Kasich does not belong in the race

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.
What you fail to understand is that if you ever want to see anything get done on the immigration front then you are going to need common sense proposals that will pass a vote. The extreme positions that the two blowholes take on many issues is just pandering to the base but they will gain no traction in congress without major compromise. Kasich is the only one being honest about this... Trump actually touched on it when he said his policies are negotiating positions... You'll see him get cozy right in the middle during the general election

Trump has proved you wrong, securing the border and deporting illegals has cross party support among the people. There is a hell of a lot of pent up anger at government for allowing this illegal mess. Government and the media have intentionally not reported on the illegal murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, fraud, but the information is getting out and the people are pissed.
The only thing Trump proved is that the "rapist" "murder" act pisses off the majority of the world. I know you fridge wingers love it but that's not the way to productively address the issue. In the end the grown ups will prevail... You'll see

Illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year, go crawl back under your rock.
Ok mr statistics... Since you have all the numbers, please tell us what the percentage of the 11 million illegals commit these crimes

Do you really think that will be any consolation to the families of the 3,000 plus killed by illegals? If the filth illegals killed your mom would percentages matter? Now that I have embarrassed you, are you aware that fully 1/3rd of illegals are filing for fraudulent tax refunds of thousands of dollars currently costing taxpayers over $4 billion dollars a year with new illegals joining the scam each year? Should we at least deport those that 1/3rd?
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.
Yet he stands the best chance of winning.

The reasons he's electable are the same reasons Republican voters don't like him

Wrong, I'll never vote for him he's an illegal alien collaborator and traitor.

You are an example of the dumbed down fearful America that is killing this country.

Ahahaha I have never met a liberal I could not stomp the shit out of, run home to your momma. :laugh:
What you fail to understand is that if you ever want to see anything get done on the immigration front then you are going to need common sense proposals that will pass a vote. The extreme positions that the two blowholes take on many issues is just pandering to the base but they will gain no traction in congress without major compromise. Kasich is the only one being honest about this... Trump actually touched on it when he said his policies are negotiating positions... You'll see him get cozy right in the middle during the general election

Trump has proved you wrong, securing the border and deporting illegals has cross party support among the people. There is a hell of a lot of pent up anger at government for allowing this illegal mess. Government and the media have intentionally not reported on the illegal murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, fraud, but the information is getting out and the people are pissed.
The only thing Trump proved is that the "rapist" "murder" act pisses off the majority of the world. I know you fridge wingers love it but that's not the way to productively address the issue. In the end the grown ups will prevail... You'll see

Illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year, go crawl back under your rock.
Ok mr statistics... Since you have all the numbers, please tell us what the percentage of the 11 million illegals commit these crimes

Do you really think that will be any consolation to the families of the 3,000 plus killed by illegals? If the filth illegals killed your mom would percentages matter? Now that I have embarrassed you, are you aware that fully 1/3rd of illegals are filing for fraudulent tax refunds of thousands of dollars currently costing taxpayers over $4 billion dollars a year with new illegals joining the scam each year? Should we at least deport those that 1/3rd?

You're meddling in the Democrat voter drive ...
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.
Yet he stands the best chance of winning.

The reasons he's electable are the same reasons Republican voters don't like him

Wrong, I'll never vote for him he's an illegal alien collaborator and traitor.

You are an example of the dumbed down fearful America that is killing this country.

Ahahaha I have never met a liberal I could not stomp the shit out of, run home to your momma. :laugh:
Hi im sealy. You have now.
Actually I USED quote marks to denote the term I questioned you on ---- which was, once again, "force".
It's still up there in my first post. And it's a question you continue to try to weasel out of.

Howzat working out for ya? :popcorn:

I didn't use quote marks because it was paraphrasing, if you "remove" someone you are forcing them out. You really aren't a bright guy

I'm not the asshat bending over backward to wiggle out of a term I deny having made up, now am I? :popcorn:
I didn't use quote marks because it was paraphrasing, if you "remove" someone you are forcing them out. You really aren't a bright guy. you don't understand why I quoted "remove" and why I didn't quote "force."

