Karl Rove


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2012
Is this guy going to disappear after throwing a hissy-fit in the newsroom last night? I must admit that it was incredibly entertaining.
Youtube please.

Karl Rove is the absolute worst. I hope he goes into the bathroom tonight, straps a belt over the curtain rod and does the right thing.
Yeah, ever since he enthusiastically did the "couldn't dance" at the Corespondents dinner he's been cracking me up. :)
Is this guy going to disappear after throwing a hissy-fit in the newsroom last night? I must admit that it was incredibly entertaining.

When Michael Barone explained the call, Rove backed down, which demonstrated why he can learn. Too bad others seem so wanting in that area.
he is decent .... I don't have a problem with him
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ln5RD9BhcCo]Rapping Rove - YouTube[/ame]

LOL!! MC Rove :)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/embed/eQLV7nqD3CA]Fox News, Karl Rove Argue Over The Outcome In Ohio - YouTube[/ame]
Youtube please.

Karl Rove is the absolute worst. I hope he goes into the bathroom tonight, straps a belt over the curtain rod and does the right thing.

You mean you want Rove to go in the bathroom and Gangnam Style!?!?!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0]PSY - GANGNAM STYLE ([/ame]

You know, I've always thought that Karl was playing the game, knowing that Romney didn't stand a chance, but just playing the game for the masses.

This clip tells me that he bought his own hype...he really believed that shat.

Oh no...it's worse than I thought. Rove has put his neck on the block for Romney and his head is now chopped off...the man has no credibility, he neither Toe Sucker has any more credibility.


Is this guy going to disappear after throwing a hissy-fit in the newsroom last night? I must admit that it was incredibly entertaining.

That was one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen on televison.

Kudos to Megyn Kelly for being the calm one amist all the chaos.
How many tens of millions did Rove piss away? He's moved himself toward irrelevance.
I like him

In the fall of 1970, Rove used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Democrat Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Treasurer of Illinois. He stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead, printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing", and distributed them at rock concerts and homeless shelters, with the effect of disrupting Dixon's rally. (Dixon eventually won the election).

Karl Rove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I like him

In the fall of 1970, Rove used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Democrat Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Treasurer of Illinois. He stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead, printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing", and distributed them at rock concerts and homeless shelters, with the effect of disrupting Dixon's rally. (Dixon eventually won the election).

Karl Rove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Naughty, naughty.
I like him

In the fall of 1970, Rove used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Democrat Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Treasurer of Illinois. He stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead, printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing", and distributed them at rock concerts and homeless shelters, with the effect of disrupting Dixon's rally. (Dixon eventually won the election).

Karl Rove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What a real piece of work that Karl Rove is huh?
Hey Karl, the Koch brothers called. You got some splainin to do.

Spending $300 million of rich wingnut money for nothing, priceless.
Is this guy going to disappear after throwing a hissy-fit in the newsroom last night? I must admit that it was incredibly entertaining.

He was a genius running Bush's campaigns, but tonight he just looked silly trying to explain how Romney was going to pull it off when it was obvious Obama was going to take just about every swing state.

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