Kansas Gov. Stands Up to Homo Mafia.

Yes, and they also swear that marriage has absolutely nothing to do with children. So when this excellent and courageous governor acted on their behalf to protect them at Christian adoption agencies, the LGBT culties won't mind because "marriage is about adults, not children".

Oh, I didn't realize it made it difficult for them to get at children, that explains some of the wailing

Doesn't change a thing about adoption in Kansas.

Sure it does, the Church is who we adopted our daughter through, not a snowball's chance in hell would they have ever given her to a homo couple. Nada, no way, not happening

Does not change a thing in Kansas.

Any organization can discriminate against any homosexual or any homosexual couple- there is no Kansas law which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation- so yes- theoretically an adoption agency in Kansas could refuse to adopt to hetero couples.

The governors proclamation is legally meaningless- but does appeal to his base of ignorant idiots.

You sound upset....

You sound ignorant and homophobic.
Oh, I didn't realize it made it difficult for them to get at children, that explains some of the wailing

Doesn't change a thing about adoption in Kansas.

Sure it does, the Church is who we adopted our daughter through, not a snowball's chance in hell would they have ever given her to a homo couple. Nada, no way, not happening

Does not change a thing in Kansas.

Any organization can discriminate against any homosexual or any homosexual couple- there is no Kansas law which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation- so yes- theoretically an adoption agency in Kansas could refuse to adopt to hetero couples.

The governors proclamation is legally meaningless- but does appeal to his base of ignorant idiots.

You sound upset....

You sound ignorant and homophobic.

A phobia is a fear, I fear no homo
Doesn't change a thing about adoption in Kansas.

Sure it does, the Church is who we adopted our daughter through, not a snowball's chance in hell would they have ever given her to a homo couple. Nada, no way, not happening

Does not change a thing in Kansas.

Any organization can discriminate against any homosexual or any homosexual couple- there is no Kansas law which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation- so yes- theoretically an adoption agency in Kansas could refuse to adopt to hetero couples.

The governors proclamation is legally meaningless- but does appeal to his base of ignorant idiots.

You sound upset....

You sound ignorant and homophobic.

A phobia is a fear, I fear no homo

Like I said

you sound ignorant and homophobic

You just demonstrated how correct my statement is.
Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws.

Now you have done gone and let the cat out of the bag. Sucked all the fun out of this topic.
But you can't be too careful! I mean Kansas doesn't have to worry about this now. It's just one less worry for a state with a failed economy, dropping support of education, dropping rural population, ghost towns ... and now a drought. Governor Brownback can't do anything about all those other problems, but by Jesus he's protected those pastors .... just in case.
Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws.

Now you have done gone and let the cat out of the bag. Sucked all the fun out of this topic.
But you can't be too careful! I mean Kansas doesn't have to worry about this now. It's just one less worry for a state with a failed economy, dropping support of education, dropping rural population, ghost towns ... and now a drought. Governor Brownback can't do anything about all those other problems, but by Jesus he's protected those pastors .... just in case.
Sure it does, the Church is who we adopted our daughter through, not a snowball's chance in hell would they have ever given her to a homo couple. Nada, no way, not happening

Does not change a thing in Kansas.

Any organization can discriminate against any homosexual or any homosexual couple- there is no Kansas law which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation- so yes- theoretically an adoption agency in Kansas could refuse to adopt to hetero couples.

The governors proclamation is legally meaningless- but does appeal to his base of ignorant idiots.

You sound upset....

You sound ignorant and homophobic.

A phobia is a fear, I fear no homo

Like I said

you sound ignorant and homophobic

You just demonstrated how correct my statement is.

You left loons love to claim victory....when no such victory is evident. In fact the vast majority of you on here are child's play. Our 10 year old twins know what a phobia is, it's obvious you don't. Homophobia is a word some homo dreamed up, it means nothing to me because it doesn't describe me. Now take your elementary ramblings and go talk to one of your fellow dumb downed loons.
Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws.

Now you have done gone and let the cat out of the bag. Sucked all the fun out of this topic.
But you can't be too careful! I mean Kansas doesn't have to worry about this now. It's just one less worry for a state with a failed economy, dropping support of education, dropping rural population, ghost towns ... and now a drought. Governor Brownback can't do anything about all those other problems, but by Jesus he's protected those pastors .... just in case.
Does not change a thing in Kansas.

