Kamala, NOT Biden, will deliver the Democrat ticket's counter to Trump's RNC Speech thursday! HUH?

I kept my doctor. Trump didn't stop golfing like he said he would and Biden didn't sniff Kamala's hair, yet. Trump has been playing windbag all week along with(what's his name) the vice president so it is time for someone else to take the podium and Kamala wears less make up then Trump and is less orange.
Good for you and that Alternate Left Reality you live in.

But, back in the real world ..... millions upon millions of Americans lost their Doctors and their Plans .....

And, that didn't have anything to do with Trump whatsoever .....

it had to do with some of the for profit insurance cos sidestepping the exchange & go off it to charge way more in premiums for the 'in network' providers most accessable & popular. that wasn't obama's fault either because it was unforeseen. BUT - how many have been with a doctor on a plan then when the company changes plans, some doctors aren't in the new network...
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

Ever since he was a presidential candidate, President Donald Trump has been promising the American people a “terrific,” “phenomenal” and “fantastic” new health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

But, in the 3½ years since he set up shop in the Oval Office, he has yet to deliver.

In his early days on the campaign trail, circa 2015, he said on CNN he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with “something terrific,” and on Sean Hannity’s radio show he said the replacement would be “something great.” Fast-forward to 2020. Trump has promised an Obamacare replacement plan five times so far this year. And the plan is always said to be just a few weeks away.

July 19:

Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview that a health care plan would be unveiled within two weeks: “We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do.”

July 31:

With no sign of a plan yet, reporters asked Trump about it at a Florida event. Trump responded that a “very inclusive” health care plan was coming and “I’ll be signing it sometime very soon.”

Aug. 3:

Pushing the timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that the health care plan would be introduced “hopefully, prior to the end of the month.”

Aug. 7:

Citing his two-week timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that he would pursue a major executive order in the next two weeks “requiring health insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions for all customers.” Trump also said that covering preexisting conditions had “never been done before,” despite the ACA provisions outlining protections for people who have preexisting conditions being among the law’s most popular components.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

View attachment 380845
LMAO @ the Desperation from you Communist Leftist .....

B. Hussein's "signature health care bill" was an unmitigated disaster that left millions upon millions of Americans without health insurance altogether and the rest facing skyrocketing rates.

This also contributed to America rejecting B. Hussein's third term through Hillary Clinton.

But, you LIARS keep deflecting this reality and keep trying to blame Trump.

Your efforts will be meaningless come November 3rd.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

Ever since he was a presidential candidate, President Donald Trump has been promising the American people a “terrific,” “phenomenal” and “fantastic” new health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

But, in the 3½ years since he set up shop in the Oval Office, he has yet to deliver.

In his early days on the campaign trail, circa 2015, he said on CNN he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with “something terrific,” and on Sean Hannity’s radio show he said the replacement would be “something great.” Fast-forward to 2020. Trump has promised an Obamacare replacement plan five times so far this year. And the plan is always said to be just a few weeks away.

July 19:

Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview that a health care plan would be unveiled within two weeks: “We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do.”

July 31:

With no sign of a plan yet, reporters asked Trump about it at a Florida event. Trump responded that a “very inclusive” health care plan was coming and “I’ll be signing it sometime very soon.”

Aug. 3:

Pushing the timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that the health care plan would be introduced “hopefully, prior to the end of the month.”

Aug. 7:

Citing his two-week timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that he would pursue a major executive order in the next two weeks “requiring health insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions for all customers.” Trump also said that covering preexisting conditions had “never been done before,” despite the ACA provisions outlining protections for people who have preexisting conditions being among the law’s most popular components.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

View attachment 380845
LMAO @ the Desperation from you Communist Leftist .....

B. Hussein's "signature health care bill" was an unmitigated disaster that left millions upon millions of Americans without health insurance altogether and the rest facing skyrocketing rates.

This also contributed to America rejecting B. Hussein's third term through Hillary Clinton.

But, you LIARS keep deflecting this reality and keep trying to blame Trump.

Your efforts will be meaningless come November 3rd.

is that why the house flipped - because people didn't want to LOSE their obamacare?

a lot of them thar skyrocketing costs are also marco rubio's doing because he put in a poison pill in the omnibus back in 2015 that drastically reduced the subsidies going to the ins companies to take on the sickest of the sick that otherwise would be denied coverage - called 'high risk corridors ' when the FOR PROFIT companies lost out on a huge chunk of cash - they started raising premiums to keep their bottom line.

can you tell me when EVER has a health insurance premium gone DOWN when the next year rolls around?


oh please.
there's something going on!

Of course they will. You will not see any debates with Biden either. The only way Biden could win this is fraud and if that happens it's time to grab your gun while you still have them. When I see these TV adds on Biden I find myself screaming at the tube. Making promises he had 8 years and the only thing he did was get richer using his power on other countries with a heavy hand proving just how stupid some so called Americans are. TRUMP NEEDS TO START JAILING AND SUING THESE LYING WORTHLESS dEMOCRATS.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

Ever since he was a presidential candidate, President Donald Trump has been promising the American people a “terrific,” “phenomenal” and “fantastic” new health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

But, in the 3½ years since he set up shop in the Oval Office, he has yet to deliver.

