Kaepernicks statement

2...the police are human and there always will be mistakes/problems/etc--
they are not shooting them because of their skin color

The problem is you have too many racist cops who shoot first and ask questions later... like, "Oh my God, that was a 12 year old with a toy!"

cops are human beans-------they are REQUIRED to save their own lives----
never under-estimate the DILEMMA of snap-judgment IN THE FIELD.
It’s funny how people forget that it was a member of the military that asked him to kneel instead of sit because kneeling isn’t disrespectful to flag or military.

So, it seems as though you’re all just mad because a black man exercised his constitutional right to peacefully protest.
No one forgot anything. There are traitors in the military as well as elsewhere. Your whining is nothing more than you agreeing with craping on veterans.
Is everybody out to get you?
so--YOU would take on a big man with your bare hands???
you would let them beat the shit out of you???
it's not a bout fear--it's common sense
you are so full of shit

"I" am not a cop. If they can't do the job maybe they need to get a job driving a forklift
so--YOU would take on a big man with your bare hands???
you would let them beat the shit out of you???
it's not a bout fear--it's common sense
you are so full of shit

"I" am not a cop. If they can't do the job maybe they need to get a job driving a forklift
you sure do have lots of evidence/links/stats to support your view
so--YOU would take on a big man with your bare hands???
you would let them beat the shit out of you???
it's not a bout fear--it's common sense
you are so full of shit

"I" am not a cop. If they can't do the job maybe they need to get a job driving a forklift
very smart--so smart
so the cops should not be armed while criminals are?
the criminals should have the upper hand
1.....WHITES get killed by the police also
WHITES get beaten for no reason
SO---Kap is a RACIST and so are you for hating whites/white cops for NO reason

It shouldn't happen to ANYONE. But the stats show it happens far more often to black men.

Is it racism? Or have these cops just been imbued by a culture that fears black men. Both I would posit
very smart--so smart
so the cops should not be armed while criminals are?
the criminals should have the upper hand

Try to be consistent...and honest

I never said cops shouldn't be armed.

I said they shouldn't shoot unarmed people
1.....WHITES get killed by the police also
WHITES get beaten for no reason
SO---Kap is a RACIST and so are you for hating whites/white cops for NO reason

It shouldn't happen to ANYONE. But the stats show it happens far more often to black men.

Is it racism? Or have these cops just been imbued by a culture that fears black men. Both I would posit
so you have not been reading my post--I will say it again
blacks commit crime at much higher rates!!
they are not shooting them because of skin color---
...either prove they are shooting them because of their skin color or stop this nonsense..
.....I put out a thread on these shootings..I will go into detail on them with FACTS--not lies/nonsense
very smart--so smart
so the cops should not be armed while criminals are?
the criminals should have the upper hand

Try to be consistent...and honest

I never said cops shouldn't be armed.

I said they shouldn't shoot unarmed people
so, you would let someone beat the shit out of you and/or grab your pistol??
very smart--so smart
so the cops should not be armed while criminals are?
the criminals should have the upper hand

Try to be consistent...and honest

I never said cops shouldn't be armed.

I said they shouldn't shoot unarmed people
hahahahahah---you are BLIND/can't understand/etc
what don't you understand about:
[the vast majority armed and dangerous, /QUOTE]
That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

Nike says Colin Kaepernick sacrificed everything for his beliefs. Hmmm, I guess Nike never heard of Pat Tillman.
He took a stand, respectfully, for something he believed in: racial injustice. He was advised by a veteran how best to do it without disrespect. He has been personally vilified by the President who’s statements seem to have pressured the NFL into blacklisting him and destroying his career.

I don’t see where he deserved what has been done to him.

Bully for him and bully for Nike.

Bully for him and bully for Nike.

And thank you, Teddy Roosevelt
I sure thought those brave men fought for his right to speak his mind.

They did, but they also fought so I can publicly tell Kaepernick to go fuck himself.

And it has been repeatedly pointed out, that calling Kaerpernick an asshole because of what he does,

is not infringing on his right to speech.

