Kaepernick given civil rights award


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
....well, he was protesting police brutality, which I've linked /documented/etc that there is NOT a major problem with that
"to fight racial oppression through education and social justice activism"
Know Your Rights Camp,
= disobey lawful orders/resists/ do not comply/''F the police''/etc\

Colin Kaepernick receives civil rights award from National Education Association
...did they ever give white man Bill Gates an award?? who has given/done a lot more than Kap has ever done?? white people can't help civil rights??
To help build a stronger generation of people
that will create the change that is much needed in this world.
Oh how this burns cons ass. Like someone shoved a cattle-prod up their yacktabey.
....well, he was protesting police brutality, which I've linked /documented/etc that there is NOT a major problem with that
"to fight racial oppression through education and social justice activism"
Know Your Rights Camp,
= disobey lawful orders/resists/ do not comply/''F the police''/etc\

Colin Kaepernick receives civil rights award from National Education Association
...did they ever give white man Bill Gates an award?? who has given/done a lot more than Kap has ever done?? white people can't help civil rights??
To help build a stronger generation of people
that will create the change that is much needed in this world.

Should have been the Nobel Peace Prize.

What the heck was Norway thinking?
Good for Colin! He lost his job over it; he stood up (yeah, I know that's ironic) to a shitload of flak for it. If it hadn't been for the Orange Groper, he might have started a national conversation. Instead, it turned into a screaming culture war over loving the flag and our soldiers and God knows what other unrelated garbage.

I'm glad he got a little recognition for what he tried to do.
Good for Colin! He lost his job over it; he stood up (yeah, I know that's ironic) to a shitload of flak for it. If it hadn't been for the Orange Groper, he might have started a national conversation. Instead, it turned into a screaming culture war over loving the flag and our soldiers and God knows what other unrelated garbage.

I'm glad he got a little recognition for what he tried to do.

Trying to be stupid gets recognition? Ok...sometimes it does.
Good for Colin! He lost his job over it; he stood up (yeah, I know that's ironic) to a shitload of flak for it. If it hadn't been for the Orange Groper, he might have started a national conversation. Instead, it turned into a screaming culture war over loving the flag and our soldiers and God knows what other unrelated garbage.

I'm glad he got a little recognition for what he tried to do.
lost his job for protesting for myths/lies/bullshit which I have proven on USMB many times
Yeah. The cops never bother innocents just because they are Black.

this WHITE female was assaulted/arrested for------------------------------------------------------------------------------buying water!!!!!
..U. Va. student sues state for $40 million over being jailed after buying water - NY Daily News
are there racists cops?? sure--but it's not the major, chronic problem that it's made out to be
...I was stalked and stopped by cops for ------------------walking to work!!
another time for-------------bicycling
whites get arrested/harassed also
Yeah. The cops never bother innocents just because they are Black.

What did the cop do wrong? He seemed very professional and really quite "chill" for the entire thing. He ran her plate and it came back to nothing. Cops can run plates without reason. They can't pull you over without reason, but a plate coming back to "nothing" as he states is a valid reason to pull her over. Also, her window tint was probably illegal. As an attorney you think she would know this.

I got a ticket in the one horse town I live in for window tint too dark on a used car I bought with a current inspection sticker on it. I know nothing about window tint. I didn't put it on the damn car, I bought it like that.
Create a non existent crisis and get an award for it
The Ultimate Participation Trophy
Good for Colin! He lost his job over it; he stood up (yeah, I know that's ironic) to a shitload of flak for it. If it hadn't been for the Orange Groper, he might have started a national conversation. Instead, it turned into a screaming culture war over loving the flag and our soldiers and God knows what other unrelated garbage. I'm glad he got a little recognition for what he tried to do.
Kaepernick had been a good NFL player, but not lately.

He knew that his team was going to replace him, and he would be gone for good. So he dreamed up the kneeling stunt as a way to garner publicity and force the team to keep him.

But the plan backfired, and the team still went ahead and canned him.

In reality, Kaepernick is just a self centered ego maniac trying to manipulate people and situations, in order to rake in the big bucks for himself by playing the victim of racism card. ..... :cool:
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Good for Colin! He lost his job over it; he stood up (yeah, I know that's ironic) to a shitload of flak for it. If it hadn't been for the Orange Groper, he might have started a national conversation. Instead, it turned into a screaming culture war over loving the flag and our soldiers and God knows what other unrelated garbage.

I'm glad he got a little recognition for what he tried to do.

He could've done it in a different way. He actually sucked as a quarterback, but him disrespecting our great soldiers didn't help.

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