In his early days on the campaign trail, circa 2015, he said on CNN he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with “something terrific,” and on Sean Hannity’s radio show he said the replacement would be “something great.” Fast-forward to 2020. Trump has promised an Obamacare replacement plan five times so far this year. And the plan is always said to be just a few weeks away.

July 19:

Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview that a health care plan would be unveiled within two weeks: “We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do.”

July 31:

With no sign of a plan yet, reporters asked Trump about it at a Florida event. Trump responded that a “very inclusive” health care plan was coming and “I’ll be signing it sometime very soon.”

Aug. 3:

Pushing the timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that the health care plan would be introduced “hopefully, prior to the end of the month.”

Aug. 7:

Citing his two-week timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that he would pursue a major executive order in the next two weeks “requiring health insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions for all customers.” Trump also said that covering preexisting conditions had “never been done before,” despite the ACA provisions outlining protections for people who have preexisting conditions being among the law’s most popular components.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

View attachment 380845
LMAO @ the Desperation from you Communist Leftist .....

B. Hussein's "signature health care bill" was an unmitigated disaster that left millions upon millions of Americans without health insurance altogether and the rest facing skyrocketing rates.

This also contributed to America rejecting B. Hussein's third term through Hillary Clinton.

But, you LIARS keep deflecting this reality and keep trying to blame Trump.

Your efforts will be meaningless come November 3rd.

is that why the house flipped - because people didn't want to LOSE their obamacare?

a lot of them thar skyrocketing costs are also marco rubio's doing because he put in a poison pill in the omnibus back in 2015 that drastically reduced the subsidies going to the ins companies to take on the sickest of the sick that otherwise would be denied coverage - called 'high risk corridors ' when the FOR PROFIT companies lost out on a huge chunk of cash - they started raising premiums to keep their bottom line.

can you tell me when EVER has a health insurance premium gone DOWN when the next year rolls around?


oh please.
I never wanted it replaced, just ended. To get it passed it was one lie after another. My coverage has over doubled with half the benefits and a deductible that can never be reached. A total fraud from the start with a Supreme Court ruling that even an idiot sees as WRONG. I thought the Supreme Court was the only branch of government not full of corruption. I was WRONG.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

Ever since he was a presidential candidate, President Donald Trump has been promising the American people a “terrific,” “phenomenal” and “fantastic” new health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

But, in the 3½ years since he set up shop in the Oval Office, he has yet to deliver.

In his early days on the campaign trail, circa 2015, he said on CNN he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with “something terrific,” and on Sean Hannity’s radio show he said the replacement would be “something great.” Fast-forward to 2020. Trump has promised an Obamacare replacement plan five times so far this year. And the plan is always said to be just a few weeks away.

July 19:

Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview that a health care plan would be unveiled within two weeks: “We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do.”

July 31:

With no sign of a plan yet, reporters asked Trump about it at a Florida event. Trump responded that a “very inclusive” health care plan was coming and “I’ll be signing it sometime very soon.”

Aug. 3:

Pushing the timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that the health care plan would be introduced “hopefully, prior to the end of the month.”

Aug. 7:

Citing his two-week timeline once again, Trump said during a press briefing that he would pursue a major executive order in the next two weeks “requiring health insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions for all customers.” Trump also said that covering preexisting conditions had “never been done before,” despite the ACA provisions outlining protections for people who have preexisting conditions being among the law’s most popular components.
Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes

View attachment 380845
LMAO @ the Desperation from you Communist Leftist .....

B. Hussein's "signature health care bill" was an unmitigated disaster that left millions upon millions of Americans without health insurance altogether and the rest facing skyrocketing rates.

This also contributed to America rejecting B. Hussein's third term through Hillary Clinton.

But, you LIARS keep deflecting this reality and keep trying to blame Trump.

Your efforts will be meaningless come November 3rd.

is that why the house flipped - because people didn't want to LOSE their obamacare?

a lot of them thar skyrocketing costs are also marco rubio's doing because he put in a poison pill in the omnibus back in 2015 that drastically reduced the subsidies going to the ins companies to take on the sickest of the sick that otherwise would be denied coverage - called 'high risk corridors ' when the FOR PROFIT companies lost out on a huge chunk of cash - they started raising premiums to keep their bottom line.

can you tell me when EVER has a health insurance premium gone DOWN when the next year rolls around?


oh please.
I never wanted it replaced, just ended. To get it passed it was one lie after another. My coverage has over doubled with half the benefits and a deductible that can never be reached. A total fraud from the start with a Supreme Court ruling that even an idiot sees as WRONG. I thought the Supreme Court was the only branch of government not full of corruption. I was WRONG.

none of the protections & guaranteed coverage has disappeared from the ACA.
Biden's injections are no longer working, so in comes Kumula, a woman that is hated even more than Hillary. Yup, that's the game changer.
Biden's injections are no longer working, so in comes Kumula, a woman that is hated even more than Hillary. Yup, that's the game changer.

the only people that would hate kamala would be deplorables... who would have a hate on for any (D) nominee.
there's something going on!

Why does there have to be something going on?
The thought of Hillary wining the election I looked at moving out. I looked at so called nations offering gun rights. All were a joke and had the citizen dancing through hoops to own a weapon and some wanting ten times the cost. If you hate America you will not find any country better. Read your duty as a citizen and then defend the nation, it's still the best place on Earth and will stay that way as long as democrats are kept in check.

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