It is time for libs to drop the bullshit strawman that we are trying to shut up Kaerpernick.
If the NFL is conspiring to blacklist him, then yes...you are.

If POTUS attacked him personally and stated he should be fired for what he did, then yes you are.

You complain about how the left is always trying to shut down free speech yet here you are....you just disguise it as patriotism.

The President has a right to express his opinion that Kaerpernick should have been fired.

Any fucking asshole who kneels during the National Anthem, should be personally attacked.

Being fired for insulting your employer's customers while on the job, is not shutting down free speech.

HOw do you feel about Patriotism? Do you think it is a good thing, or a bad thing?

1. This goes under the category of “just because he can doesn’t mean he should”. The President’s words carry a lot of weight.

2. He did not insult anyone and a conspiracy to blacklist him for free speech is wrong.

How do I feel about patriotism? I feel that you guys have the arrogance to assume you are the sole arbiters of what is or is not “patriotismm”...

It isn’t up to you.

1. Good, so we agree the President has a right to express his opinion. So, we won't be seeing any more claims from you that doing so is an infringement on Kaepernick's Right to Speech.

2. He insulted the nation as a whole and every citizen individually. We should ALL insult him back.

2b There is no conspiracy to black list him. The League supported him, and his fellow anti-American pieces of shit. They have contempt for their customers, and their customers should respond appropriately. What part of that do you disagree with?

3. I've said nothing claiming to be an Authority on the subject, nor asked you to defer to my Authority on the subject. I've made an argument on the subject, one that you are welcome to challenge, if you can.

3b. Your claim that I was claiming that, was another strawman. You seem to feel a lot of need to avoid what I am actually saying.

because you know that this boils down to a public display of Anti-Americanism, and that Americans are completely right to be pissed off.

4. My question stands. What do you think of Patriotism?
Nike says Colin Kaepernick sacrificed everything for his beliefs. Hmmm, I guess Nike never heard of Pat Tillman.

You mean the guy who was killed by friendly fire and the Bush Administration lied about it for years?

That Pat Tillman?

Hmmmm.... not going with a really good example here.

Yes, the guy that gave up his career in the NFL to fight for his country and its flag.

your turn to spin.
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.
Maybe we could use his actual stated intent in kneeling as an....

Oh, wait.

That issue doesn't actually exist. He's just making it up. Right?

If I came to your house and shit on floor of your living room, and then STATED, that I did it as an expression of my strong disagreement with your politics,

does that make the act of my shitting on your law, any less disrespectful?

Would you really be up for discussing my disagreement with you, at that point?

Or would you just want to kick my ass?
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.
Maybe we could use his actual stated intent in kneeling as an....

Oh, wait.

That issue doesn't actually exist. He's just making it up. Right?

If I came to your house and shit on floor of your living room, and then STATED, that I did it as an expression of my strong disagreement with your politics,

does that make the act of my shitting on your law, any less disrespectful?

Would you really be up for discussing my disagreement with you, at that point?

Or would you just want to kick my ass?
So you equate someone entering your house and pooping on your floor with a guy in a football stadium silently kneeling during the National Anthem to express deep frustration.

Okay. You win. I've got nothing.
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.
Maybe we could use his actual stated intent in kneeling as an....

Oh, wait.

That issue doesn't actually exist. He's just making it up. Right?

If I came to your house and shit on floor of your living room, and then STATED, that I did it as an expression of my strong disagreement with your politics,

does that make the act of my shitting on your law, any less disrespectful?

Would you really be up for discussing my disagreement with you, at that point?

Or would you just want to kick my ass?
So you equate someone entering your house and pooping on your floor with a guy in a football stadium silently kneeling during the National Anthem to express deep frustration.

Okay. You win. I've got nothing.

Yes. I do. If you don't understand how offensive his actions are to US, then you can understand nothing.

His stated message is irrelevant. HIs chosen method of expression is what we are judging him on.

He is an Anti-American piece of shit.
I bought new shoes yesterday. Guess what brand i DIDNT buy?
I bought a couple pairs of jeans yesterday. Guess what brand i DIDNT buy?

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