Kamala, NOT Biden, will deliver the Democrat ticket's counter to Trump's RNC Speech thursday! HUH?

Nothing all that new, the Dems do not want Biden in front of a camera any more than absolutely necessary. Actions speak much larger than words IMHO, and they want us to vote for this guy?
Where is the shock in the democrats keeping cognitive train wreck Joe Biden away from cameras and microphones? Even the NY Times is now documenting Joe's fuck ups and flubs.
If Kamala does the same speech job that she did today Trump has nothing to worry about. The democrats are running a skip behind. She still thinks covid is still an issue and whites need racial understanding.

we are still averaging 1000 deaths a day. with no cure or vaccine in sight.

so, uh .... ya, it's still an issue.
Funny, Trump doesn't have a message of what HE plans to do in the next four years.
Funny - you're a fool. Does Trump have to constantly remind you idiots what he's about? Do you not know what Trump's message is - yet? Here's a clue - USA.
As I said, that's a slogan not a plan.

Trump has no plan for the next 4 years, except to get re-elected to keep his ass out of prison.

Republicans will not adopt a new platform at this week's convention and will instead pledge to 'enthusiastically' support Trump
Tom Porter
Aug 24, 2020, 6:55 AM

The Republican Party says it will not be announcing a new platform of policies to voters at this year's Republican National Convention but will instead pledge to "enthusiastically" support President Donald Trump.

In a statement released Sunday, the Republican National Committee announced that instead of unveiling a range of new policy goals should its candidate win in November's presidential election, the party would instead "continue to enthusiastically support the President's America-first agenda."

The GOP says it instead plans to campaign on the same platform as that announced in 2016 and will not be launching a new platform until 2024, when the next presidential election will take place.
Republicans will not adopt a new platform at this week's convention and will instead pledge to 'enthusiastically' support Trump

they got nuthin' but recycled fear of a dystopia & projection.
You're not trying to deny that Obama and the Democrats guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....are you?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Maybe one of those posts will sink in.

"Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb. "

And here we have exactly what everyone has come to expect from another low-life lying Liberal.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?

where's the repeal & replace the ACA on day 1?

donny said there was a ' beautiful new healthcare plan' that was gonna be rolled out in the 'next 2 weeks' during that shitshow of an interview with chris wallace.... that was what? +/- a MONTH ago?


he lied.

& how's about all them thar lies CONcerning covid? we are no closer to 'ending' it than we were back in january. but guess what HAS changed?

the death toll. everyday we are adding 1000 more souls to the tally.

yet again.
  • Love
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How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?

where's the repeal & replace the ACA on day 1?

donny said there was a ' beautiful new healthcare plan' that was gonna be rolled out in the 'next 2 weeks' during that shitshow of an interview with chris wallace.... that was what? +/- a MONTH ago?


he lied.

& how's about all them thar lies CONcerning covid? we are no closer to 'ending' it than we were back in january. but guess what HAS changed?

the death toll. everyday we are adding 1000 more souls to the tally.

yet again.

So.....this is your choice?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....and reparations?

Amazing how Democrats operate via the intellectual equivalent of Tartars, Mongols, Visigoths, Carthaginians…

How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?

where's the repeal & replace the ACA on day 1?

donny said there was a ' beautiful new healthcare plan' that was gonna be rolled out in the 'next 2 weeks' during that shitshow of an interview with chris wallace.... that was what? +/- a MONTH ago?


he lied.

& how's about all them thar lies CONcerning covid? we are no closer to 'ending' it than we were back in january. but guess what HAS changed?

the death toll. everyday we are adding 1000 more souls to the tally.

yet again.

So.....this is your choice?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....and reparations?

Amazing how Democrats operate via the intellectual equivalent of Tartars, Mongols, Visigoths, Carthaginians…

View attachment 381098

wow -wow -wow.

all that bloviating deflection & no answer to the actual question.

lol ... duly noted.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?

where's the repeal & replace the ACA on day 1?

donny said there was a ' beautiful new healthcare plan' that was gonna be rolled out in the 'next 2 weeks' during that shitshow of an interview with chris wallace.... that was what? +/- a MONTH ago?


he lied.

& how's about all them thar lies CONcerning covid? we are no closer to 'ending' it than we were back in january. but guess what HAS changed?

the death toll. everyday we are adding 1000 more souls to the tally.

yet again.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?

where's the repeal & replace the ACA on day 1?

donny said there was a ' beautiful new healthcare plan' that was gonna be rolled out in the 'next 2 weeks' during that shitshow of an interview with chris wallace.... that was what? +/- a MONTH ago?


he lied.

& how's about all them thar lies CONcerning covid? we are no closer to 'ending' it than we were back in january. but guess what HAS changed?

the death toll. everyday we are adding 1000 more souls to the tally.

yet again.

if you wanna go back to the 1st documented death - which would be feb 6, 2020 to aug 28, 2020 that would be 203 days & 181,000 deaths.

the math comes out to almost 900 per day.

is that really any better?
  • Thanks
Reactions: BWK
You're not trying to deny that Obama and the Democrats guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....are you?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Maybe one of those posts will sink in.

"Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb. "

And here we have exactly what everyone has come to expect from another low-life lying Liberal.
That's not a counter argument to the facts, because you have none of your own. Therefore, you are the one lying as always. Try again. This time show up with facts instead of saying and debating nothing.
Another one of these scholars here who pulls shit out of his ass, who hasn't the foggiest idea what Communism is, and much less how to connect it to a Leftist.
We read your psycho Leftist's post here everyday about how we do not understand what Communism is ....

When in Reality ..... it is YOU USEFUL IDIOTS ....

