Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

What if a state tried to chase out all their h o m o 's ?

That would also be a good idea but probably not constitutional at the Federal level either.

It's tricky when your government has a Bill Of Rights.

That says what with regards to gays ?
I don't have to make it happen. Its already done for me since a man and woman partnership is the only way for reproduction to take place.
Non sequitur lame ass logical fallacy. IN other words it makes no damned sense. There is no logic . By not allowing gays to adopt, all of those children who have lost a parent to death or divorce, all the ones born to single parents and all of those in the foster care system who have NO parents, will magically have a mom and a dad? Listen to yourself!

May the Gods and Goddesses bless you always.
Those who want both a mom and dad should most definitely get their wish since it is the child who is most impacted by the act of adoption. That right there is what not enough people ever think about. To me, what the child wants should be the top priority and if they don't care what kind of couple it is that they go home with, then okay, that is all on them.

The Lord created people, but it was people who created their lifestyles.
That is just willful ignorance or shameless lying
Why would the Lord go and create something only to prohibit it later on?

God bless you always!!!

Brilllliant! Lets say that there is a 2 year old special needs child in need of a home. The only people to come forward who are willing and able to take her is a Lesbian couple. The child does not even know what Lesbians are. How long do we wait for another couple to come along.? Or, do we wait until the child is old enough to make an informed decision? What age would that be. Logic and reason are not your strong points.
Logic and reason are obviously not your strong points either. With it being a special needs child, the child would not know a lot of things, which is why its so important that the child have at least one form of normalcy which all begins at home: a mom and a dad. Why shouldn't they have a normal set of parents when so much is already missing from their picture?

God bless you always!!!

Thank you for admitting that you are so hateful and obtuse that you think that a child is better off remaining a ward of the state or in an orphanage than being adopted by a same sex couple.

May the God and Goddesses help you!!
If I were truly a hateful person, I would only cheer every time that a homosexual's dirt nap got started, but have I ever done such a thing? Never.

God bless you always!!!

Why are conservatives always such assholes when it comes to homosexuals?

It's really the government they tend to hate. You, of course, love it since it keeps you in clothing.

My guess is that homosexuals would assimilate quite well if they were not so fucking militant about it.

But, nooooooooooo, they just have to have it their way and in the course of things screw up institutions that have been around longer than the gay rights movement.

Most gays I know think all this is bullshit and wish the headline grabbers would move out of the country.

An oppressed minority becomes militant out of necessity . They have that right and a obligation to them selves to fight back against discrimination and marginalization. Bitching about their militancy makes you sound exactly like the racial bigots who complain about uppity blacks who don't know their place.

LGBT people have come a long way but in some ways still have much to overcome. They are still subject to discrimination in housing, employment and, as we see here adoption. The fact is, that in progressive states like New Jersey where I am, they have assimilated quite well. It is not an issue and no one notices or cares that they live among us as productive and responsible citizens and family people . There is no militancy here because there is no need for it, unlike in Kansas and other places. . Ask your self how passive you would be if you were denied the right of full participation in society, and equal protection under the law based on some arbitrary characteristic or membership in a certain group.
Non sequitur lame ass logical fallacy. IN other words it makes no damned sense. There is no logic . By not allowing gays to adopt, all of those children who have lost a parent to death or divorce, all the ones born to single parents and all of those in the foster care system who have NO parents, will magically have a mom and a dad? Listen to yourself!

May the Gods and Goddesses bless you always.
Those who want both a mom and dad should most definitely get their wish since it is the child who is most impacted by the act of adoption. That right there is what not enough people ever think about. To me, what the child wants should be the top priority and if they don't care what kind of couple it is that they go home with, then okay, that is all on them.

That is just willful ignorance or shameless lying
Why would the Lord go and create something only to prohibit it later on?

God bless you always!!!

Brilllliant! Lets say that there is a 2 year old special needs child in need of a home. The only people to come forward who are willing and able to take her is a Lesbian couple. The child does not even know what Lesbians are. How long do we wait for another couple to come along.? Or, do we wait until the child is old enough to make an informed decision? What age would that be. Logic and reason are not your strong points.
Logic and reason are obviously not your strong points either. With it being a special needs child, the child would not know a lot of things, which is why its so important that the child have at least one form of normalcy which all begins at home: a mom and a dad. Why shouldn't they have a normal set of parents when so much is already missing from their picture?

God bless you always!!!

Thank you for admitting that you are so hateful and obtuse that you think that a child is better off remaining a ward of the state or in an orphanage than being adopted by a same sex couple.

May the God and Goddesses help you!!
If I were truly a hateful person, I would only cheer every time that a homosexual's dirt nap got started, but have I ever done such a thing? Never.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, that does not absolve you in the eyes of decent , rational people who care about children, and not in the eyes of the Goddess either
^^^ I believe that is for the Lord to decide and no one else.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Oh and one more thing, another thing that a truly hateful person would be guilty of is the murdering of homosexuals and I don't kill anyone...until I am left with no other option but to defend myself.
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Why are conservatives always such assholes when it comes to homosexuals?

