Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!

Oh look, another Nazi is here to lie - AFTER the proof has been posted...
Your article "suggests" the dossier may have come from the Kremlin.

Even if it did, Clinton had no idea.

You don't know the meaning of the word proof.
Kari is the Mary Tyler Moore of politics: she's hot, she's smart, she's sophisticated, and she can not only bring home the bacon but cook it.
MTM was not a delusional, inveterate liar.

Dana Bash of CNN’s “State of the Union” knew the answer on Sunday when she asked Kari Lake why Lake keeps lying about the results of the 2020 election.

Bash also knew that Lake knew the answer. And Lake knew that Bash knew. And, I’d guess, everyone watching knew.

Still, the question went unanswered.

Which is nothing new.

A Trump sycophant like Lake, the Republican candidate for Arizona governor, wouldn’t dare risk being honest about her reason for lying.

But we can.

It all comes back to Donald Trump

It’s this simple:

Lake spreads lies about election fraud because Trump spreads lies about election fraud, and because Trump voters believe lies about election fraud and would not vote for Lake if she dared to tell the truth.
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Your article "suggests" the dossier may have come from the Kremlin.

The IG noted that the dossier was fabricated in Russia. I will grant that the IG wrote "Russia" and not "Kremlin" in the report, yet the power in Russia is the Kremlin.
Even if it did, Clinton had no idea.


Any lie for your Reich.

Hillary has a LONG history with Russia. She was taking bribes from Russia back to the days of Dubya.

Oil deals as Senator. Say, you Nazis call Oz a "Carpet Bagger," even though he went to high school, college, and medical school in Pennsylvania. What was the tie of Hillary to New York again?

You don't know the meaning of the word proof.

The Nazi to English dictionary says:

Proof - any statements that impugn or defame the Republicans, whites, Christians, or males. In Nazi lexicon, proof is a matter of political impact, not veracity.

I really do try to understand your Reich - so as to better fight against you - you know, Never Again...
It's not intended as a rationale for anything. It intends to, and does, spotlight the hypocricy of the current Democrats acting as if questioning the results of an election is tantamount to treason or hating democracy.

It is OK to question the results of an election because it is OK to question the results of an election. Doesn't matter who has or has not done it in the past, questioning elections by citizens and their leaders is an important part of demcracy. The alternative is to accept what we're told and find a second job to pay all the taxes on our current income.
Yes obviously it is an attack on hypocrite Dems and the media. But it is also her putting herself in the exact same boat as this people she is calling hypocrites.

The “They did it so I can do it” rationale expired in grade school. Don’t you think?
Yes obviously it is an attack on hypocrite Dems and the media. But it is also her putting herself in the exact same boat as this people she is calling hypocrites.

The “They did it so I can do it” rationale expired in grade school. Don’t you think?
You're the fucking hypocrites. Questioning elections is not a crime, moron. But the people who do it the most are claiming it is. You can include yourself in that category.
She was fined for buying the dossier from Russia, psychopath.

Sucks to be as ignorant as you.

No, Fruitcake. She was fined for reporting "opposition research" campaign expenditures as "legal services"...

Specifically, the DNC and Hillary for America reported dozens of payments totaling millions of dollars to the law firm Perkins Coie with the purpose described as "Legal Services" or "Legal and Compliance Consulting," when in reality, at least some of those payments were earmarked for the firm Fusion GPS, with the purpose of conducting opposition research in Donald Trump.

Campaign Legal Center Complaint
Yes obviously it is an attack on hypocrite Dems and the media. But it is also her putting herself in the exact same boat as this people she is calling hypocrites.

The “They did it so I can do it” rationale expired in grade school. Don’t you think?
I guess so if it was ever used even then.

Thats not what Governor Lake did so it's irrelevant to the discussion.
Sucks to be as ignorant as you.

No, Fruitcake. She was fined for reporting "opposition research" campaign expenditures as "legal services"...

Specifically, the DNC and Hillary for America reported dozens of payments totaling millions of dollars to the law firm Perkins Coie with the purpose described as "Legal Services" or "Legal and Compliance Consulting," when in reality, at least some of those payments were earmarked for the firm Fusion GPS, with the purpose of conducting opposition research in Donald Trump.

Did it just get stupid in here - oh, it's Farouk. :thup:

Carry on, psychopath....

If that were true, that would make you the biggest Prog in the world.


That was really clever Farouk...


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