Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!

Except they didn't.
History says otherwise, Petunia.

And there was no massive "cheating" or "fraud".
Facts say otherwise, Ace.

He lost. And you can't accept that.
Just like you couldn't accept Trump's win in 2016, except this time, there are a mountain of facts that just don't jive with honest elections like Zuckerbergs confession he donated 413 million to help mule cheaters cheat and Ball's Time Magazine confession of the steal. All you got for 2016 is the now debunked Russia Russia Russia of Hillary's fake Dossier. So if we can't accept anything, it is because YOU have FAILED to PROVE OTHERWISE, Babe.

BTW, the SC isn't illegitimate. It's just a giant joke.
Right, Kumquat--- but they would be legit again THE MINUTE you put a leftwing majority in there again sure to give you the decisions YOU want! :auiqs.jpg:

Only three weeks to armageddon!!! :omg:

The Democrat filth have been spouting their election denier shit ever since 2000.
Democrats get screwed a lot by well let's see- the Electoral College since we get more votes than the Republicans every damn time and lose, the GOP SC. You guys seem to be very happy about having the Russians cheating for you and your heroes trying to overturn elections with absolutely no evidence. It's all about the Murdoch hate brainwash total misinformation OMG and the conspiracy network on the Internet. poor America. What we really hate is that the GOP is a total disaster when they get in. The stupidest wars ever, allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence, the 2008 corrupt bubble and bust you always get with the GOP when they get eight years in office, and of course the worst pandemic response and leadership of the world ever along with a coup based on lies which is all you have....
History says otherwise, Petunia.

Facts say otherwise, Ace.

Just like you couldn't accept Trump's win in 2016, except this time, there are a mountain of facts that just don't jive with honest elections like Zuckerbergs confession he donated 413 million to help mule cheaters cheat and Ball's Time Magazine confession of the steal. All you got for 2016 is the now debunked Russia Russia Russia of Hillary's fake Dossier. So if we can't accept anything, it is because YOU have FAILED to PROVE OTHERWISE, Bab

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No Democrat ever said votes were changed in a conspiracy. They did complain about pure misinformation Russian hacking etcetera etcetera. Poor America.
History says otherwise, Petunia.

Facts say otherwise, Ace.

Just like you couldn't accept Trump's win in 2016, except this time, there are a mountain of facts that just don't jive with honest elections like Zuckerbergs confession he donated 413 million to help mule cheaters cheat and Ball's Time Magazine confession of the steal. All you got for 2016 is the now debunked Russia Russia Russia of Hillary's fake Dossier. So if we can't accept anything, it is because YOU have FAILED to PROVE OTHERWISE, Babe.

Right, Kumquat--- but they would be legit again THE MINUTE you put a leftwing majority in there again sure to give you the decisions YOU want! :auiqs.jpg:

Only three weeks to armageddon!!! :omg:

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"FACTS" which you or the rest of your cuck, alt-right brotherhood have yet to prove. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh snowflake...it just isn't going to turn out like you think.

Your savior lost. He's done. As is your belief system. I know, it's frightening.

But...hey, almost everything in that dossier..has been proven. And let's face it..the pee..pee stuff, his BFF Pootey has that...LOL.
It's friggin hysterical that your great white savior had Russian hookers pee on the bed Obama slept in. :auiqs.jpg:
"FACTS" which you or the rest of your cuck, alt-right brotherhood have yet to prove.
When something shows up missing at work, you still know something is missing even if you can't prove who stole it, Jack. It raises questions, questions that need to be answered to keep faith in elections, but questions that you and the democrats have run from kicking and screaming trying every way possible NOT to even look into. That alone is an admission of guilt.

Oh snowflake...it just isn't going to turn out like you think.
You should put that on your tombstone.

Your savior lost. He's done.
MAGA is bigger and stronger now than ever, you poor sap.

As is your belief system. I know, it's frightening.
Not half as bad as yours.

But...hey, almost everything in that dossier..has been proven.
Then you must live in some alternate reality Jack as it has all been thrown out as worthless tripe for which Hillary and the DNC should go to jail for trying to steal an election.

It's friggin hysterical that your great white savior had Russian hookers pee on the bed Obama slept in.
Dude, you've lost it. You're in LaLa land. You can't tell fantasy fiction from reality but the voters will help clear you up in oh, about three weeks.
When something shows up missing at work, you still know something is missing even if you can't prove who stole it, Jack. It raises questions, questions that need to be answered to keep faith in elections, but questions that you and the democrats have run from kicking and screaming trying every way possible NOT to even look into. That alone is an admission of guilt.

You should put that on your tombstone.

MAGA is bigger and stronger now than ever, you poor sap.

Not half as bad as yours.

Then you must live in some alternate reality Jack as it has all been thrown out as worthless tripe for which Hillary and the DNC should go to jail for trying to steal an election.

