Kasich: GOP My Vehicle Not My Master!


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
Do you understand what the cretin is saying, and he is a cretin, he's telling you in no uncertain terms that he used you to advance his personal ambitions, he's telling you he'd trade out his own children to profit himself! We've always known this, "err" at least those of us with three digit IQ's have always known such, but its refreshing to hear one of these psychopaths actually admit it, this is a creature that wouldn't hesitate to embrace any form of fascism, take your pick of them, he'd not hesitate to embrace them just as long as it enriched him personally!

All politicians are phony, hypocritical, industrial-grade liars.... but this particular shitstain pushes the limits. I get that he is considered a loathsome insect to most of the planet and that's probably tough on the ol' self-esteem... but he just needs to unceremoniously disappear. He will NEVER be missed..... by ANYONE.
Tell me, do you want a President or a Robot with a programable computer remotely controlled by a bunch of white haired old white guys in a small, dark room? Or you you want someone that says,

I don't owe you my vote, I owe you my judgment. Take a guess who said that?
Do you understand what the cretin is saying, and he is a cretin, he's telling you in no uncertain terms that he used you to advance his personal ambitions, he's telling you he'd trade out his own children to profit himself! We've always known this, "err" at least those of us with three digit IQ's have always known such, but its refreshing to hear one of these psychopaths actually admit it, this is a creature that wouldn't hesitate to embrace any form of fascism, take your pick of them, he'd not hesitate to embrace them just as long as it enriched him personally!

Don't let the door hit you on the way Gov.
Of course. It's not a new tactic in politics. Do you think Sanders is a Democrat? Do you think Trump is a Republican?

Does anyone KNOW what a Democrat or Republican IS these days?? I don't. But yet, simpletons LOVE to sort everything into those 2 amorphous boxes...

This is why I keep going back to the 1956 Republican Plank when the Republicans knew what it meant to be a Republicans. We lived up to the phrase of "I am a good Republican''.
Of course. It's not a new tactic in politics. Do you think Sanders is a Democrat? Do you think Trump is a Republican?

Does anyone KNOW what a Democrat or Republican IS these days?? I don't. But yet, simpletons LOVE to sort everything into those 2 amorphous boxes...
The same goes for liberal or conservative. The political spectrum should not be charted as a straight line from left to right but more like a Venn diagram. No one one is solely conservative or liberal on all issues in this day in age. There is a lot of overlap. It just is so many are blind to it or refuse to admit it.
Of course. It's not a new tactic in politics. Do you think Sanders is a Democrat? Do you think Trump is a Republican?

Does anyone KNOW what a Democrat or Republican IS these days?? I don't. But yet, simpletons LOVE to sort everything into those 2 amorphous boxes...
The same goes for liberal or conservative. The political spectrum should not be charted as a straight line from left to right but more like a Venn diagram. No one one is solely conservative or liberal on all issues in this day in age. There is a lot of overlap. It just is so many are blind to it or refuse to admit it.

Absolutely.. Been preaching 2D or 3D political charts since Nolan started them.. At LEAST 3 axes to describe an entire political philosophy -- Social freedom, Economic freedom, Foreign relations,..
Do you understand what the cretin is saying, and he is a cretin, he's telling you in no uncertain terms that he used you to advance his personal ambitions, he's telling you he'd trade out his own children to profit himself! We've always known this, "err" at least those of us with three digit IQ's have always known such, but its refreshing to hear one of these psychopaths actually admit it, this is a creature that wouldn't hesitate to embrace any form of fascism, take your pick of them, he'd not hesitate to embrace them just as long as it enriched him personally!

Establishment Candidates that Trump must use to illustrate him as a former businessman vs career politicians.

I just watched Katrina Pierson on Fox speaking to a black Biden surrogate, she raised the issue that Biden authored the crime bill that sent young black men to prison and he was proud of it. I physically watched the black surrogate cringe in horror, uncomfortably shaking his head, wanting her to stop with that talking point. It is the fear Biden has.

She then went on to call out Harris record and using prisoners as slave labour. It's clear this the narrative Bidens team doesn't want to hear, they are going to hear it often I'm sure.
All politicians are phony, hypocritical, industrial-grade liars.... but this particular shitstain pushes the limits. I get that he is considered a loathsome insect to most of the planet and that's probably tough on the ol' self-esteem... but he just needs to unceremoniously disappear. He will NEVER be missed..... by ANYONE.
Tell me, do you want a President or a Robot with a programable computer remotely controlled by a bunch of white haired old white guys in a small, dark room? Or you you want someone that says,

I don't owe you my vote, I owe you my judgment. Take a guess who said that?

Probably a TRUE Liberal.. Not a lefty or righty..

Or they stole it from Edmund Burke -- because the quote is attributed to a LONG DEAD Irishman..
And people wonder why Trump was able to win the nomination so easily?

He is a genuine amorphous PEDIGREED outsider.. And he bought the party.. Like Hillary bought the Dem party for her run...

Right direction -- maybe wrong guy.. There IS a Swamp.. It needs to be drained.. That message is resonant with anyone who HAS NOT lost their brains to party loyalty....
Tell me, do you want a President or a Robot with a programable computer remotely controlled by a bunch of white haired old white guys in a small, dark room? Or you you want someone that says,

I don't owe you my vote, I owe you my judgment. Take a guess who said that?

Probably a TRUE Liberal.. Not a lefty or righty..

Or they stole it from Edmund Burke -- because the quote is attributed to a LONG DEAD Irishman..

It was John Adams. He was against slavery His state was against it. But in order to get the the original Articles of Confederation Signed he agreed to leave out the banning of Slavery.
Tell me, do you want a President or a Robot with a programable computer remotely controlled by a bunch of white haired old white guys in a small, dark room? Or you you want someone that says,

I don't owe you my vote, I owe you my judgment. Take a guess who said that?

Probably a TRUE Liberal.. Not a lefty or righty..

Or they stole it from Edmund Burke -- because the quote is attributed to a LONG DEAD Irishman..

It was John Adams. He was against slavery His state was against it. But in order to get the the original Articles of Confederation Signed he agreed to leave out the banning of Slavery.

Well he stole from Edmund Burke.. But OK.. Those are folks that were TRUE Liberals..

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