Kamala, NOT Biden, will deliver the Democrat ticket's counter to Trump's RNC Speech thursday! HUH?

Presidents run on their record. And Trumps record is over 10% unemployment, deficits of 18% of GDP, and losing more than 200,000 americans on his watch.

Stop lying.

Everything I posted is sourced, and verified true. And you know it. You just don't like Trumps record.

These are the facts:

"These reckless media smears were completely detached from the reality of Trump’s accomplishments in his first seven months. His tax and deregulation policies had created a record-setting economy. Unemployment rates for minorities had reached historic lows. He had strengthened the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and even shattered the leftist claims of a Trump-Russia collusion when he punished Putin’s murderous ally Bashar al-Assad with a devastating Tomahawk missile strike. Trump was also well on his way to destroying the Islamic caliphate in eight months—something Barack Obama had failed to accomplish with five years of feeble military efforts. The bizarre and baseless media attacks on the president were intended to halt Trump’s progress and shake the loyalty of his 63 million political sup- porters. Instead, Trump continued to rack up policy victories, while the media attacks actually intensified his public support. "
Horowitz, "Blitz," Ch.3

Nothing all that new, the Dems do not want Biden in front of a camera any more than absolutely necessary. Actions speak much larger than words IMHO, and they want us to vote for this guy?

The VP is a classic "attack dog" position. George W. Bush had Dick Cheney. Richard Nixon had Spiro Agnew. John McCain had Sarah Palin.

You make it sound like it's something new.

Except this VP got her ass smacked to the bottom of the lot in the Democrat primary.
Let's begin here:

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Wrong. Those number of vacancies were because Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings on their nominations to keep Obama from appointing judges.

The supreme court had a vacancy for over a year. The court was many times deadlocked 4-4, because there was no one to break a tie. Courts through the land were overburdened by McConnell not allowing their vacancies to be filled.

So Trumps record number of judges was a one time thing. It's not something he can repeat.

Let's begin here:

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Wrong. Those number of vacancies were because Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings on their nominations to keep Obama from appointing judges.

The supreme court had a vacancy for over a year. The court was many times deadlocked 4-4, because there was no one to break a tie. Courts through the land were overburdened by McConnell not allowing their vacancies to be filled.

So Trumps record number of judges was a one time thing. It's not something he can repeat.

Why did you say I was wrong when you just admitted I was correct.

I'm never wrong.
You just double posted (repeated the same quotes twice in the same post

That's WRONG.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
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How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.
I kept my doctor. Trump didn't stop golfing like he said he would and Biden didn't sniff Kamala's hair, yet. Trump has been playing windbag all week along with(what's his name) the vice president so it is time for someone else to take the podium and Kamala wears less make up then Trump and is less orange.
Good for you and that Alternate Left Reality you live in.

But, back in the real world ..... millions upon millions of Americans lost their Doctors and their Plans .....

And, that didn't have anything to do with Trump whatsoever .....
Millions and millions lost their coverage because Republican governors wouldn't accept medicaid expansion.
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.
Iran isn't making a nuke. That's just a fact. Even if Netanyahu said that Iran was 6 months away from making a nuke, 15 years ago.
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Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.
Iran isn't making a nuke. That's just a fact. Even if Netanyahu said that Iran was 6 months away from making a nuke, 15 years ago.
Their lies are off the chain, and those lies are killing so many, on so many different fronts. This election needs to be a referendum on Republican lies and propaganda.
Let's begin here:

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Wrong. Those number of vacancies were because Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings on their nominations to keep Obama from appointing judges.

The supreme court had a vacancy for over a year. The court was many times deadlocked 4-4, because there was no one to break a tie. Courts through the land were overburdened by McConnell not allowing their vacancies to be filled.

So Trumps record number of judges was a one time thing. It's not something he can repeat.

Let's begin here:

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Wrong. Those number of vacancies were because Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings on their nominations to keep Obama from appointing judges.

The supreme court had a vacancy for over a year. The court was many times deadlocked 4-4, because there was no one to break a tie. Courts through the land were overburdened by McConnell not allowing their vacancies to be filled.