You edited the work of reporters, and you don't know what quote marks mean, you actually really don't. OMG, that is so funny


Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

Abraham Lincoln: "Never argue with an idiot on the innernet. They're professionals; you ain't".
I didn't use quote marks because it was paraphrasing, if you "remove" someone you are forcing them out. You really aren't a bright guy

I'm not the asshat bending over backward to wiggle out of a term I deny having made up, now am I? :popcorn:
I didn't use quote marks because it was paraphrasing, if you "remove" someone you are forcing them out. You really aren't a bright guy. you don't understand why I quoted "remove" and why I didn't quote "force."

You edited the work of reporters, and you don't know what quote marks mean, you actually really don't. OMG, that is so funny


Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

Abraham Lincoln: "Never argue with an idiot on the innernet. They're professionals; you ain't".

You're a "professional" who doesn't know that quote marks means it's a literal quote and when you're paraphrasing you don't use quote marks. Comic.

Kaz, you didn't use quote marks, I'm looking for the exact word you used and it isn't there, where is it?

LOL, what an imbecile
I'm not the asshat bending over backward to wiggle out of a term I deny having made up, now am I? :popcorn:
I didn't use quote marks because it was paraphrasing, if you "remove" someone you are forcing them out. You really aren't a bright guy. you don't understand why I quoted "remove" and why I didn't quote "force."

You edited the work of reporters, and you don't know what quote marks mean, you actually really don't. OMG, that is so funny


Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

Abraham Lincoln: "Never argue with an idiot on the innernet. They're professionals; you ain't".

You're a "professional" who doesn't know that quote marks means it's a literal quote and when you're paraphrasing you don't use quote marks. Comic.

Kaz, you didn't use quote marks, I'm looking for the exact word you used and it isn't there, where is it?

LOL, what an imbecile

It's funny how nutters make up excuses for the RINO that is Kasich - he is not conservative... Lol
Last edited:
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
Kazzing again, kaz?
What you fail to understand is that if you ever want to see anything get done on the immigration front then you are going to need common sense proposals that will pass a vote. The extreme positions that the two blowholes take on many issues is just pandering to the base but they will gain no traction in congress without major compromise. Kasich is the only one being honest about this... Trump actually touched on it when he said his policies are negotiating positions... You'll see him get cozy right in the middle during the general election

Trump has proved you wrong, securing the border and deporting illegals has cross party support among the people. There is a hell of a lot of pent up anger at government for allowing this illegal mess. Government and the media have intentionally not reported on the illegal murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, fraud, but the information is getting out and the people are pissed.
The only thing Trump proved is that the "rapist" "murder" act pisses off the majority of the world. I know you fridge wingers love it but that's not the way to productively address the issue. In the end the grown ups will prevail... You'll see

Illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year, go crawl back under your rock.
Ok mr statistics... Since you have all the numbers, please tell us what the percentage of the 11 million illegals commit these crimes

Do you really think that will be any consolation to the families of the 3,000 plus killed by illegals? If the filth illegals killed your mom would percentages matter? Now that I have embarrassed you, are you aware that fully 1/3rd of illegals are filing for fraudulent tax refunds of thousands of dollars currently costing taxpayers over $4 billion dollars a year with new illegals joining the scam each year? Should we at least deport those that 1/3rd?
You're only embarrassing yourself dude. Of course nothing is going to console a family who lost a loved one at the hands of a crime by an illegal, or a legal... That's a cheap shot and you know it. But when you classify a large group of people by the actions of a fraction of a percent you become a divisive blowhole. Kasich is the only one of the GOP candidates that has an approach that actually has a chance of effecting progress on this issue. The other two are just feeding the wing puppets exactly what they want to hear. This doesn't make Kasich a liberal pro amnesty, it makes him the only one who understands what can actually work and that's why he is the most electable in the general
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.
Yet he stands the best chance of winning.

The reasons he's electable are the same reasons Republican voters don't like him

Wrong, I'll never vote for him he's an illegal alien collaborator and traitor.

You are an example of the dumbed down fearful America that is killing this country.

