Kansas Gov. Stands Up to Homo Mafia.

Yeah, the 9th Amendment included in that Supreme Law says this about the power of the 1st Amendment civil right to protect Christians
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The order pertained to Clergy - in other words, unnecessary under the 1st Amendment.

Yes, because the 1st Amendment says freedom of churches or clergy to the exercise of faith. Not actual Christians which is the reason churches and clergy even exist .. :lmao:
Let's see. So far today, the Right has smeared blacks, gays, and Latinos. A trifecta!

What say we start a topic about Muslims to round out all the corners?

The Republican Party and conservatives in general are in full hate mode. They hate Obama, they hate gays, they hate Muslims, they hate Blacks, they hate liberals, they hate anyone who might have a need for government assistance even if it is only for a short period of time, they hate anyone who cannot afford or get health insurance on their own and relies on a government subsidy or Medicaid, they hate pretty much everyone except themselves. The more they play the hate card, the more they box themselves into a corner. At this rate, they are going to find it difficult to convince anyone to vote Republican next year, other than the diehards. I may be wrong, but right now I am really starting to believe that 2016 is going to be a very rude awakening for conservatives. I think James Carville is correct that 2016 may well be the end of the Republican Party as we know it. As he states it, if Hillary wins the White House, this will make six of the last seven presidential elections where the Democrats have won the popular vote for the White House, and 2020 would almost certainly make it seven out of eight. Remember another thing. While Republicans have a very big advantage in the House, they lost the total popular vote in 2012 and barely won it in 2014. If it weren't for all the Republican gerrymandering, they would lose the House too. As this trend continues and demographics change, Dems are going to start winning again at the state level, and that is what will completely bring the Republican Party to its knees.
Let's see. So far today, the Right has smeared blacks, gays, and Latinos. A trifecta!

What say we start a topic about Muslims to round out all the corners?

The Republican Party and conservatives in general are in full hate mode. They hate Obama, they hate gays, they hate Muslims, they hate Blacks, they hate liberals, they hate anyone who might have a need for government assistance even if it is only for a short period of time, they hate anyone who cannot afford or get health insurance on their own and relies on a government subsidy or Medicaid, they hate pretty much everyone except themselves. The more they play the hate card, the more they box themselves into a corner. At this rate, they are going to find it difficult to convince anyone to vote Republican next year, other than the diehards. I may be wrong, but right now I am really starting to believe that 2016 is going to be a very rude awakening for conservatives. I think James Carville is correct that 2016 may well be the end of the Republican Party as we know it. As he states it, if Hillary wins the White House, this will make six of the last seven presidential elections where the Democrats have won the popular vote for the White House, and 2020 would almost certainly make it seven out of eight. Remember another thing. While Republicans have a very big advantage in the House, they lost the total popular vote in 2012 and barely won it in 2014. If it weren't for all the Republican gerrymandering, they would lose the House too. As this trend continues and demographics change, Dems are going to start winning again at the state level, and that is what will completely bring the Republican Party to its knees.

This is definitely the trend. Right now it looks like for the next presidential race the Democrats have 257 electoral votes locked up BEFORE THE VOTING BEGINS. The Republicans have 149 locked up. It is going to be nearly impossible for any Republican candidate to win the White House in 2016 no matter who the Democrat candidate is.

And the trend nationwide as you say is all trending against the Republicans. This is why they have been frantically gerrymandering every precinct they can get their hands on. They see the writing on the wall.

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