Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Hahaha! So much wrong....

" Question: "What does the Bible say about the pope / papacy?"

The Roman Catholic Church’s teaching about the pope (“pope” means “father”) is built upon and involves the following Roman Catholic teachings:

1) Christ made Peter the leader of the apostles and of the church (Matthew 16:18-19). In giving Peter the “keys of the kingdom,” Christ not only made him leader, but also made him infallible when he acted or spoke as Christ’s representative on earth (speaking from the seat of authority, or “ex cathedra”). This ability to act on behalf of the church in an infallible way when speaking “ex cathedra” was passed on to Peter’s successors, thus giving the church an infallible guide on earth. The purpose of the papacy is to lead the church unerringly.

2) Peter later became the first bishop of Rome. As bishop of Rome, he exercised authority over all other bishops and church leaders. The teaching that the bishop of Rome is above all other bishops in authority is referred to as the “primacy” of the Roman bishop.

3) Peter passed on his apostolic authority to the next bishop of Rome, along with the other apostles who passed on their apostolic authority to the bishops that they ordained. These new bishops, in turn, passed on that apostolic authority to those bishops that they later ordained, and so on. This “passing on of apostolic authority” is referred to as “apostolic succession.”

4) Based upon the claim of an unbroken chain of Roman bishops, Roman Catholics teach that the Roman Catholic Church is the true church, and that all churches that do not accept the primacy of the pope have broken away from them, the original and one true church.

Having briefly reviewed some of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the papacy, the question is whether those teachings are in agreement with Scripture. The Roman Catholic Church sees the papacy and the infallible teaching authority of “Mother Church” as being necessary to guide the church, and uses that as logical reasoning for God’s provision of it. But in examining Scripture, we find the following:

1) While Peter was central in the early spread of the gospel (part of the meaning behind Matthew 16:18-19), the teaching of Scripture, taken in context, nowhere declares that he was in authority over the other apostles or over the church (see Acts 15:1-23; Galatians 2:1-14; 1 Peter 5:1-5). Nor is it ever taught that the bishop of Rome was to have primacy over the church. Rather, there is only one reference in Scripture of Peter writing from “Babylon,” a name sometimes applied to Rome, found in 1 Peter 5:13. Primarily from this, and the historical rise of the influence of the bishop of Rome (due to the support of Constantine and the Roman emperors who followed him), come the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching of the primacy of the bishop of Rome. However, Scripture shows that Peter’s authority was shared by the other apostles (Ephesians 2:19-20) and that the “loosing and binding” authority attributed to him was likewise shared by the local churches, not just their church leaders (see Matthew 18:15-19; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 2 Corinthians 13:10; Titus 2:15; 3:10-11).

2) Nowhere does Scripture state that in order to keep the church from error, the authority of the apostles was passed on to those they ordained (the idea behind apostolic succession). Apostolic succession is “read into” those verses that the Roman Catholic Church uses to support this doctrine (2 Timothy 2:2; 4:2-5; Titus 1:5; 2:1; 2:15; 1 Timothy 5:19-22). What Scripture DOES teach is that false teachings would arise even from among church leaders and that Christians were to compare the teachings of these later church leaders with Scripture, which alone is cited in the Bible as infallible. The Bible does not teach that the apostles were infallible, apart from what was written by them and incorporated into Scripture. Paul, in talking to the church leaders in the large city of Ephesus, makes note of coming false teachers. Paul does NOT commend them to “the apostles and those who would carry on their authority,” but rather to “God and to the word of His grace” (Acts 20:28-32).

Again, the Bible teaches that it is Scripture that is to be used as measuring stick to determine truth from error. In Galatians 1:8-9, Paul states that it is not WHO teaches but WHAT is being taught that is to be used to determine truth from error. While the Roman Catholic Church continues to pronounce a curse to hell, or “anathema,” upon those who would reject the authority of the pope, Scripture reserves that curse for those who would teach a different gospel (Galatians 1:8-9).

3) While the Roman Catholic Church sees apostolic succession as logically necessary in order for God to unerringly guide the church, Scripture states that God has provided for His church through the following:

(a) Infallible Scripture, (Acts 20:32; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Matthew 5:18; John 10:35; Acts 17:10-12; Isaiah 8:20; 40:8; etc.) Note: Peter speaks of Paul’s writings in the same category as other Scripture (2 Peter 3:16),

(b) Christ’s unending high-priesthood in heaven (Hebrews 7:22-28),

(c) The provision of the Holy Spirit who guided the apostles into truth after Christ’s death (John 16:12-14), who gifts believers for the work of the ministry, including teaching (Romans 12:3-8; Ephesians 4:11-16), and who uses the written Word as His chief tool (Hebrews 4:12; Ephesians 6:17).

