Kash Patel Given Immunity

This isn't a legal message board,
It isn't? Then why do we have a legal section, Ace? Didn't think that through very well, did ya?

so at least your ignorance is more understandable.
Claiming unspecified undefined ignorance in others without definition nor proof is just the kind of weak-kneed pussy-wipe, drippy-pants invalid argument I'd expect from a schmotz about to get his clock cleaned in, oh, just about FIVE DAYS. :laugh2:
It's not the 'R' anymore for me...it is their platform of America First.
Yes, we know.

Being classified or not on the possible charges listed on the warrant, it matters not on classification, but on other criminal things where charges could be brought could be totally avoided by Trump IF HE REALLY DID, declassify. Wasting our tax payer money by Trump dragging this out instead of just telling the truth to the special master or the Doj or the court would save trump millions on lawyer fees, but since y'all are paying for his lawyers from donations, he doesn't care that he is simply wasting your money, stressing our judicial system as well, costing tax payers.

He can make more money, via y'all donating and he can unfairly try to make the Doj look bad....and provide the division he needs to keep y'all corralled in his corner.

You are fine with that, and the Big Lies, and anything illegal or just plain scummy, so you can have power, is what it appears to me. :(
I really am sorry you feel that way because that's just not how it is.

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