Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
"We're trying to make sure those benefits are used the way they were intended," O'Donnell, vice chair of the state senate's standing committee on public health and welfare, said. "This is about prosperity. This is about having a great life."

Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos cruises psychics - CNN.com

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
How much does a person getting food stamps receive each month?

OP.....HOW MANY professional welfare receivers are there?
All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.
First of all thank god Obama didn't introduce this or it would be called nanny state and government overreach...

So lets look at this:
How is it going to be policed? Kansas has gutted every social program to the point the Kansas Supreme court has said the state is not providing it minimum constitutional requirements in education.

There is also a ban on spending it on tobacco and theme parks(so kids must suffer too).

"And it limits cash withdrawals of the funds to $25 a day, an attempt to prevent recipients from using their funds on inappropriate expenditures." - Love the government overreach there....

"If House Bill 2258 is signed into law by Gov. Sam Brownback (R) this week, Kansas families receiving government assistance will no longer be able to use those funds to visit swimming pools, see movies..."
Kansas wants to ban welfare recipients from seeing movies going swimming on government s dime - The Washington Post

Truth is Kansas is a mess, fiscal responsibility nightmare. The Tea Party got their way and look what we got...

This was all done to generate Job Growth:

But it hasn't... The great Tea Party has failed...
And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
I am not for class warfare but I agree with your observation. Does it have anything to do with the phony stock market system? (Pleasing stock holders instead of paying normal wages?)
All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.

Excuse me but you really should deal with reality.
Here is reality:
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.
Total Assets of ALL households: $95.4 trillion...
Total DEBTS of all households: $14.0 trillion...
NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion.
Want to pay off the national debt?:
A) STOP Spending more then tax revenue coming in.
B) Value added Tax then 10% on ALL purchases going exclusively pay off $18 trillion..
C) Tax of 10% on $8.76 trillion is $876 billion of personal consumption of Gross Domestic Product.
Table One from this source: http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2002/11/art2full.pdf

In summary : NO MORE DEBT Added to the $18 trillion by spending ONLY what comes in and no further tax increases!
$876 billion pays off $18 trillion debt in 20 years. Problem solved.

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So because you're a whore working a job you loathe, no one else should have a good time?
So, you approve of the abuse of a system designed to help the truly needy?

I see the scum that thanked your post, I thought you were a higher calibre person.

I guess I misjudged you.
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
None of that matters.

Even one welfare fraud is stealing from the truly needy.

If the system was tightened up, and the able bodied abusers kicked off, think of what we could do for the truly needy.

But I realize that means nothing to scum like you, to your ilk, the entitlement system does not exist to help anyone, it exists to bribe voters.

You don't fool anyone, you know.
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
None of that matters.

Even one welfare fraud is stealing from the truly needy.

If the system was tightened up, and the able bodied abusers kicked off, think of what we could do for the truly needy.

But I realize that means nothing to scum like you, to your ilk, the entitlement system does not exist to help anyone, it exists to bribe voters.

You don't fool anyone, you know.
Imagine what we could do if we could get conservatives to have that sort of zero tolerance attitude for financial industry fraud, a more costly problem by any measure, but no, regulations are evil.
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
None of that matters.

Even one welfare fraud is stealing from the truly needy.

If the system was tightened up, and the able bodied abusers kicked off, think of what we could do for the truly needy.

But I realize that means nothing to scum like you, to your ilk, the entitlement system does not exist to help anyone, it exists to bribe voters.

You don't fool anyone, you know.
Imagine what we could do if we could get conservatives to have that sort of zero tolerance attitude for financial industry fraud, a more costly problem by any measure, but no, regulations are evil.
Have you ever seen me making even one post supporting subsidizing a business?

You sound like a child with that crap....but so and so did it too kind of shit.

And of course, no liberal Kennedy, Kerry, or Clinton ever pandered to big business or big money.

BTW, who has benefitted the most from St. Obama but the 1%.

You fail here, asshole.
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
None of that matters.

Even one welfare fraud is stealing from the truly needy.

If the system was tightened up, and the able bodied abusers kicked off, think of what we could do for the truly needy.

But I realize that means nothing to scum like you, to your ilk, the entitlement system does not exist to help anyone, it exists to bribe voters.

You don't fool anyone, you know.
Imagine what we could do if we could get conservatives to have that sort of zero tolerance attitude for financial industry fraud, a more costly problem by any measure, but no, regulations are evil.

And those Democrats profiting from regulations!!!

Gore and the former chief of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), co-founded London-based GIM in 2004.
Between 2008 and 2011 the company had raised profits of nearly $218 million from institutions and wealthy investors
Blood And Gore Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment Hype - Forbes
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Then again, the face of the typical American household has changed dramatically. College graduated adults into their late 20s are now living with their parents because apartments aren't affordable anymore by itself, much less as they have to take on repaying their student debts. Singles in their mid 30s are splitting houses three and four ways. This makes for "households" that more wealthy, because less wealthy individuals are increasingly pooling together to survive an economy that is trending toward ubiquitous poverty.
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Then again, the face of the typical American household has changed dramatically. College graduated adults into their late 20s are now living with their parents because apartments aren't affordable anymore by itself, much less as they have to take on repaying their student debts. Singles in their mid 30s are splitting houses three and four ways. This makes for "households" that more wealthy, because less wealthy individuals are increasingly pooling together to survive an economy that is trending toward ubiquitous poverty.

Deal with facts ok?
Here s Exactly How Many College Graduates Live Back at Home The Atlantic
See below table and FACTS...

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