While there have seemingly been good (humanly speaking) and moral men who have served as pope of the Roman Catholic Church—some point to Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis I as examples—the Roman Catholic teaching about the office of the pope should be rejected because it is not “in continuity” with the teachings of the New Testament. This comparison of any church’s teaching is essential, lest we miss the New Testament’s teaching concerning the gospel and not only miss eternal life in heaven ourselves but unwittingly lead others down the wrong path (Galatians 1:8-9)"

I know better and am not going to read your mini novel post.

You're quoting anti Catholic BS.

The bible itself is anti-catholic. But if you want to remain hell-bound...stay blind and never research for yourself.

Blah blah blah...youre a novice using BS sites

I'm duly unimpressed
Nice ad-hom fallacious argument, ma'am. Care to address the content instead of attacking the source? Whose source is the bible itself at that?

If what I am using is a BS source, you are calling the bible a BS source.

No you're not you used some copy and paste. Now run along and try to snow someone else
I c/p'd the article because it explains it quite clearly, it gives you every verse that debunks roman catholicism doctrine. You're afraid to read it...I understand.
I know better and am not going to read your mini novel post.

You're quoting anti Catholic BS.

The bible itself is anti-catholic. But if you want to remain hell-bound...stay blind and never research for yourself.

Blah blah blah...youre a novice using BS sites

I'm duly unimpressed
Nice ad-hom fallacious argument, ma'am. Care to address the content instead of attacking the source? Whose source is the bible itself at that?

If what I am using is a BS source, you are calling the bible a BS source.

No you're not you used some copy and paste. Now run along and try to snow someone else
I c/p'd the article because it explains it quite clearly, it gives you every verse that debunks roman catholicism doctrine. You're afraid to read it...I understand.

You need to link the source...betcha its an anti Catholic outfit. Likely why you didnt.

Now go away. Oh and that "funny" thing? Lame, stop you look silly doing it
No, what is Fox News' fault is creating hysteria and fear about Mexican immigrants over a case of manslaughter

Yeah ... Sea lions are a much greater problem ...:thup:
Thank goodness we have convicted felon, illegal immigrants to help us with that.

The bible itself is anti-catholic. But if you want to remain hell-bound...stay blind and never research for yourself.

Blah blah blah...youre a novice using BS sites

I'm duly unimpressed
Nice ad-hom fallacious argument, ma'am. Care to address the content instead of attacking the source? Whose source is the bible itself at that?

If what I am using is a BS source, you are calling the bible a BS source.

No you're not you used some copy and paste. Now run along and try to snow someone else
I c/p'd the article because it explains it quite clearly, it gives you every verse that debunks roman catholicism doctrine. You're afraid to read it...I understand.

You need to link the source...betcha its an anti Catholic outfit. Likely why you didnt.

Now go away
The source for all c/p'd articles:
Are Catholic beliefs and practices biblical? It's called "gotquestions.org".

The source for that source is the bible itself.
Blah blah blah...youre a novice using BS sites

I'm duly unimpressed
Nice ad-hom fallacious argument, ma'am. Care to address the content instead of attacking the source? Whose source is the bible itself at that?

If what I am using is a BS source, you are calling the bible a BS source.

No you're not you used some copy and paste. Now run along and try to snow someone else
I c/p'd the article because it explains it quite clearly, it gives you every verse that debunks roman catholicism doctrine. You're afraid to read it...I understand.

You need to link the source...betcha its an anti Catholic outfit. Likely why you didnt.

Now go away
The source for all c/p'd articles:
Are Catholic beliefs and practices biblical? It's called "gotquestions.org".

The source for that source is the bible itself.

Hahahaha you sourced GotQuestions?

Oh me achin ribs
F*CKING UNBELIEVABLE. The POS lawyers for the criminal illegal alien who murdered that American citizen are actually attacking our President, VP and AT! Apparently there were at least 3 POS possible illegal aliens on the jury.

