Kaepernicks statement

I know more than a few veterans I'd be suspicious of their true intent and motives.

One posts on this forum. I'd avoid the veteran advice thingy if I were you

The story that 'Kaepernick was advised by a veteran' is nothing more than bullshit and leftist, neo-marxist propaganda. Yeah OK so... they found a veteran willing to piss on the flag.....BFD. These leftist assholes are so predictable and transparent it is becoming a bad clown show.

If a veteran really did advise Kaepernick about kneeling rather than sitting, I'm not sure how the story is "nothing more than bullshit." :dunno:

While a majority of veterans may believe what Kaepernick is doing is wrong, there are also some who are at least tolerant of it, if not necessarily agreeing with it. Veterans no more all believe the same thing about the NFL protests than any other segment of the population.

I did not state it correctly, my bad. I meant that just because they found a veteran who also believes all police are racist doesn't give any more credence to Kaepernick's kneeling. Yes, there are always 'some' who 'believe' propaganda. The bottom line is that the police in the US are NOT racist. Kaepernick is believing a lie.
You said that the men in the picture, who appeared to be troops during WWII, could not "envision what liberals have turned the United States into." You didn't say anything about what the US might become in the future, but seemed to be railing against what the US is now.

What have liberals turned the US into? I'll ask again, are you saying the US is currently a bad country?

Let me first say that IMO your post is very well thought out. I think that most would agree that the US is neither bad nor good and it depends on one's POV and how that POV is constructed and maintained.

I just find the way some people frame these sorts of discussions silly. If liberals (or any other group) have ruined the country, then the country has been ruined. I don't think the country has been ruined. There are things I'd like to change, sure, but I never look around me and think what a terrible country I'm living in. I wish there were a bit less hyperbole, I guess. :dunno:
You said that the men in the picture, who appeared to be troops during WWII, could not "envision what liberals have turned the United States into." You didn't say anything about what the US might become in the future, but seemed to be railing against what the US is now.

What have liberals turned the US into? I'll ask again, are you saying the US is currently a bad country?

Let me first say that IMO your post is very well thought out. I think that most would agree that the US is neither bad nor good and it depends on one's POV and how that POV is constructed and maintained.

Well, the fact is the U.S. has a lot more good people than it does bad, which is why we lead the world in charities, overseas aid, which is mostly private, and people are beating down the doors to get into this evul horrible racist hellhole.

Maybe we could make trades with the traitor scum's masters; deport one piece of shit left wing traitor in exchange for an immigrant, and let the 'heroes' go Social Justice Warring somewhere for real. We could trade Kaepernick to Cuba for a decent mechanic or something.
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Fine OP but why piss on those soldiers who gave it all on D-day by dissing the American flag which stands for the sacrifices those men made so Colin could 'take a knee' The flag is not responsible for police shooting black men. There are a myriad of reasons those incidents happen. Only a Neo-Marxist, anti-American useful tool idiot would try to diss the symbol of the very country in which they can make millions of dollars by playing with a ball.
How did he piss on them? He sought and followed the advice of a veteran...one who fought for Kaepernick’s right to free speech.

If a veteran advised him to take a knee during the anthem then that veteran is 100% wrong and was probably an eight ball during his service. As for Kaepernick, he can take a knee anywhere and any time and he would get no static. But if he does it during the National Anthem he needs to have his teeth kicked in. It's a mater of principal and honor. Freedom of speech doesn't have a thing to do with it.
You said that the men in the picture, who appeared to be troops during WWII, could not "envision what liberals have turned the United States into." You didn't say anything about what the US might become in the future, but seemed to be railing against what the US is now.

What have liberals turned the US into? I'll ask again, are you saying the US is currently a bad country?

Let me first say that IMO your post is very well thought out. I think that most would agree that the US is neither bad nor good and it depends on one's POV and how that POV is constructed and maintained.

I just find the way some people frame these sorts of discussions silly. If liberals (or any other group) have ruined the country, then the country has been ruined. I don't think the country has been ruined. There are things I'd like to change, sure, but I never look around me and think what a terrible country I'm living in. I wish there were a bit less hyperbole, I guess. :dunno:

Yeah me too...I wish guys like Farrakhan, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama, the Clintons etc. would stop claiming that America is ruined.
I know more than a few veterans I'd be suspicious of their true intent and motives.

One posts on this forum. I'd avoid the veteran advice thingy if I were you

The story that 'Kaepernick was advised by a veteran' is nothing more than bullshit and leftist, neo-marxist propaganda. Yeah OK so... they found a veteran willing to piss on the flag.....BFD. These leftist assholes are so predictable and transparent it is becoming a bad clown show.

If a veteran really did advise Kaepernick about kneeling rather than sitting, I'm not sure how the story is "nothing more than bullshit." :dunno:

While a majority of veterans may believe what Kaepernick is doing is wrong, there are also some who are at least tolerant of it, if not necessarily agreeing with it. Veterans no more all believe the same thing about the NFL protests than any other segment of the population.

I did not state it correctly, my bad. I meant that just because they found a veteran who also believes all police are racist doesn't give any more credence to Kaepernick's kneeling. Yes, there are always 'some' who 'believe' propaganda. The bottom line is that the police in the US are NOT racist. Kaepernick is believing a lie.

