Kamala Harris Equates Jan 6 with Pearl Harbor and 9/11

Actually, it was the Republican Party that lost all credibility

Most loyal Americans were outraged by the attack on our Capitol

Republicans chose to defend Trump, make excuses, minimize the attack and block all investigations of the attack
Actually, it was the Republican Party that lost all credibility

when did you ever give the Republican Party any credibility?
Time to attack the Republican Party

You have been attacking the republican party. Verbally and physically.

Democrats attack conservatives just like the NAZI's attacked the Jews before the holocaust

You have been attacking the republican party. Verbally and physically.

Democrats attack conservatives just like the NAZI's attacked the Jews before the holocaust
Do you know how stupid you sound? (Don't answer, it's rhetorical)
when did you ever give the Republican Party any credibility?

I voted for Reagan and Bush 41 twice.

Since that time the party had sold out to far-right extremism, white supremacists and corporate interests.

Their response to Jan 6 showed how far the party has fallen. When given a choice of defending America over defending the extremist Trump wing that has taken over their party……they chose Trump
She is, of course, correct.

9/11 was a unique terrorist attack
Dec. 7th was a unique military attack
Jan. 6th was a unique domestic attack

All of them will never be forgotten.

Jan 6th was a protest that got out of hand, and has been fluffed up into some cosmic event by desperate progressives to have a boogeyman they can use over and over and over again.

Meanwhile CHAZ/CHOP, an actual insurrection that held ground and prevented normal government control of several city blocks FOR MONTHS is ignored .
I voted for Reagan and Bush 41 twice.

Since that time the party had sold out to far-right extremism, white supremacists and corporate interests.

Their response to Jan 6 showed how far the party has fallen. When given a choice of defending America over defending the extremist Trump wing that has taken over their party……they chose Trump
She is, of course, correct.

9/11 was a unique terrorist attack
Dec. 7th was a unique military attack
Jan. 6th was a unique domestic attack

All of them will never be forgotten.
and the first 2 had thousands dead....quite a difference from the last one....
I agree
Todays Republican Party has gone crazy

Facts no longer matter to them
The truth no longer matters
Loyalty to our Country no longer matters
Facts no longer matter to them

YOUR facts?

The truth no longer matters

YOUR truth?
Loyalty to our Country no longer matters

are you the drum major, or ones of the many saxophonists?

you obviously march in lockstep
Doesn't matter, you can't erase history, and your party will always be covered in the stink of January 6th. Do you know why? Because of how it reacted to it, not because of the events that day.
and your side will always be known how they reacted to the summer riots that year....lots of stink there too....
We had the television on the nightly news (NBC) last night. It comes on after the local news so it often just gets left on. My 20 year old daughter was sitting here with us (goes back to college this weekend) and when this came on the news said "That's a really stupid thing to say". She is learning why I am registered (I).
She is, of course, correct.

9/11 was a unique terrorist attack
Dec. 7th was a unique military attack
Jan. 6th was a unique domestic attack

All of them will never be forgotten.

Remind me again on Jan 6th how many were killed, who was killed, how much destruction was caused, how it effected the country, how long did it take to fix what was done compared to pearl harbor and 911?

Yeah comparing 6th to those others is just a slap on the face to America and americans.

It will also only be remembered until democrats beat that dead horse beyond the point they care, then it will be forgotten. Really they are the only ones that constantly mention it. Once people get tired of hearing about it they won't mention it anymore.
YOUR facts?

YOUR truth?

are you the drum major, or ones of the many saxophonists?
Sorry Will, but ”Alternative Facts” don’t count

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