Who have no clue what Communism is and are simply parroting what the Fake News MSM tells you to think.

Vladimir Lenin was correct when he labeled you gullible dumbasses "Useful Idiots" .....

Normal thinking Americans are watching this Communist uprising burn American Cities everyday .....

While you dumb fvcks .... parrot the Indoctrinated Bullshit from the Left and the Fake News MSM.

Go ahead ...

Keep preaching to normal thinking Americans about what YOU think Communism is ...... based on what the Left and the Fake News MSM tells you to parrot ....
So, all that, and it looks like I was right all along. You don't know what communism is. And why is that? If you were to define it, you would have no one on the Left to connect it to. You are a fake and a liar.
Another one of these scholars here who pulls shit out of his ass, who hasn't the foggiest idea what Communism is, and much less how to connect it to a Leftist.
We read your psycho Leftist's post here everyday about how we do not understand what Communism is ....

When in Reality ..... it is YOU USEFUL IDIOTS ....

Who have no clue what Communism is and are simply parroting what the Fake News MSM tells you to think.

Vladimir Lenin was correct when he labeled you gullible dumbasses "Useful Idiots" .....

Normal thinking Americans are watching this Communist uprising burn American Cities everyday .....

While you dumb fvcks .... parrot the Indoctrinated Bullshit from the Left and the Fake News MSM.

Go ahead ...

Keep preaching to normal thinking Americans about what YOU think Communism is ...... based on what the Left and the Fake News MSM tells you to parrot ....
So, all that, and it looks like I was right all along. You don't know what communism is. And why is that? If you were to define it, you would have no one on the Left to connect it to. You are a fake and a liar.
Doubling down on the very STUPIDITY I called you out on in Comment #100 only proves my point.

Normal thinking Americans know EXACTLY what the Left is about.

It is only you Useful Idiots who don't get it.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
They live in an alternate universe of alternative facts.

Such as?

where's the repeal & replace the ACA on day 1?

donny said there was a ' beautiful new healthcare plan' that was gonna be rolled out in the 'next 2 weeks' during that shitshow of an interview with chris wallace.... that was what? +/- a MONTH ago?


he lied.

& how's about all them thar lies CONcerning covid? we are no closer to 'ending' it than we were back in january. but guess what HAS changed?

the death toll. everyday we are adding 1000 more souls to the tally.

yet again.

if you wanna go back to the 1st documented death - which would be feb 6, 2020 to aug 28, 2020 that would be 203 days & 181,000 deaths.

the math comes out to almost 900 per day.

is that really any better?
Covid is subjective. Medical plans the same way. Cuomo and DeBlasio are serial killers with this virus as an example. Obama drew first blood with his ACA. It sucked. And many people were/are suckers. We may get national healthcare some day. Maybe sooner then later. But it still will not stop the near double digit annual increases in many forms of medical care. So rationing will occur with many jealousies and complaints of some getting it over others. Especially with all the different ethnic and cultural groups we have.
You're not trying to deny that Obama and the Democrats guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....are you?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.
The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.
Facts is facts.

Maybe one of those posts will sink in.

"Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb. "

And here we have exactly what everyone has come to expect from another low-life lying Liberal.
That's not a counter argument to the facts, because you have none of your own. Therefore, you are the one lying as always. Try again. This time show up with facts instead of saying and debating nothing.

I said Hussein Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to the 7th century psychopaths of Iran.

That's the only fact.

Oh....and this....you're a mouth-breathing, dirt-eating liar.

"Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us
President Obama's deal with Iran was supposed to keep that nation's mullahs from creating a nuclear weapon with which it could intimidate and dominate the Mideast and much of Europe. Instead, it actually makes it more possible -- and in shorter time.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of a secret side deal that, in the words of the normally circumspect AP, advances "Tehran's ability to build a bomb even before the end of the pact." The accord as agreed to by the U.S. and five other nations was supposed to last 15 years. Or so we were told. Turns out, that's not the case.

...the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think.

The so-called "add-on" agreement lets Iran expand its uranium enrichment program after 10 years -- not 15 years, as the public parts of the deal suggested."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Another one of these scholars here who pulls shit out of his ass, who hasn't the foggiest idea what Communism is, and much less how to connect it to a Leftist.
We read your psycho Leftist's post here everyday about how we do not understand what Communism is ....

When in Reality ..... it is YOU USEFUL IDIOTS ....

Who have no clue what Communism is and are simply parroting what the Fake News MSM tells you to think.

Vladimir Lenin was correct when he labeled you gullible dumbasses "Useful Idiots" .....

Normal thinking Americans are watching this Communist uprising burn American Cities everyday .....

While you dumb fvcks .... parrot the Indoctrinated Bullshit from the Left and the Fake News MSM.

Go ahead ...

Keep preaching to normal thinking Americans about what YOU think Communism is ...... based on what the Left and the Fake News MSM tells you to parrot ....
So, all that, and it looks like I was right all along. You don't know what communism is. And why is that? If you were to define it, you would have no one on the Left to connect it to. You are a fake and a liar.
Doubling down on the very STUPIDITY I called you out on in Comment #100 only proves my point.

Normal thinking Americans know EXACTLY what the Left is about.

It is only you Useful Idiots who don't get it.
Only a useful idiot would go against the grain of common logic and critical thinking. You abandoned those values when you ignored the very subject matter that you are too afraid to confront, for fear of losing this debate. An answer by you would only confirm that you have no idea what Communism is. You aren't going to tell us what Communism is, because you cannot produce any comparisons of those on the Left. You have been a very useful idiot in this debate. Thanks!

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