Kamala, NOT Biden, will deliver the Democrat ticket's counter to Trump's RNC Speech thursday! HUH?

You're not trying to deny that Obama and the Democrats guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....are you?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Maybe one of those posts will sink in.
In an interview today, when Biden was asked about Pelosi's comments that he shouldn't debate Trump, Biden said that he was going to debate, and fact check Trump in real time.
Yeah .....

And, if you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor .....
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: As opposed to Trump's 20,000 lies?

Can you find any the equivalent of these?

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

"Within the Muslim moral universe, the concept of "takiyya", which is religiously-sanctioned deception to protect or promote Islam, is not only moral, it is admirable because it comes from the Koran and experiences of Muhammad himself. "
Concept of "takiyya" :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Let's not elect a Muslim President again, huh?
You keep pulling shit out of the air. All you do is lie. Show us documented evidence that Obama told illegals to go and voter. And don't forget to document your proof about how the tax cuts helped the economy, with a trillion dollar deficit.

There is zero evidence Obama guaranteed Iran nukes. Another lie you cannot correct. Why do you lie so much?
You're not trying to deny that Obama and the Democrats guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....are you?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Maybe one of those posts will sink in.
I doubt it. She never lasts on these threads once you box her in with all hers lies. She's a hit and run poster. Toss out some lies then she hauls ass.
We invaded Iraq because Dick Cheney said that Iraq was six months from making a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu has been saying Iran is within six months of making a nuclear weapon for most of this century.

Republicans do nothing but spread fear, or make up boogie men.
Iran could develop a nuclear bomb in six months. That's where the clock stopped.

The only problem with that claim is that Iran got rid of all it's nuclear material except that used for it's nuclear reactors, and that was under strict IAEA control and monitoring.

To put it simply, Iran can't make a nuke, without cranking up every centrifuge they have for six months straight while the world watches them do it. And they haven't done tried to do it, or even threatened to do it.

This is akin to a person with an unloaded firearm locked in their trunk, and you claim he was seconds away from shooting you..
Their lies are off the chain, and those lies are killing so many, on so many different fronts. This election needs to be a referendum on Republican lies and propaganda.
We invaded Iraq because Dick Cheney said that Iraq was six months from making a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu has been saying Iran is within six months of making a nuclear weapon for most of this century.

Republicans do nothing but spread fear, or make up boogie men.
Iran could develop a nuclear bomb in six months. That's where the clock stopped.
"Could?" I thought the Right said they were already ,making one?
I'm never wrong.

You just double posted (repeated the same quotes twice in the same post

That's WRONG.

Actually, it's right.....totally.

Only in your demented world is hitting the reply key twice, and claiming you did it on purpose.

Sell your bulshit someplace else. You were wrong, live with it.

No matter how irked I make you.....eschew the vulgarity.

Post like an adult....or don't post.
When you're losing, always go for the distraction. You have not disputed any of my claims proving you wrong, and that you were lying. Next?
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?
Such as every example you gave about Trump that I proved you wrong about. Next?
You keep pulling shit out of the air. All you do is lie. Show us documented evidence that Obama told illegals to go and vote

I saw her act. Obama was talking to a US Citizen, saying " First of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

She claimed Obama was telling illegals who could barely speak english, he was hinting that what he told an American citizen, was secretly being said about them.
You keep pulling shit out of the air. All you do is lie. Show us documented evidence that Obama told illegals to go and vote

I saw her act. Obama was talking to a US Citizen, saying " First of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

She claimed Obama was telling illegals who could barely speak english, he was hinting that what he told an American citizen, was secretly being said about them.
Like I said, she pulls shit out of thin air, and claims it as fact and truth. These people are pitifully disgusting. They wouldn't know honesty, and truthfulness if it shit on them.
In an interview today, when Biden was asked about Pelosi's comments that he shouldn't debate Trump, Biden said that he was going to debate, and fact check Trump in real time.
Yeah .....

And, if you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor .....
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: As opposed to Trump's 20,000 lies?

Can you find any the equivalent of these?

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

"Within the Muslim moral universe, the concept of "takiyya", which is religiously-sanctioned deception to protect or promote Islam, is not only moral, it is admirable because it comes from the Koran and experiences of Muhammad himself. "
Concept of "takiyya" :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Let's not elect a Muslim President again, huh?
The equivalency to these examples of yours could only be more lies.
Iran could develop a nuclear bomb in six months. That's where the clock stopped.
"Could?" I thought the Right said they were already ,making one?
To use a sports analogy. Iran is down by 8 points, on the 50 yard line, with one play left in the game. And they claim Iran is one play away from winning the game.
They spend their days lying away, and I think the analogy you are describing is one that says "they are full of shit." lol!
Another one of these scholars here who pulls shit out of his ass, who hasn't the foggiest idea what Communism is, and much less how to connect it to a Leftist.
We read your psycho Leftist's post here everyday about how we do not understand what Communism is ....

When in Reality ..... it is YOU USEFUL IDIOTS ....

Who have no clue what Communism is and are simply parroting what the Fake News MSM tells you to think.

Vladimir Lenin was correct when he labeled you gullible dumbasses "Useful Idiots" .....

Normal thinking Americans are watching this Communist uprising burn American Cities everyday .....

While you dumb fvcks .... parrot the Indoctrinated Bullshit from the Left and the Fake News MSM.

Go ahead ...

Keep preaching to normal thinking Americans about what YOU think Communism is ...... based on what the Left and the Fake News MSM tells you to parrot ....
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