Any organization can discriminate against any homosexual or any homosexual couple- there is no Kansas law which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation- so yes- theoretically an adoption agency in Kansas could refuse to adopt to hetero couples.

The governors proclamation is legally meaningless- but does appeal to his base of ignorant idiots.

You sound upset....

You sound ignorant and homophobic.

A phobia is a fear, I fear no homo

Like I said

you sound ignorant and homophobic

You just demonstrated how correct my statement is.

You left loons love to claim victory....when no such victory is evident. In fact the vast majority of you on here are child's play. Our 10 year old twins know what a phobia is, it's obvious you don't. Homophobia is a word some homo dreamed up, it means nothing to me because it doesn't describe me. Now take your elementary ramblings and go talk to one of your fellow dumb downed loons.

Your 10 year old's probably know how to use a dictionary- but maybe you don't let them use one more recent than 1912.

I call you homophobic because you advocate discrimination against homosexuals.

I call you ignorant for everything you have posted in this thread- including not understanding that what Brownback did was nothing more than playing to your incredible ignorance of Kansas law- and for your ignorance of the word 'Homophobia"- which has existed in the English language for over 50 years

Merriam Webster:
Definition of HOMOPHOBIA
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

Describes you completely.

Oxford English Dictionary
Definition of HOMOPHOBIA
Dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

Again- describes you perfectly.

That you refuse to accept the definitions found in the two most authoritative dictionaries in the English language displays not only ignorance, but a dazzling display of willful ignorance.
Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws.

Now you have done gone and let the cat out of the bag. Sucked all the fun out of this topic.
But you can't be too careful! I mean Kansas doesn't have to worry about this now. It's just one less worry for a state with a failed economy, dropping support of education, dropping rural population, ghost towns ... and now a drought. Governor Brownback can't do anything about all those other problems, but by Jesus he's protected those pastors .... just in case.
Does not change a thing in Kansas.

Any organization can discriminate against any homosexual or any homosexual couple- there is no Kansas law which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation- so yes- theoretically an adoption agency in Kansas could refuse to adopt to hetero couples.

The governors proclamation is legally meaningless- but does appeal to his base of ignorant idiots.

You sound upset....

You sound ignorant and homophobic.

A phobia is a fear, I fear no homo

Like I said

you sound ignorant and homophobic

You just demonstrated how correct my statement is.

You left loons love to claim victory....when no such victory is evident. In fact the vast majority of you on here are child's play. Our 10 year old twins know what a phobia is, it's obvious you don't. Homophobia is a word some homo dreamed up, it means nothing to me because it doesn't describe me. Now take your elementary ramblings and go talk to one of your fellow dumb downed loons.
Fair enough. 'Homophobia" is not the term for you.

From here on out, I, for one, will not call you a homophobe. Rather, I will refer to your opinions about your fellow American citizens who happen to be homosexuals as 'incredibly stupid', 'based on stereotypes', 'poorly reasoned' and 'bigoted'.

I certainly hope that clears things up for you.
Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws.

Now you have done gone and let the cat out of the bag. Sucked all the fun out of this topic.
But you can't be too careful! I mean Kansas doesn't have to worry about this now. It's just one less worry for a state with a failed economy, dropping support of education, dropping rural population, ghost towns ... and now a drought. Governor Brownback can't do anything about all those other problems, but by Jesus he's protected those pastors .... just in case.

Perhaps next he can declare the drought to be illegal?
Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws.

Now you have done gone and let the cat out of the bag. Sucked all the fun out of this topic.
But you can't be too careful! I mean Kansas doesn't have to worry about this now. It's just one less worry for a state with a failed economy, dropping support of education, dropping rural population, ghost towns ... and now a drought. Governor Brownback can't do anything about all those other problems, but by Jesus he's protected those pastors .... just in case.

Perhaps next he can declare the drought to be illegal?
They need a MIRACLE
The Rainmaker 1956 - Overview - TCM.com
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.

The only problem will be when homos start demanding churches marry them. Then they will have a huge problem

No more a problem than when blacks starting demanding churches marry them.