Dude, you've lost it. You're in LaLa land. You can't tell fantasy fiction from reality but the voters will help clear you up in oh, about three weeks.
OMG you're prescient...LOL..My God!!..you..are..a..soothsayer! :auiqs.jpg:
You cucks proclaim it to be so...it is so. LOL...

I'm sorry, can't stop laughing..Freaky...the time of you and your ilk is at an end.
Accept it, with grace and dignity. Or don't. MAGA is dead.
Democrats get screwed a lot by well let's see- the Electoral College since we get more votes than the Republicans every damn time and lose, the GOP SC. You guys seem to be very happy about having the Russians cheating for you and your heroes trying to overturn elections with absolutely no evidence. It's all about the Murdoch hate brainwash total misinformation OMG and the conspiracy network on the Internet. poor America. What we really hate is that the GOP is a total disaster when they get in. The stupidest wars ever, allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence, the 2008 corrupt bubble and bust you always get with the GOP when they get eight years in office, and of course the worst pandemic response and leadership of the world ever along with a coup based on lies which is all you have....
Another American that doesn't understand the U.S. isn't a pure democracy. If Democrat voters weren't as corrupt and ignorant as the people they elect.......there just wouldn't be any Democrats in office.
Another American that doesn't understand the U.S. isn't a pure democracy. If Democrat voters weren't as corrupt and ignorant as the people they elect.......there just wouldn't be any Democrats in office.
We are a democracy. A government elected by the people..no matter how much of a shit show that is.

Why do you believe Republicans alone are just and righteous???
My guess??...too much immersion in Alt-Right Media....:)
Another American that doesn't understand the U.S. isn't a pure democracy. If Democrat voters weren't as corrupt and ignorant as the people they elect.......there just wouldn't be any Democrats in office.
Too bad BS doesn't win any court cases, super duper. Of course pure democracy only existed in ancient Athens for God's sake. This is representative democracy, the definition of Republic, I just don't like it being a corrupt GOP version. With your stupid filibuster and reconciliation, garbage propaganda and corrupt Electoral College.
I'm sorry, can't stop laughing..Freaky...the time of you and your ilk is at an end.

Nice try Jack, but your bluff is weak, unconvincing. You haven't a clue what my "ilk" are, and you cannot hide your dread of how much Biden's globalist climate agenda is backfiring and the magnitude of the young people totally hip to the game you are playing and the scope of their rebuttal coming at you starting in just three weeks. This ain't your grandfather's GOP anymore. I don't care if you idiots think you're going to pull a military coup to oppress the American people with a gun to their heads, but this is not Europe and you arrogantly underestimate the army and will that is America ever ready to deal with tyrants, whether it takes two years or two hundreds years.

But I really hope you arogantly just don't see it coming and really think you can just run rampant over this country as you have indefinitely without waking the bear sooner or later. And the bear hits back ten fold for every lick he takes.
Nice try Jack, but your bluff is weak, unconvincing. You haven't a clue what my "ilk" are, and you cannot hide your dread of how much Biden's globalist climate agenda is backfiring and the magnitude of the young people totally hip to the game you are playing and the scope of their rebuttal coming at you starting in just three weeks. This ain't your grandfather's GOP anymore. I don't care if you idiots think you're going to pull a military coup to oppress the American people with a gun to their heads, but this is not Europe and you arrogantly underestimate the army and will that is America ever ready to deal with tyrants, whether it takes two years or two hundreds years.

But I really hope you arogantly just don't see it coming and really think you can just run rampant over this country as you have indefinitely without waking the bear sooner or later. And the bear hits back ten fold for every lick he takes.
Change the channel and try reality for God's sake
There was no “insurrection”. An insurrection is an armed coup, typically by the military.

It was an unarmed, mostly peaceful protest. A few got out of control, mainly Fed plants and Antifa LARPing fags.

Don't ya know, commies alter the definitions of words to fit their propaganda, they think dictionaries are as obsolete as they think the Constitution is.

Democrats get screwed a lot by well let's see- the Electoral College since we get more votes than the Republicans every damn time and lose,
I mean, NO FAIR that New York and California can't rule over the other states with an iron fist. Why should Montana get to vote on who the president is? Seig Heil.

the GOP SC.

It's SCOTUS, retard. Bummer you never took a history class.

You guys seem to be very happy about having the Russians cheating for you and your heroes trying to overturn elections with absolutely no evidence. It's all about the Murdoch hate brainwash total misinformation OMG and the conspiracy network on the Internet. poor America. What we really hate is that the GOP is a total disaster when they get in. The stupidest wars ever, allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence, the 2008 corrupt bubble and bust you always get with the GOP when they get eight years in office, and of course the worst pandemic response and leadership of the world ever along with a coup based on lies which is all you have....

Still hallucinating your retard conspiracy theories - years after they've been debunked.

Tell us again how the Loch Ness monster faked the moon landing, and how Bigfoot staged 9-11...

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