But they can't get white folks to cough up Pity N Buckz without lies about 'raycissism n Stuff'. Kaepernick doesn't believe what he's saying, he's just playing a game for a pay day, and he's getting one. Can't play ball any more, and can't work for a living, so all that's left is grandstanding for a demographic of racists and scum.
I sure thought those brave men fought for his right to speak his mind.
Those brave men never knew him, nor could they envision what liberals have turned the United States into. They had no idea that people would disrespect their country and place murderers above police. No, this scum bag is crapping on every veteran that there ever was.

Have liberals been in control of the country since WWII? How is it they are solely responsible for what the US is now?

For that matter, are you saying that the US is a bad country now? Isn't that its own form of disrespect? :eusa_think:
Troll, liberals are destroying this country. Trump is trying to stop the carnage. Telling the truth is not disrespectful unless you are a liberal. Then you view the truth like this:

View attachment 214887

You said that the men in the picture, who appeared to be troops during WWII, could not "envision what liberals have turned the United States into." You didn't say anything about what the US might become in the future, but seemed to be railing against what the US is now.

What have liberals turned the US into? I'll ask again, are you saying the US is currently a bad country?
Stop trolling liberal, you know exactly what I mean. Stop playing games.

1. I'm not a liberal
2. I'm not trolling
3. If you aren't willing to explain what you mean when someone questions you, it doesn't lend credence to your argument

Kaepernick is far from the first person to protest against the government in this country. I don't doubt that most veterans would dislike how Kaepernick went about it, but at the same time, they can have fought to protect his freedom to do it. One doesn't need to agree with or like another person's protest to believe in their right to be able to do it.
You said that the men in the picture, who appeared to be troops during WWII, could not "envision what liberals have turned the United States into." You didn't say anything about what the US might become in the future, but seemed to be railing against what the US is now.

What have liberals turned the US into? I'll ask again, are you saying the US is currently a bad country?

Let me first say that IMO your post is very well thought out. I think that most would agree that the US is neither bad nor good and it depends on one's POV and how that POV is constructed and maintained.

I just find the way some people frame these sorts of discussions silly. If liberals (or any other group) have ruined the country, then the country has been ruined. I don't think the country has been ruined. There are things I'd like to change, sure, but I never look around me and think what a terrible country I'm living in. I wish there were a bit less hyperbole, I guess. :dunno:

Yeah me too...I wish guys like Farrakhan, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama, the Clintons etc. would stop claiming that America is ruined.

I can't say I remember any of them saying the US is ruined, but if they did, I certainly agree with you.

Why can't the overpaid underperforming son of a bitch stand for these men and women WHO DID GIVE ALL for his freedom?
Fine OP but why piss on those soldiers who gave it all on D-day by dissing the American flag which stands for the sacrifices those men made so Colin could 'take a knee' The flag is not responsible for police shooting black men. There are a myriad of reasons those incidents happen. Only a Neo-Marxist, anti-American useful tool idiot would try to diss the symbol of the very country in which they can make millions of dollars by playing with a ball.
How did he piss on them? He sought and followed the advice of a veteran...one who fought for Kaepernick’s right to free speech.

If a veteran advised him to take a knee during the anthem then that veteran is 100% wrong and was probably an eight ball during his service. As for Kaepernick, he can take a knee anywhere and any time and he would get no static. But if he does it during the National Anthem he needs to have his teeth kicked in. It's a mater of principal and honor. Freedom of speech doesn't have a thing to do with it.

He supports assassinating cops. I don't care about his 'free speech' rights, and would deport him for that alone. Calling for killing public officials or employees is not a 'free speech' issue. Fuck him and his fans.
yes that's Jim Jones.....do it Nike....do it ....

Nike = Loser = Idiot= Moron

the ''unarmed blackman''' crap is crap/lies/STUPID shit/etc

Are you saying that hasn't happened?

Do you live in a cave?
I see you have NO links/stats/etc
you live in a bubble/cave
1.....WHITES get killed by the police also
WHITES get beaten for no reason
SO---Kap is a RACIST and so are you for hating whites/white cops for NO reason

2...the police are human and there always will be mistakes/problems/etc--
they are not shooting them because of their skin color
they are not shooting them because of their skin color
they are not shooting them because of their skin color

3...the police are doing a good job at NOT shooting--the blacks commit crime at much, much higher levels

here's more:
....there are over 30 Million calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
233 blacks shot -the majority armed and dangerous
please divide 20 Million by 233 and there's your answer
in fact it's less than 233--since these jackasses are attacking cops/a threat/armed/etc
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance in 2011 stated they were just as likely or more likely to contact police again for a similar problem
The majority (93%) of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly
Placing police in fear for their life is stupid, and the cure is a police bullet. They deserved it.


Any cop that fears for his life when faced with an unarmed man...should not be a cop

so--YOU would take on a big man with your bare hands???
you would let them beat the shit out of you???
it's not a bout fear--it's common sense
you are so full of shit
2...the police are human and there always will be mistakes/problems/etc--
they are not shooting them because of their skin color

The problem is you have too many racist cops who shoot first and ask questions later... like, "Oh my God, that was a 12 year old with a toy!"
.....either prove they were shot because they were black or your statement is worthless crap

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