It's really the government they tend to hate. You, of course, love it since it keeps you in clothing.

My guess is that homosexuals would assimilate quite well if they were not so fucking militant about it.

But, nooooooooooo, they just have to have it their way and in the course of things screw up institutions that have been around longer than the gay rights movement.

Most gays I know think all this is bullshit and wish the headline grabbers would move out of the country.
Tell us about the good old days when homosexuals stayed in the closet
Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
Na, while there is no such thing as spiritual free will... there is free will.
They choice of “gay” while naïve Is one that made out of utter confusion.

Where do you get this stuff from? It sounds like it's made up by some religious zealot or fundie "counselor" who has never known anyone who is LGBT. Why don't you people learn to leave everyone else alone? I bet nobody ever did anything to you.
I don’t care if someone chooses to be gay, never said I did. Asswipe
I just think gay people are sick and confused... lol
Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays

You don't even believe in the Lord, so STFU.

And he didn't "create" gays. Just like he didn't create sinners. People choose to sin, people choose to be gay. The Lord creates life, what that life does is up to them.

But homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord. However, it's not my place to judge. That's up to God himself.
Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
Na, while there is no such thing as spiritual free will... there is free will.
They choice of “gay” while naïve Is one that made out of utter confusion.

Where do you get this stuff from? It sounds like it's made up by some religious zealot or fundie "counselor" who has never known anyone who is LGBT. Why don't you people learn to leave everyone else alone? I bet nobody ever did anything to you.
I don’t care if someone chooses to be gay, never said I did. Asswip

I just think gay people are sick and confused... lol
Let me try to educate you, although I fear that it is futile

There is strong evidence to support the theory that being gay is an innate and immutable characteristic as the courts have long held. I don't know for a fact that most gay people think or care a whole hell of a lot about it. Most just want to live their lives in peace as the people who they know themselves to be.

I think that it is the bigots like you who are pretending and lying about the nature of homosexuality for political reasons. Yes, there is much yet to learn about why people are gay. But by using logic, reason, and by looking at the available science, we can understand quite a lot

Sexual Orientation: Fixed or Fluid by the Progressive Patriot 9.26.17

As we know. People continue to debate this issue at this late date in the evolution of social justice and gay rights. While it certainly is an interesting question from an academic standpoint, there also seems to be a political aspect to it.

In my experience, conservatives tend to insist that sexual orientation can change for a couple of reasons. First, if it is true, then they can justify "conversion therapy" for gay people who want to be straight or who have been coerced and shamed into submitting to it. Second, and closely related to the first reason is to demonstrate that sexual orientation- at least being bi or homosexual is a choice. It then follows that if it is a choice, then it is the "fault of those people" who have allegedly chosen a decedent and frivolous "lifestyle" and therefore are not deserving of respect, acceptance and rights. And while they insist that homosexuality is a choice, ask them when they chose to be heterosexual-or if they could chose to be homosexual- and they are dumfounded- not understanding that it has to be the other side of the same coin

The reasoning on the issue of fluidity and choice falls short on a number of different levels. First, even if sexual orientation were fluid as they claim, that does not mean that someone can change at will like a chameleon. People change in various ways -for both better and worse -throughout their lives. Those changes are not necessarily consciously planned. Rather, it is a process. They learn, they grow, they evolve. Tastes and preferences change. We don't penalize people for any of that- unless sex is involved.

In addition, they either deliberately or out of ignorance, conflate the issue of " lifestyle choice Sexual orientation exists along a continuum from fully heterosexual to fully homosexual with many people who are bi sexual who may lean one way or the other in between. It is those people who are bisexual who may “choose” a lifestyle and at various times engage in same sex or opposite sex relationships. In other words, you have to distinguish between life style and sexual orientation. However, no matter how many times I try to drive home that point, the people who are invested in insisting that homosexuality is a choice don’t get it, most likely because they don’t want to get it-because if they do get it, it will deprive them of an important talking point needed to marginalize and delegitimize gay people by painting homosexuality as something other than an immutable charachteristic.

Finally , they dumb down or completely ignore the advances in science on the topic.

Try digesting this:


KNOXVILLE – Epigenetics - how gene expression is regulated by temporary switches, called epi-marks - appears to be a critical and overlooked factor contributing to the long-standing puzzle of why homosexuality occurs.

According to the study, published online today in The Quarterly Review of Biology, sex-specific epi-marks, which normally do not pass between generations and are thus "erased," can lead to homosexuality when they escape erasure and are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son.

pi-marks constitute an extra layer of information attached to our genes' backbones that regulates their expression. While genes hold the instructions, epi-marks direct how those instructions are carried out - when, where and how much a gene is expressed during development. Epi-marks are usually produced anew each generation, but recent evidence demonstrates that they sometimes carry over between generations and thus can contribute to similarity among relatives, resembling the effect of shared genes.

