loss of revenue, and everything I read about him said he was a good, well liked teammate, so that doesn't seem like something coaches would have worried about.

He had serious tryout with Seattle, Baltimore and Jacksonville. I think a big issue is Kap's style of play. Teams that add him would need to adjust to his style and I don't think he is as good as Vick when Philly finally signed him and changed their offense to suit Vick. As far as the locker room, I think Kap got along with other players. After his first three seasons or so, Kap fell off in his level of play.

I know some owners like Jerry Jones wouldn't pass on Kap, even though he jumped on Hardy and was wanting Manziel. For the most part wins put fans in seats, and that's what owners want, that's what fans want.

Kap was replaced as a starter by Gabbert. To me Gabbert is a bad QB and Kap was below him on the depth chart. Kap like Osweiler got one big contract and is out of the league. Moore and McCown are conventional drop back QBs which makes them an easy systems QB. Run QBs like Russell Wilson and Kap need a team built around their style. I love Wilson but put him on another team and I think he struggles.

However, you could be right about owners and all, I just think wins and fans in seats go together and a winning QB will play no matter his politics.

How did I forget Baltimore? I thought he had a shot getting a job there, at least during preseason, since it's another Harbaugh. :p

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