Ahahaha I have never met a liberal I could not stomp the shit out of, run home to your momma. :laugh:
you think you are this dominant intellectual force putting people in their place when most of us consider you an extremist and your ideas a joke. How about you stick to the topics and stop trying to "stomp the shit out of everybody" as you call it. Your shoes stink
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
Who gives a shit about quote marks? First Benghazi then emails now quote marks... Y'all are losing it
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
Who gives a shit about quote marks? First Benghazi then emails now quote marks... Y'all are losing it

So why do you say that to me instead of Pogo? It's his issue. Oh yeah, he's the liberal ...
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
Kazzing again, kaz?

Two days he's trying to spin this. :lol:
Or she. Whatever.
Trump has proved you wrong, securing the border and deporting illegals has cross party support among the people. There is a hell of a lot of pent up anger at government for allowing this illegal mess. Government and the media have intentionally not reported on the illegal murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, fraud, but the information is getting out and the people are pissed.
The only thing Trump proved is that the "rapist" "murder" act pisses off the majority of the world. I know you fridge wingers love it but that's not the way to productively address the issue. In the end the grown ups will prevail... You'll see

Illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year, go crawl back under your rock.
Ok mr statistics... Since you have all the numbers, please tell us what the percentage of the 11 million illegals commit these crimes

Do you really think that will be any consolation to the families of the 3,000 plus killed by illegals? If the filth illegals killed your mom would percentages matter? Now that I have embarrassed you, are you aware that fully 1/3rd of illegals are filing for fraudulent tax refunds of thousands of dollars currently costing taxpayers over $4 billion dollars a year with new illegals joining the scam each year? Should we at least deport those that 1/3rd?
You're only embarrassing yourself dude. Of course nothing is going to console a family who lost a loved one at the hands of a crime by an illegal, or a legal... That's a cheap shot and you know it. But when you classify a large group of people by the actions of a fraction of a percent you become a divisive blowhole. Kasich is the only one of the GOP candidates that has an approach that actually has a chance of effecting progress on this issue. The other two are just feeding the wing puppets exactly what they want to hear. This doesn't make Kasich a liberal pro amnesty, it makes him the only one who understands what can actually work and that's why he is the most electable in the general

Just what you leftist moonbats said four years ago at this time ... about ... wait for it ... Romney. Of course in 1980 you said all through that Reagan had no chance, he's actually conservative. How'd that work for you? LOL. Yeah, Republicans really should listen to you ... not ...
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
Kazzing again, kaz?

Two days he's trying to spin this. :lol:
Or she. Whatever.

The discussion started with you demanding to know where the word "force" was, which I didn't quote. When I pointed that out, you kept wanting to know where the word was. The only reason it's entertaining is your ridiculous claim to have been an editor when you have so little knowledge of grammar and the English language in general
I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

Here you go, Pogo. Bottom line, you don't know how to use quote marks.

You quoted "force" looking for that word when I did not quote the word force because it's a paraphrase.

Then you paraphrase, and even identify it as a paraphrase by saying "basically the OP's saying," and then you QUOTED your paraphrase! You're too stupid to make it up, and you claim to have edited reporters. Classic.

Google quoting and paraphrases and get back to me
Kazzing again, kaz?

Two days he's trying to spin this. :lol:
Or she. Whatever.

The discussion started with you demanding to know where the word "force" was, which I didn't quote. When I pointed that out, you kept wanting to know where the word was. The only reason it's entertaining is your ridiculous claim to have been an editor when you have so little knowledge of grammar and the English language in general

Correct, you didn't quote it. *I* quoted it from your post. And you've been trying to wiggle out of it ever since.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.
Yet he stands the best chance of winning.

The reasons he's electable are the same reasons Republican voters don't like him

Wrong, I'll never vote for him he's an illegal alien collaborator and traitor.

You are an example of the dumbed down fearful America that is killing this country.

Ahahaha I have never met a liberal I could not stomp the shit out of, run home to your momma. :laugh:
Hi im sealy. You have now.

Ahahaha your JV at best.

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