CC Airoplainmaniac
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

Many on the right would prefer kids sleep on the street and go hungry than have loving parents of the same sex.

Stupid, cruel and sick.
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

Many on the right would prefer kids sleep on the street and go hungry than have loving parents of the same sex.

Stupid, cruel and sick.
I would prefer whomever adopts kids be investigated thoroughly and a psych test given to make sure they won't drive off a cliff or chain them to beds after getting to adopt 6 or 7 kids. Straight or gay.
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

Many on the right would prefer kids sleep on the street and go hungry than have loving parents of the same sex.

Stupid, cruel and sick.
I would prefer whomever adopts kids be investigated thoroughly and a psych test given to make sure they won't drive off a cliff or chain them to beds after getting to adopt 6 or 7 kids. Straight or gay.

They are. I worked in adoption But psychology is not an exact science. I am willing to bet that, percentage wise, a hell of alto more straight people abuse, endanger and kill their kids than do straight people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
The Lord created people, but it was people who created their lifestyles.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Discuss that with Laura Ingraham.
First I need to know what has already been said to her. Then I will know what hasn't been said to her already.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

And just how the hell are you going to make that happen by not allowing gays to adopt?
I don't have to make it happen. Its already done for me since a man and woman partnership is the only way for reproduction to take place.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

That's not always an option, yet God also commanded us to love each other and would you deny a child a loving parent, even if they are not heterosexual?
A same gender couple would be the last resort.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Are you prepared to force that upon people?
You make it sound like I am the only kind of person who forces their beliefs on other people.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Your lord also created those gay and Lesbian people who can and do have children and who are parents to those children.

I don't know much about the bible, but I'm pretty sure, and common sense tells me, that there is nothing in it that says homosexuals cannot or should not have children or adopt them. This thing in Kansas is motivated by bigotry and stupidity and nothing more.
God created people, yes, but it was people who created the homosexual lifestyle.

God bless you people always!!!

Then why do they say that Satan is gay?
I never knew that anyone did.

God bless you always!!!

Thank you..

Why are conservatives always such assholes when it comes to homosexuals?

It's really the government they tend to hate. You, of course, love it since it keeps you in clothing.

My guess is that homosexuals would assimilate quite well if they were not so fucking militant about it.

But, nooooooooooo, they just have to have it their way and in the course of things screw up institutions that have been around longer than the gay rights movement.

Most gays I know think all this is bullshit and wish the headline grabbers would move out of the country.

An oppressed minority becomes militant out of necessity . They have that right and a obligation to them selves to fight back against discrimination and marginalization. Bitching about their militancy makes you sound exactly like the racial bigots who complain about uppity blacks who don't know their place.

LGBT people have come a long way but in some ways still have much to overcome. They are still subject to discrimination in housing, employment and, as we see here adoption. The fact is, that in progressive states like New Jersey where I am, they have assimilated quite well. It is not an issue and no one notices or cares that they live among us as productive and responsible citizens and family people . There is no militancy here because there is no need for it, unlike in Kansas and other places. . Ask your self how passive you would be if you were denied the right of full participation in society, and equal protection under the law based on some arbitrary characteristic or membership in a certain group.

Out of necessity ?

What necessity ?

Many groups have assimilated with no militancy.

Now, thanks for the lecture.

Only I lived in California for six years...where things are so progressive. And cities like Concord and Walnut Creek were forced to allow Gay Pride parandes where gay men would wear leather outfits that were simply gross. And women would wear outfits that challenged people to tell them they were sick. So, they didn't assimilate naturally...but they pushed themselves on people in a way that nobody else has.

And somehow you think you can tell others that it's O.K. for them to be militant...but you (being the tolerant motherfucker that you are) can call others bigotted for being militant back.

Kiss my ass.
Why are conservatives always such assholes when it comes to homosexuals?

It's really the government they tend to hate. You, of course, love it since it keeps you in clothing.

My guess is that homosexuals would assimilate quite well if they were not so fucking militant about it.

But, nooooooooooo, they just have to have it their way and in the course of things screw up institutions that have been around longer than the gay rights movement.

Most gays I know think all this is bullshit and wish the headline grabbers would move out of the country.
Tell us about the good old days when homosexuals stayed in the closet

What good old days are you talking about.

One of your classic approaches is to make stuff to argue against.

Not getting a pass....chump.

What happened...happened.

People who I know who are gay have very complex lives and deal with some very difficult issues. They'd like to have lives that are somewhat normal (some live in Kansas and have no issues) and feel that all this grandstanding does nothing for them except remind them that are assholes in this world who don't know how to live in a society where they don't always get things their way.
Arkansas passed a law where brother and sister could not share rooms to sleep together after age three.

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