So Trumps record number of judges was a one time thing. It's not something he can repeat.

Why did you say I was wrong when you just admitted I was correct.

I'm never wrong.
You just double posted (repeated the same quotes twice in the same post

That's WRONG.

Actually, it's right.....totally.

Your problem is you don't learn the first time,....probably why you spent so much time in summer school.
Their lies are off the chain, and those lies are killing so many, on so many different fronts. This election needs to be a referendum on Republican lies and propaganda.
We invaded Iraq because Dick Cheney said that Iraq was six months from making a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu has been saying Iran is within six months of making a nuclear weapon for most of this century.

Republicans do nothing but spread fear, or make up boogie men.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.

You're not trying to deny that Obama and the Democrats guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....are you?

1. NPR wrote that they were restricted for 10 years:

"Perhaps the biggest unknown is what happens to that breakout time once some of the terms of this deal start to expire 10 and 15 years from now.

In an interview with NPR after the framework of this agreement was reached, President Obama conceded that "at that point the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero."

But this deal, Obama argued at the time, buys the United States at least a decade."
6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal

And that was written three years ago.

2. There was never....NEVER....any reason to allow the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?
Their lies are off the chain, and those lies are killing so many, on so many different fronts. This election needs to be a referendum on Republican lies and propaganda.
We invaded Iraq because Dick Cheney said that Iraq was six months from making a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu has been saying Iran is within six months of making a nuclear weapon for most of this century.

Republicans do nothing but spread fear, or make up boogie men.
Iran could develop a nuclear bomb in six months. That's where the clock stopped.
In an interview today, when Biden was asked about Pelosi's comments that he shouldn't debate Trump, Biden said that he was going to debate, and fact check Trump in real time.
Yeah .....

And, if you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor .....
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: As opposed to Trump's 20,000 lies?

Can you find any the equivalent of these?

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

"Within the Muslim moral universe, the concept of "takiyya", which is religiously-sanctioned deception to protect or promote Islam, is not only moral, it is admirable because it comes from the Koran and experiences of Muhammad himself. "
Concept of "takiyya" :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Let's not elect a Muslim President again, huh?
Presidents run on their record. And Trumps record is over 10% unemployment, deficits of 18% of GDP, and losing more than 200,000 americans on his watch.

Stop lying.

Everything I posted is sourced, and verified true. And you know it. You just don't like Trumps record.

These are the facts:

"These reckless media smears were completely detached from the reality of Trump’s accomplishments in his first seven months. His tax and deregulation policies had created a record-setting economy. Unemployment rates for minorities had reached historic lows. He had strengthened the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and even shattered the leftist claims of a Trump-Russia collusion when he punished Putin’s murderous ally Bashar al-Assad with a devastating Tomahawk missile strike. Trump was also well on his way to destroying the Islamic caliphate in eight months—something Barack Obama had failed to accomplish with five years of feeble military efforts. The bizarre and baseless media attacks on the president were intended to halt Trump’s progress and shake the loyalty of his 63 million political sup- porters. Instead, Trump continued to rack up policy victories, while the media attacks actually intensified his public support. "
Horowitz, "Blitz," Ch.3

View attachment 380942
Trumps tax cuts accelerated the debt and you did not link any proof to make any truth about your claim. Why do you lie? orbes.com/sites/christianweller/2020/01/29/trumps-wasteful-tax-cuts-lead-to-continued-trillion-dollar-deficits-in-expanding-economy/#6962fafe66c4 It's very easy to destroy any argument you have, when all your arguments can be destroyed with documentation. You are the one who is detached from reality. Show me I am wrong.https://www.forbes.com/sites/christianweller/2020/01/29/trumps-wasteful-tax-cuts-lead-to-continued-trillion-dollar-deficits-in-expanding-economy/#6962fafe66c4

I'm never wrong.

You just double posted (repeated the same quotes twice in the same post

That's WRONG.

Actually, it's right.....totally.

Only in your demented world is hitting the reply key twice, and claiming you did it on purpose.

Sell your bulshit someplace else. You were wrong, live with it.

No matter how irked I make you.....eschew the vulgarity.

Post like an adult....or don't post.

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