Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

CaféAuLait;8646732 said:
Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

Rep. Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, says she wants to allow up to 10 strikes of the hand and that could leave redness and bruising. The bill also would allow parents to give permission to others to spank their children.

Finney says she wants to restore parental rights, and improve discipline.

Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

How would hitting your child to the point of bruising them restore parental rights? :confused:

What the he'll has Fred Phelps put in the water in Kansas?
Not after I got finished torturing you with my timeouts. Ostracism is a very strong tool when coupled with making the child understand what they did wrong. Takes patience on the part of the parents but it well worth it by the time they hit their 8th birthday.

Doesn't always work...especially for someone who meditates at least an hour (usually more) every day.

Which is more important? Meditating or raising your child to be respectful, empathetic, responsible, self aware and totally confident?

Are you literate?
CaféAuLait;8647123 said:
Timeouts...:lol: Progressive sugar coating being punished

I don't agree with this at all. I practice time outs and am considered middle of the road when it comes to politics. Time outs work, period. It takes more time than beating a child but they work. Time outs do not just mean you put the child on a chair and walk away, later time outs involve taking away items as well.

I don't understand this process which says its okay to beat a child but not an adult, its senseless IMO.

My point is "time outs" have been in the guide book for parenting forever. It used to be called a punishment, grounded, stand in the corner etc....

Time out is a watered down term to protect the silly frail egos of kids it's stupid. Like all things pc this term is relatively new. As if punishment is evil, but time out is loving.

Beating children children is a whole different issue.

I believe you are missing my point. Call it punishment, or what have you. I don't care. But to beat a child as proposed in the bill by the Kansas rep where it is allowed to leave bruises is outrageous. I do not agree with putting your hands on a child to beat them, hit them or whatever you want to call it.

I've seen arguments, that a child cant understand, as they are mentally incapable and hitting gets their attention, etc. "they don't understand words, but pain" If that is the case then why don't we beat adults that are mentally deficient? It is against the law to lay your hand on an adult but there are people proposing laws to do just that.
CaféAuLait;8647420 said:
CaféAuLait;8647123 said:
I don't agree with this at all. I practice time outs and am considered middle of the road when it comes to politics. Time outs work, period. It takes more time than beating a child but they work. Time outs do not just mean you put the child on a chair and walk away, later time outs involve taking away items as well.

I don't understand this process which says its okay to beat a child but not an adult, its senseless IMO.

My point is "time outs" have been in the guide book for parenting forever. It used to be called a punishment, grounded, stand in the corner etc....

Time out is a watered down term to protect the silly frail egos of kids it's stupid. Like all things pc this term is relatively new. As if punishment is evil, but time out is loving.

Beating children children is a whole different issue.

I believe you are missing my point. Call it punishment, or what have you. I don't care. But to beat a child as proposed in the bill by the Kansas rep where it is allowed to leave bruises is outrageous. I do not agree with putting your hands on a child to beat them, hit them or whatever you want to call it.

I've seen arguments, that a child cant understand, as they are mentally incapable and hitting gets their attention, etc. "they don't understand words, but pain" If that is the case then why don't we beat adults that are mentally deficient? It is against the law to lay your hand on an adult but there are people proposing laws to do just that.
No, I agree with you regarding the op. I am ok with parents swatting or spanking their children within reason, but never ever anyone else. And to cause physical pain...nu-uh, never

The other post was just an off cuff reply to the term "time out" Sorry for the confusion
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CaféAuLait;8646732 said:
Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

Rep. Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, says she wants to allow up to 10 strikes of the hand and that could leave redness and bruising. The bill also would allow parents to give permission to others to spank their children.

Finney says she wants to restore parental rights, and improve discipline.

Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

How would hitting your child to the point of bruising them restore parental rights? :confused:
Can I hit her to the point of bruising? No thats illegal?hmmmm I sense a problem
Well then why are you telling me to man up? I just said I put them on timeouts.

Because calling them time out is sissy

There is it folks.

Beating up on children who are much smaller and can't fight back - THAT's what makes you a man.

:lol: Liberals are so stupid

Yes, my reply to one post talking about "time outs" and the pc bs due to the term "time out" vs punish makes me a child beater.

Real men talk their kids bored submission :lol:
I don't need the government to tell me I can smack my kids ass if need be. My parents didn't for me and my siblings,their parents didn't etc etc etc...
CaféAuLait;8646732 said:
Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

Rep. Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, says she wants to allow up to 10 strikes of the hand and that could leave redness and bruising. The bill also would allow parents to give permission to others to spank their children.

Finney says she wants to restore parental rights, and improve discipline.

Kansas Bill Would Allow Spanking Children To Point Of Bruising

How would hitting your child to the point of bruising them restore parental rights? :confused:

Was very surprised to learn spanking's still allowed in school in some states. Be interesting to see school bullying stats for the ones with and without to see if spanking helps any. My only concern is over how they use their hands. We don't have enough teacher-student sex going on already? Get a paddle or something.
CaféAuLait;8647123 said:
If timeouts dont work you are not doing them right. I have 2 teenagers and timeouts absolutely kill them.

Timeouts...:lol: Progressive sugar coating being punished

I don't agree with this at all. I practice time outs and am considered middle of the road when it comes to politics. Time outs work, period. It takes more time than beating a child but they work. Time outs do not just mean you put the child on a chair and walk away, later time outs involve taking away items as well.

I don't understand this process which says its okay to beat a child but not an adult, its senseless IMO.

How could you beat someone you love?
Properly carried out, spanking works. Claims it leads inexorably to criminality is nonsense. If that were true, previous generations would be entirely criminal. Crime's only just gotten unusually bad, not surprisingly in the era where spanking is all but extinct.
Properly carried out, spanking works. Claims it leads inexorably to criminality is nonsense. If that were true, previous generations would be entirely criminal. Crime's only just gotten unusually bad, not surprisingly in the era where spanking is all but extinct.

When we were kids we watched cowboys and Indians and combat movies and television shows. We played with guns and swords. Funny, it was the generations raised on Sesame Street and Mister Rogers who started bringing guns to school and killing people. Sometimes things just do not equate.
Properly carried out, spanking works. Claims it leads inexorably to criminality is nonsense. If that were true, previous generations would be entirely criminal. Crime's only just gotten unusually bad, not surprisingly in the era where spanking is all but extinct.

Is there an actual study to support your claim because there are quite a few that disagree.
Properly carried out, spanking works. Claims it leads inexorably to criminality is nonsense. If that were true, previous generations would be entirely criminal. Crime's only just gotten unusually bad, not surprisingly in the era where spanking is all but extinct.

Spanking properly carried out? There is nothing proper about spanking. Its totally unnecessary. It may be more difficult to parent without spanking but the results are outstanding.

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