Kari Lake Wraps Up Trial With No Clear Evidence to Overturn Election

The judge did not allow the claims to be heard. He dismissed on only LMaricopa's word. That is not justice it is fascism.

The judge dismissed claims which had no merit. That's a judge's job. And a second court confirmed the first court was right in 6 out of 7 of her claims. One wasn't and will be reviewed by the court now.
What stolen election? Your argument is predicated on a fantasy you can't back up factually.

You enjoy your fantasy. I'll stick with the actual election tallies.
Too much evidence to deny. But if I were a leftist, activist judge with an agenda ... I'd likely ignore the facts. When you're a Marxist ... the end justifies the means no matter what.
Nope. That's the judge finding that there wasn't enough evidence to back the claim for it to be relevant to the trial.

You don't have the slightest idea what fascism is. Its just a word you try to apply to anyone who doesn't ape your conspiracy.

No thank you.
It is you who does not know what fascism is. It is taking political prisoners demonizing opposing views and the people that have them. Guess what? That makes you a fascist.
The judge dismissed claims which had no merit. That's a judge's job. And a second court confirmed the first court was right in 6 out of 7 of her claims. One wasn't and will be reviewed by the court now.
How does the judge determine merit without an investigation?
Smiling....what do I need beyond the election results?

The burden of proof is on you to factually establish your fantastically elaborate fantasy.

And as your perfect record of failure in court demonstrates elegantly.......you've failed just as fantastically.

Anything else?
An honest government and election integrity would be nice. In AZ. there is neither.
An honest government and election integrity would be nice. In AZ. there is neither.

You judge integrity on whether or not your candidate won. Just because you didn't like the outcome doesn't mean anyone cheated.

You just lost. Your sense of entitlement to power your ilk haven't won is your integrity issue. Not our democracy's.
How does the judge determine merit without an investigation?

By looking at the evidence presented. Kari couldn't back her claims. Offering speculation and accusation without evidence isn't a legal argument. Nor are cases judged on what evidence a litigant promises exists....but can't actually present.

The burden is on Kari to prove her claims of fraud. She failed pathetically to do so.
By looking at the evidence presented. Kari couldn't back her claims. Offering speculation and accusation without evidence isn't a legal argument. Nor are cases judged on what evidence a litigant promises exists....but can't actually present.

The burden is on Kari to prove her claims of fraud. She failed pathetically to do so.
What did you think of "election integrity" when Trump won (both times)?
Too much evidence to deny. But if I were a leftist, activist judge with an agenda ... I'd likely ignore the facts. When you're a Marxist ... the end justifies the means no matter what.

Says you, citing you. And you're not a legal standard.

You equate speculation, imagination and accusation with evidence. The courts generally don't. Which explains the perfect record of failure of the various iterations of your Big Lie.

You simply can't prove your claims. Which is why you fail.
What did you think of "election integrity" when Trump won (both times)?

I was disappointed with Trump's win 2016. But losses happen.

Its a lesson your ilk failed to learn in 2020.....leaning into ludicrous and wildly elaborate conspiracy when you lost rather than personal accountability.

How'd that work out for you?
The judge dismissed claims which had no merit. That's a judge's job. And a second court confirmed the first court was right in 6 out of 7 of her claims. One wasn't and will be reviewed by the court now.
A judge's job is to impartially look at all the factual evidence and do the right thing. He opted to ignore his responsibility for partisan reasons.
A judge's job is to impartially look at all the factual evidence and do the right thing. He opted to ignore his responsibility for partisan reasons.

The 'right thing' being to affirm your imagination despite a spectacular lack of evidence?

That's not a judge's job. A judge's job is to apply the law and precedent. And the laws in Arizona have very specific standards for overturning elections.

Kari Lake failed them all.

So your ilk did what they always do: the folded the judge into the conspiracy too. Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy, becomes part of the conspiracy.

That's tinfoil 101.
The 'right thing' being to affirm your imagination despite a spectacular lack of evidence?

That's not a judge's job. A judge's job is to apply the law and precedent. And the laws in Arizona have very specific standards for overturning elections.

Kari Lake failed them all.

So your ilk did what they always do: the folded the judge into the conspiracy too. Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy, becomes part of the conspiracy.

That's tinfoil 101.
The evidence is spectacular. I'll give you that. The judge was either a cousin to the local DNC director, or he got a sweet paycheck. Clearly, justice wasn't his priority.
The evidence is spectacular. I'll give you that. The judge was either a cousin to the local DNC director, or he got a sweet paycheck. Clearly, justice wasn't his priority.

The evidence is 'spectacular' says you. And you're not a legal standard.

You keep trying to cite your personal opinion as defining legal outcomes. And you're utterly irrelevant to them. Your belief is irrelevant. Your feelings are irrelevant. The law and standards of evidence are relevant.

Meanwhile, the ACTUAL standards of the law and evidence don't match your claims. Your ilk have been laughed out of every court to hear your nonsense. Hell, Trump dismissed his own case when he was to be subject to those standards.
The evidence is 'spectacular' says you. And you're not a legal standard.

You keep trying to cite your personal opinion as defining legal outcomes. And you're utterly irrelevant to them. Your belief is irrelevant. Your feelings are irrelevant. The law and standards of evidence are relevant.

