Kansas Gov. Stands Up to Homo Mafia.


Governor Brownback executes an elaborate dance move for his audience.


"We're saved! We're saved!
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.

The only problem will be when homos start demanding churches marry them. Then they will have a huge problem

I agree but churches haven't been forced to marry anyone that they didn't want to and nor should they be forced to do so.
Nobody should be offended at this. The homos swear they are not interested in religion or churches marrying them. LOL
you don't find the governor of kansas playing to that kind of stupidity offensive?
Oh, Sam Brownback can be stupider than this. He's barely scratching the level of his stupidity.

You all sound....well....bothered by this LOL
Bothered? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Greatly amused! Just look at all you little tards drinking down Brownback's piss with so much gusto. We're talking some rib crackingly funny slapstick here.

True story. Over ten years ago, the wife and I were taking out grade school age daughter to see our Colo relatives, and we decided to drive. Why? I dunno. Probably a desire to share our hellish childhood vacation experiences with the kid. We've got the Wizard of Oz, and a little tv (no DVDs then) strapped in the back seat. We're gonna go to the college where my mother went. We stop in Manhattan Kansas, and it's hot, so we decide to visit the Univ Natl Sci Museum. My kid was crazy for horses. I'm walking along, and there in a class case I behold a stuffed, dead horse. It's Commanche, the sole survivor of the Little Big Horn.

Little Girl Dog was not amused.
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.

The only problem will be when homos start demanding churches marry them. Then they will have a huge problem

I agree but churches haven't been forced to marry anyone that they didn't want to and nor should they be forced to do so.
BUT YOU CAN'T BE TOOO CAREFUL CAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW. I mean, Governor Brownback should probably consider measures to protect Kansasians from the danger of frogs raining to earth .... because it COULD happen!
Breaking News: Governor Brownback signs an Executive Order outlawing whaling in The Sunflower State. GreenPeace is reported to be dancing in the street.
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There are churches that will marry homos, but the homo mafia isn't satisfied. They demand total obedience. Totalitarian filth.
Perhaps solving a non-existent problem deflected attention from his tea party economic governance that tanked the state's economy.
Um, perhaps not. Perhaps it's just Americans standing up to filthy homo bullies.
Filthy homo bullies?!? They come to businesses as paying customers, and the businesses say they are being 'attacked'!

All marriage equality mandates is equal access to the benefits and protections of the marriage contract. Churches sanctify marriages, they do not issue marriage licenses.
Not a single church has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes in this nation. Not one.
You're not getting it.

No, I get it just fine but if you want to jump for joy for this solution in search of a problem then have at it.
Why not jump for joy? It's called "democracy", you filthy corrupt cockroach.

Because they were never forced to do so, dunce.
Nobody should be offended at this. The homos swear they are not interested in religion or churches marrying them. LOL
Yes, and they also swear that marriage has absolutely nothing to do with children. So when this excellent and courageous governor acted on their behalf to protect them at Christian adoption agencies, the LGBT culties won't mind because "marriage is about adults, not children".

In practice what this means is...ironically...lesbian child-traffickers will have to have their wombs working overtime to make sure their gay male friends have all the young boys they need..er.. "want to raise as children in a loving home"...

It's funny, lesbians try to evade womanhood but being pregnant sort of drives that point home. Each time they become pregnant, the true meaning of the sexual act is driven home...stretch marks and all. They'll always need a man when it comes time to make a baby. :lmao:
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.

The only problem will be when homos start demanding churches marry them. Then they will have a huge problem

I agree but churches haven't been forced to marry anyone that they didn't want to and nor should they be forced to do so.

I think this is a shot across the bow.

I think this was a waste of pen ink.
I expect this to spread. Let the temper tantrum begin.

BAD News for Gay Couples in Kansas... Liberals are Crying

Who is crying? Kansas law offers no protection based upon sexual orientation- here is who is covered under the law

Charges of alleged discrimination may be filed on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, retaliation, age in employment only, and familial status in housing only. Genetic screening and testing in the area of employment is prohibited

Nothing in Kansas requires any organization to not discriminate against homosexuals- for any reason.

Gov. Sam Brownback issued an executive order Tuesday prohibiting state government from taking action against clergy members or religious organizations that deny services to couples based on religious beliefs.

Among other things, the order is intended to protect religious organizations that provide adoption services for the state from having to place children with gay couples if that conflicts with their beliefs.

“We have a duty to govern and to govern in accordance with the Constitution as it has been determined by the Supreme Court decision,” Brownback said in a statement. “We also recognize that religious liberty is at the heart of who we are as Kansans and Americans, and should be protected.”

Brownback said the order protects “Kansas clergy and religious organizations from being forced to participate in activities that violate their sincerely and deeply held beliefs.”

The order explicitly protects religious organizations that provide “social services or charitable services,” meaning that it extends beyond the wedding ceremony.
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.

The only problem will be when homos start demanding churches marry them. Then they will have a huge problem

I agree but churches haven't been forced to marry anyone that they didn't want to and nor should they be forced to do so.

I think this is a shot across the bow.

I think this was a waste of pen ink.

Your opinion
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.

The only problem will be when homos start demanding churches marry them. Then they will have a huge problem

I agree but churches haven't been forced to marry anyone that they didn't want to and nor should they be forced to do so.
BUT YOU CAN'T BE TOOO CAREFUL CAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW. I mean, Governor Brownback should probably consider measures to protect Kansasians from the danger of frogs raining to earth .... because it COULD happen!
This just in. Governor Brownback has issued an Executive Order denying the Friends of Hamas a Kansas drivers licence.

We're saved! We're saved!

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