This reflects the war against American citizens that the SWAMP (in this case the hijacked justice system) represents.
I don't blame the defense attorney they did their job. I blame the Prosecutor who didn't.
Just like the Trayvon Martin case the prosecution overcharged. In both cases involuntary manslaughter was the most likely outcome. I do understand the jury can consider it even though the prosecution is going after murder. The bullet ricocheted so they were never going to prove murder. Sometimes I wonder if a deal is done ahead of time in these cases and the prosecution overcharges purposely knowing they wouldn't get a guilty verdict. I thought the same thing in the Trayvon Martin case.
They were not the first Christians though. And the bible doesn't support their doctrine.

except more people think it does than doesn't... but that's okay, bud.

That jury just handed the GOP some victories. If they are smart enough to pound on this throughout the elections.

Again, nobody is going to care in two weeks...

and by the time the election rolls around, we are going to be in full recession.

Buh-bye Republicans..
Nice ad-hom fallacious argument, ma'am. Care to address the content instead of attacking the source? Whose source is the bible itself at that?

If what I am using is a BS source, you are calling the bible a BS source.

No you're not you used some copy and paste. Now run along and try to snow someone else
I c/p'd the article because it explains it quite clearly, it gives you every verse that debunks roman catholicism doctrine. You're afraid to read it...I understand.

You need to link the source...betcha its an anti Catholic outfit. Likely why you didnt.

Now go away
The source for all c/p'd articles:
Are Catholic beliefs and practices biblical? It's called "gotquestions.org".

The source for that source is the bible itself.

Hahahaha you sourced GotQuestions?

Oh me achin ribs
More ad hom. You aren't even using your brain right now.
No, what is Fox News' fault is creating hysteria and fear about Mexican immigrants over a case of manslaughter

Hysteria? Tell that to Kate's family.
You leftist have ZERO compassion for others. Unless it's YOUR loved one, you don't give a flying shit.

Where's the blame for the imbeciles creating the Sanctuary cities?
Not surprising you blame the messenger and not the criminals.
Just like the Trayvon Martin case the prosecution overcharged. In both cases involuntary manslaughter was the most likely outcome. I do understand the jury can consider it even though the prosecution is going after murder. The bullet ricocheted so they were never going to prove murder. Sometimes I wonder if a deal is done ahead of time in these cases and the prosecution overcharges purposely knowing they wouldn't get a guilty verdict. I thought the same thing in the Trayvon Martin case.
Maybe the Prosecutor did this on purpose ? The statement I've seen from them have pretty much boiled down to oh well we tried.
They were not the first Christians though. And the bible doesn't support their doctrine.

except more people think it does than doesn't... but that's okay, bud.

That jury just handed the GOP some victories. If they are smart enough to pound on this throughout the elections.

Again, nobody is going to care in two weeks...

and by the time the election rolls around, we are going to be in full recession.

Buh-bye Republicans..
Except no they don't. Most Christin denominations are not catholic.
Just like the Trayvon Martin case the prosecution overcharged. In both cases involuntary manslaughter was the most likely outcome. I do understand the jury can consider it even though the prosecution is going after murder. The bullet ricocheted so they were never going to prove murder. Sometimes I wonder if a deal is done ahead of time in these cases and the prosecution overcharges purposely knowing they wouldn't get a guilty verdict. I thought the same thing in the Trayvon Martin case.

Except that the Prosecutors never tried to reach a plea bargain and allowed manslaughter as a lesser but included charge.

Here was the thing, Zarate had a public defender. He didn't even have a good lawyer.
No you're not you used some copy and paste. Now run along and try to snow someone else
I c/p'd the article because it explains it quite clearly, it gives you every verse that debunks roman catholicism doctrine. You're afraid to read it...I understand.

You need to link the source...betcha its an anti Catholic outfit. Likely why you didnt.

Now go away
The source for all c/p'd articles:
Are Catholic beliefs and practices biblical? It's called "gotquestions.org".

The source for that source is the bible itself.

Hahahaha you sourced GotQuestions?

Oh me achin ribs
More ad hom. You aren't even using your brain right now.

I'm weary of your elementary attempts and sources. Be gone if not I will make you be gone
I GET it. I am not advocating for illegals being here. I am commenting on the murder charge. That requires intent. He could have been in prison for manslaughter right now.

Sending him to prison doesn't seem to be the problem ... He has been there several times.
The fact they keep letting him out, back into the country, and residing in this country under the benefit of a sanctuary city is where the problem comes from*.

According to rightwinger ... That's Fox News' fault ... :thup:


No, what is Fox News' fault is creating hysteria and fear about Mexican immigrants over a case of manslaughter
An illegal immigrant who shouldn't have been in this country to start with and a young lady paid for it with her life. Fucking own that shit Liberal.

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