Meanwhile, the ACTUAL standards of the law and evidence don't match your claims. Your ilk have been laughed out of every court to hear your nonsense. Hell, Trump dismissed his own case when he was to be subject to those standards.
I saw the video of ballots being rejected time and again by the machines. I saw video of election "officials" apologizing to citizens for the downed machines and sending them home. I saw the videos of "election mules" stuffing multiple ballots into drop boxes. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there was a concerted effort to overthrow an election. You may not like the truth but that's not my problem.
I saw the video of ballots being rejected time and again by the machines. I saw video of election "officials" apologizing to citizens for the downed machines and sending them home. I saw the videos of "election mules" stuffing multiple ballots into drop boxes. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there was a concerted effort to overthrow an election. You may not like the truth but that's not my problem.

There were definitely ballot issues at some locations. And yet, all the votes were counted, either at other facilities with shorter lines or by backup means.

Kari Lake scoured the State of Arizona looking for people who chose not vote due to long lines and refused to go to an alternate site.

She found 3.

Kari Lake lost by more than 17,000. Her claims, even if true (and she never factually established they were), wouldn't have changed the outcome of the election. Even her 'expert' admitted that the votes would have been counted anyway, despite ballot counting issues.

These are the reasons your ilk keep losing in court. You may feel entitled to a victory your ilk never earned. But your feelings aren't a legal argument.
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Your worldview mandates that you *must* be a victim. And you'll ignore any source, any legal outcome, anyone that doesn't reinforce your sense of victim-hood.
Of course they were false. If they were real, they would have been proven in court.
My guess is that, at the core of this, they simply can't understand that so many people don't think just like they do.

Their reality is so insulated, concentrated and controlled now that any contrary thought must be a lie. It must be a conspiracy. There must be something sinister going on.

So in their minds, "we all know" these elections were rigged, and if you don't go along with it, you're literally lying.
My guess is that, at the core of this, they simply can't understand that so many people don't think just like they do.

Their reality is so insulated, concentrated and controlled now that any contrary thought must be a lie. It must be a conspiracy. There must be something sinister going on.

So in their minds, "we all know" these elections were rigged, and if you don't go along with it, you're literally lying.

That's a solid summary of their insular world view. There's also a powerful sense of entitlement. They feel they are *owed* power. And if they aren't given it, its been stolen from them.

The birther conspiracy was predicated on that sense of entitlement. Trump's Big Lie too. And of course Kari Lake's sniveling excuses for her garbage campaign.

The last element is a rejection of accountability. They nominated a newscaster with zero political experience, zero leadership experience, zero management experience, zero business experience, zero military experience, zero anything. She became a news caster out of college. Kari Lake had no relevant experience for the position she was seeking.

But she aped the conspiracies that conservatives ape. So they nominated her.

Kate Hobbs was *immaculately* qualified. She's been a social worker, working boots on the ground in local government. She's been a State Rep. She's been a State Senator. Hobbs rose to be the minority leader in the Senate. She had extensive legislative and leadership experience. She was then elected to Secretary of State. And gained valuable executive experience. She was one of the most qualified candidates to ever be elected Governor.

Of course she beat the conspiracy hucking newscaster with no relevant experience.

But rather than accept responsibility for choosing such a garbage candidate who ran a shit campaign........they absolve themselves of any responsibility for their poor choices by embracing a conspiracy to explain their poor judgement away.

Its kinda pathetic.
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That's a solid summary of their insular world view. There's also a powerful sense of entitlement. They feel they are *owed* power. And if they aren't given it, its been stolen from them.

The birther conspiracy was predicated on that sense of entitlement. Trump's Big Lie too. And of course Kari Lake's sniveling excuses for her garbage campaign.

The last element is a rejection of accountability. They nominated a newscaster with zero political experience, zero leadership experience, zero management experience, zero business experience, zero military experience, zero anything. She became a news caster out of college. Kari Lake had no relevant experience for the position she was seeking.

But she aped the conspiracies that conservatives ape. So they nominated her.

Kate Hobbs was *immaculately* qualified. She's been a social worker, working boots on the ground in local government. She's been a State Rep. She's been a State Senator. Hobbs rose to be the minority leader in the Senate. She had extensive legislative and leadership experience. She was then elected to Secretary of State. And gained valuable executive experience. She was one of the most qualified candidates to ever be elected Governor.

Of course she beat the conspiracy hucking newscaster with no relevant experience.

But rather than accept responsibility for choosing such a garbage candidate who ran a shit campaign........they absolve themselves of any responsibility for their poor choices by embracing a conspiracy to explain their poor judgement away.
Well, Lake is the perfect candidate for the Orange Era: Photogenic, arrogant, ignorant, loud and absolutely shameless.
Well, Lake is the perfect candidate for the Orange Era: Photogenic, arrogant, ignorant, loud and absolutely shameless.

The Orange Era lasted a year. 2016. Everything since has been a slow slide into more and more desperate excuses for why jingoism and far-right extremism isn't working anymore.

Spoiler Alert: In the party of personal responsibility.......its always someone else's fault.

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