Kari Lake loses last court case to overturn Arizona Governor's vote

Oh shut the fuck up. You fuckers rigged the courts. You got your 6-3 majority, not to mention a shit-ton of appellate and district judges to boot.
Love how your triggered angry when you can’t counter anything I said shill.:rofl:man no wonder you love that gayboy kid who rambles on to me,you same as him go into desperation mode when getting an ass beating. :rofl:The babble of neither of you two has been able to refute post # 195 of mine ,you same as him,keeps going into dodgeball mode deflecting same as him. :rofl:

You get triggered same as him when getting a major ass beating also. :rofl:
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The field is getting larger on the Republican candidate side, so what on earth are you going to do when Trump fades into the field, and has only an equal chance with the rest of those registering and vying to win the nomination ? I say that you will panic.big league.... LOL

Y'all gotta keep Trump in the running, and this just so you can use him when he goes after the other's to your utterly delight. Without Trump though, y'all got to start your bull shite all over again. 😂

The larger the field the better for Trump
K. T. McFarland, a former Deputy National Security Advisor, says the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA will rig the 2024 U.S. presidential election, following their success in rigging 2016 and 2020, because they won't allow any candidate to win that would hold them accountable:… pic.twitter.com/30dSX700HQ
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) May 21, 2023

Aint that the truth.
Love how your triggered angry when you can’t counter anything I said shill.:rofl:man no wonder you love that gayboy kid who rambles on to me,you same as him go into desperation mode when getting an ass beating. :rofl:The babble of neither of you two has been able to refute post # 195 of mine ,you same as him,keeps going into dodgeball mode deflecting same as him. :rofl:

You get triggered same as him when getting a major ass beating also. :rofl:

No idea what you're talking about because my candidates have won.

Except for Terry McCauliffe - he got prison fucked by Glenn Youngkin, but it's TM's fault for running a weak campaign.

I remember that,she totally OWNED thst guy with shit on his face in embarrassment as all these shills on here thst have penetrated this site all do same as that humiliated dude in the video checkmated by Lake. :rofl:
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No idea what you're talking about because my candidates have won.

Except for Terry McCauliffe - he got prison fucked by Glenn Youngkin, but it's TM's fault for running a weak campaign.
Why does thst not surprise me you have no idea what im talking about?:abgg2q.jpg: I’m not going to keep asking you to address the post number I mentioned that you wont because of election fraud just to watch deflect,none of you shills can stand toe to toe in a debate and just deflect all the time.it’s tiresome waiting Fir you trolls to address a post then just deflect every single time.
sorry but you re a dumb ass...you strongly defend an incestous pedophile in the wh and girls with penises

Where did I say that? That's you projecting again, you fucken perv. I swear to God, conservatives can't stop thinking about penises, vaginas, and sex. I guess they're mad that they can't have as much consensual sex as normal people. Not my problem, fag.
You're a fucken loon - that's why.
Deflection noted shill.:thup: Thanks for proving you are doing what your handlers instruct you all to do,deflect,deflect,deflect,talk about the most irrelevent part of my post instead of the important part :yes_text12: .you were given several chances to refute my post I mentioned the number thst post of several times of thst election fraud kept lake from winning and you deflected evertime,thanks fir playing,nice checkmating you,the game is over,here is your Kleenex to cry in defeat.:itsok:next? Next victem step up,this one I am done with. As always the America haters prove they cannot stand toe to toe in a debate.
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Yeah coming MOSTLY from your buttbuddy fellow America hater sockpuppet shill BoostedHayabusa Said, :abgg2q.jpg: the sockpuppet kid who thinks he knows it all as well as thinks he is the smartest person on the planet,has the warped logic of posting THIS thread over on j galts thread of the 2020 election fraud and claims THIS thread on lake that has nothing to do with the election fraud of 2020 ,he has the funny logic a child would have,that this thread somehow proves the evidence j galt gave in his excellent thread on the 2020 election fraud counters that,explain that kind of fucked up logic shill.you can’t.:rofl:he is doing some major crying indeed,you are correct. :rofl:Loves to listen to himself talk and repeat the same thing over and over again instead of addressing evidence of corruption. :uhoh3:
When you got the most corrupt court system on the planet that won’t listen to the evidence not even allowing witnesses to be called which is a violation of the constituion dumbass, of course they are going to tell us to shove it up our asses gayboy capisce? .you really need to tell your gayboy lover to Stop freaking out having tantrums when he can’t refute facts or address them.
I see you are afraid to admit as well your gayboy lover the sockpuppet shill,has meltdowns and repeats the same thing over and over when he can’t refute evidence and not only thst, his fucked up logic he has that he somehow thinks Lake losing the election addresses the massive evidence that j galt gave on his thread of the 2020 election fraud.how he received a major ass beating on thst thread so he retreated to this thread to avoid hanging around there fir more ass beatings. :rofl: You wont touch that subject sense it means admitting he is a mental case with logic like that and then runs from thst thread to this thread.:rofl:

If you were mature,you would admit his logic is fucked and tell him he is not helping your case at all but you don’t want to tell him the truth on that thst he can’t debate or admit to me his logic is fucked:rofl:
You need to stop looking in the mirror when calling someone delusional and someone who does this for fun.everyone on here knows you are the one doing this for fun. Same as the other paid shills.

you are also the last person on the planet qualified to call someone delusional when challenged to refute the evidence on j galts thread the most massive vote fraud in a presidential election occured in the last election and then post THIS thread over there on THAT thread as your evidence as a rebutall to try and disprove there was no election fraud in the last election fir potus.you need to start a comedy club kid.:lmao::auiqs.jpg::rofl:you ran off from that thread and retreated here after thst ass beating you suffered from j galt in his op son.. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl::itsok:
You don't get it do you? THERE IS NO PROOF! You need to be sent to a camp to be deprogrammed. You and all the other CULTISTS need lobotomies.
You are a MENACE TO SOCIETY :itsok:


Lake failed to prove her claim that Maricopa County did not verify signatures on mail ballots as required by law.

KARI LAKE IS A CULTIST and a disgrace to your FAILED PARTY!

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