Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!


That was really clever Farouk...

You're the one denying the evidence of blatant Democrat hypocrisy on the highest levels. So who is brainwashed?

Fascist franco is of the purist stupidity in the universe. His brain is a black hole that is able to cause knowledge to vanish into an uncharitable void.
You're the fucking hypocrites. Questioning elections is not a crime, moron. But the people who do it the most are claiming it is. You can include yourself in that category.
I never said questioning elections was a crime. Show where I said that you liar.
I guess so if it was ever used even then.

Thats not what Governor Lake did so it's irrelevant to the discussion.
Of course it’s what she is doing. She is being questioned about her claims of a stolen election and her response it to point to Dems doing the same thing. That is trying to justify her actions by showing others doing similar things.
Of course it’s what she is doing. She is being questioned about her claims of a stolen election and her response it to point to Dems doing the same thing. That is trying to justify her actions by showing others doing similar things.
So you really don't get that she's pointing out the hypocrisy of the media for hounding her about it and ignoring Dems who deny elections?

It is you who are stuck in the grade school mentality.
I never said questioning elections was a crime. Show where I said that you liar.

You demand that Trump be thrown in prison for questioning elections.

But I guess among you Nazis, prisons are about politics, not crime. I mean, you let violent criminals roam the streets, after all..
That’s exactly what I said she was doing. Are you not reading my posts?
Post 270 you said she is trying to justify her actions by saying others are doing the same thing. That is incorrect.

Her actions are Justified because it is any American's right and duty to question a questionable election. I don't care Republican or Democrat, if they don't think the election was fair then of course they should speak up.

That's the difference. I don't care Republican or democrat. The media does. So do the mainstream media's sheep like followers.
So you really don't get that she's pointing out the hypocrisy of the media for hounding her about it and ignoring Dems who deny elections?

It is you who are stuck in the grade school mentality.


Name a Democrat and the election they denied who were not mentioned in the media....

Name a Democrat and the election they denied who were not mentioned in the media....
What the fuck psychopath - did you miss the whole Nazi show trial?

Your filthy Reich HOWLED that Trump DARED question the 2020 election.

What was your shameful party claiming there?
What the fuck psychopath - did you miss the whole Nazi show trial?

Your filthy Reich HOWLED that Trump DARED question the 2020 election.

What was your shameful party claiming there?

Moron, do you need help understanding the question I asked??

Seems that way since what you posted in response to my post has absolutely nothing to do with it. Your brain spaz out again?

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