Kansas State Legislator wants to make it a felony to Protect the Prairie Chicken

"Enacting State Sovereignty Over Non-Migratory Wildlife Act"

If the chicken does not cross the State road....
Good luck to them if they want to implement this. The law will not pass constitutional muster if it ever saw the inside of a courtroom.
The argument can be made that the issue is already a States Rights protection. Making the proposed law redundant, not un-Constitutional.
A Kansas State Legislator wants to make it a felony for the Federal Government to Protect the Prairie Chicken.

Buttered Toast: The Most Important Chicken in Kansas

What's he going to do? Have the Federal Government arrested?

Kansas is such a stupid state.

I think politicians everywhere author stupid bills like this since no one listens to them otherwise. Try making something a law though and everyone listens. :)
The argument can be made that the issue is already a States Rights protection. Making the proposed law redundant, not un-Constitutional.

The bill clearly and explicitly declares federal law null and void. Nullification is not a right possessed by the states.
The argument can be made that the issue is already a States Rights protection. Making the proposed law redundant, not un-Constitutional.

The bill clearly and explicitly declares federal law null and void. Nullification is not a right possessed by the states.

Adjudication is.

When did our public school system stop teaching civics class?

btw... why is marijuana legal in Colorado but not Kansas?

Good thing they don't make it illegal to choke your prairie chicken.
They want this for the chicken but refuse to send police on domestic dispute calls.

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