Or when Jews starting demanding churches marry them.

Or when Mormons started demanding that churches marry them.

Or when Lithuanians started demanding that churches marry them.


Here it is again ...

This is just the Kansas Governor, who's economic policies have bankrupted the state, getting jealous that he isn't part of 'Jade Helm 15. So he invented one so he could feel special too.
I think this was a waste of pen ink.

Your opinion

Indeed, it is but it is a fact that there hasn't been a single forced to marry any couple against their wishes. A Hindu couple can't walk into a Catholic Cathedral and demand a priest marry them. Or Muslim couple walk into a Synagogue and demand Rabbi marry them. This E.O. literally changes nothing.

Not yet, keep in mind bakers were not being forced to bake queer cakes until recently. I've often wondered if that had happened before

Churches are not subject to public accommodation laws. They never have and they never should be. Besides, I am down with scrapping PA laws almost entirely. Let these businesses serve or not serve whomever they please and let the free market sort it.

You and I are in a agreement on the PA laws

And I'm sure you've called to have Title II of the CRA repealed, right? Did your Congressional representative laugh at you?
Perhaps solving a non-existent problem deflected attention from his tea party economic governance that tanked the state's economy.

The state's economy is doing very well, as a matter of fact.

* Kansas's unemployment rate is 4.2%, about 25% lower than the national rate (5.2%).

* In 2014, Kansas saw a huge jump in manufacturing exports, to the tune of a $400-million-plus increase over the previous year. In fact, 2014 saw the state's exports top $12 billion, a record only matched in two other years in the state's history.

* Last year Kansas exporters outpaced their competition in the neighboring four states (Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma). Their average export value was $9.74 billion, $2.26 billion less than that of Kansas.

* Kansas has the sixth lowest cost of living in the country. The cost of living in Kansas is nearly 8.74% below the national average.

* Housing costs in Kansas are especially low, with the median value of owner-occupied homes nearly 216.7% below the national average.

* Kansas ranks 22nd in the country Kansas in the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. In 2011, Kansas ranked 25th, so the state's tax climate has improved substantially since 2011. The index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and taxes on property, including residential and commercial property.

* Kansas governor Sam Brownback was awarded an "A" by the fiscally conservative Cato Institute for his tax cuts and spending restraint and for reducing the size of the state bureaucracy. Said Cato,

Sam Brownback of Kansas has spearheaded major tax reforms. In 2012 he signed into law a package that reduced the number of individual income tax brackets from three to two and cut the top tax rate from 6.45 to 4.9 percent. The reform also increased the standard deduction, reduced taxes on small businesses, and repealed numerous narrow tax breaks. Brownback approved additional changes in 2013, including further income tax rate cuts, broadening the income tax base, and increasing the sales tax rate. The governor has also been a frugal budgeter since 2012, overseeing just small increases in general fund spending.​

* Americans for Tax Reform has called Brownback's 2015 budget sound and frugal. You have to keep in mind that any Republican governor who imposes even modest fiscal restraint will be accused of taking food from babies, starving grandmas, gutting "education," etc., etc. So the Americans for Tax Reform analysis is a good reality check on Brownback's budget.

* The majority of the budget shortfall has nothing--as in nothing--to do with Brownback's tax cuts.

* The Kansas real median household income is slightly higher than the national average.

* Kansas GDP growth has been above or at the national average since Brownback took office, and it has been nearly double that of Obama's home state of Illinois. In September 2014, economist Stephen Moore noted,

On economic growth, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that Kansas’ real GDP increase was up 1.9 % last year – slighter higher than the national average of 1.8%. Illinois crept up 0.9%.​

Much more could be said about the overall positive direction of the Kansas budget and economy under Republican leadership, but this will have to suffice for now.

So the next time you see some liberal claim that Kansas is somehow "proof" that conservative economic policies don't work, remind him or her of these facts.

Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website - Quality of Life

Cost of Living in Kansas - PayScale

Kansas Tax Foundation

Pro-liberty Republican governors are slashing high taxes and rolling back big government -- and that s good for taxpayers United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government


Sam Brownback United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback Americans for Tax Reform

Here s How Kansas Is Flourishing Under Republican Governor Sam Brownback

Kansas State Household Income Department of Numbers

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