Kamala debate prep not going well.

Why should it? She is a moron.

She is still trying to negotiate debate rules both sides already agreed to in an effort to come up with an excuse to back out. She is in a no-win situation: Back out and she is toast. Debate and expose herself as the complete moron she is.


/----/ democRATs are already preparing for the worst.

Harris team moves to soften potential debate impact 'before it even happens'​

"[The Trump campaign] offered her three debates, which is really out of respect for the American people and the voters [for candidates] to earn their vote on Election Day," Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich said.

"We've always had three debates, right? One is this format that we're going to see on Tuesday night, one is a town hall debate, and then one focuses on foreign policy," Fox News contributor Joe Concha said. "[Harris] was offered a Fox News debate, and she would not take that debate because Bret Baier [and] Martha MacCallum are going to ask germane, relevant, tough questions. She wants no part of that whatsoever."

"It is patently absurd to let [Harris] get to this point in the process, with no real interviews, with no real questions, no follow-up questions, and I anticipate that they will be very pleased with her performance, no matter what the performance is. And that's a huge advantage that Democrats have over Republicans in this propaganda environment," Fox News’ Mollie Hemingway said.
Backing out is probably the better play for her, but yeah, two bad choices.

They probably want to force trump to back out so she can call him a chicken and then laugh about it.

If she backs out it will be because "trump made insane rules and tried to destroy the holy institution of debating by ruining the tradition intended for the good of the American people so in good faith and respect for my fellow Americans I can't engage in this damaging debate for the good of our freedom" or some other such bullshit.

She could strangle a newborn while snorting cocaine and sucking a nword dick and shitting on a American flag and they would spin it on msnbc and CNN as being Trump's fault somehow.
A vote for Kamala is a vote for:
  • Mass illegal immigration
  • Inflation
  • Forever wars
  • Punishment only for enemies of the regime
  • Transitioning children without parental consent
Who would anyone vote for her?
Why should it? She is a moron.

She is still trying to negotiate debate rules both sides already agreed to in an effort to come up with an excuse to back out. She is in a no-win situation: Back out and she is toast. Debate and expose herself as the complete moron she is.


She will only lose the debate to those on the right. The left don't give a crap if she says her policies or not or even what those policies are if she does say any. All she has to do is say she will work to make peace in the world and make prices more affordable by going after the price gougers and making the rich pay their fair share and the left and the lefty media will declare her the winner of the debate and be all flush with goosebumps.

Kamala: I think I could be a president, a kick ass president! I would have all this money and power, and people would love me. Then they would come to me... and beg! And if I felt like it, I would help them out. And then they would owe me big time!
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